by Lillie Love
He reached out and placed a finger under my chin, directing my gaze back to him.
“I hope we can do this again. Sometime soon.”
I nodded. “I’d like that too.”
“Ready to go in?”
I nodded, grabbing my bag and flashing him a grin. “Let’s do this!”
I was so busy with work that I barely had a chance to see him - I knew he was out for most of the morning and I found my thoughts escaping to him, hoping that everything was going to plan at his meetings.
“Someone looks in an especially good mood today!”
I looked up from my clipboard and saw Penny standing in front of me with a silly smile on her face.
“I have no idea what you’re referring to.” I tried my best to sound stern, but clearly failed miserably when she burst out laughing.
“Pur-lease, girlie. I wasn’t born yesterday…!”
I relented, shrugging my shoulders, my face involuntary splitting into a grin.
“I want details, Ellie Hartley. But first, Pieter wants to see you when you’ve got a few moments – nothing urgent. If you want to go now, I can take over for a while?”
I placed my clipboard back down and quickly glanced at my watch.
“Are you sure, I’m happy to see him over my lunch break?”
She waved me off. “Go. I’ve got my patients covered.”
I made my way down to Pieter’s office wondering what he wanted to talk to me about. I enjoyed his company; he had a fascinating background and was a thorough professional in every way. Knocking lightly at the door, I entered his office to see him seated at his desk, with a stack of files covering the surface.
“Is this a good time? I can come back later?”
Pieter looked up from his work and ushered me in.
“No, I could do with a break from this.” He gestured to the seat opposite his desk.
“So Ellie, I was just wondering how things are working out for you here? I mean with Nina gone, and Penny temporarily replacing her, I hope everything isn’t too, how should I put it - up in the air for you?”
I considered his question. If anything, I was enjoying my work a whole lot more without Nina’s presence.
“I’m really enjoying my work, Dr Van Wyk - I mean, Pieter.” I smiled. “Penny is an amazing nurse and I’m learning so much from her.”
He looked at me closely; frowning slightly and I felt myself fidgeting in my seat, hoping that I hadn’t said anything wrong. He spoke softly after a few moments of silence.
“You know my background, right?”
“Of course. You spent a lot of time working for MFS - Doctors without Borders - in central Africa. I must say, I’m in awe of that.”
Pieter’s background was highly impressive. I was especially inspired and almost slightly envious of the time he spent with the medical humanitarian aid organisation.
He smiled slightly at my compliment.
“Thank you, Ellie. I had a wonderful time with MSF, it’s a different world to this place, as you can imagine.”
“Yes, the polar opposite, I’m sure. The work must have been incredibly rewarding.” I said it with a wistful note, hoping that one day, I’d be able to have a chance to be in a position where I could help the under-privileged too.
“What are you doing here, Ellie?”
I sat up straight in my chair. “Pardon?”
“I mean, what’s your passion? Is nursing in cosmetic surgery something you see yourself doing for the long haul?”
I took my time before I answered.
“Honestly, Pieter? I don’t know.” I looked around his office, trying to gather my words. “When I graduated, all I wanted to do was to work in a kids hospital, along with my best friend, Kate. I wanted to train and work in oncology - I think I still do. Then all of a sudden, my professor approached me with the position here…and it seemed to good to turn down. The experience and prestige of working at B&F is something that I’m truly grateful for. But in answer to your question, I’m still figuring things out.”
I hoped my answer was good enough because right now, that’s all I had.
He nodded his head in understanding. “You’ve still got plenty of time, Ellie. I agree, the experience you receive here will look fantastic on any resume…but-“
“But…don’t give up on your dream. That’s all I want to say.”
I gave him a small smile. “Thank you, Pieter. I will bear your advice in mind.”
We spoke for a little while longer and then I excused myself, keen to get back to my patients.
As I walked back, I felt confused then ever.
The next morning, I woke early, hoping to call home and catch my father before he went out for his pint down at the local pub. I hadn’t been able to speak with him for almost a week and I found myself missing him terribly. My schedule was so busy here and at times, it felt like I was slipping further and further away from my life back at home.
I dialled the number and waited whilst the phone rang. After a few rings, he picked up.
“Hi dad, it’s me!”
“Ellie, hello sweetheart! How are you?”
“I’m doing well, thanks. How are you? Are you on your way out?”
“No, not tonight, love. Thought I’d stay in for a change.” He laughed it off but I was immediately worried. He rarely missed his weekly drink with his friends.
“Are you okay, daddy? Are you not feeling well?”
“No, no, love. Don’t you go worrying over me. I’m fine, just a little under the weather. Nothing that a hot cup of lemon water and honey won’t fix. Now tell me about you.”
I hated it when my dad felt ill. Perhaps it was seeing my mother pass away in front of us, but I couldn’t stand the thought of him being sick as well. And I was thousands of miles away from home.
“Ellie? Are you still there?”
I felt a lump in my throat but quickly swallowed it away.
