Dylan's Reaper: Soul Reapers #3

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Dylan's Reaper: Soul Reapers #3 Page 12

by Lowrance, J. D.

  And then . . .

  His lips brushed my forehead instead of my lips. His arms hung by his sides instead of pulling me into him.

  And then . . .

  My heart fractured to one piece then two, then three with each step he took away from me, until it fell to pieces at my feet. I thought I had experienced pain before, but nothing . . . NOTHING . . . . that was ever done to me hurt as bad as what I had just done to myself . . . to Knox.

  I crawled up the steps willing my tears to stay in check until I was alone. The crank of an engine could be heard outside as I collapsed into HIS bed. A second bike came to life as I curled around HIS pillow, breathing in HIS scent, fighting against my tears unsuccessfully. Then a whole chorus joined the first two creating an ensemble of thunder that rocked the clubhouse and my very soul as the three most important men in my life rolled off to avenge me and the women they held dear.



  This was it! It was as exhilarating as it was frightening. As we got closer and closer to the Hellhounds’ compound, my thoughts sped by faster than the miles under my bike. I was hell bent on making sure this was not the end for me, and I had every intention of doing it for each one of my brothers that flanked me in this moment. I felt I could concentrate on the task at hand knowing my princess was safely back at the clubhouse. Even if she was worried about what was said and not said before I left, I knew that I would make it back to her. I knew that after this was over, nothing could or would come between us again.

  After eight hours of riding we turned off at mile marker 382 onto a two-lane road that Woods and Lefty used often as the roundabout way to get from the Hellhounds to us. We had mapped it out before we left since both brothers were back at the clubhouse. My team of Rabbit, Trigger, and myself were ready to go. We would be the first team in place in case anything happened with Gunner’s team taking the back, before Whistler led the charge into their compound. It was a risky move being the decoy, because we would draw all the attention before the Hellhounds knew they were surrounded. We needed to be fast and efficient when we set the explosives and stayed undercover as long as possible. Our third explosion would set the other teams in motion.

  An abandoned gas station about five miles from the Hellhounds would serve as our rendezvous point. Rabbit drove the only pick-up we brought with us in case there was an injury. Worse came to worse we could come back for the bikes. Whistler had argued for two trucks, but was eventually talked out of it in case we needed a quick get-away. Trying to drag two brothers as bitch would be too hard and slow us down too much. One was plenty, especially when that one was as skinny and lightweight as Rabbit.

  Each team left at different intervals so as not to draw attention to ourselves or each other. My team kept it tight as we trekked the five miles. After what seemed like forever lugging all of our equipment and firepower the compound came into view.

  Set in a valley, the Hellhounds had a pretty good set-up as it had few vulnerable spots due to its elevated position and lack of entryways. Lucky for the Soul Reapers, we had a resident bad-ass in Gunner and our VP who devised a way for us to attack their weak points without putting us completely in harm’s way.

  We each took one explosive set and began to set up about a quarter of a mile from each other. The goal was to attack right at midnight, which was a blessing and a curse. We rushed and rushed to step up, only to have to wait until it was time to set everything into motion. I was the first one finished, so I made my way to Rabbit who was setting up in the middle. Trigger joined me next. Contrary to his name, Rabbit was as slow as molasses setting up and took another thirty minutes before meeting back up with us. Then we sat . . . and sat . . . and sat until ten minutes to midnight.

  That time was not kind to me as the scene with Dylan played constantly like a movie in my head. I played out every possible scenario from what did happen to what I could, should, would have done differently. Somehow the scene in my head always played out better than how I left it, making me believe that maybe I fucked up. Maybe I should have said something or reacted better than I did. Maybe I could fucking die out here and she would never know that . . . FUCK! That I loved her too. Shit!

  My phone buzzed as the silent alarm went off telling me it was time to act. I took a deep breath as one last image of Dylan filtered through my mind.

