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Lethal Redemption

Page 17

by April Hunt

  A small smile twitched her lips. “Maybe you should act as my lifeguard and join me?”

  His cock went half hard at the invitation, but he wasn’t so sure that was what she needed right now. “Rest up and maybe I’ll do a little life-saving afterward.”

  “You don’t want to have sex with me because I’ve been washing out of a basin for three days.” She strutted away, putting a little extra sway in her ass.

  “Goes to show what you know, babe, because you could be covered in mud and straight off an Iron Woman competition and I’d still want to have sex with you,” Cade called after her.

  Her soft chuckle floated back into the room and had him sucking down a groan. Truth was, he wanted nothing more than to follow her in there. If their time together had a shelf life, he wanted to savor every damn second, special assignment or not.

  He wanted to earn back both Grace Steele’s trust and her heart, and he wasn’t going to do that with screaming orgasms, as fun as they may be. At that very moment, winning her over meant giving her time alone with her thoughts.

  It meant letting her formulate their next step.

  It meant stepping back to let her do her job.

  After that happened, then maybe there could be orgasms.

  * * *

  The only thing better than soaking in a hot bath was sex, and only if that sex happened with Cade. But as much as she wished he’d taken her up on her offer to join her, she reluctantly admitted that she’d needed the time alone.

  Even with her Rec history, she never could have envisioned the extent of Rossbach’s brainwashing until she’d sat in that room with the others. Any lingering hope that Rhett’s views on the Order’s activities were biased disappeared.

  If anything, things were way worse than even he’d thought, and it meant that the second she and Cade returned to DC, Grace needed a sit-down with Director Vance. There was no way the Order of the New Dawn couldn’t be considered a public liability. Someone needed to step in and put a stop to it. Pronto.

  At some point in her tub soak, Grace’s eyes drifted closed. The stress of the last few days melted into the hot water, leaving behind nothing but a calm, soothing oasis until something shattered it. She woke up with a start and heard it again.

  Cade knocked on the bathroom door. “You know I was joking about drowning in there, right? Grace? You awake?”

  “I’m awake.” She shifted, her muscles clenching in protest. “But I seem to be a little…stuck.”

  Cade stepped inside, a smirk on his face until he took in her still nude form lying in the water. He cleared his throat, shifting his eyes away. “You need some help getting out?”

  Initially, that was exactly what she’d planned. But seeing him standing in front of her, looking almost shy despite their history, sparked her devious side.

  She looked up at him through her lashes and threw him her best seductive smile. “Or you could come in here with me.”

  Cade chuckled nervously. “Yeah, that’s probably not a good idea. Then you’re really not getting out of there anytime soon.”

  “I’d be okay with that.”

  “Grace,” he said in warning.

  Seeing he needed a little extra incentive, she slowly got to her knees. His gaze dropped to her wet breasts. “Fucking hell.”

  She hooked her fingers through the belt loops on his camo pants and tugged him closer. At perfect eye level, the telltale sign of his erection pushed against his zipper. “This looks really uncomfortable, and I think we should do something about it.”

  “You’re not making this easy, Gracie.”

  “Good.” She slowly worked the buttons of his pants, giving him time to pull away, but she knew he wouldn’t. He watched her intently as she freed his already rock-hard cock and yanked his pants to his knees. He kicked them away and then ripped his shirt over his head.

  “You look rather pleased with yourself, Special Agent Steele.”

  “Not yet.” She leaned forward and ran her tongue over the drop of pre-come glistening on his cock. His hand lowered to the top of her head, and he hissed. “Now I am.”

  She licked him from base to tip before sliding him deeper into her mouth. Cade’s fingers tightened in her hair, but he never pushed or guided. He let her control the pace, giving her an occasional groan for good measure. She palmed his ass and urged him deeper into her mouth.

  Cade closed his eyes, struggling to hold back.

  “Stop. Stop.” He pulled away with a curse. His free hand stroked her cheek, brushing a lock of hair over her shoulder. “I want inside you when I come, but—fuck. I don’t have any condoms.”

