Dylan's Reaper: Soul Reapers #3

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Dylan's Reaper: Soul Reapers #3 Page 11

by Lowrance, J. D.

  “Eyes,” I ordered as hers sprang open to find mine. The gray storm of her eyes erupting in pleasure. “Take it princess,” I rumbled as I forced myself further down her throat. “That’s it. Like that,” I encouraged. My fingers gripped her cheeks as my cock pummeled her mouth. “Oh. Shit,” I called out as I felt my balls tighten. Our eyes still locked as I felt the first surge of my seed coat the back of her throat. I inhaled loudly through clenched teeth as I exploded inside of her mouth and she drank me down. Each swallow squeezing the sensitive head of my cock, which solicited murmurings of pleasure from me. Dylan licked me clean, her eyes never leaving mine.

  I fell to my knees in front of her as I worshipped her with my lips and hands, touching every inch of her until she was grinding against me again. I stood knowing I needed a bed before we started round two. I took my cut off and put it on her as she shimmied into her shorts.

  “You’re perfect,” I said as I looked her over in what looked like nothing but my cut.

  “We’re perfect,” Dylan corrected.

  And in that moment, I knew how right we both were and how helpless I was against her perfection.



  Sam! I hated that he occupied any thoughts in my mind, especially when I was in the arms of the man I was sure I was falling in love with.

  Knox! He was the master of my body, making it sing on command. He was the ruler of my thoughts, commanding all of my attention whenever he was not with me, and he was beginning to own my heart, making it dance to his rhythm when he was in the same room as me. Last night he was insatiable. First in the dance room and then multiple times in our room as he made me cum in ways and in positions I never even knew existed.

  But no matter how much Knox meant to me, a small part of me still needed to know that Sam was okay. So against every warning in my head to stay in bed with Knox curled around me, I quietly snuck out right as the sky began to lighten.

  I stood outside the cellar door debating if I should see this through or go running back to Knox where I knew it was safe. But something kept me here.

  “Dylan.” My name in the silence of the back area caused me to yelp in surprise.

  “Jesus Christ Max!” I whisper yelled through clenched teeth. “Are you insane? Sneaking up on me like that.” I growled at him for good measure.

  “Sorry.” Max . . . Ax stepped out of the shadows and came to stand next to me. We both stood there staring at that rusted door. My thoughts on what I would do next. After a few minutes of silence I looked over at Max. Just like Sam, he no longer looked like my childhood friend, but a grown man who had chosen a new path that took him away from our former lives and into the Reapers.

  “Is he okay?” I needed to know in order to walk away from this door.

  “I don’t know,” he answered. “Prospects aren’t really involved in this sort of thing.” Silence descended on us once again. “Maybe you can ask your father.”

  “Maybe,” I replied. After another long pause, I stated the obvious. “I need to get in there.”

  “I know,” was all he said as he took a step back and began to look around. “I can stand watch if you make it quick.”

  “Thanks Max,” I whispered, stepping over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. He helped me open the door as I slipped inside. The musky smell of a damp basement greeted me as I crept down the stairs.

  Before I even reached the bottom, I heard Sam say my name and then, “What are you doing here?”

  “I just needed to make sure you were ok.” I found him handcuffed to a metal post, sitting on a cot in the corner of the room.

  “I’m not dead yet.”

  “Don’t say that. Maybe I can talk to my father,” I started before Sam interrupted me.

  “Oh, so he’s your father now?”

  “Yes. He is,” I answered truthfully. “And Colton is my brother. I am making friends. I feel a part of something here.”

  “And what about me?” he asked angrily. “Am I supposed to just leave you here like some God damn sacrificial lamb? Huh? Is that what I am supposed to do?

  “Oh and you think I should go with you? You either have to take me back to the Night Demons to sell out my family or we go on the run . . . FOREVER. Don’t you get it? There is no future for us.”

  “Was there ever?” The way Sam asked the question was so sad, like he was broken child resigned to the fact that his favorite toy was gone forever.

  “No,” I whispered. The truth never more evident as it was in that moment. I walked over and sat on the cot next to Sam, wanting to give him some comfort. He was my best friend for so long and now there was nothing between us but memories.

  “I wish things were different,” he murmured as he looped his free arm around me, pulling me into his side. Hearing him say that made me think of Knox and my growing life here at the clubhouse and I did not really want things any different, except for one thing.

  “I wish you weren’t down here.” I looked up as Sam looked down at me. He edged his face closer to mine as he said, “I know.” I started to pull away not wanting to give him the wrong idea when the cellar door burst open and Colton came charging down the steps.

  “What the fuck?” he yelled as Knox and Wesson filed in behind him.

  “It’s nothing,” I yelled, jumping up. “I . . . I just needed to make sure he was okay.” I glanced at Colton, then Wesson, but my heart broke when I looked to Knox. Uncertainty and confusion warred with what I now saw as love in his beautiful eyes. “Knox,” I called to him, but he just shook his head as he took one step and then another away from me. “Please,” I begged. Without another quick shake of his head, he turned and walked out of the cellar and maybe even my life.

  “I should have listened to Max . . .” Shit!

