by Lillie Love
I couldn’t stop staring, hoping I wasn’t obviously drooling. Her dark pink nipples went from soft to hardening into tight buds right before my eyes. My raging hard-on was straining painfully against me. I wanted to see her eyes on my cock and know she was the one who made it that hard. To know what she did to me. I gently flicked my tongue on her nipple, kissing around it, slowly, before taking it in my mouth and licking it softly.
She moaned from somewhere deep in her chest and I pulled away, blowing on the nipple, now moist from my kiss. The sensation made her spasm gently under my hands. In between her stuttering breath, she moaned again, sounding like an ache. I wanted to be inside her, now. Peeling off her shorts and lacy underwear in one swift motion, I found her wet pussy with my fingers, exploring her walls with my index finger and push up against her clit with my thumb. She was soft and feminine under my hands, moaning, her beautiful body weak against mine.
“I want you now, Julien…inside me.” Her eyes were closed with pleasure as she continued to breathe heavily. Without a moment’s hesitation, desperate to bury myself inside her, I whipped the condom out of my pants, sliding it over my cock in seconds. Lining up the head against the lips of her pussy, it was tight, but so wet that I slid inside like she was made to fit me, out bodies interlocking perfectly.
“Oh, God. Yes,” she moaned.
I groaned right into her mouth as her hands buried deep into my hair, kissing each other, battling tongues in a desperate attempt to fully merge our bodies. I started to move against her, deep, full plunges into her over and over until everything else disappeared from thought and nothing else existed except her pussy and my cock fitting together in the most primal way possible.
She moaned louder, her body throbbed as I pushed my cock deeply inside of her. I felt her pussy start pulsating in waves against my cock as she started to come. Slamming into her harder, feeling the hot wet pulse of her orgasm tightening around my shaft; she screamed my name and there was no way I could hold back any longer.
I let myself go, releasing my lust for this woman, and the pent up tension, out of my balls. It rushed out of me and I threw my head back, savouring the moment before I looked back down at Ellie.
She was still breathing hard, a slow smile spreading against her beautiful face.
“Julien…just…wow.” She bit her lip, frowning slightly and I wondered what the hell would make her do that. I thought what we just experienced together was mind-blowing. Hesitantly, she asked, “Was it good for you?”
“Baby, that was incredible. I can’t begin to explain how much.”
She smiled as I rolled off her. “I agree…that was perfect.”
We managed to drag ourselves out of bed but I noticed she was unusually quiet over dinner, which she had beautifully prepared. Our easy conversation was somewhat stilted this evening.
“Ellie, you’re very quiet.”
She looked up from playing with her pasta and placed her fork down with a sigh. “I’m sorry…I er, I just have a lot on my mind.”
“Care to share?” I took a sip of my wine, wondering what was troubling my beautiful girl.
“Well, I don’t really know how to say this, Julien… I had a talk with Pieter last week and then a long talk with my father.” Her face twisted with worry, causing me concern. I waited patiently for her to continue, also placing my fork down, sensing some big. She drew a deep breath. “I’m so sorry to do this Julien, but I’ve decided to look for another job.”
I felt my heart begin to pound. She was leaving? Already?
“What? I don’t understand, Ellie. I thought you were happy? Where are you going?” Trying my best to keep my voice as cool as possible, I grabbed her hand across the table.
“Julien, I am so grateful for the intern position, really I am, but it’s just not what I want for a career. I’m so sorry but I want to work with kids, so I’m going to start looking for a role at some local hospitals.”
She looked up and I noticed her eyes were glistening. Local hospitals. I breathed a small sigh of relief, thankful that she was still intending to stay in LA. But I couldn’t bear the thought of not seeing her everyday - I had gotten used to her beautiful presence.
“Is this what you really want?”
She nodded, enthusiastically. “Very much so.”
I considered her decision, while she watched me intently, clearly extremely sure of what she wanted. It hit me instantly that I couldn’t bear to stand in the way of her dreams. Without thinking through my next thought, I spoke.
