Supernatural Race: Novella Book 2 In The Different Kind Of Hell Series

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Supernatural Race: Novella Book 2 In The Different Kind Of Hell Series Page 3

by Charlotte Summers

  “Thanks” I reply before slowly getting up and walking to the shower.

  Pushing the door closed I slide down it, fear for my pack makes me shiver with the need to shift.

  “Nat, You okay?” My twin brothers voice drifts through the cracks.

  I pull in a breath before “yeah” bubbles from my lips.

  I listen to Ivan’s footsteps fade before picking myself up and stripping down, my hand pulls the lever and the hot water bursts free from the shower head.

  I let my head fall as the water washing away all the blood, dirt and death from my body and mind.

  “Nat, we leave in ten” Jakes voice disturbs me and I growl.

  “Give me a second” I yell, annoyed that my shower has been cut short.

  I quickly turn the water off and dry myself before pulling the clothes on.

  The door shudders as Jake bangs on it, I roll my eyes before throwing it open.

  “I’m ready, where is everyone?” I ask as we walk through the room.

  “They are waiting by the garage, I know you and Ivan can drive so I thought we could use the cars” Jake grins, I smile before nodding.

  I feel a gush of wind and I tilt my head to the side, Reece grins at me.

  “Mum is going to kill us if she finds out we are leaving the den,” I say as my brothers get the cars ready.

  “I know but we need to help them, the vampires are deadly and I don't want to lose my pack” Jake replies.

  “Oh well, We never have listened to rules so why would we now?” I grin slightly.

  A black SUV pulls up in front of me and I cannot stop the massive grin that spreads across my face.

  “Oh boy, I love this car!” I squeal before shoving my brother out of the driver's seat.

  “Oh come one, I wanna drive!” Ivan yelps and I growl at him.

  “You can drive on the way back” Jake grins before climbing in the back seat.

  I grin as I jump into the front seat, adjusting the seat and mirrors I watch my family as they pull on their seatbelts.

  I put the car into gear and slowly pull out onto the dirt road, my eyes focus on the road however my mind is elsewhere.

  “Turn right and keep going,” Jake says from the back, I nod before pulling the car to the right and turning.

  I sigh and keep my hands firmly on the wheel if we did crash it wouldn’t kill us however it would hurt a hell of a lot.

  “Faster!” I jump at Ivan’s panicking tone, looking in my back mirror I see why.

  A white van picks up speed as if to run us off the road. I growl and put my foot down, the engine growls and I switch gears.

  I swerve just in time as the van tries to ram us, Rolling my eyes I switch gears again and jerk the car left.

  The van swerves and flies off the road, tumbling down the hill and landing on its roof. Gulping I pick up, even more, speed, not knowing if we are safe or not.

  The trees blur past as I reach seventy miles per hour, Jake grins at me while the rest just stare out the windows.

  I sigh and turn left into a little cafe, Jake watches me carefully but doesn’t say a word.

  “I need a second, I’m not driving till I’ve calmed down” I mutter more to myself than anyone else

  Closing my eyes and tilting my head back I wait for the shift to stop trying to force itself on me.

  I feel myself starting to shift, my ears start to move higher on to my head and my fur starts to break through my skin.

  I growl and start to pace, hopefully, the movement will stop the shift.

  I feel a gust of wind and Reece smiles at me before pulling me in for a hug, at his touch my wolf calms right down. I smile as the shift reverses and I’m left in full human form.

  “We need to move,” Reece says as he nods towards the SUV.

  “I know, I just needed a second. It’s hard to drive with paws” I reply, giggles bubbling from me.

  Chapter Nine

  “Nat we need to go now!” Ivan strains as he points towards the way we came, I narrow my eyes and gasp as I see black vans with the words hunter written on them.

  “Do you think they are hunters?” I ask, Reece nods slightly and his fangs poke through his lip.

  “Everyone in, let’s go!” My bottom lip trembles slightly as I jump into the driver's seat and turn the engine on.

  “Nat put your foot down. If we are going to get out alive we need speed” Jake mumbles, I nod at him and a slanted smile works itself onto my face.

  I shift up through the gears quickly as I keep the clutch in and the back wheels spin when I let it out.

  Gripping the wheel tightly I glance behind us, the hunters are gaining on us but I’m not worried. I know how to dodge them, after all, I am my Mothers daughter.

  “Nat” The warning tone in Ivan’s voice makes me shiver, I nod my answer before shifting gear and putting my foot all the way to the bottom.

  The Van jumps forwards before it starts to pick up speed, I take a deep breath as the shift tries to force me into a wolf.

  I know for a fact that if I shift now we will all die, either from the car tipping or the hunters behind us.

  I see a turning up ahead and smile, I get to use the dangerous driving technique.