  “Here we go brothers,” I whispered as I stood. “If it is your day to go, may the Reaper be kind in your parting and welcome you with open arms on the other side.” A handshake and man hug later with each, Trigger and I left Rabbit’s spot. I made my way over to my set and unrolled the fuse and walked about fifty yards back, careful to keep it dry and off the ground as much as possible.

  My watch gave me one minute. A deep breath in and out. I saw Princess on that thin, dirty mattress. In and out. I closed my eyes as my heart rate went nuts, the adrenaline beginning to course through my veins. In and out. Image of Dylan beaten. In and out. Image of her in the shower with fading bruises before I showed her that it was not pity that I felt. In and out. Image of her on her knees before me; lustful eyes staring back at me. In and out. Image of my cock disappearing into her pussy again and again. In and out. Image of her saying “I love you.”

  3 . . .

  2 . . .

  1 . . .


  Shouts and random gunfire were directed to the spot of the explosion some fifty feet from where I bunkered down trying not to get shot. I knew without looking that a big gaping hole now appeared in their wall on the north side. I just needed to hold tight for three minutes before the next explosion further down the wall. Trigger was next and then Rabbit in the middle. I just had to stay hidden and wait for the next diversion. I would then run to Rabbit’s position once Trigger set his off. We would work together to keep the Hellhounds busy in the front, while Whistler and Gunner’s teams made trouble in the back.

  Three minutes later and another boom filled the air as more shouts and gunfire were directed at the second hole. I crept to the right making my way towards Rabbit. It took me longer than the three minutes to get to Rabbit and yet no third blast ever happened.

  What the fuck?

  As I got closer and closer to our meet spot I could feel the cold fingers of dread on the back of my neck. I pulled my gun wanting to be ready for anything. Where were my brothers? There was no sight of them. Did the Hellhounds find them? I started in a small circle and went bigger trying to maybe find a clue or something that would lead me to them until I practically tripped over a body.

  Oh shit!

  I crouched down rolling the body over to find Rabbit shot in the chest. The wound so large it had to be a close-range shot. Fuck! It meant the shooter might still be close. I slinked back against the closest tree for cover.

  “You’re pretty damn smart there Knox.” Fucking Trigger!

  “Oh yeah. Says who?” I said back, looking towards the next set of trees trying to see him. I needed to keep him talking so I could find the fucker and end him. “Why’d you do it?”

  “You really have to ask?” His snide remark grated on my already thin patience.

  “Enlighten me,” I prodded.

  “The Soul Reapers are a relic. Your high and mighty attitudes. Your way of dealing with problems. The need to fucking talk everything to death, instead of just doing what needs to be done. In getting messy. In taking what is fucking yours and fuck everybody else.”

  “Like the Hellhounds?” I asked.

  “Exactly. And this is just the beginning,” he said confidently.

  “What do you mean?” I saw movement to the far left of the tree cluster.

  “They have plans to end the Night Demons as well.”

  “You stupid shit,” I said, angry now. “The Night Demons are using the Hellhounds to get to us.”

  “No they’re not,” he replied, sounding less confident.

  “Yes they are! Emma was a plant for the Demons and the Hellhounds knew about it.”

  “No way. You’re fucking lying. She’s fucking family.” His voice cracked on the last word.

  “You think they will need you anymore after this Trigger? You think the Hellhounds are going to welcome you into their club with open arms, you fucking traitor? They are going to fucking skin you alive. But you know what?”

  “What Knox? What could you possible say to change my mind? Sounds to me that I am dead either way. So I ‘mise well go out in a blaze of glory. Take out that obnoxious shit Colton, then fucking Whistler and his nosy ass. I thought he caught me a couple of times. Then Wesson for running this club into the fucking ground.” That was when I saw the fuse to the third explosion. I also heard movement to my left knowing Trigger was about to make his move.

  It was now or never. “And how do you plan to do all that?” I questioned as I lunged for the fuse. I grabbed it and rolled over Rabbit’s body as Trigger fired shots at me. I asked God for forgiveness as I propped Rabbit’s body on its side, using it as a shield and returned fire. I fumbled with my lighter, popping off a few more shots until I got the fuse lit.