  “Who the fuck is Max?” Colton roared as Wesson howled at the same time, “Is he the leak?”

  “Shut up Dill,” instructed Sam.

  “You shut the fuck up,” yelled Colton. Whistler came running down the steps at the yelling.

  “Dylan,” my father said, drawing my attention. “Who is Max?”

  “He is our best friend.” I pointed between Sam and me.

  “Is he the leak?” Wesson asked.

  “No. Please, let me explain.” I held up my hands, trying to calm them. Colton was pacing. I looked at Wesson who was watching me, but it was Whistler who unnerved me the most. His posture was not threatening, but his eyes were killing me slowly with each passing second.

  “My Max is your Ax. He grew up two houses down from me. Sam here moved in between us when we were 11 or 12. Both took care of me and made sure I was never alone when my mother would disappear for days or a week at a time. Sam became a Night Demon and now Ax will be a Soul Reaper.”

  “Over my dead body.” Whistler finally spoke in a voice so cold my whole body broke out in goose bumps.

  “Another time brother,” said Wesson.

  “You don’t understand,” I pleaded. “Ax isn’t the leak. He wants this.” I waved my arms around trying to express what I knew to be true. “He would die for this club. For you.”

  “You don’t know shit,” spat Whistler. “Seems to me the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. You are more like your mother than I thought.”

  “Whistler,” Colton warned. Wesson remained silent as he continued to assess me.

  “You come into this club and now all hell is breaking loose. Just like your mother. Shit. You broke her record. It took her a couple of years to fuck this up. It took you a little over a week.”

  “Enough!” Colton yelled.

  Whistler was right. “He’s right,” I whispered. It was time to put a stop to the chaos. I saw now that I was only adding to it, by not being honest with them or myself.

  “What do you mean he’s right?” Wesson asked. I looked to him, then Colton.

  “I have completely messed this up, but I will do anything to make it right.”


  I tho
ught I knew confusion. I thought I knew rage. I thought I knew madness. But nothing ever prepared me for the turmoil that flowed through my veins piercing my heart with each beat. The life with my alcoholic father taught me the worst life had to offer at an early age, but nothing he ever did or said made me feel as hollowed out as finding Dylan in the arms of another man. Every fiber of my being told me to go and grab her, throw her over my shoulder and take her to the closest bed until she was screaming my name over and over again; to make her realize there was no one but me. But I did not. I stood there like the stupid shit I felt like. My phone buzzed in my pocket. Pulling it out, I saw a text saying church in five.

  At least one good thing came out of living with my father, I knew how to block it all out until I could fight or fuck it out of my system. When I turned to make my way into the clubhouse Dylan blocking my path.

  “I’m sorry.” Her voice nervous and unsure. I wanted nothing more than to take that away for her.

  “I know,” I responded. My eyes on the brothers beginning to file into the clubhouse.

  “Please, look at me.” She gasped as my eyes met hers. I could only imagine what she saw. “No! Please don’t do this,” she pleaded. Her eyes filled with tears. “Please don’t shut me out. I made a mistake. I should have asked you to take me. I should have . . . I should have . . .” she trailed off as the tears slid down her cheeks. “Please Knox, say something . . . anything.”

  “Anything.” My humor fell flat between us. “Listen, I gotta go. We have church.”

  “Please,” she begged, grabbing onto my cut. Dylan stepped up pressing her lips to mine. “Say it’s going to be okay.”

  My phone buzzed again. “I really have to go.”

  “Okay,” was all she said as she released my cut and stepped to the side. I strode past her, willing my feet to continue forward as her sobs filled the growing space between us.



  The door closed behind me as Prez sounded the gavel beginning church. “All cell phones on the table now,” Prez ordered as Colton stood up and began collecting each one. After a few moments, Prez grumbled, “All of them brothers.” A few more found their way onto the table that Colton quickly picked up and placed in the bowl he was carrying.

  “I got good news and bad news. What do you want first?” A mixture of goods and bads went up all at once. “Alright, alright,” Prez said, ending the debate. “I hate to admit it only one is good, but we can use all of it to our advantage.”

  “First some bad,” he began, “Ax knows our captive. They grew up together. Went by Max and he knows Dylan as well. The three of them spent a lot of time together before Samael joined the Night Demons and Max . . . now Ax became our prospect. Is he the leak? No. Whistler here knocked him around a bit to see if he gave anything up and he did not. He is locked down with the Demon. We will have to deal with that when we get back but at least he can’t stab us in the back in case he is a really good actor. He can’t warn anyone from down there. So Lefty will have to stay here to replace Ax as backup, leaving us a man shy up front. Knox, you good with this?”

  “Yes Prez,” I answered. Although having an extra body would have been a good thing, I knew Rabbit and Trigger could hold their own.

  “We know through Dylan that the Demons and the Hellhounds are working together. We don’t know how or what the terms of association is at this time, but at least we can be prepared. If we can get the Hellhounds before they raise their alarm, we could avoid being boxed in from a dual attack or maybe avoid a counter strike to our clubhouse when the numbers are low.” There were a lot of grumbles from the brothers around the table. “I know. I know. I am not happy about leaving only four brothers at the clubhouse when we leave, but at this time we don’t have much of a choice.”

