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Siren in Waiting

Page 27

by Lexi Blake

  “Mind me now,” he said as if he could hear her thoughts. “Let Bo turn you over. I want to play.”

  She could see that he did. His cock strained against his jeans. There was a slightly desperate look to his eyes. “What happened?”

  “Nothing to worry yourself about. I’ve had an emotional day. And I spent two hours watching Lucas and Aidan enjoy a six-pack of beer between the two of them. I don’t begrudge them, but it has me on edge.”

  “Damn it. I didn’t even think about it. I had one, too. Fuck, Trev, I’m sorry.” Bo ran a hand through his hair.

  Trev waved him off. “You aren’t an alcoholic. I can’t expect the world to stop because I can’t handle a drink. But I need something else. The whole time I watched them, I told myself that if I got through it, I would earn a prize.”

  The dark look in his eyes told her exactly what prize he meant. Her breathing sped up. “I think you definitely deserve a treat, baby.”

  She was his treat. She was his addiction now. And she was so happy to be it. She was addicted to him and Bo. She was addicted to wanting them, to loving them.

  “Bo, did our sub figure out how to use the ropes to her advantage?”

  Bo grinned. “I might have helped her figure that out.”

  “How many times did you come, darlin’? How many times did you rub your clit against the rope?”

  “Not too many. Twice. Once with Bo, and then Lexi took a break. I didn’t mean to. I wiggled and it happened.” It had felt so good, she hadn’t exactly fought it. She’d been disappointed that Lexi got back so quickly.

  Trev nodded. “Well, I think two still deserves a spanking. Bo, where does your brother keep the crop?”

  “Uh, it’s a ranch,” Bo pointed out. “There are crops everywhere.”

  “All right, smart-ass. Do you want in on this or not? Get me a crop.”

  Bo saluted. “Yes, Sir.”

  Trev lifted her easily, turning her over. She loved how it felt to be picked up by Trev. She relaxed and allowed Trev to move her into the position he wanted her in, face down, cheek to the side, knees bent, ass in the air. The plug tried to escape, but the rope held it in.

  Trev groaned his pleasure at the sight. “Bo did a damn fine job.”

  “I’m getting good at shoving stuff up her ass.” Bo was back with a soft-tipped crop in his hand.

  “I think she’s ready.” Trev’s hands smoothed across the skin of her ass. Each pass of his hands moved the rope slightly, affecting her clit and anus.

  “Ready? Shit, are you serious?” Bo’s breath came out in a sigh. “Fuck, I want that.”

  Beth shivered at the thought. Both of them at once. She wanted that, too.

  “But first, we owe her some discipline,” Trev said.

  Beth nearly howled as the crop came down on her ass. The pain was jarring, but even as she flinched from it, the rope rubbed her clit. It rubbed all along her pussy and the crease of her ass, pressing on the plug, making her backside light up with nerves that had never come to life before.

  “I made this dress for your punishment and your pleasure, darlin’.” Trev sounded more in control than he’d been before. “That’s my fucking job in life, to see to both. To make sure you’re safe and you have what you need, and that includes my crop against your skin.”

  She bit into her bottom lip to stop from calling out. He struck again, high on her ass. It changed the way the rope rubbed and pushed at the plug.

  “I’m your Master, Bethany Hobbes. I’m the center of your world. You’re damn straight the center of mine.” He struck lower. Her clit threatened to go off again.

  He’d been that from the moment he’d saved her at The Rusty Spur. And Bo had been the sun in her sky for longer than she could remember.

  The crop hit her again, this time from another direction.

  “Never again, Beth,” Bo said. “You can’t treat me with any less respect than Trev. I might not have trained the way he did. I might never be the Dom he is, but by god, I will be what you need.”

  Bo seemed to have found his own crop. They took turns whipping her ass. The pain would flare, and then the rope would do its work. She felt heated and desperate, caught between the pleasure and pain. Over and over, they struck, pausing between to stroke her, to tell her how well she was doing.