  “Nat, don’t! We are going far too fast!” Jake cries out just as I pull up the handbrake and pull the wheel, I laugh as the car swerves to the right. My eyes widen when two of the wheels lift off the ground, I lean to the side and everyone does the same as the car fully turns and the wheels land back on the ground.

  “That. Was. Awesome!” I yell, I look at Jake who glances at me and I shrug slightly.

  A shriek of tires from behind me alerts me to the fact the hunters stole my move and are even closer to us than before.

  “Damn it” A growl escapes me and I feel my eyes change to my wolven ones.

  “You need to chill, No wolfing out” Ivan laughs from the backside.

  “I’m fine, I think” I mutter.

  I pick up the speed and our van slowly gets further away from the hunters. I can tell everyone in the van is tense, the scent of fear fills the van and I roll the window down to let some fresh air in.

  “Turn now, this is the place Mum said she was going! We may have to fight the hunters though” Jakes says and I take a sharp left before slowing down and parking the car up.

  I look around at the old warehouse, it’s roof falling down and the metal surrounding the frame is all but gone.

  “Come on,” I say just as the hunters turn and drive towards us.

  I start to jog with Jake and Ivan by my side and Reece just behind me, as we run towards the warehouse I lift my nose up to scent the area. No wolf has been here for at least two days.

  “They knew we were going to follow and Mum gave you the wrong place so we wouldn't get hurt!” I cry out, tears threaten to spill from my eyes at the thought of mum not trusting me.

  “We need to move” Jake warns just as a bullet whips past me.

  I turn, four hunters grin at us. Their guns pointed and ready to kill us. I let myself shift partly, my ears move to the top of my head as they grow fur and point towards.

  Fangs spring from my mouth and I get into an attack position. The hunter's eyes widen as my family do the same, Reece's eyes glisten red and I notice he is ready to spring at any moment.

  “We don’t want to fight yet, just give a message” The middle hunter speaks through gritted teeth.

  “Speak and give the message” Jake answers, his eyes focused on the leader.

  “Our friends would like to tell you that your pack are over, finished and you will be next. Don’t bother trying to save them as they are already dead” He sneers before turning and walking away.

  “Who is your friend!” I scream out, he turns back to us and points at Reece and tears prickle at my eyes

  “Oh it’s not him but his kind, Vampires are far stronger than werewolves and it will be the end of your race” He laughs and the hunters start to walk towards their van.
br />   I snarl and let the shift complete itself, white fur bursts free from my skin and I sprint towards them. To my surprise I can see Jake and Ivan doing the same, we attack as one; a pack, blood.

  The hunters jump around and start to fire, I dodge bullet after bullet and manage to jump out of the way of a knife.

  I bite down on the arm of the hunter who wields the knife, his shriek fills the air as I leap for his throat.

  Glancing at my brothers I see they have already dispatched their hunters, I pull quickly away and leave the hunter's body to fall to the ground with a thump.

  I run to the van and shift, quickly opening the door and grabbing some spare clothes. I glance at my arm, A small wound has blood drips from it but I ignore it.

  “Let’s go home and figure out what to do next” Jake huffs as he jumps in the passenger seat, I climb into the back and Ivan crawls into the driver's seat.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know” Reece's voice pulls me out of my daydream.

  “It’s fine, they were bluffing I think” I mutter the last part.

  “Let’s hope” Jake replies.

  Chapter Ten

  I open my eyes and groan just as the van pulls into the garage, Jake looks to me and I sigh.

  “Let’s get inside and start planning, we need to find out a way to find the pack” Jakes weary tone fills the van.

  “Can we have some food first, I don’t feel too good” I reply to which Jake nods.

  We all jump out, Reece stays behind and I see him look towards the woods. I shake my head and forget my mission for food as I backtrack to him.

  “You are different from your race, don’t let people tell you who you are” I smile as my hand brushes against his.

  “I don’t even know why the vampires are attacking, I don’t even remember how we came about! He mutters, eyebrow raised.

  “I think I have a clue about that, I know that vampires didn’t exist so that means they have been created by someone” I reply, going over the myth in my head.

  “I think we should find the person and see why they made us so bloodthirsty” Reece's eyes glow red and I nod.

  “Come on let’s get some food” I mutter as I start walking towards the house.

  Jake and Ivan sit at the table, quickly put together sandwiches lay on the table and I grin before rushing towards them.

  My stomach growls and I take a big bite out of one. Reece sits down but doesn't touch the food, I roll my eyes before tucking into more food.

  “I’ve found Percy’s number and I’m going to ring him” Jake holds the number up like it's a trophy.

  “If they have been captured he’s not going to answer genius” Ivan growls.

