His Intern: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

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His Intern: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance Page 25

by Lillie Love

  We spoke for a few more minutes and I was pleased that the tension was resolved between us, now that all my cards were on the table.

  All I had to do now was hope that I could persuade Ellie to give me another chance.


  Wow. I made my way home after work on Friday night, still reeling from the shock of Nina’s dismissal. The nurses were buzzing with talk all morning, until we were called into a brief meeting with Lawrence.

  Shuffling into the conference room, we looked around at each other nervously, bracing ourselves in case one of us was next on the firing list.

  Lawrence was standing at the head of the table, waiting for the last nurse who stepped into the room, shutting the door behind her.

  “Thank you all for attending this briefing. I assume you are all aware of Nina’s departure yesterday evening.” He paused and I watched as his expression became slightly pained. He cleared his throat.

  “As you can imagined, this is difficult for me. Unfortunately, it has come to my attention that on several occasions, Nina has not acted professionally internally. With our clinic and doctors in high demand, I cannot afford to risk our reputation. This is all I will say on the matter for now, but needless to say, her replacement will be announced soon. Please refrain from answering any press enquiries, just in case they already have wind of this. Our PR team will be handling it. I wish you all a good day, please feel free to return to your patients.” He nodded his head, signalling the end of the meeting. “Penny, would you mind staying behind for a moment, please?”

  He busied himself with some paperwork as we all filed out of the room, stunned at his official and truthful statement. Penny flashed me a look of concern and I gave her a reassuring smile - she was the best nurse here so I couldn’t imagine there being any problems for her.

  I found out later that she was asked to be the interim Head Nurse until a suitable replacement was found – I was thrilled for her.

  As I got off the bus and walked the short distance home, I thought about my plans for the weekend. Penny had invited me to her house for dinner on Saturday night and I was looking forward to spending time with her family. Her two boys, aged four and six, were adorable and her husband always made me feel welcome.

  Later that evening as I ate a light supper, I thought about Julien. Once again. I hadn’t seen him as he was in theatre all day and I wondered what he thought of Nina’s departure. If it was true what Lawrence said about Nina’s unprofessional behaviour, then perhaps Julien was telling the truth after all. I pondered the situation as I sat on my sofa with my glass of wine. Having done my best to avoid him all week, I could see yesterday that it was clearly affecting him. I needed to speak with him, to clear the air, we couldn’t have a professional relationship like this - he was right. I sighed. I’d call him tomorrow. Nina was now out of the way.

  I stretched and decided to take a hot shower to relax my aching muscles - maybe afterwards, I’d put on a movie. Smiling at my plan, I quickly stripped off and was just about to walk into the bathroom when I heard the buzzer to my apartment. Not expecting anyone, puzzled, I quickly slipped on my satin black robe and padded to the door, looking out of the spyhole. I gasped. Julien was standing there. He looked incredible in his business suit - his light blue shirt set off his eyes, which were now piercing back at me. I felt myself blush hard and my heart rate involuntarily picked up. I couldn’t pretend to not be here - he would have heard my music playing. So I took a deep breath and pulled open the door.

  His eyes were immediately drawn to my robe as he lazily raked his eyes over my body. I felt the heat spread all over my body as I self-consciously crossed my arms.

  “Julien, what are you doing here?”

  I hadn’t noticed, but one of his arms was behind his back. With a flourish, he produced a huge bouquet of white roses.

  Not just any roses. I had never seen such large, beautiful and exquisite white roses like these. I quickly closed my mouth as I smiled, accepting the bouquet.

  “For you, Ellie. It’s been a tough week.” His grin was infectious. I couldn’t help but return it. Something about him just kept drawing me in. It was useless trying to deny the connection we had.

  “Yes, it has. Thank you, these are beautiful.” We stood there awkwardly for a moment. “Would you like to come in?”

  “I’m actually on my way out - a friend’s birthday. I know things haven’t been great with us this week, Ellie, but I wonder if I may take the liberty of asking whether you’d reconsider having dinner with me, again?”