“I’m here, daddy. Sorry, I can’t help worrying about you. Have you eaten anything?”
“I’ll be alright, darling! And yes, I’ve had some soup earlier so I think I’ll have an early night - I’m sure I’ll be right as rain tomorrow. Now, enough about me. What’s going on over there?”
“I don’t know, dad. There’s a new partner at work and we had a conversation yesterday about my career…”
“Oh, what did he have to say for himself?”
“Well, not much really. He was just asking if I could see myself working in cosmetic surgery indefinitely. And I got to thinking. Again.”
“Are you having doubts? Are the people you work with not nice to you?”
I smiled at the worry in his voice. “No, nothing like that.” I felt a flush of heat spread across my body as I thought of Julien. “They’re all great, dad. It’s just…I don’t know if I feel…fulfilled anymore.
“Well, it’s almost been three months. Do you think you have learnt a lot?”
“Definitely, dad. I guess, when I thought about nursing, I always envisaged myself working with kids. This is so far removed from what I thought it would be. It’s just really different to what I expected.” I felt a sudden catch in my throat, and my eyes stung with tears, overwhelmed at the choices facing me. Plus hearing his voice, I missed my dad. This was the longest we’d ever been apart. However, there was still a lot tying me to the clinic, and now with things progressing with Julien, I wasn’t sure I could simply walk away.
“How’s that Julien Berthou, chap? He treating you alright?”
I smiled through my tears. I had always been a terrible liar - no point starting now.
“He’s great. We, er…we’re kind of seeing each other.”
“What? You and Julien, the billionaire doctor?” He seemed shocked at my words.
“It’s still new, dad,” I replied hastily, “We’ve just been on a couple of dates…but I really like him. Oh God, I don’t know what to do, dad!”
He was quiet for a moment.
“Ellie, you are the most precious thing to me in the world, sweetheart. I want you to be happy above anything else. I don’t care if he’s some billionaire - if he doesn’t treat you right, you make sure to pick up that phone and I’ll be on the first flight over! You got that, sweetheart?”
I giggled at his dramatics. My dad was incredibly protective of me, more so since my mum passed away. “Okay, dad, I promise. But rest assured, he’s treating me like a princess.”
“And so he bloody well should!” He took a breath before he continued. “Now, going back to your job, love. Do you have to work for him in order to be with him?”
I realised that was the same connection I told Julien not to make - us and my career were two different things.
“No dad, I don’t have to work for him to be with him. I’ve made it clear that my career is separate to anything we have going on.”
“Well in that case, love, it’s a tough choice but only you can make that decision. You have to weigh up the pros and cons of staying at B&F versus working at a general hospital. Ultimately, money is not the be all and end all, you need to put your happiness – in this case, job satisfaction - first.”
“Dad, thank you.” I felt a weight lift off my shoulders as clarity dawned upon me. Sure I really enjoyed working at B&F - the opportunity was nothing to be sniffed at, but in reality, I couldn’t ever say that I truly loved my job. I missed the real life, nitty-gritty nursing that I was experienced with and I knew that if I stayed at B&F, my dreams would simply fade into the distance. “You’re the best. I think I knew it already, in my heart of hearts, but it really helped talking it out.”
“So, I take it you’re going to be looking for new job?”
“Yes, dad, correct. I’m going to look into positions at the local children’s hospital. That’s where my passion lies.”
“I know it does, darling. Keep me posted, okay? And don’t do anything rash until you have secured another job!”
I smiled at his sensible advice. “Of course I won’t.”
We spoke for a little while longer catching up on some of the gossip back home. He seemed happy to hear my voice, but had to pause a couple of times when he broke into coughing fits. He seemed weaker as we concluded our call.
“Are you sure you’re okay, dad? You don’t think you should call a doctor?”
“Don’t be silly, girl. I’m going to head up to bed now, I’m sure I’ll be a lot better tomorrow.”
“Okay…if you’re sure. I’ll call you in a couple of days to see how you’re feeling. Get better soon, daddy. Love you.”
“Love you too, sweetheart. Enjoy your weekend.”
I hung up, concerned and offered up a quick prayer for his health. I hoped it was just a summer cold and nothing more - my dad meant everything to me.
Taking a break from my paperwork, I stood up and stretched, rolling my neck at the same time.
Suzanne and I were at my house, still working through the details of my case, but the stress of figuring everything out was getting to me. Coupled with the fact that I was missing Ellie. Another new emotion that she had stirred up within me - something that I hadn’t felt in a very long time.
Suzanne looked up from her notes, placing her pen down.
“Is everything okay, Juju?”
“It’s Julien. Like I told you.” My voice was cold as I directed my frustration at her. She held up her palms in defence.
“Sorry, I’m just a creature of habit. Now tell me, what’s wrong?”
I looked out towards my pool, memories flooding back of last Thursday night, when Ellie stood out there. Too fucking long ago.
“Nothing’s wrong. I just want this shit to be over and done with.”
“Julien, I’m doing my best. As you know, her lawyer is being somewhat uncooperative.”