  “Let’s find out” Jake punches in the number on the pack phone and we wait as it rings….. And rings….. And rings…..

  “It’s dead,” I say and disconnect the call.

  “You didn’t let it finish” Jake whines.

  “Well if he didn’t pick up with the rings I don’t think he will. He normally picks up as soon as the phone rings” I reply.

  “We need another plan” Ivan's voices pulls our attention to him.

  “Do you have a plan?” Reece asks as he leans against the wall to my left.

  “We have the pack's bloodline, I’ve heard that vampires can track a wolf if they have one of the wolves family members” He looks towards me then Reece.

  “With our bond maybe we can track Mum?” I mutter Reece’s eyes glow red and he nods.

  “I’m out, I’m not going to watch this so if you need me I’ll be in my room” Jake growls before slamming the door.

  “Ivan do you know how we are meant to do this?” I ask, Reece glances to me but remains focused on what Ivan says.

  “He has to bite you and let his mind slip into yours, once your minds are connected it will make a bond. Like to mate bond which I know you two already have”

  “So reach into your bond and feel the pack bond that should be connected to your mates bond. Travel along it until you find Mum and then keep her in your mind as you come out of the bonds. This should let you know her location” I stare at my twin, mouth wide open.

  “What the hell” I reply.

  “Nat come here,” Reece says, I walk towards him and he grabs my arm.

  I close my eyes and think about our bond, Reece’s fangs slide along my neck and he bites. He releases me just as quickly and I open my eyes to see our bond room.

  “Now all we have to do is find the pack bond” He mutters and starts to jog.

  I gasp and point to the far corner of our bond. Black tendrils spiral from another bond, tears fall from my eyes as I run towards it.

  “It’s the pack bond, We need to save them” I cry out.

  “Focus” Reece growls and I grab the last golden string.

  I feel myself sucked into the bond and I can see and hear everything from every member of the pack.

  “I feel sick” I mutter.

  I focus on my Mum, her soul calls to me and I find it easy to grab her. Just as I start to come out of the pack bond the black rotting string wraps around my arm and I scream out in pain.

  I feel Reece reaching in and grabbing me, I close my eyes and we leave the mates bond.

  “What did you see?” Ivan asks.

  “Oh my god, Nat! Your arm!” Reece gasps.

  I look down at my arm and see spirals of black coming from a little wound. I sigh and rub at it before looking towards Ivan.

  “I know where Mum is and it’s not pretty, the pack bond is also dying. I think it’s because the whole pack isn’t together” I reply, trying to shake off the site of my packs bond.

  “Okay, We should go get her and the rest” Ivan huffs and walks to Jakes door.

  He opens the door just as Ivan raises his hand to knock.

  “I heard it all, are you okay Nat?” He asks me, I nod and look back at my arm.

  The black starts to move upwards, My eyes widen and I look at Reece.

  “It’s fine, once the pack are back together it should fade” He replies while bringing me close for a hug.

  “I hope so” I mumble.

  Chapter Eleven

  I shiver, the full moon rises slowly into the sky. The faint scent of my pack rings in my nose as I get ready to shift, This will be the first full moon that my pack are not with me.

  “I’ll look after the house, go have a good time. I know it’s hard but you need to have time to just be kids” Reece smiles and hugs me before turning and heading for the house.

  I sigh and look at the moon, it’s light hits my body and I let go of my control.

  My joints pop, reshaping to that of a wolfs. I sigh as my ears travel higher into my head and my face elongates into a muzzle.

  My white fur bursts free from my skin and I shake as the shift completes itself.

  “Oh my god, Nat your fur is tipped black!” I hear Jake say, I huff and run to a puddle.

  I stare at my wolf form, my once white fur has black ends. I shake again and watch as white and brown fur shows from underneath.

  I bark and shake again. I hear my brothers shift starting and I wait with excitement at the thought of a run.

  My ears swivel to pinpoint my brothers as my eyes scan the woods. Jake barks once he has shifted but Ivan stays silent, hoping to catch me off guard.

  I tilt my head slightly and wait, just as Ivan would’ve barrelled into me I jump into the air. He growls as he is propelled into a tree.

  I huff a laugh before darting off into the woods. Jake follows me and we race to the fallen tree on the other side.

  I huff again as I hear Ivan joining in the chase, I push myself harder and faster trying to outrun Jake.

  The fact that Jake is a lot older than me doesn’t matter as I push myself to win, the wolf inside me telling me that to be a good alpha I need to win the race.

  I bark my joy as the tree appears, Jake is nowhere to be seen and I push myself to near breaking point as I speed towards the finish. />
  I howl just before I get there, sure that I am going to win. I glance at a shadow to see Jake shove past me and he jumps onto the fallen tree.


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