  I jumped up and took cover at the tree I just left knowing this blast would be the biggest and we were not as far away as I was to mine. It was too late by the time I realized that Rabbit never got the fifty yards away like I had. Trigger had killed him before he was able to move. Only a tree separated me from the explosion. This would not end well.

  Any second now those explosive . . . BOOOOOOOM!

  A weightlessness overtook me as I sailed through the air. I met the ground in a tangle of limbs with a hard knock to the head where I came to rest against some trees.

  So many fucking trees! I spaced in and out as a ringing so loud sounded in my ears. I tried covering them but nothing worked to stop it. When I pulled my hands away they were covered in blood.

  Why? Why was I covered in blood? My mind was fuzzy and pain started to register in my brain from EVERYWHERE, making it harder to think. Where the fuck was I?

  Blackness started to creep across my vision. Fuck! I tried to shake it off, which only added to the power of the darkness.

  “There you are.” That voice was comforting and disconcerting at the same time. But why? I could not remember. Then the face of Trigger came into view and so did everything he had done.

  “Consider this the easy way out,” he said as he pulled his gun. It was a point blank shot and I knew in that moment I would not make it back to my Princess.

  In and out. Image of my Princess telling me she’s MINE.

  Trigger lived up to his name sake and pulled it.

  In and darkness.



  A feeling of dread filled me as I shot up in bed. I was breathless and my heart pounded as I looked around the room. I was alone, just like I had been when I fell asleep. The window shades were still open, showing me it was pitch black outside. Standing up, I paced back and forth trying to rid myself of this awful feeling. Something was wrong!

  At the sound of rolling thunder approaching from the distance, I raced out of the room and down the steps to the main area to find Logan and Campbell hugging each other, while Emma talked on the phone.

  “Just tell me Tru,” she demanded as she racked her fingers through her hair.

  “Oh shit,” she sighed. “Ok. I will hide the boys and get everyone armed in here.” A pause as I looked at the Reed sisters whose mouths were hanging open. “Ok. We will barricade the doors as well.” Emma hung up the phone and looked at us.

  “We need to wake everyone up NOW,” she said before Campbell broke in.

  “Why?” Cam said at the same time Logan asked, “What is going on?”

  “Listen to me,” Emma instructed. “The Night Demons are here.”

  “Here?” The sisters inquired at the same time. Their usual jinx not even on their minds.

  “Yes. As in outside our gates. Someone tipped them off that the majority of our Reapers left, so they came here,” Emma explained. “Logan, go wake everyone up right now. Cam get the gun cabinet open. Dylan, start barricading the door. I am going to go hide my boys and be back.” She turned and raced up the steps with Logan hot on her heels.

  “Fuck,” yelled Cam as she ran over to the bar. I raced to the couch and started to push it towards the back door. It was heavy as hell, but with each passing second it seemed to get lighter and lighter until I had it up against the door. I bolted the door before running into the kitchen to lock that door and try to barricade it. The sounds of gunfire filled the eerie silence. It started out small but grew and I knew that we needed help. I sprinted out the back door to the cellar as male voices mixed with gunfire. I swung open the door and ran down the steps jumping over the last three. Both Max and Sam were struggling against their restraints. I grabbed the keys on the far wall.

  “These might help,” I said, drawing their gazes. “Sam - are you with us or against us?”

  “I’m with you,” he answered.

  “Not just me,” I said. “There’s Ax and a lot of women and some kids in the clubhouse. The Reapers aren’t going to know that I freed you. They may think you are the enemy.”

  “That’s fine. The risk is worth the reward of saving you and Ax,” Sam said as he shoulder bumped Ax.

  “Then let’s go fuck some shit up,” Ax exclaimed as I tossed him the keys.

  “Just like ol’ times,” laughed Sam, as Ax undid his restraints and then Sam’s.

  “Let’s go,” I said as they followed me up the stairs and into the clubhouse.