  Tears caught in her eyes, a cry in her throat. She’d spent the day trussed up and trapped, and she’d never felt freer. She was becoming someone she liked, someone who fought back and believed that good things could happen. Love had come in the strangest form, changing her forever, and she wouldn’t give this up for all the picket fences and good opinions in the world. All of her life, she’d sat back and waited. She’d waited for love, hoping it would come her way.

  Love was worth fighting for. Love wasn’t something that came quietly. It had roared in and changed her soul, and she wasn’t about to let it go. If Trev McNamara left in a year, she would follow him. She would take Bo’s hand and follow him because this was her family, and she would never give them up.

  “She’s crying.” Bo dropped the crop. He put a hand to her face, his voice tortured. “Trev, she’s crying.”

  She found herself turned over and in Trev’s arms, his face staring down at her. His hair was mussed, his eyes warm. “She’s feeling.”

  She gave him a watery smile because he understood. “I love you.”

  His eyes closed briefly. “I don’t know why, but I’ll take it. I know I’ll be bad for you somewhere down the line, but I need you. I fucking need you.”

  He took her mouth, dominating it. His tongue surged against hers in a fierce dance, and his arms tightened, caging her as neatly as his ropes. Beth gave as good as she got. She played with him, opening and submitting as fiercely as he dominated.

  “Help me get her out of these ropes.” Trev was breathless by the time he was done.

  She felt Bo lifting her up so he could undo the ties at her wrists. Her hands came free. Trev caught them and brought them forward. His hands rubbed along her arms.

  “Are your arms okay? Was the tension all right?” Trev’s hands rubbed circles in her skin.

  She pulled him close. “My arms are fine. But there are parts of me that need your attention, Sir.”

  He groaned. “You know that kills me, darlin’. Do you want both of us?”

  “More than anything.”

  “Then get that ass in the air. Bo, we need condoms and lube.”

  Bo slammed both down on the rack. He’d taken off his clothes and stood in front of her, his gloriously cut body a work of art for her eyes. Every muscle seemed tense, and his cock jutted up, almost reaching his navel. Bo had gotten awfully comfortable being naked around Trev. “Ahead of you. Now I want equal time.”

  Bo’s hand cupped her neck and pulled her to him. His mouth closed over hers, tongue seeking entry. His hands ran over her breasts. They were still sensitive from the bindings.

  Bo’s mouth traced a path from her lips to her neck and shoulder. He dropped kisses all along her skin. “I love your breasts. They’re perfect.”

  His head lowered, and he sucked a nipple in his mouth.

  “I love them, too.” Trev groaned before taking the other between his teeth.

  Beth let her head fall back as they feasted on her. Someone’s hand gripped her ass while another dipped into her pussy.

  “Fuck, she’s so wet.” Trev came off her breast and sucked his fingers into his mouth. Beth could see his tongue whirl around like he didn’t want to miss a single drop. “I have to have more of that.”

  He shoved her knees apart and sank down. She watched as his dark head lowered between her legs.

  Bo watched as well. “Oh, do you want Trev to eat your pussy, baby? I love eating your pussy. It’s my favorite dessert. One of these days, we’ll lay you out on the dining room table after dinner and have our sweet treat. That pussy of yours is better than any pie.”

  “Should I make her beg?” Trev asked, his eyes going to Bo’s.
  “Do you think she would?” Bo got behind her, propping her up. His hands cupped her breasts.

  “I will.” She wasn’t ashamed of it either. It felt good.

  “I want to hear her ask. Baby, you never cuss. Say it. Ask Trev in that oh-so-polite voice of yours to kindly eat your pussy. Ask him to thrust his tongue straight up your cunt. Ask him to not stop until your pussy juice is all he can taste.” Bo’s words heated her skin.

  Trev’s fingers slid along her pussy, parting her labia, making her want more. So much more. “I think I need to hear it, love. I need to hear you ask.”

  “Please, Sir. Please eat my pussy.”

  “Since you asked so nicely.” Trev lowered his head, his eyes never leaving hers, and swiped at the lips of her sex.

  She would have come off the bench if Bo hadn’t been holding her up. Trev was utterly relentless. His tongue slid through her pussy, fucking into her cunt briefly before starting over again. He sucked the petals of her pussy into his mouth and groaned at her taste.

