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Huntress Clan Saga Complete Series Boxed Set: Books 1-6

Page 126

by Jamie Davis

  The magistrate gestured at Clark. “You may present your case and the evidence against the accused.”

  Clark nodded and laid out their evidence. He addressed each charge with relevant quoted testimony. As he listed the witnesses, Naomi brought forward scrolls with wax seals, the witnesses’ affidavits.

  Quinn had wanted to testify in person, but Clark had told her it wasn’t the way of the Fae court. Only the advocate bringing charges could speak. He explained it was their way of avoiding unnecessary drama in court.

  It took over an hour to lay out the multiple charges and present the relevant affidavits.

  An impressive pile of scrolls sat on the silver tray mounted on a stand in front of the magistrates.

  “Does anyone here have anything else to add to the charges?” The magistrate waited for a few seconds, then asked, “Who would defend those charged here?”

  To Quinn’s surprise, no one came forward or spoke up. Judging from the looks on the five magistrates’ faces, it surprised them too.

  The woman at the group’s center spoke to the two accused. “Since no one here will speak on your behalf, one of you may speak. Given the gravity of the charges, it will be brief.”

  The two princesses must have arranged this ahead of time. Aurora spoke immediately. “Magistrate, these humans have no jurisdiction to hold or charge us with anything. We’ve violated no human law in this jurisdiction. They hold no sway over our use of magic. We request the court throw out all charges and release us at once.”

  Quinn could take no more. Despite Clark’s warning to remain silent, she couldn’t hold her words any longer. “No human laws? You nearly killed both of us and several other members of my clan. We nearly bled to death while you tried to harness our power for your plan to rule the world.”

  “Enough,” the magistrate said. “Since you have chosen to add your voice, you must answer for what you have said. Step forward.”

  Clark glowered at her but said nothing. Quinn was pleased. He’d been wrong when he’d said they wouldn’t hear her out. She stepped forward and waited for the magistrate’s questions.

  “Since you spoke out of turn, Huntress, it falls to me to assess the validity of your claims.”

  Quinn nodded. This would be easy. This woman was on their side. All she had to do was tell them what had happened. Then Filippa and Aurora would get to follow Gemma into the grave.

  “You claim to have been sorely injured, yet I see no injuries on you. If there are injuries I cannot see, you may disrobe to display them to me.”

  “I’m no longer injured. Our Huntress powers healed us.”

  “So you’ve been made whole, then?”

  Quinn nodded. “Yes?”

  Before Quinn could ask what was happening, the magistrate continued, “Please tell me which of the accused assaulted you directly or killed a member of your clan.”

  “What? Neither of them. Like they would get their pretty hands dirty.”

  “Where are the bodies of the dead or the injured persons so we can view them?”

  “I told you, we healed their wounds with our Huntress magic.”

  “So, once again I ask, have you been made whole?”

  Quinn glanced over her shoulder at Clark. She didn’t understand. “Uh, yes, we healed them.”

  “Very well, we have examined you. Return to your place.”


  “I said, return to your place, Huntress.”

  “Quinn,” Clark said, “get back over there.”

  She shot him an angry glare but returned to her place beside Avery and behind the two princesses.

  Aurora smiled and said, “Considering the newest testimony presented to the court, I believe there is only one ruling you can return.”

  All five magistrates fixed Quinn with their aged Fae eyes. After a second, they turned and talked among themselves. Once again, they somehow cloaked their voices so no one could overhear their discussion. Whatever was said, a few of the magistrates became quite animated.

  After about five minutes of the silent discussion, the chief magistrate waved her hand, dispelling the silence.

  “Though the evidence of injury is scant, the weight of the affidavits now on record is paramount.”

  “What?” Filippa said. “You have the girl’s own testimony that she and the others have been made whole. There’s no crime here. You must free us. I insist upon it.”

  Quinn tensed, afraid that was just what the magistrate intended.

  Instead, the old woman fixed Filippa with a baleful look. “Princess, I have been privy to your machinations for many centuries. Each time you have come before this court for wrong-doing, you have skated away with nothing more than a slap on the wrist.”

  Filippa grinned and held out her hand. “Would you like to slap it now, or is there some wrist-slapping ordinance that must be followed?”

  “Your flippancy betrays your true intent and contempt for this court and its purpose. Long have you twisted the law to your own ends. This time, however, you have gone too far.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Aurora asked.

  “Don’t worry, cousin. She probably means we have to pay a fine or something.”

  “Or something,” the magistrate repeated. “An appropriate use of words for what will befall the two of you. Since you have tried so hard to reunite with those lost Fae brethren bound to the netherworld, it is the sentence of this court that you join them.”

  Quinn’s jaw dropped.

  Filippa shrieked. “You cannot. I will appeal. There is no way you will get away with this.”

  “The court has spoken its sentence. Appeal is denied. The sentence will be carried out forthwith.”

  The chief magistrate raised both hands and sketched glowing black runes in the air before her.

  A black and purple glowing oval appeared in the air beside the princesses. Both tried to run for the exit, but their silver manacles yanked them back around to face the widening portal.

  A tall Fae stepped through the gateway. His skin was so pale it almost seemed translucent. He wore red plate armor, spikes jutting from the shoulders and elbows. He sneered at the onlookers as he glanced around.

  His eyes fell upon the seated magistrates, and he inclined his head in a brief bow. “I see you have need of my services. What miscreants are you entrusting to my care?”

  “The two women to your right have defied the law dividing us. It is our judgment that they be sent to join those they wish so dearly to rejoin. Take them away.”

  The netherworld Fae removed his gauntlet and chewed his thumbnail while he considered the two princesses. “What if I decide I want to stay? You opened the gateway freely. What’s keeping me from returning after I take them to the place of their sentence?”