  We went through the kitchen. I locked the door while Sam and Ax worked to get the refrigerator in front of it. After it was blocked, I led the guys into the main room where all the women had gathered. All at once about ten guns pointed in our direction, stopping me in my tracks. Ax ran into me as I tried taking a step back with my hands up in surrender.

  “What are they doing here?” Emma asked. Who knew the petite nurse would end up being the hard ass leader of this rag tag group of women.

  “They are here to help,” I promised. “I trust them and so should you.”

  “I trust Ax,” said Logan as she walked to stand next to him.

  “Me too,” Cam added, joining her sister.

  “I don’t know,” Emma confessed. “I can’t mess this up. I can’t let my boys get hurt.” The stress of the attack was evident on her face. “I just can’t.”

  “And you won’t,” I said. “We need their help. We don’t know what is going on out there. We only have four brothers here. Two more will do wonders.”

  “Dylan.” Her voice a plea. “Do you swear to God that they won’t hurt us or my boys?”

  “I swear Em,” I pledged. And I meant it. Nothing was going to hurt my new friends.

  “Ok.” Emma pointed to the gun cabinet. “Arm yourselves,” she instructed as she turned back to the group. “We need to split up. Half on the front of the house and half on the back. We don’t know how many Demons are going bump in the night and we need to be ready. Don’t fire unless you are absolutely sure it is a bad guy. Reeds and Ax take the back. Dylan, you and the scary man stay with me and Tricia. Everyone else upstairs. You will be the second line in case anyone gets through the door. There is only one way up those stairs so we need to concentrate our fire and funnel them through that small space if we are going to have any chance of making it through this. Ok, everybody. Go to your spots.” With that everyone dispersed as Sam went to the front windows looking out.

  “You’re doing great Em,” I whispered as I walked past her.

  “Thanks,” she mumbled as she went to the other window. The gunfire had gone silent just as banging on the front door started. Ax came running down the back hall as Sam stood before the door with his guns pointed.

  “Emma.” A voice muffled through the door. “Open the door.” Emma raced to the door avoiding Sam as he tried to stop her.

  “Left, is that you?” she called through the door. Her hands
and forehead pressed against the wood.

  “It’s me.”

  “Do you swear no one is holding a gun to your head?” Her voice trembled as much as her hands as she placed one on the door handle.

  “I would die first Em. Open the door,” Lefty directed.

  Sam rushed forward and pushed Emma behind him as he slowly opened the door.

  “Fuck,” yelled Lefty at the same time Emma yelled, “NO.” She pushed Sam away from the opening right as Lefty fired his gun, saving Sam’s life. Thank god no one was hit with the bullet as Emma took Sam’s place.

  “He’s with us,” she informed Lefty, stepping through the door. “Everything ok in here?” Lefty asked as he took in the room and the women peeking down from upstairs. “Where are the Reeds?”

  “Guarding the back,” Ax answered.

  “And you are okay with this?” questioned Lefty, gesturing to both Ax and Sam.

  “Yes.” Emma’s tone brokered no argument.

  “Alright.” Lefty was good like that. He would take your word for it. “The clubhouse is our fallback position. Right now they are just testing our defenses which are sure as shit with all the work Gunner has put into them. If . . . when they breach them, we will come straight here. I group text them letting them know the Night Demons were here.”

  “How did they know everyone left?” Tricia asked from the window position she took.

  “Good question,” Ax said as he looked at her from head to toe as if trying to find the answer to her question from her. I followed him down the hallway to ask him about it when a blast rocked the clubhouse.



  “Dill.” I heard Sam calling my name from the front. “Get back here.” I rushed back the way I had come while Ax ran to the opposite direction to Logan and Cam.

  “What the hell was that?” I asked as I came into the main area.

  “Not sure, but it didn’t sound good,” replied Lefty as he made his way to the front door. Keep this door locked but clear in case we need to get in quickly. Don’t open it for anyone that is not a brother,” he instructed as he looked at Emma. “I don’t care if they have all of us on our knees getting ready to meet the Reaper himself, you understand?”


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