His Intern: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

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His Intern: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance Page 26

by Lillie Love

My day seemed to drag. News of Julien’s malpractice suit was whispered in hushed tones amongst the nurses, but I didn’t partake in any of the gossip. Later that afternoon, I found Penny finishing her break in the kitchen when I popped in to grab a quick coffee. I didn’t plan on taking my full break - my mind was too preoccupied with Julien and I found it was better to be kept busy with my patient files. It was so nice to see Penny’s friendly face.

  “Hey Pen, how’s it going?” I walked over to the coffee machine, selecting my usual latte. I would have preferred a good cup of Twinings English Breakfast tea but hey, when in Rome and all that.

  She stood up and came towards me, a concerned look on her face.

  “I’m good, Ellie. How are you? Any more news since we spoke yesterday?”

  I had called Penny yesterday, with Julien’s permission, to give her the heads up on the news. I was confident that he or Lawrence would be briefing the staff soon on the clinic’s stance, once he had ironed out the details with Suzanne.

  “No, nothing, Pen. He’s been holed up with Suzanne all day.”

  I must have unconsciously grimaced at her name, which caused Penny to raise an eyebrow. I sighed, looking into my cup.

  “I take it they have history?”

  When Penny didn’t immediately respond, I looked up to see her reaction. She shrugged her shoulders.

  “I’m not entirely sure, hon. But…I guess, I mean, I’ve seen her around here before, looking pretty self-assured and possessive around him. I think it would seem that way…that they were familiar with each other.”

  I nodded. Penny had confirmed my suspicions. “Great. Now I’ve a freaking Mrs Robinson to deal with!”

  Penny smiled. She came closer and gathered me into her arms, giving me the comfort I so needed.

  “I know it’s going to be hard, Ellie, having to deal with all his exes. But you’re going to have to put on your big pants and toughen up, girlie.” She pulled away, looking into my eyes and breaking out into a grin. “You’ve hooked up with a man-whore, but a gorgeous one at that! And if I was single…well, let’s just say that I’d be trying to tap that ass too!” We burst out laughing, which eased the tension in my chest.

  “Yes, thanks, Penny. I definitely know how to pick them!”

  “In all seriousness hon, just talk to him. Figure out how you guys can go forward, if that’s what you want.”

  I nodded. “I will.”

  “Okay, gotta get back, my break’s over. Come find me later, before you head home?”

  “Sure. Thanks, Penny.”

  “Anytime, honey.”

  Finally my shift came to an end and having not seen Julien all day, I wanted to stop by his office to check on him. I was worried and anxious for him. He was such a wonderful and talented doctor - I couldn’t believe why anyone would want to sue him for malpractice. Let alone one of his exes.

  I made a quick stop in the bathroom to splash some water on my face and glanced at my reflection. My cheeks were flushed and my eyes were clear and bright. Outwardly, I looked respectable, but inside, I felt a bundle of nerves at the thought of seeing them together – at least, I presumed Suzanne was still there. Smoothing out my hair, I stepped out the bathroom and made my way down the hall.

  His office was closed and I stilled outside, straining to hear for voices from within. The sounds were muffled, so I knocked lightly, waiting for a response.

  “Come in.” His deep voice sent shivers down my spine. A quick flash of images ran through my mind of our heated embrace on Saturday night. I felt my face flush and lightly pushed open the door.

  Suzanne had her chair very right next to Julien and I immediately felt a stab of jealousy seeing them so close together. Julien looked up from the paperwork he was focussing on and I couldn’t help but notice that his face seemed to slightly light up. Take that Mrs Robinson!

  “Hi, sorry to interrupt. I was just heading home and I thought I’d stop and say goodnight. But I can see you’re still busy, so…” I trailed off as I backed out of his office.

  “No, wait!” I stopped short and looked at Julien and Suzanne. She shot me a dirty look, obviously displeased at my presence. “Suzanne, I think we’ve covered enough for today. Let’s resume tomorrow.” I watched as he gathered the papers together on his desk.

  “If you really think that’s prudent, Juju? I was hoping to get through some more files tonight.”