  I bit my lip, unsure of what to say, looking at down at my roses.

  “Ellie, I swear to you. Nina pulled a stunt on me last week - I was just as shocked as you were.” He must have noted my expression and quickly corrected himself. “Or maybe, not as shocked.” He cleared his throat. “Let’s just say that I wasn’t the only object of her affection this past week.”

  I raised an eyebrow, sure there was more to it but also not in the mood to discuss Nina any further.

  “Just one dinner, Ellie?”

  Oh God, he was proving irresistible. A nagging thought flashed into my mind. What about Pieter? What would he think of me - of us? Since we were talking, I decided to be open.

  “Um, Julien, I’m slightly worried about Pieter.”

  “Don’t be, it’s been taken care of.” I looked at his face, which detected no hint of sarcasm.

  “Taken care of?”

  “Yes, Pieter and I had a talk - he’s fine about us dating, excuse me, I mean having dinner as long as it’s kept outside work.”

  Did he just say dating? Was he expecting more? A small part of me was thrilled that he was hoping for that…I made up my mind to give him another chance.

  “Well…okay, then. One dinner date, Julien.”

  His face visibly relaxed. “Perfect. How about tomorrow night?”

  “Tomorrow? Actually, I have plans to visit with Penny and her family.”

  He suddenly looked sheepish.

  “What? Why are you looking like that?”

  “I spoke with Penny earlier and she has given her blessings to excuse you from the family meal. So if you don’t mind, I’d like the pleasure of your company instead.”

  I shook my head, slightly exasperated. This man seemed to have everyone wrapped around his fingers!

  “Well, since you have cleared my plans, seems I’m free!”

  He stepped closer and I sucked in my breath.

  “Looking forward to it, Ellie.” He ran his knuckles down my cheek and I stilled at his touch, which seemed to send all kinds of tremors shooting through my body. I thought he was going to kiss me and licked my lips in anticipation but instead he slowly stepped back. Leaving me wanting.

  “I’ll pick you up at seven tomorrow evening.”

  I slowly exhaled and nodded. “See you tomorrow, Julien.”

  He turned to go back down the stairs.

  “Oh and Ellie?”


  “You may want to put some clothes on. You look like you’re cold.” He winked at me as he walked out of sight.

  I cursed as I looked down at my chest, which I could no longer conceal due to holding the beautiful flowers. My body and satin robe had betrayed me. No wonder he thought I was cold - my hardened nipples were straining through my gown.

  Except I wasn’t cold at all. I was all kinds of hot, craving his touch, no matter if my head told me otherwise.

  Shit, I was in trouble.

  I took my time getting ready the following evening. It was nice this time to be able to be in my own surroundings as opposed to the last time when I got dressed up at work. I selected a red dress I had recently bought when I went shopping with Penny for the first time a month ago. I had insisted I wouldn’t have anywhere to wear it but she had begged me to try it on at least. In the end I had relented. The bandage style was a little to risqué for my normal taste but I felt incredibly sexy in it. It accentuated my hourglass figure and with a pair of bla
ck strappy heels the sales assistant had suggested I try, I felt like a celebrity!

  Now as I stood in front of the mirror, giving myself one final look, I was thrilled Penny had convinced me to buy the outfit. It was also nice to wear my long hair down as most of the time it was pulled back for work and although I couldn’t replicate my make-up as expertly as Kimberly did the last time, I think I did a pretty good job.

  At exactly seven o’clock, my apartment buzzed and the butterflies immediately took flight in my stomach.

  I grabbed my wrap and walked to the door, this time not bothering to check the spyhole.

  Julien stood there, smiling, looking as handsome as the devil himself. Dressed in a black shirt and faded jeans, he looked the perfect candidate for someone stepping off the pages of the catwalk. I felt the heat travel all over my body as his gaze drank in my appearance.

  “Ellie, wow, you look beautiful.”