“I respect your decision, Ellie. Move in with me.”
“What?! Julien, that’s crazy!” She laughed, shaking her head, as she picked up her glass.
Crazy, yeah, I had to agree. But there was something about Ellie Hartley that told me she was special. Like no one else I’d met before. I wanted to take care of her, cherish this new-and-strange thing I was feeling for her.
“I agree, it’s a little premature but tell me you’re not feeling a strong connection too, Ellie? Tell me I’m wrong and I won’t ask again.”
She was quiet as she reviewed my argument. What was it about her that made me feel like a fucking teenager?
“Okay.” She said softly, nodding, after what felt like an eternity.
“What? You said yes?” I had to hear it again, wanted to make sure she knew what she was doing.
“Yes! Yes, I’ll move in with you, Julien. It’s bloody crazy, but okay, I’m going to take a chance on us!”
She got up from her seat and moved into my lap, throwing her arms around me. I grabbed her waist and kissed her deeply, overjoyed that she accepted my proposal, because for a moment there, I was almost scared she was going to tell me that my feelings weren’t reciprocated.
Perhaps with the stress and gossip of not working together gone, it would be even better between us now.
I slipped off my sunglasses as we entered the building. Addison’s lawyer had requested a face-to-face meeting.
“Let’s just get this over with as soon as possible. I want this done.”
Suzanne nodded, adjusting her collar as she walked beside me. “That’s the plan, Julien.”
She was cool and distant ever since she discovered that Ellie had moved in with me the previous week. Thinking of Ellie, her beautiful sweet face, her sexy and tight body brought a feeling of serenity over me. As soon as she’d agreed to my proposal, I had her things moved that same weekend. She thought I was crazy, that we were moving too fast, but neither of us could deny our chemistry together. So far, things were great as she settled herself into my house - our home - although with our crazy schedules the past week, I didn’t get to spend as much time with her as I’d liked. This case had taken over my life, looming over me constantly and I wanted a clean resolution today.
Ellie’s whispered words of encouragement this morning after our quick lovemaking had me feeling more relaxed about this meeting than I had expected. Announcing ourselves to the receptionist, we were soon ushered through to a conference room, where I spotted an older and prim looking man, who I assumed was her lawyer. And Addison, herself, sitting there looking bored with her arms crossed across her chest. I stopped to gaze at her for a moment before she looked up at me. Sure, she was pretty - with her platinum blonde hair (which I also knew didn’t match below), pouty lips, which were a glossy red and her slim figure, with enhanced tits, any normal guy would be hard over her. Except, I didn’t feel a thing as I looked at her. I hadn’t seen her in over six months and it was clear to me, although executed very well, that she had more fillers injected into her face. I thought of Ellie, with her beautiful, curvy and natural body and I knew now that no-one would compare to her. Ever.
Both Addison and her lawyer glanced up as we entered the room and took our seats opposite them. I could feel Addison’s stare burning into me as I got comfortable.
“Mr Berthou, Ms Corrigan, thank you for meeting with us. As you know, my name is Norman Clark and I’m representing A
ddison and the malpractice suit.”
I glanced at Addison, scowling as her face held a smirk directed at me. Jeez, what the fuck was it with my exes? I hadn’t the pleasure of ever stepping foot on Antarctica, but I’m sure the cool vibes I was receiving to the left of me, and opposite, would rival any breeze there.
“Let me just state for the record that the charges brought against me are utter garbage. I would have no reason to leak the information to the tabloids. My professional integrity is at stake!”
“Well then, who would, Julien? My fucking face is my business and I can’t have everyone speculating on what I have or haven’t had done!”
“Addison, Julien, please calm down. I understand how upsetting this is for you both.” Suzanne looked at both of us, a silent plea in her eye.
“Upsetting? You think I’m upset, Suzanne?” Addison leaned forward in her chair, slamming the table with her palms. “I’m livid!”
I shot Suzanne a dirty look, also sensing that Norman was getting flustered at the outburst.
