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Supernatural Race: Novella Book 2 In The Different Kind Of Hell Series

Page 1

by Charlotte Summers

  Supernatural Race: Novella Book 2 In The Different Kind Of Hell Series

  Title Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty one


  I would like to say a massive thank you to my family and friends for believing in my dreams of making this books. I would like to mention my silly but lovable dogs and my feisty cats who make everyday a day to remember with their antics.

  Thank you for reading this book and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  Copyrighted 2017. None of the following should be taken, published or used without the express permission of the author.

  Book covers photo yeko / 123RF Stock Photo

  Reviews from Supernatural World Book One

  From Amazon - 3 stars.

  Supernatural World is a tale of werewolves written by a new writer. I found the descriptions in the book to be pretty interesting, enough to draw me into the story, and the author seemed to do a good job with the details of pack life. I love dogs and tales of wolves, which made it more intriguing to me. The author uses first-person point of view, and I found that appealing for this story and understanding the transformation the main character goes through.

  From Amazon – 5 Stars

  Excellent novella from a gifted and imaginative young women. I wish that I had had her talents when I was her age! Can't wait to read some more of her work.

  From the Facebook page- 4 stars

  A really good book from a young author, the plot was solid with a lot of twists. I highly recommend reading this book.

  Table of contents

  Chapter one………………..

  Chapter two………………..

  Chapter three………………

  Chapter four………………..

  Chapter five…………………

  Chapter six………………....

  Chapter seven……………..

  Chapter eight……………….

  Chapter nine………………..

  Chapter ten…………………

  Chapter eleven…………….

  Chapter twelve…………….

  Chapter thirteen…………..

  Chapter fourteen………….

  Chapter fifteen…………..

  Chapter sixteen……………

  Chapter seventeen………..

  Chapter eighteen…………

  Chapter nineteen………….

  Chapter twenty…………….

  Chapter twenty-one……….


  About the Author................

  Chapter One

  I look at my surroundings, the trees shiver in the wind and the scent of coming rain makes me sneeze. My vantage point means I can see anything and everything that happens. The only bad thing about this is the fact that I have been in this tree for hours, waiting.

  I yawn as the sun begins to set, my mind wakes up slightly and I find myself unable to focus on the task at hand; Prank my brother. I grit my teeth and shiver as the wind picks up, I can barely hear myself think and I look up with fear in my eyes. The sky starts to fill with storm clouds and I realise that my prank will have to wait, I jump up from my hiding place and yell for my twin. He jumps out from his spot and we race back to the pack house. The rain starts to pour and Ivan yelps as a flash lights up the sky, my heart races so fast I'm sure it will beat out of my chest.

  “Nat, come on!” Ivan yells at me as I begin to cry from fear, the only thing I have feared for fourteen years is thunderstorms.

  “Nat, Ivan!” I hear my big sister, Ava yells at us.

  Another flash lights up the sky and I scream as it hits the tree next to us, I hate storms. My Mum and Dad run out and rush towards us as the broken tree starts to fall, I growl and push Ivan in front of me. He glances back with wide eyes as I jump into the air, just as the tree is about to hit me.

  I land with a groan and my mum pulls me into a hug, my dad watches us with worry in his eyes but I give him a weak smile.

  “You kids are going to be the death of me,” My Mum says as she grabs mine and Ivan's hands.

  “Sorry Mum” I mumble as we rush into the pack house.

  I glance around the house, It's old stairway spirals around a pillar. The living room is covered with old furniture and I wrinkle my nose up at the awful dining table, I look up at my mum and see she is leading us to the games room. It's my favourite place in the whole house, This is where I think up my pranks for my family. Once in the room, my Mum shuts the door with a glare and I know I'm about to be told off.

  “What the hell were you doing outside? I told you a storm was coming!” She breathes out, My Dad wraps his arm around her and I see her relax slightly.

  “We didn't mean for anything bad to happen, we were just bored and wanted to go outside,” My twin brother Ivan says, I look towards Ava and she growls at me. I look towards the floor, Ava has always been my best friend but now she’s started acting like my second mum. Jake walks in with ice cream and his eyes widen when he takes everyone in, He sets the ice cream down and walks towards my Mum, tilting his head he gently hugs her before going to Ava and hugging her as well. I watch as Ava smiles at her twin, they are not really my siblings but Mum rescued them before we were born and that makes them family. I'm just about to say something when a big flash lights up the whole room and everyone apart from my parents scream and run for cover.

  I burst out crying as the storm starts up again, I thought it had gone and that is where I should never let my guard down. Jake huffs a laugh while Ivan and I sit in the corner, rocking each other and waiting for the storm to pass.