  Juju? What the hell? I felt slightly nauseated as she looked at me, a challenge in her eye, assessing me for any reaction. I held a blank expression.

  “Suzanne, I’m wiped out. That will be all for today.” His voice was tight as he glared at her.

  “Fine.” She pulled a few folders into her bag and then stood, making a show of stretching in Julien’s direction, pushing out her chest. “I am rather tired. It’s been a productive day.” She rolled her neck and then stepped away from his desk. “See you first thing tomorrow.”

  I stepped to the side as she walked past me, flashing me a quick look of annoyance. Smiling widely, I raised my hand, giving her a small wave. “Good to meet you, Suzanne. See you tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight, Eleanor.”

  I watched her footsteps retreat down the hall, pleased at her departure. She may be Julien’s lawyer, but I didn’t like her one bit.

  “Come here, Ellie.”

  I shut the door and suddenly feeling shy, I slowly walked over, tucking a loose stand of hair behind my ear.

  “Tough day?”

  “Yeah, something like that. But much better now.” He sat back in his chair, smiling lazily at me. I felt my cheeks stain with heat under his intense gaze as I took a seat opposite him.

  “So, you want to talk about it?”

  He ran his hand over his face. “I’m not actually allowed to say much -”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to pry.”

  “No, no. Not like that. I’m just legally bound to only speak with my attorney about the case since it’s sensitive. How about we talk about other things?”

  He smiled and I felt my heart flutter.

  “Sure, what do you want to talk about, Dr Berthou?” I couldn’t help but flirt with the sexiest man I had ever seen, sitting opposite me, taking an interest in my day.

  “Well, Miss Hartley, how about you? Have you had a good day?”

  I frowned slightly. “Yes, but I’ve been really worried about you.”

  “You have? You’re worried about me?” He seemed genuinely surprised.

  “Of course I am…although it seems like you’re in good hands…with Suzanne. I mean Ms Corrigan.” I bit my lip, hoping that he didn’t detect the note of sarcasm. I wanted so desperately to ask about them - if they had been together, and if so, for how long, but I couldn’t coherently form the sentences without sounding jealous. And that’s when it hit me. Sitting opposite this gorgeous man, I was faced with the reality that he had been with dozens of women in his colourful personal life - the rich, beautiful, experienced, talented and God knows what else. And here I was, just Ellie Hartley. Feeling insecure and jealous, I was a nobody from London. I felt the sting of tears at the back of my eyes and quickly looked away, rapidly blinking. The last thing I wanted to do was to cry in front of him, for goodness sake!

  “Ellie, are you okay?”

  Shit, he noticed.

  “Sorry…I’m fine.” I decided to just come clean. It was too much effort to try and become someone I’m not. “I guess I’m just feeling slightly overwhelmed…with us. The situation.”

  Julien immediately stood up and came around his desk to me. Pulling Suzanne’s vacant chair close, he sat next to me, reaching for my hand.

  “Ellie, I’m not going to deny. I’ve had a past. I’m sorry you have to deal with everything at once.”

  I nodded, appreciating his honesty. “And, Suzanne? Have you…” I trailed off, not wanting to ask the obvious question.

  “Yes, we’ve been together. In the past, over a decade ago - when I was a lot younger and…needing guid

  I wasn’t sure what he meant by that but could only allude to what he was suggesting. I blew out a breath. “And, Addison? Suzanne mentioned you were together?”

  He frowned. “Yes, we were, but several years ago. I’m really not sure why she is seeking me out now, especially given her history of no-commenting on whether she’s had work done.” He shook his head. “I’ve no idea why she’s doing this.”

  I was silent for a moment before I spoke.

  “Thank you for telling me, Julien…I like this trust thing we have going.” I looked at him from under my lashes, smiling and hoping to clear some of the tension between us. All I really wanted right now was to be wrapped up in his arms, to feel his lips against mine, kissing me like he did on Saturday night. I didn’t want to think about his exes anymore. For now, he was mine.

  “Have dinner with me on Thursday, just the two of us?” His voice was soft and seductive.

  “I’d love to.” My voice was breathy and uneven.