  “Fucking sweet,” Trev said before sliding a single finger deep inside. “And this pearl is so pretty.”

  “Give it to her good. I need to fuck so bad. My dick is killing me.” Bo’s hands tightened around her breasts. She could feel his cock against her back, his hips thrusting a little. He tongued her earlobe. “God, I want to fuck you, Beth. I want to fuck your pussy while Trev takes your little asshole. I want to feel you between us.”

  He bit her earlobe gently, the small pain sending tingles all the way to her pussy. That finger of Trev’s curved up and hit the perfect spot as he sucked her clit into his mouth.

  She came, her body jerking as the orgasm invaded her veins. Bo covered his mouth with hers, drinking down her cries as she shuddered in his arms.

  Trev gave her one last lick. “Bo, get her on top of you.”

  Bo rolled a condom on and reached for her.

  Trev shucked his jeans, his normal grace fleeing. He struggled out of them as though he couldn’t stand for them to spend another second on his body.

  Beth lay back in Bo’s arms, feeling utterly boneless. She was so suffused with pleasure, she couldn’t move, preferring to allow Bo to place her whatever way he would. He got onto his back and pulled her until she was on top of him. She loved the way his skin felt against hers, warm and smooth and safe. He smelled good and clean, though the woodsy scent of his arousal was starting to take over. Bo felt like home.

  “Ride me, baby.” His cock thrust against her pussy, seeking access.

  Beth roused herself. Her pussy had been satisfied, but she wanted more. She wanted to be caught between her men, surrounded by them.

  “Are you ready?” Bo asked.

  She reached down and guided his cock to her pussy. She pressed her hips down, impaling herself on his dick. “I’m more than ready.”

  * * * *

  Trev watched Beth lower herself onto Bo’s cock and realized that this was so much more than sex. He needed them. His cock throbbed painfully. He hoped he had the dexterity to get the fucking rubber on. He stroked himself, telling the beast to calm down.

  Bo’s eyes dilated with pleasure as Beth’s hips rolled.

  “Don’t you come, Bo. You don’t come until I get in that ass and then we go together.” Trev barked the order, satisfied when Bo’s eyes sharpened.

  “You better hurry then because she feels so tight. God, I love fucking you, Beth.” Bo’s hands went to her hips.

  Trev climbed on the rack. He didn’t have a ton of time, and his dick didn’t want to wait either. “Hold her cheeks open. Beth, lean forward. Touch your breasts to Bo’s chest.”

  Her asshole came into view along with the pink plug Bo had worked into her anus to prepare her for this act. Trev felt his cock weep at the sight. She was pretty, so trusting, lying there allowing him to touch her, to fuck her. She was everything he could have hoped for. He reached out and touched the plug. The muscles of her ass squeezed it tight. There was a ginger root in that girl’s future. He couldn’t wait.

  But now, all he could think about was how that asshole would squeeze him. He pulled the plug out, twisting a little as he did. It would be a tight fit, but he would manage.

  He squirted lube on his thumb and pressed in, trying to coat her rectum in the slippery stuff. Beth groaned. Tight. She was going to be so fucking tight. He could feel Bo’s cock in her pussy.

  Trev caressed the globes of her ass. They were round and perfectly made. They were pink from his crop. The evidence of her submission made his balls draw up. Beth trusted him. Beth needed him.

  He forced the rubber over his dick, promising himself they would all get checkups and Beth would get on birth control because he wanted to ride that ass bareback. He wanted to fuck her every morning and know that some piece of himself was inside her all day. He wanted to know that he and Bo filled her pussy and her ass.

  He lined his cock up, emotion threatening to choke him. She’d given him so much. He’d been her first man. Trev had had a ton of sex, some of which he didn’t even remember, but he’d never made love the way he did with Beth. He’d never shared the way he did with Bo. These two people, these loving beings who opened themselves to him—they were his first. He’d fucked too many women to count, but he’d never needed a single one the way he needed these two.

  He loved them. Fuck, but he loved them.

  He pressed his cockhead to her. She was so small compared to him. “Relax, Beth. Bo, kiss her. Distract her.”