  “Pups, you know the storm cannot hurt you,” My mum says gently as she walks towards us, Ava whimpers and I huff a laugh at the she-wolf. The fact that my Mum calls me a pup doesn’t go unnoticed, I just ignore it.

  “The storm is over” Percy, my Mums best friend grins as he walks into the room. My mind reels at why he is here, it cannot be good, he only ever comes here if he needs my mum to help him with rescuing wolves.

  I stand up and watch as Ava struggles to get up, I rush to her and help her up. She thanks me then darts towards the bathroom, I look towards my Mum who has rushed after her.

  “Dad, what's wrong with Ava?” I ask.

  “She is with child” He quickly remarks as he turns back towards Percy.

  I yawn and Ivan grabs my hand, leading me towards our rooms. I glance at our newest prank and see that no one has fallen for it yet, I need to fix that.

  I jump into bed and flick my light off, my mind shuts off quickly and my dreams are filled with terror.

  Chapter Two

  The storm brightens, flashes of light tumble around me. The scent of rain is so strong that I can not smell anything else. The trees stand out like shadows in a graveyard. I turn to find Ivan, his scent tingles in my nose but I cannot see him. A flash
of light hits next to me and I scream.

  Flashes cause my eyes to flicker around, so fast my mind tells me to close them. I breathe and open my eyes only to have them widen in fear. A man with piercing red eyes glares at me with a sneer on his worn face.

  I shake my head and turn, only to have him block my path once more. My mind reels as to how he got in my way so fast when he was behind me, taking the time to study his moves I tilt my head and wait.

  “Morning!” Ivan shouts as he throws my door open. I jump up with fear, still wrapped up in my dreams. The red-eyed glare unwilling to let my mind go.

  “It's too early for that Ivan, leave me alone” I growl as I rub my tired eyes.

  “What's wrong, you still having them dreams?” He asks as he sits next to me on my bed.

  I grab the edge of my quilt, I twist it around in my hand and think about what I should tell my annoying brother. The last time I told him he laughed at me.

  “I've been having nightmares and they are getting worse, it’s the storm. It always is” I mumble, I know with his wolf ears that he heard me.

  “I think we should tell Mum, she will be able to help you” He replies as he pulls me into a hug.

  I nod and he grabs my hand with a smile, I let myself be pulled out of my room and towards my Mum’s room.

  I sigh when we reach the door, it's slightly ajar and I gulp before pushing it open.

  “Hey, Mum?” I say into the dark room, that's strange.

  “Mum!” Ivan yells, I roll my eyes and let his hand go as I move to turn on the light.

  I flick the light switch and see the bed is made, the only time that happens is when my family is on a mission.

  “Why didn't she tell us?” I mumble as I walk out, Ivan follows me as I head towards Percy's room.

  I knock on the door with a feeling of trepidation thundering through my veins, I growl and push the door open. No one has been in here for at least six hours, I huff and turn back to Ivan who stares at something behind me.

  “What?” I ask him in confusion.

  “Outside now!” He yells at me.

  “Why, what's wrong?” I mumble as I scramble for the door. I lift my nose and smell a sickly sweet scent.

  “We need to go outside, I sense something is wrong” Ivan's eyes widen just as a howl cuts through the air. My body trembles as I realise it's my Mum’s howl.

  I shove the door open, rain pours just like yesterday. The clouds thicken into thunderclouds and I yelp at the thought of going out. My dream close to the surface, causing anxiety and fear to thunder through my veins like a flash of lightning I hate so much.

  “It can't hurt us remember” My brother smiles gently despite the danger that hangs over us. His eyes close for a split second and I turn away, knowing his wolf form will stare back at me.

  I shiver, trying to bring my first shift into being. I've tried for years to get the hang of shifting. I glance at Ivan, his black alpha fur stands on edge as he waits for me. I nod and close my eyes, thinking about what my fur would look like and how I would run through the woods with my pack at my side.

  It works, my body trembles and I scream as the pain courses through me. My fur bursts through my skin, bones crush into my inhuman shape. My ears pull higher on my head and I growl as the shift completes itself.

  I don't have any time to play, we race towards our pack. My new ears pick up fighting, crying and howling.

  Ivan picks up his paws, I follow his lead as our alpha fur brushes together. The thunderclaps overhead, my ears jump forwards and I whimper. The sound is worse in my wolf form.

  I lift my nose and let a howl spring from me, the warning and danger in my voice carries through the air and more howl's join mine.

  I see a flash of Jakes fur, his scent wrapping us up in comfort.

  I tilt my head and jump to the right just in time for a person, travelling far too fast to be normal, flies at us.