“Try harder, Suzanne. That’s what I’m paying you for!”
She paused, looking at my fixedly. “It’s Ellie, isn’t it? She’s got under your skin.”
I snapped my head towards her. “Why do you mean?”
“Well, it’s clear that you’re somewhat…taken by the young lady. Just be careful, okay?” She stood up and moved closer to me, her perfume immediately feeling too overpowering on my senses compared to Ellie’s soft and sensual scent.
“Careful? What the hell for?”
She reached out to stroke my cheek, the small action once again showing her attempt at power over me. I jerked my face away and she didn’t hide her scowl. “All I’m saying is don’t expect her to stick around. She’ll be back home before you know it, back in the UK…and you’ll be left here…all alone.”
She moved back to take her seat, picking up her pen once again. “I’d hate to see you finally fall for someone and then have your heart broken. It’s probably best to stop this before it’s really begun.” She shrugged her shoulders and picked up her note pad.
“You know nothing about us, Suzanne. Please, don’t assume that you do, nor make any assumptions about her. Our personal life has nothing to do with you.”
“Fine, Julien! Just don’t say I haven’t warned you.”
I shook my head and grabbed my cell, irritated by her words. Part of me knew she was right - Ellie was only here for a year and then she would be returning back home to London - unless I could convince her otherwise. I almost stopped in my tracks as I processed my thoughts. Feelings for Ellie were coming hard and fast. It was torture not being able to see her over the weekend and I couldn’t wait a moment longer. Walking outside and sliding the door shut behind me for privacy, I dialled her number knowing that she would be on her lunch break.
“Hi, Julien, how are you?” Her sweet voice came through the line, immediately soothing my frustrations.
“Hey, baby. It’s going okay.” I walked over to the pool, adjusting my sunglasses, wishing more than anything that she was here with me now.
“Are you sure, you don’t sound okay, darling?” Her concerned voice somehow broke down my defences. I sighed deeply.
“I guess…I’m not okay, Ellie. But I can’t talk right now. Can I see you tonight?”
“Yes, of course. Do you want to come over to mine?”
“Sure, I’ll be there at seven.”
We hung up a few minutes later but it was so good to hear her voice and I immediately felt better at the premise of seeing her later this evening, hoping to relieve some of this God-awful tension. Not normally a fan of admitting weakness, I knew that she was a good thing for me and she needed to be treated with respect and honesty. I wasn’t into playing any games or any of that other shit with her - I had enough fucking head games to deal with at present.
Somehow I got through the day with Suzanne and after a quick session with my trainer, I was showered and ready for dinner with Ellie. At exactly seven o’clock, I was standing outside her apartment, waiting for her to buzz me in.
She flung open the door looking sexy as fuck standing there in cut off shorts and a simple black t-shirt. Before she could utter a word, I pulled her against me, placing my hands on the small of her back and slammed the door closed with my foot. I kissed her hard and rough, not tenderly or innocently, but like a man with a hunger that came from somewhere deep within me. I needed her, had to ravage her beautiful mouth against mine and breathe in her intoxicating scent. Her hands came up to my face, pressing against my stubble as I pushed her up against the wall. I bit her lip, softly pulling a little and the short stutter in her breathing told me she liked it. She pulled away, breathing deeply, her tits rising and falling against my chest. She smiled a little.
“Well, hello to you too.”
I wanted her badly, so I scooped her up in my arms and she let out a squeal of surprise.
“Bedroom?” I managed to growl and she raised an eyebrow, colouring lightly and nodding her head in the right direction. I walked quickly through the small apartment, and found her bedroom, which had a low queen-sized bed in the middle and bare furnishings around it. I dropped her r
ight onto the middle of the bed and once again she squealed in surprise before the soft covers broke her fall. Throwing off my jacket, I dropped it onto the floor, then crawled over her. Without any words, she reached out her hand and placed it on the back of my head, bringing me closer to her mouth. Kissing the inside of her wrist and finding her mouth once again, we shared soft kisses together.
Her hands reached for my ass, where she tucked her fingers into my back pockets, pulling my groin towards her. Combined with the way she kept arching her back towards me, I could tell she also needed this connection and wanted it just as much as I did.
I sat her up and helped her pull off her t-shirt whilst I simultaneously and rapidly undid the buttons to my shirt, tossing it to the floor alongside with my pants. Ellie reached around her back with delicate hands and found the hooks of her bra, releasing them and then rolling her shoulders forward until the straps slid down her arms. She held that position for a moment, as I held my breath, for one last second of modesty before the white lace dropped away to land on top of her cast aside t-shirt.
I sat there gaping at perfection, knowing full well that I’d never have my fill of looking at her tits. She had the most beautiful pair I think I’d ever seen in my life, straight up, honest to God truth. They were full but not heavy, completely round with lush soft tips. The best part? Certified, one-hundred-percent natural. God, women paid me thousands of dollars to replicate these twin pair of beauties right here.