  Bo eagerly took her head between his hands and devoured her mouth. Trev could see their tongues playing. Bo was more dominant than Trev had imagined. He’d taken to it quickly, not because it was his nature, but because it was what Beth needed. That was Bo’s nature—to provide. He’d simply never been given the opportunity to learn how to do it.

  While Bo kissed her, Trev pressed in. He pushed inside her in little strokes, gaining ground with each pass. With each foray, his dick threatened to explode. He pulled her hips forward. His cockhead slipped inside. Trev groaned. So good. He pressed forward. Beth’s skin quivered under his hands. He heard her moan as he pressed in.

  He pushed forward, forcing her to take his cock. Bo kissed her, their heads moving in time as Trev pressed in until his balls touched the cheeks of her ass. He held himself still, enjoying the heat of her ass, the tight clutch of her ass around his dick.

  “I’m in.” He barely managed the words. He was overwhelmed by the feel of being balls deep in Beth’s ass, Bo’s cock millimeters away, only a thin piece of skin separating them.

  Bo’s head fell back. “Thank god. She’s killing me. Her pussy keeps clenching on my cock, and I thought I would die when you slid against me. I get it now. I totally get it. You okay, baby?”

  Beth turned her head slightly. He could see the strain on her face. “I’m dying. Please fuck me. Please.”

  Trev couldn’t wait any longer. He pulled out and tunneled back in. Her asshole clung, fighting to keep his dick and fighting just as hard to keep him out. This was what he loved. The constant friction on his cock. Every nerve in his body was aware of her. His every sense filled with her—her heat, her sweet scent, her softness engulfed him. He felt infused with her.

  He fucked into her ass, his hands circling her waist. He felt Bo, their limbs mingled as they pleasured their shared lover. Beth was small between them, a beautiful, delicate angel who had brought them all together. She rode Bo, shoving her ass back to take Trev. She worked with them, fighting for her pleasure. She was so different from that first night when she’d shyly allowed him to take her. This Beth reached for her men. This Beth clutched them and made a place for herself.

  God, he loved this Beth.

  Over and over, he drove into her ass, her cheek hitting him as she pushed back against him. He was getting close. His balls were drawn, and his spine tingled. He wasn’t going to last.

  He reached around and felt his way down her torso to that place where her body met Bo’s. He found her clit
and pressed down as he pushed deep inside with his cock.

  Bo bucked up as Beth’s head fell back. She cried out as she came, her body quivering under his. He could feel Bo’s cock twitching against his as he came.

  Trev let go. He pushed in, fusing them together as he came in jets of semen. It flowed from his body in a great wave. He kept fucking until he couldn’t anymore, his body falling forward. They were heaped together, the three of them, their limbs mingling. Beth turned toward Trev.

  He let his head find Beth’s breast. Peace washed over him. He didn’t need anything but this strange family in that moment.

  He swore he would protect them.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Beth looked up at Trev, painfully aware that they weren’t alone in the house. Lucas, Lexi, and Aidan had politely left their living room to give them some privacy, but Shelley was still here.

  “You mind Bo.” Trev stood in front of her, clean and freshly dressed. Aidan had taken pity on the fact that she hadn’t fixed the water heater yet and offered them a place to shower. Lexi had loaned her some jeans, a bra, and a shirt, but she’d laughed when asked about underwear. Apparently Lexi’s men weren’t great believers in it.

  “Are you sure I can’t go with you?” She hugged him. It came naturally now. She wasn’t sure why Trev needed to leave without them.

  “I have some questions I need to ask. It’s not something I can do with you, darlin’. No one would talk to me if I had something as sweet and innocent as you by my side. They wouldn’t buy the act.”

  She snorted. “Innocent?”

  He shook his head, his face soft as he looked down at her. “I don’t care what you do in the bedroom. You’re innocent. How many men have you had?”

  “Two and you know it.”

  “How many men have you loved?”

  That got to the heart of the matter. “Two.”

  He touched her nose with his, an affectionate gesture. “Innocent.”

  She’d hoped she was at least a little dirty. “Why don’t you take Bo with you?”


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