  I snarl, my pearl white fangs showing just how young I am. Ivan and Jake circle to make sure I’m okay. I tilt my head, thinking about how they would have tried to stop me fighting if I wasn’t a wolf. I shake my head and focus, this could be my last fight if I don’t win; Jake would never let me out again.

  The strange person hisses, the sound like a knife in my ears and I leap for him. My fangs dig deeply into his flesh, he rolls and I have to let go or he would crush me.

  I jump back and Jake jumps after him, the pale man flashes fangs at us then disappears. My eyes widen as I realise that my dream wasn’t a dream, the too fast person is real and dangerous.

  We stare at each other, trying to figure out who he is and how he is so fast.

  I rush towards the fighting, howls of pain rise up into the sky as the rain continues to pour. My white fur is covered in mud but so is everyone else.

  I see Percy fighting next to my Dad, my Mum is nowhere to be seen. Ava and her mate stand back from the fighting, her mate guarding her.

  I rush to them, knowing my Mum wouldn’t want me fighting as I’ve only just shifted, however, my brother rushes to meet Percy and his wolves.

  I lick Avas muzzle, her mate nods to me and I sit next to them. A strange smell makes me turn, the man from my fight snarls and leaps at us. I nudge Ava away before jumping to meet him in mid-air. We crash together and drop to the floor, our fangs flying. I growl, my fur rises up to make me look bigger than I am. The man's eyes glow a strange red colour, his fangs covered in blood; My blood.

  “NAT” I hear Mum scream from somewhere, the man grins before darting towards me. I close my eyes and let my senses guide me.

  My body twists and my eyes fly open as my fangs dig deeply again. I shake my head, hoping to kill this unknown enemy.

  His eyes widen as my fangs cut his throat, my mind has no mercy and I roughly tilt my head. His eyes glaze over and I drop his body.

  I breathe hard, my first ever kill and I mucked it up. My mum runs to me with a fire stick in her hand, she sets the body on fire just as my body collapses beneath me. My mind fogs up, life itself is hard for me to follow. Whatever happened to me isn’t normal, I just hope my pack are safe and happy.

  Chapter Three

  “Uh” I grumble as my mind wakes up. The smell of antiseptic hits my nose and I growl, I hate that smell and it only means one thing; hospital.

  “Nat, are you okay?” Ivan’s voice drifts to my ears.

  “I feel like hell, why?” My confusion clouds my mind, making me panic.

  “It’s okay, you’re safe” Jakes voice is the next one to greet me.

  I open my eyes to see my whole family, they frown at me. The sheets fall away from my body as I jump up, a strange ringing fills my ears and I nearly fall off the bed. Mum grabs me before I fall and sits me back on the bed.

  “You were lucky Nat, do you even know what that creature was?” Percy steps into the room with two of his pack that I don’t know.

  “I don’t, they smelled strange to me” My lip curls up of its own accord.

  “Vampires” The word sends shivers down my spine which nearly cause me to shift.

  “No one ever told me they were real?” I ask, all the folklore books just said they were a myth and nothing more but werewolves are meant to be myths too.

  “They were not real, I don’t know how they were made but it can’t be a good thing” Percy's growl brings my eyes to meet his and I gulp at the look on his face.

  I feel a yawn coming on and I cover my hand over my mouth, Mum looks at me with concern and Dad beams at me.

  “Their poisoned fangs can kill a werewolf in under two minutes, I want you to stay away from the fighting” Mum says, my eyes widen and my mouth pops open.

  “Oh no I’m not staying away, Ivan gets to fight and even Ava does and she's with child!” I yell, fire rushes my veins and I yelp.

  I jump off the bed just as my wolf form bursts free, Mum smirks as if I’ve just proven a point.

  “Trust me, one day you will be a great warrior but until then you need to stay saf
e. You're like a child to me” Percy smiles but it doesn't comfort me like it should do.

  I snarl, my body moves of its own accord and I leap past Percy and his wolves. I hear yelling but I ignore it, the wolf is free and I have no idea how to control it nor do I want to.

  I see red, my fangs snap at thin air but in my mind, I’m fighting for my pack and my life. The dreams and the fight give me a strange feeling that I love.

  A flash of black blocks my path but I jump it, my brother is left to stare at my retreating form.

  I keep running an imaginary race. I only stop once I realise I have reached the end of our safe pack land. I gulp and look out at the buildings, humans would kill me on site, however, I want to see what they do and why they are so dangerous to me.

  Checking to see no one has followed me, I shift. Looking for clothes I find one of the hiding spots and quickly dress.

  I take in a deep breath and step out of the safe land, into the unknown. Cars zoom past me, noise fills my ears and I put my hands over my them.

  “Hey, you!” A male voice shouts from across the street, I turn and look and see a gun pointing at me.


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