  “After dinner, I’m taking you back to my place.” He closed the gap between us and placed a light kiss on my lips. I closed my eyes, as my heart fluttered wildly, ready for more but he pulled away, a smirk on his lips.

  “You’re so very tempting, Ellie.” He pecked me on the lips a couple more times, teasing me and refusing to deepen the kiss. “Thursday night, baby.”


  Suzanne and I had been holed up in the conference room for the past few days, trying to analyse the language of the suit and working on our best defence. I was still reeling from the shock of having Addison come back into my life like this and furthermore, insulting me with a malpractice suit. It just didn’t make sense, but right now, my only concern was to get this either thrown out of court, or if we got to the bottom of this, then settled outside, as fast as possible. It was already impacting my schedule and I was irritable and annoyed with the hassle. I didn’t need this shit.

  I got out of my seat, needing to stretch my legs and peered out of the small glass window on the door. Bad idea. Pieter was walking down the hall, deep in conversation with Ellie and I watched the interaction between them. He must have said something funny, because I saw her beautiful face break out into a grin as she laughed lightly. Clenching my fists I exhaled loudly and forced myself to look away. For the past couple of days, I noticed they had been working together closely. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t have cared but it bothered the shit out of me seeing her with him. Perhaps I was overreacting but I was overcome with possession for her - she would be mine in every way.

  “Juju, is everything okay?” Suzanne looked at me, her eyes drifting down to my clenched fists.

  “For fuck’s sake, Suzanne! I’ve told you - don’t fucking call me Juju. It’s Julien, okay?” I spun around and the spat out the words at her, annoyed that she clearly thought she still had some power over me. I was a young boy, in my early twenties when she seduced me and introduced me to her dominant BDSM lifestyle. Eager to learn, I was her fucking lap dog for two years before I came to my senses. Somehow, with her connections to my father as the family lawyer, we managed to maintain a professional relationship - at least I did.

  “I can see that young nurse has got you all wound up.” She stood slowly and walked over to me, stopping too close for comfort. Trailing her hands over my chest, she leant in to whisper.

  “I’ve got just what you need, Juju. I know how to calm you down…and then take you so high, your head will spin.” She continued to run her hands over my chest and I squeezed my eyes shut, memories flashing of our time together. “You’re so much more of a man now…I may even trust you to dominate me. I’m sure I’ve taught you very well.”

  I gathered myself and roughly pulled her hands off me. Her eyes widened in shock.

  “It’s over, Suzanne. It has been for a long time. I’m not interested in you that way. If you can’t respect that, I’m afraid I’m going to have to find another lawyer to represent me.”

  Quickly recovering from her shock, she curled her lips into a smile, narrowing her eyes.

  “Oh darling, don’t you see? Eleanor’s just at the age you were when we met! Perhaps you’re just missing the good old days we shared together?”

  I recoiled back. “Good old days? You mean the part where you treated me like a fucking piece of meat, where you didn’t give a damn about what I wanted?”

  “No, Juju, you’re wrong. I taught you everything you know.” She turned away and walked back to the table. “You’re the man you are - you have the sexual preferences you do - because of me. I made you what you are.”

  I blinked rapidly, trying to gain focus on the shit she was throwing at me.

  “No, Suzanne. You’re wrong. What I have with Ellie - it’s nothing like what we had together. You know why? I respect the hell out of that girl.” I drew a deep breath, my final words hitting her with the impact I had hoped for. She flinched but didn’t comment so I took my place back at the table and picked up the stack of papers that I was examining earlier. Thankfully, the remainder of my afternoon, although strained, went past without any further mention of our past.

  Later, as I sat in my office, winding down for the day, I took some time to reflect on Suzanne’s words from earlier. The woman was clearly disillusioned when it came to matters between us. I was surprised that she pulled a move on me - I thought our past was just that – I couldn’t fathom that perhaps she still harboured feelings towards me. Control. That’s all she ever sought and back then, I was merely her puppet, in awe of her sexual prowess. Still, I had to admit that some part of me at that time in my life actually enjoyed the domination. My life was fucking crazy, moving from party to studies to fucking random girls. Suzanne established discipline in my life, gave me a break from making decisions in my world - all I had to do was submit. Nonetheless, that was a long time ago and I was over ten years older from the young man she met back then - I could no longer be dominated by anyone. I was fully in control now.