  “The FBI gives us regular screens. I’m clean. And I’m on the birth control shot.” Her throat dried as she realized what she was suggesting.

  Cade looked equally stunned. “Are you sure?”

  “Do I have any reason to worry about you?”

  “Fuck no. I never go without a condom.”

  She scooted back, making room for him. “Then come on in. The water’s a little cool, but I think we can change that.”

  Cade stepped into the tub, and the second he sat, he pulled her onto his lap.

  Grace straddled him. The change in position rubbed her nipples against his chest, making them tingle. “You feel so damn good.”

  “So do you.” Cade threaded his fingers in her hair and brought her mouth to his for a hot, hard kiss.

  The base of his cock, trapped between their bodies, brushed against her clit as she rotated her hips. Her body trembled and she did it again…slower…harder. “Oh, my God.”

  “Are you trying to make me come before I get inside you?” Cade ran his mouth down her neck. His palms cupped her breasts, holding them still as his mouth sought out its new target—her achingly hard nipples.

  “I could say the same to you.” Grace sat up on her knees, fisted his cock, and sank down on him in one hard drop of her hips.

  Cade’s hands clamped down on her hips as she eased her body into a slow, firm grind. “Fuck.”

  She couldn’t form words and didn’t know what to say even if she could. When they’d agreed to enjoy each other and see where things went, Grace had half expected the arrangement to fail miserably. There was so much hurt between them that it couldn’t possibly work.

  Hurt over his rejection of her. Hurt over keeping her distance from DC—and her family. It hurt when she returned home, feeling like an outsider with the people she cared about most. It hurt when she fought with Cade.

  It hurt when they made love—because she knew how much time had been wasted.

  It hurt because she’d never stopped loving him, and she didn’t think she ever would.

  Grace was so exhausted from all of the hurt. She wanted hope. She wanted trust. She wanted redemption. Most of all, she wanted them.

  The idea of a future with Cade made Grace’s body vibrate, but it scared her to death at the same time. They’d agreed to see where things went, but they’d been on the same path once before, and it had nearly left her in pieces.

  “Look at me,” Cade commanded softly. His blue eyes locked on her, darkening as he slid one hand up her arm and across her cheek. “I’m all yours, Gracie. Take it. Take me.”

  She almost asked him to clarify, but his body shifted beneath hers, the friction pulling a low groan from her throat.

  Grace tossed her head back and enjoyed the sensation of his mouth feasting on her breasts. His thrusts lifted higher, plunging deeper into her body, and with every drop of her hips, the pleasure surged closer to the breaking point.

  Cade’s fingers flexed on her hip, and they both erupted in a loud cry of each other’s names. He dragged her mouth down for a kiss she felt right down to her soul, and Grace knew right then…

  If there really was such a thing as a New Dawn, Cade Wright stood right in the middle of hers.



  Cade stood at the easternmost corner of the New Dawn compound, counting the number of things
he’d rather be doing than waiting for a man to sneak away from his post to take a dump.

  There were a million of them, and they all involved—in some way, shape, or naked form—the woman crouched at his side. He practically heard Grace’s impatience as her twitching knee bounced against his.

  “I thought you said he always leaves around now?” She checked her watch for the third time in as many minutes.

  “Guess he forgot to set his timer. I don’t know what to tell you. He’s done it for the previous three nights. Maybe he stopped taking his Metamucil or something.”

  She snickered before remembering they were supposed to be lying low. Insanely smart and a gifted people reader, but the woman didn’t have a tactical bone in her gorgeous body—except for her fondness for her handgun.

  “You’re eager to get to Roman so he can put Magdalena in your hands again.”

  “Not just Magdalena. I’m hoping he’ll have some hot chocolate too, because I’m freezing my nips off out here.”

  Cade’s gaze automatically dropped to where her breasts were hidden beneath four layers of outerwear.

  Grace chuckled. “Eyes are up here, Cade.”