“Addison, please, I’m not here for a shouting match. We’re both equally slandered here. I believe I have gotten to the bottom of this.”
Suzanne flashed me a look of surprise as I continued. I hadn’t had time to tell her what I had discovered last night.
Addison sighed, shrugging her shoulders defeatedly. “What more could you possibly have to say, Julien?”
“I know you were approached by a tabloid reporter. I just need to know - was it Courtney May?”
Addison glanced up, a slight look of confusion in her eyes. “Yeah, it was her - initially. So what?”
I took a deep breath, relieved. My suspicions were confirmed.
“I’m sorry, Addison, but you’re directing your suit at the wrong person. I don’t know if you’re aware but Nina was fired a few weeks ago for inappropriate behaviour.”
Addison smirked. “No, I wasn’t aware of that…but it doesn’t surprise me.” She shook her head, her red lips forming into a pout. “That woman was always a bitch to me!”
“I happen to know that she is also very good friends with Courtney.”
“What? Julien, are you sure?” Suzanne looked at me, shocked at my revelation.
I scowled. What a fucking waste of three weeks. If only I had the chance to speak to Addison before - had Suzanne set up a meeting with us, then all this shit and strain could have potentially been avoided.
“Perfectly sure, Suzanne.” I looked at both Norman and Addison who sat quietly, watching me. “You could always subpoena her phone records. But I’m confident you have your mole in Nina.”
“We’ll of course look into this, Mr Berthou, and if what you’re alleging is proven, we will re-direct our suit to Ms Fowler.”
I stood, nodding my head. This meeting was over. I had wasted enough time, happy to leave both Norman and Suzanne to work out the legalities.
I looked over at Addison. “Yes?”
“A minute outside, please?”
Suzanne was watching us like a hawk as I held open the door for Addison. I would deal with her later - her days as my lawyer were swiftly drawing to a close.
“Julien, I’m sorry. I had no other choice.” Addison licked her lips, a small smile playing on her face. She came closer, placing her palm on my chest. “We can screw this out, forget about it…what do you say? I’ll make it up to you…I still remember how you like it…” She leaned in, fluttering her eyelids shut in preparation for a kiss. I took a step back, disgusted.
“Addison, I’m seeing someone now.”
Her eyes snapped open. “You? Do you even know the meaning of the word monogamy? Or commitment?” She laughed harshly, shaking her head.
“I guess I just never met anyone I wanted to commit to. Until now. If you’ll excuse me, Addison, I have patients waiting.” I stepped past her, catching her jaw drop open in my peripheral vision, hoping I’d never have the displeasure of seeing her again.
Two weeks later, I sat in my den, aimlessly flicking through the television channels. Frustrated, I threw the control onto the couch and, grabbing my beer, I walked outside into the night air. I reflected on the events of the past two weeks as I sipped the cool brew, looking out onto the lights below.
Ellie had quickly found a new nursing role at the Children’s Hospital, and had resigned from B&F a week ago. Penny was understandably upset, but they seemed thick as thieves and I knew they were still very much in touch. I was proud and impressed with Ellie for managing to fulfil her dream of working in both paediatrics and oncology combined. She seemed different, more settled and happier with the work she was doing. As she was currently on an evening shift, which was soon coming to an end, I was killing time until I’d be able to see her. We had agreed, reluctantly on her part, that I’d send my driver to collect her from her shifts, despite her protests of catching a taxi instead. She was precious cargo - hell no, I didn’t have any intention of trusting her with a random driver.
Nina was now in the midst of fighting a lawsuit from Addison - I felt sorry for Lawrence having to deal with yet more drama from his daughter, but she deserved it. She tried to frame me and in doing so, could have ruined my career. I drained my beer. Bitch. She deserved all she had coming to her.