  The magistrate didn’t answer. Instead, her eyes darted to Quinn, concern wrinkling her brow.

  Quinn took the hint. “Then I’d have to kill you. Take your pick. You can have the princesses and stay on your side of the barrier or die. I care not. I’m sure we can find another demon to take them off our hands.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Quinn saw the chief magistrate nod in approval.

  The netherworlder eyed Quinn, appraising her abilities, or trying to. When he didn’t discover what he wanted on his own, he asked, “And who are you?”

  “I’m the Huntress. We have restarted the clans. There will be no more incursions into this world by your kind unless you’re summoned. We will meet any violations with lethal force. We won’t send you home. We won’t imprison you here on Earth. We’ll just kill you and burn the body.” Quinn settled her hands on her hips and squared up to the demon. “What’s it going to be? I have somewhere to be, and I tire of this conversation.”

  When the demon paused a bit too long, Quinn dropped her hand to the Bowie sheathed at her waist. She traced the hilt with her forefinger as she stared him down.

  The netherworld Fae cleared his throat, “Yes, well, there’s no need for t
hat. If you want me to take these ladies off your hands, I’m happy to do it.”

  He clapped his hands, and the silver manacles yanked the women toward the portal. Filippa and Aurora wailed and tried to pull away, but the force dragging them was too strong. With a last cry, both disappeared into the swirling black and purple oval.

  The netherworld Fae bowed to the magistrates and nodded at Quinn, then stepped back through the gateway. As soon as he passed through, it snapped shut.

  Silence hung over the Crystal Well for several seconds. Then the five elderly Fae magistrates stood, and without a word, processed in a line out of the room. The other onlookers, most of them Fae, muttered to each other as they followed the judges out.

  That left Quinn, Avery, Naomi, and Clark in the room. Since it was the full moon again, Taylor had opted to remain at O’Malley’s and help Miranda and Tadpole watch the newest members of their clan. The abilities of the six newest Huntresses weren’t fully mapped yet, and everyone was still adjusting to them being around.

  Quinn smiled. “At least we don’t have to deal with the two of them again.”

  “There’ll always be something that needs doing,” Clark grumbled.

  Avery nodded. “There will, but Quinn’s right. We can at least take some time to enjoy our growing clan. Who knows, it might be downright peaceful.”

  Quinn took Avery’s hand as they walked toward the Crystal Well’s exit.

  She looked over her shoulder once at the glittering chamber behind her. A single point of light flashed in the ceiling, a little brighter than the others.

  Well done again, my Huntress, my Defender. You’ve earned a time of peace with your new family. Enjoy your life in a world made safer for all.


  Jamie’s Author Notes

  August 13, 2020

  As I look forward to the end of the year ahead, I realize how much I miss seeing and meeting readers at local events. In the past, I always tried to attend at least one regional sci-fi or fantasy con. I looked forward to signing paperbacks and meeting existing reader fans and those who are new to my books. I hope 2021 brings us the opportunity to return to at least some in-person events.

  I’m a rare breed among authors. I’m an extrovert, meaning I thrive, and actually need, people around me. Writing is a solitary task and as a full-time author, I spend lots of time alone with my thoughts. To most authors, who are usually introverts, this is how they thrive. Not me. I need crowds. I need to meet new and interesting people (I find I can discover something interesting about every person I meet).

  The thing I’ve had to adapt to is finding ways to safely be around people. My wife has helped me out with opportunities to gather outdoors with family so we can mask up, stay six feet apart, and still have time together. I also meet regularly with a choice group of authors and entrepreneurs to share some time talking and sharing ideas. These things have served to help fulfill my extrovert needs.

  The long and the short of it is, I had to change and adjust to find new ways to interact with people. I urge you to do the same. It’s going to be a little while until things return to some sort of normal. Maybe the eventual new normal will be very different from the old. That change is inevitable and the road to successful adaptation is acceptance of what you can’t control while controlling the things you can.

  So, I end this little note with this mantra. Hopefully, it will resonate with some of you.

  Adapt, Accept, and Overcome.

  Until next time, thanks for reading my books. Peace.

  Check out more than forty other fantasy books by Jamie Davis at

  About Jami Davis

  Jamie Davis is a nurse, retired paramedic, author, and nationally recognized medical educator who began teaching new emergency responders as a training officer for his local EMS program. He loves everything fantasy and sci-fi and especially the places where stories intersect with his love of medicine or gaming.

  Jamie lives in a home in the woods in Maryland with his wife, three children, and dog. He is an avid gamer, preferring historical and fantasy miniature gaming, as well as tabletop games. He writes urban and contemporary paranormal fantasy stories, and LitRPG/GameLit, among other things.

  He loves hearing from readers and going to cons and events where he meets up with fans. Reach out and say "hi.” Visit for more books, free offers and more!

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  Other Series By Jamie Davis

  Extreme Medical Services Series (8 Urban Fantasy books)

  Read book 1 - Extreme Medical Services

  The Delivery Mage (5 Urban Fantasy books)

  Book 1 - Deliver or Die

  The Broken Throne Series (5 Urban Fantasy books)

  Read book 1 - The Charm Runner

  The Accidental Traveler LitRPG Trilogy

  (with C.J. Davis)

  Read book 1 - The Accidental Thief

  Accidental Champion LitRPG Trilogy 2

  (with C.J. Davis)

  Read book 1 - Accidental Duelist

  Sapiens Run (3 Dystopian Sci-fi books)

  Book 1 - Cyber’s Change

  Eldara Sister Series (2 Historical Fantasy books)

  Read book 1 - The Nightingale’s Angel

  Other LMBPN Publishing Books

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