  “I wasn’t searching for your eyes.”

  Even hidden in shadows, he caught her rolling her pretty brown orbs. He didn’t care. He grinned. Something had changed last night, maybe while they’d been in the tub, or later in the night when he’d woken up to find a warm, soft Grace wrapped around him like his own personal body pillow.

  He wasn’t sure when the hell it happened, but he was opportunistic enough to take advantage of it while it lasted—and he prayed it lasted a hell of a long time. Forever would be good with him. But for now, he’d take it one day at a time.

  He’d gotten up early this morning and plotted their way out to the guys’ campsite, but the plan relied heavily on Riley taking his regularly scheduled shit break. An hour into their wait, and his toes were starting to lose their feeling too. Too much longer and they’d have to scrap their plan and try again another night.

  “Ten more minutes and we’ll go around the south side and see if we can breach the perimeter line from there,” he suggested.

  “I don’t think we’ll have to.” Grace nudged her chin up toward the tree stand where the PC guard shifted, antsy on his perch.

  James’s henchman climbed down from his position and disappeared behind a wide, snow-tipped pine tree.

  “Stay on my heels.” Carrying nothing but themselves, Cade led the way through the thicket of trees. The four clicks out to Roman and Tank’s campsite would be easy. It was the way back, bogged down with a few extra toys, that would be the real trick.

  They trudged through the woods silently, not taking any chances that New Dawn had changed things up on them at the last minute. They made it about three clicks when the sound of a goose stopped them cold.

  They stood in position and heard the call again.

  Grace scoffed. “Seriously? Do those idiots realize that we’re in the West Virginian woods in the middle of freakin’ December?”

  Cade snorted. “Don’t think they care.”

  Six feet away, Tank stepped out from a ground-mounted hunter’s blind, a camouflaged hidey hole that snipers used to bunker down for the long haul. “About damn time you guys showed up. We thought you ditched the fam and joined New Dawn for real.”

  “Don’t even joke.” Grace speared him with a glare, but it softened when the Louisiana native tossed an arm over her shoulder. She grimaced, shrinking away. “And you’ve obviously ditched soap and water. When was the last time you showered?”

  “When did you guys head out here?”

  “Ew. Stay over there—please.”

  Laughing, Tank led the way through heavy underbrush. “We made camp a good five clicks farther than any of your new friends dare to venture. These guys may be armed to the teeth, but they’re not the adventurous sort.”

  “Pretty sure that’s saved for his elite squad,” Cade said humorlessly.

  Tank cocked up an eyebrow. “He’s got an elite squad?”

  “From what I hear. So you might want to retire your goose calls in case they’re not as stupid as their homebound friends.”

  “Noted. So…” He slid them a coy smirk. “…did you guys have to participate in any ceremonial orgies or anything?”

  Grace growled and stormed past.

  Tank chuckled. “Was it something I said?”

  “You better be careful, man. She’s cold, chocolate-deprived, and already said the first thing she’s doing when she gets to your camp is grab Magdalena.”

  Tank’s face paled. “Shit. I better go apologize.”

  “I would if I were you.” Cade chuckled as his teammate jogged to catch up to her.

  They walked another hundred yards and over a small rise until the campsite came into view. A collection of tents made a U shape with a fire pit in the center and a canopied table. Against a far tree, rope and twine were nailed into the bark, wild game hanging from the branches.

  “You guys really went above and beyond to sell the hunters angle, huh?” Cade asked.

  “Needed something plausible in case your friends stumbled on us.” Roman stood by their makeshift table, handing Grace a steaming mug. “It’s a good thing you guys showed up when you did. We were a day out from storming the place.”

  “No, he wasn’t,” Tank tattled, sitting next to Grace.

  “Maybe not. But Knox’s check-ins were really starting to chafe. He doesn’t like you guys being in there without communication.” He nodded toward a small pack on the ground. “And speaking of comms…call me Santa. There’s a sat phone in there, a pair of .22s, and that access card Rhett Winston gave you guys.”