I wandered around outside, feeling a little melancholy and reflecting on my life. In the short few months I had known Ellie, she was beginning to change my outlook on life. For the past few days I’d found myself questioning what the hell I was doing in this world, how was I really contributing to the good of it? Sure, I made people beautiful - I fixed them aesthetically. Ellie wanted to fix people from inside. I dipped my foot at the edge of the pool lightly splashing the warm water. I had never questioned the nature of my work before, it was always a given that I would follow my father’s footsteps into cosmetic surgery. And I can’t deny that I was privileged with the good life that came with it - the money, parties, fast cars, fame and …the women. All my life, I’ve had women chasing me – women of all types, I could have my pick. They took whatever they wanted from life - from me. And I’ve never questioned any of this shit. Until now. Until Ellie.
I stepped away from the pool. I was thirty-four years old, too fucking early to have some mid-life crisis. Maybe being good to Ellie, who was doing the real shit was enough. I just had to make sure that I was good enough for her.
“Hey Ellie…sorry, I know you’re about to head home, but we’re really stretched tonight with the new patients. Could you help clean up Tyler, please? I’ve got to be in like three places, right now!”
I put down my pen, finishing off my notes. Mentally and physically exhausted, I was so looking forward to going home and relaxing my aching body in a hot bath. Preferably, with Julien. But the kids needed us and this was more important.
“Of course, Tammy. Has he been sick again?”
“Yes, poor little guy. The chemo really took it out of him today. Thanks, Ellie, really appreciate it!” She reached around me to grab some notes and then swiftly walked back in the direction she came from.
I took a fresh gown from the linen cupboard and walked into the small room to clean up. Twenty minutes later, six year old Tyler was settled and freshened up, almost asleep. It broke my heart to see these kids suffer the side effects from their treatment, something I was still very much struggling with. As I finished washing my hands, I distinctly heard a muffled cry coming from next door, which I knew was Olivia Hunter, a very sweet little four year old. Quickly drying my hands, I checked to see Tyler was asleep, adjusted his covers and then moved next door.
“Livvy? Why are you crying, sweetie? Is anything hurting?”
The little girl, with her tiny and frail body, had her face turned towards the wall, clutching Mr Tiny, her beloved brown bear. Upon hearing my voice, she turned over, her big blue eyes red-rimmed and distressed. She shook her head and continued to cry.
I walked over to her bed, anxiously looking for any obvious sig
ns of discomfort, but she seemed quite comfortable. Gently, I sat down on her bed, grabbed a tissue and began wiping away her tears. Olivia had been diagnosed with stage three non-Hodgkins disease and was going through some very invasive treatment.
“What’s wrong, Livvy? Talk to me, darling?”
The little girl let out a hiccup as she attempted to get her breathing under control. I waited patiently, gripping her little hand until she was ready to talk.
“I’m not a princess anymore.”
“Of course you’re a princess, Livvy. Why do you say that?”
“My daddy calls me his princess but I’m sad that he’s not going to love me anymore.” Her eyes welled up with fresh tears and I quickly swallowed my own lump in my throat. I stroked her shoulder, trying to give her some comfort.
“Of course your mummy and daddy love you, sweetie!”
“No they don’t, nurse Ellie. Princesses have long beautiful hair and my hair is all gone. How will my daddy still love me? He said I was his princess but I can’t be one now!” She began sobbing and I quickly picked her little body up, mindful of her wires and gathered her into my arms.
“Oh, Livvy. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any hair now, sweetie. It will grow back once your treatment has finished, okay? And you’re always going to be a princess - with or without hair, darling.” I slowly rocked her against me whilst she calmed down, my heart breaking for this little girl. She looked up at me with big sorrowful eyes.
“You have such pretty hair, Ellie. Will mine grow back like yours?”
I smiled at her tenderly. “I think your hair is going to be even prettier than mine when it grows back.”
“Really, you think so?”
I nodded confidently. “Definitely. And you know what else? It’s all going to be all brand new.” I tugged at my hair, grimacing. “You don’t want old, horrible hair like mine!”
I finally managed a smile from her, seemingly content with my explanation. I held her for a few more minutes, while we talked about everything and nothing until I saw her eyes grow heavy with sleep.