  “On a happier note, I got good news. We never take prospects into war, so someone pull Rabbit in here.” Tank left and when the door opened again Rabbit staggered in with a look pure joy on his face as Prez stood up. “Rabbit. This has been a long time coming. Your service to this club has gone above and behind that of any prospect. We appreciate your dedication and loyalty at a hard time in a long line of hard times. We are proud to now call you brother.”

  “Brother,” we all chanted as Prez walked over opening up the cut he carried with our very own Grim Reaper staring back.

  “Thank you Prez,” Rabbit said in awe as he took the cut from Prez.

  “Put it on brother,” Colton encouraged as he stood next to Rabbit. As Rabbit slipped on the cut, a sense of belonging washed over me like it always did when a new brother was taken into our fold. When Rabbit shrugged it on, a round of applause erupted and we all took turns congratulating him. Tank pulled a seat out next to him and gestured for Rabbit to sit down as Prez clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention.

  “Now for the other bad news. We have intel that says we need to move now in order to get in front of the Hellhounds attacking our compound. We leave in thirty. Gear up, say your good-byes, and let’s get the fuck GONE.” The gavel banged as the command set everyone into motion.


  As if all the women could sense something was about to happen, we had all started to congregate in the main room waiting for the church doors to open. The minute it did craziness descended upon the clubhouse. Colton, Tank, and Worm were the first out the doors as they raced towards Logan, Campbell, and Tina. Tru came staggering out next as he looked around the room, but immediately left when he did not see Emma. Gunner was close behind Tru and from the look on his face he was in search of the same woman. More brothers came out and some grabbed their woman, while others left the clubhouse. Knox came out with Wesson, who as always was the last brother out of the room. Wesson locked the doors as Knox talked to him in a very low voice.

  I caught Wesson’s eye as I stood there feeling ashamed and awkward. With the slight shake of his head he told me to stay where I was and I obeyed, desperately waiting for a chance to explain myself. When Knox was finally done Wesson nodded his head and said, “I need to think about this,” before he turned and walked back to his office.

  I began to walk towards Knox, but froze when he turned and looked at me. My heart broke as our eyes met. His once vibrant eyes were bled of any color as he stared back at me. His posture stiffened as I got closer.

  “Can we talk?”

  “Always,” he replied in a flat tone. At least he was speaking to me.

  “Can we go up to our room?”

  “Here is fine.” The distance between us grew even though neither of us had moved an inch.

  “I guess I should have said your room, huh?” I knew I was way off track, but I had no idea how to even start explaining my lack of good judgment and common sense from earlier.

  “It’s your room now,” said Knox. “I’ll never be able to go in there again without you.”

  “But you aren’t without me,” I pointed out.

  “You’re right,” he paused, “because I probably never had you.”

  “Don’t say that. You had me. You had all of me,” I stressed as I stepped completely into his space. “I was, am, and always will be yours.”

  “Yeah, okay,” he said, drawing out the last word as he looked anywhere but at me.

  “I’m serious. Can’t you see . . .” I trailed off not sure if I was ready to finish my sentence. Knox’s gaze finally settled on me, waiting for me to finish.

  “Yo, Knox!” A man’s voice echoed throughout the mostly empty main room.

  “Yeah Trigger,” he called back, never taking his eyes off mine.

  “We need you, brother,” he said. There was silence as Knox and I had a staring contest. His gaze bored into mine. I finally blinked and looked to Trigger ending our silent standoff. Tricia was nestled under Trigger’s arm, pressed firmly against his body as she rained kisses all over his face and neck. “Knox, come on. We need help finishing up before we head out.”

  I turned back to Knox right as he said “ok.”<
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  “You’re leaving?”

  He nodded yes. His eyes still on me when he asked, “Can’t see what?”

  “What is right in front of your face,” I said giving him the same argument he had given to me.

  He humphed in response. “And what’s that Dylan?” No princess.

  “That I love you.”



  Her declaration of love floored me. What the hell was I supposed to say to that? An hour earlier she was literally in the arms of another man, when she should have been in MY bed in MY arms. Then she spouted this shit like she was laying fertilizer for the flowers she would plant on the grave of my heart.

  So what should I have done? Hindsight was twenty-twenty. I should have grabbed her, kissed her until her pouty lips were red from mine. I should have hauled her up to OUR room and fucked her until she only knew the feel of me inside of her. I should have said something!

  But what did I do? I placed the softest, barely there kiss on her forehead and walked away. My mind fucking blown from her words. A feeling beyond words, beyond joy, began to take root in my soul, but I pushed it down. As much as I wanted to bask in the glow of her love I had a responsibility to my brothers that I needed to see to first. Her words fueled my need to end this, to make her safe, to make her MINE forever.

  So instead of being buried deep within her in heaven, I willingly walked into hell with my brothers by my side.


  There was no sound. There was nothing at all but Knox as he closed the distance between us. His warmth enveloped me and it felt like coming home.

  Home, a four letter word. I was where I always wanted to be.

  I breathed in his scent knowing that if he was close enough for me to smell him, then I was safe and loved.


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