  I felt myself harden at the thought of doing some of the things I had planned with Ellie, but I promised myself to take it slow with her. Still, the time would come when I would own her body and then her mind and soul. Ellie Hartley would be mine in every way. I shifted in my seat, thinking about where I’d take her for dinner tomorrow night. None of the usual places I tended to dine felt right-I didn’t want to share her with anyone else for the night. Decision made, I fired off a quick text:

  Dinner at my house tomorrow evening. My driver will collect you at 7.30pm…I’m looking forward to dessert already. J

  The following evening, the doorbell went off at exactly eight o’clock. I walked through the long hallway and down the winding staircase of my house - or some would term - mansion. Grabbing my tablet, I put on a little music in the den, something slow but edgy - none of that sensual shit. I liked a little rough in my music.

  Pulling open my double doors, I saw her standing there, looking beautiful and radiant in a simple black dress, with an open smile and a faint of pink on her cheeks. The slight breeze lifted up her long dark hair, carrying with it, the scent of her perfume, light and feminine, like a drug, which already had me horny.

  “Hi, Julien. Your house looks amazing.”

  I realised I was still standing there like a dick, gawking at her and I quickly moved out of the way to let her in.

  “Welcome, Ellie. Please come in.”

  She smiled again and I forced myself to gain control and step back. Slow, slow, slow. My mantra repeated over and over.

  “You look beautiful, Ellie.”

  “Oh…” she replied. “Thanks…it’s not…new!” She laughed lightly, looking adorable as I saw the blush deepen on her cheeks. I quickly realised she was nervous.

  “Come on, I hope you’re hungry?” I led the way and she followed me outside, which was lit up with candles, glowing in the approaching dusk, and where our table was set for dinner. The music was still playing through the speakers and I watched her face as she took in the scene.

  “Julien, wow this is amazing.” She walked over to the railing, holding on and peered over the edge. “My God, this view is beautiful. I feel like we’re on top of the world!”

  I went and stood beside her, seeing the view from her eyes, something that I took for granted. The lights of LA seemed to extend away, down the hills and into the horizon. It was indeed beautiful, but unmatched to her beauty.

  “Wine?” I handed her a glass and she took it gratefully, taking a large gulp.

  “Thank you. I need this!” She laughed again, tucking a few stands of hair behind her ears.

  “Don’t be nervous, Ellie.” I pulled her into my arms, unable to resist touching her for a moment longer. She felt warm and soft and I wanted nothing more than to bury myself within her.

  “It’s just dinner okay? We don’t have to do anything else.”

  My dick would surely object to that but right now, all that mattered was making my girl feel comfortable. Wait? What the fuck? My girl? What was I, back in high school?

  She nodded and looked out into the view, onto the lights below us and then to her left. “Is that an infinity pool over there?”

  I peck her lightly on her lips and immediately felt her respond to me. This was going to be tough.

  “Yes it is. We can try it out later if you like…and I’ll give you a tour as well after dinner.”

  I took her hand and led her to the table. The candles cast a soft romantic glow.

  “Wow, so do you cook as well?” I could tell she was teasing me and I laughed, enjoying how easily we fell into each other’s company.

  “I do have a few specialities. How do you like your tortilla chips? Personally, I prefer mine with salsa and a side of beer. Or, how about cereal? Any kind of cereal you could desire – just say the word. But my best has to be pizza - I can open the hell out of a pizza box.”

  “Well in that case, I’m sure you’re fine…but if you ever want someone to maybe show you around that amazing kitchen we passed, I’d be happy to help out!” I watched as she bit her lip, frowning slightly, perhaps annoyed with herself for presuming to visit again.

  “You know what? I think I would like you to show me a few new things.”, I was incredibly drawn to her and I took my time eye-fucking her slowly so she knew the meaning behind my words. I watched her mouth hang slightly open as she gasped at my words, which did nothing but turn me on further. I could think of a few places where I’d like those plush lips of hers. I decided to change the subject before it got too heated. “Are you hungry?”


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