  Grace snatched the bag and peeked inside. “Tell me that my girl is one of the .22s.”

  Roman’s lips twitched. “Your Mag is safe and tucked inside, along with a nine-millimeter. There’s also a few nondescript bugs you can plant over the compound. Liam will help us keep tabs on everything from back at HQ. Have you made contact with Sarah Brandt yet?”

  Cade deferred to Grace, who clutched her hot mug like a lifeline. “Remember that thing I warned you guys about?”

  “You warn us about a lot of shit, cuz. You’re going to have to be more specific.”

  “She’s not going to see this as a rescue. As a matter of fact, she’s going to fight us like hell. She practically worships Rossbach and my mother.”

  Roman’s face hardened. “What the fuck does your mother have to do with this?”

  “Guess who’s married to him? Or his concubine? Or fuck-buddy? Or whatever the hell they call each other? She’s the Mother Rebecca to his Father Teague.”

  “You can’t be fucking serious.”

  Cade pushed Tank over on the bench seat and took the spot next to Grace. “Oh, she’s serious, and that woman’s every bit as vile as we imagined. Every time she speaks, I become more and more amazed that someone like her could raise someone as incredible as Grace.”

  “That’s because she didn’t raise me. Thank God,” Grace muttered.

  Roman and Tank went quiet.

  Cade turned to his friends, noting Tank’s eyebrows lifted high into his hairline. Roman simply stared him down, his dark eyes drilling a hole through him. Neither of them were slouches in the perception department, and if Cade sensed the difference between him and Grace, they could too.

  But Roman wouldn’t question it—at least not in front of Grace. “So Brandt’s daughter isn’t going to be happy about the family reunion. Does that mean you think we should leave her alone and give the vice president our condolences?”

  “Fuck no,” Grace exclaimed, her eyes widening. “We need to get her out from under their thumb, pronto. I’d bet my badge and Magdalena that she sees her father as the Obstacle between her and her New Dawn, and she’ll do anything to get it. And I do mean anything.”

  “You think she’d do something to the vice president of the United States? To her own dad?” />
  Grace shrugged. “Sometimes hate and love aren’t mutually exclusive, and nothing’s more convoluted than familial relationships. In Sarah’s eyes, Pierce Brandt is what’s standing between her and the life she deserves.”

  “Then why the fuck are we going to deliver her to his damn doorstep?” Roman asked. “I mean, what the hell do we say? Here you go, Mr. B. Oh, and by the way, your daughter may or may not want to knock you off. Good luck with that.”

  “No!” Grace smacked her mug down and stood. “We’re going to take her back to civilization, and then we’re going to get her the freakin’ help she needs to figure her shit out!”

  No one said a thing until Grace stormed away, cursing a blue streak.

  Roman stood to follow, but Cade stopped him. “I’ll go.”

  “You really think that’s a good idea?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  Roman shrugged but didn’t argue. “Great. Because I really like my balls where they are.”

  Cade followed the cursing to one of the two larger tents. He paused outside. “You got Magdalena’s safety on or off?”

  “Go away, Cade.”

  “Oh well. I like to live dangerously.” He stepped through the flap moments before Grace turned her back, but he didn’t miss the dampness on her cheeks. Shit. One thing that always gutted him was the sight of her tears. “Grace.”

  She wiped at her face, cursing. “Do you never listen?”

  “No. Ask my mother. It’s something I’ve had a problem with ever since I reached double digits.”

  Cade waited two feet away, wanting her to turn to him. Hell, he needed it. He could push her for answers, and she might even give in and tell him what was going on in her head, but it wouldn’t mean as much as if she trusted him enough to come to him.

  Head bowed down, her shoulders heaved with the effort to control her breathing. “We have to get her out of there. And the way she thinks…it’s not entirely her fault.”

  “I know.”

  She turned, this time not bothering to hide the moisture rolling over her cheeks. “I don’t think you do. Given the right situation, or if I’d stayed in Sanctuary longer, I could’ve been her.”


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