  I smiled shyly. “Hi, Julien. Thank you…you don’t scrub up too badly yourself!” I realised the pun and we both laughed with helped to break the ice.

  “Come on. I have a surprise for you.”

  We walked down onto the street and I immediately spotted his silver Porsche. With his hand on my back, he led me to the car and held open the door.

  “Thank you. What a gentleman you are!” I teased as I entered the car.

  “Only for a very special lady.” He winked and ran round to the driver side. I adjusted myself in the bucket seat and strapped myself in while he got the engine started.

  “So, where are we going? Can I have a clue?”

  He looked at me, and with a smile, shook his head.

  “Not far from here. I hope you’ll like it.”

  I nodded, realising that I wouldn’t be able to get anything out of him so decided to play along.

  The drive wasn’t long as he promised and before I knew it, we pulled up to a restaurant that I immediately recognised. It was one of the places I really wanted to experience.

  “Oh my god, Julien!! Spago - wow, I’ve only ever read about this place!” I bit my lip, embarrassed at my obvious excitement.

  “I overheard you and Penny talking about it a while back. You said it was on your list of places to visit. Come on, let’s go.”

  I was touched. He stepped out of the car and threw his keys to the valet driver, who had immediately appeared. Coming around to my side, he held open the door and offered me his hand as I stepped out of the car.

  Walking into the restaurant, I felt slightly intimidated to be seen on his arm. However, as soon as we were shown to our table, which was very private and surrounded with plants, I felt myself relaxing. The restaurant had a wonderful ambiance and looking around, I couldn’t help but think of Kate and my father back home. Suddenly, home felt like a million miles away.

  Dinner was a wonderful affair. Julien and I conversed easily and with the scrumptious food and accompanying wine, I felt myself incredibly enjoying his company.

  “So, tell me something about yourself that I can’t read on line.” I smiled at him across the table, the wine loosening up my tongue.

  His expression changed and took on a faraway look.

  “Well…let’s see. How about that I lost my mom too? Expect it was not to a dreadful disease like cancer.” He paused and I waited, not wanting to break the moment. “My asshole of a father had one too many affairs…she got weaker and weaker. Her health deteriorated, following severe depression. One day, I guess she had enough. Found another clue to suggest another affair. She overdosed herself. My biggest regret was that I never confronted my father about his indiscretions – I turned a blind eye, but a part of me knew what was going on. I was too busy fucking partying to see her pain.”

  He picked up his glass to take a sip and I noticed his hand slightly shaking. My heart went out to him and impulsively I reached across the table to squeeze his hand. He shot me a grateful smile.

  “I’m so sorry, Julien.”

  “It’s okay, Ellie…anyway…you won’t find that truth about our family online.”

  I nodded, once again touched that he would share something so personal with me.

  Just then a couple stopped by to say hello to him, and thankfully his good mood immediately returned again. He made sure to introduce me, looking after me the entire evening, the perfect gentleman.

  As we made our way back home a few hours later, I felt slightly tipsy and leaned back against the seat.

  “Julien, I had a wonderful evening. Thank you again.” I closed my eyes, smiling. “Can you open my window, please? I just want to feel the night air blowing through my hair.” I gave him a lazy smile.

  “Sure, princess.” His smile was warm and sexy, sending a course of desire through me with his term of endearment. As the rush of air flowed through the car, I laughed out loud, loving the sensation of feeling free and young.

  Within no time, we had arrived back at my apartment. I knew for sure that I didn’t want our night to end and gathered my hair over my shoulder as I faced him, suddenly feeling shy.

  “Would you like to come in for a bit?”

  “Are you sure, Ellie?”

  I bit my lip, heat flooding through my body. “I’m sure.”

  We exited his car and made our way up to my flat, the tension between us palpable.

  As soon as I opened my door, he pulled me to him, and my body pressed up against his as he kissed me hard and deep, a growl coming from somewhere at the back of his throat. I clung onto him, my nails digging into his shoulders as I tried to keep up, needing him, desperate for his touch. His hands stayed put even though I desired his touch everywhere - my aching breasts, the throbbing between my legs. Goose bumps prickled up and down my arms as his tongue continued to explore my mouth with surety and easy possession. I let loose a small whimper and his arm around my waist tightened when he heard it, responding immediately, almost instinctively.

  I had never, ever been kissed like this before. Our heads moved together for long minutes and I felt like I hadn’t breathed in a lifetime.

  Everything was spinning around me, and when he ran his hand slowly up my side, and lightly brushed my nipple, I thought I was spinning too, delirious with want.

  When he finally ended the kiss, he pulled away so slowly, leaving me panting and missing his lips already. It was then I could see that he was equally affected - his breath was coming just as fast and his eyes had darkened considerably, drunk with desire.

  “Julien…” I spoke his name, breathless, ready to peel off my dress and throw caution to the wind. I had never felt so attracted to anyone in my life.

  He was still holding me, leaning against my forehead, when we heard the distinct sound of his pager. Cursing, he pulled away, apologising.

  I took a moment to catch my breath as he walked into the front room, turning on another lamp to read the message. I watched his face change and grow tense as he pulled out his phone, quickly punching in a number. Deciding to give him some privacy, I walked into the bathroom, needing to splash some cold water on my flushed face. I could hear his muffled voice through the door so after a couple of minutes I walked back out, curiosity getting the better of me. I caught the tail end of the conversation. His voice was cold and laced with steel, causing me to halt in my tracks.

  “What the fuck you saying? I’m being sued for malpractice?!”


  Head deep in paperwork, I glanced up, hearing the distinct sound of a pair of heels clicking on the tiled floors - a rare noise in the clinic, amongst the nurses. An older glamorous lady, dressed impeccably from head to toe, was confidently striding towards my desk. I looked into her brown eyes, slightly confused at her obvious scrutiny, assessing me from afar. Placing my pen down, I looked at her, quizzically.

  “May I help you?”

  Instead of responding, she merely breezed past me, heading in the direction of Julien’s office. I quickly stood up past her fast retreating back.

  “Excuse me, please! May I help you?”
  She stopped abruptly and turned around to face me with a cool expression.

  “You must be the new one.” Raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow, she stepped closer. “Suzanne Corrigan - Julien’s attorney.” She smirked. “Amongst other things…shall we say…” Her voice trailed off, clearly implying a relationship. I slowly sat down; feeling like the wind had been knocked out of my sails.

  My heart began to pound at the revelation and I took a deep breath, forcing out a professional smile, feigning indifference at her targeted words.

  “Sure. He’s in his office.” She nodded curtly and turned to walk away. “He’s going to be okay, isn’t he?!” I bit my lip, unable to hide my anxiety. She paused, as if taking a moment to decide whether or not I was worthy of an answer. I guess I passed her test, for a moment later, she faced me once again.

  “Let me enlighten you. Eleanor, isn’t it?”

  I simply nodded, not bothering to correct her with my shortened version.

  “Well, Eleanor. How shall I put this? Addison, who is one of Julien’s special clients, is suing for malpractice.” She paused for effect whilst I let her words sink in. “I’m here to handle it. Like I always do. Now if you don’t mind…”

  “Sure, please, carry on.”

  I sank into my chair. The meaning behind her words was obvious. I took a few steadying breaths, determined not to crack under the new information. I looked at the ceiling, ignoring the glare of the spot lights which were all but blinding me. How many more? How many more of Julien’s conquests would constantly be thrown into my face? How would I deal with this? I couldn’t break down crying, I wouldn’t. I knew what I was getting myself into when I accepted his date proposal - God, I nearly slept with him on Saturday night, before he had to rush off after receiving the devastating news. Placing my feelings aside, I couldn’t begin to imagine what he must be going through. Hopefully I’d get to speak to him after my shift. Also, if we were going to date, then I’d really like to get things out in the open. That was the only way it was going to work - I had to trust him.


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