Renegade's Choice (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 4)

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Renegade's Choice (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 4) Page 11

by Erin Osborne

  Before he can shoot anyone, Grave runs up behind him and wrenches the gun from his hand. He tosses it over toward us while taking Tanner to the ground. Natasha is still frozen as the rest of us swarm the gate and check on Shane.

  I run through the gate as soon as one of the guys opens it and pull Natasha into my arms. She finally breaks and sobs uncontrollably as I try to calm her down. She’s safe here and this never should have happened. We may need to rethink things so nothing like this happens again.

  “Babe, I gotta go take care of this. Are you gonna be okay here?” I ask her, pulling her back a little bit.

  “Y-y-yeah,” she answers.

  Cassidy comes running out and pulls Tash into her arms. The two women hold onto one another as I make my way back to the guys. Smokey is helping Shane up as he looks at me with an apologetic look. This isn’t his fault. I’m sure he did what he could to stop the man. It looks as though he was hit upside the head from the blood dried to his face and hair.

  “Get this piece of shit to the basement. I want him chained up and ready to go as soon as I get there,” I tell Grave and Psycho.

  “On it,” they say, leaving dragging the man behind them.

  I look at Natasha one more time before I climb on my bike. She’s looking at me and I know she wants to get on the bike with me and leave. But, if she leaves now, she’ll never come back. I don’t want that to happen. They all need to know they’re safe here.

  “Shane, head back to the clubhouse, I want you looked at. Bentley and Bishop stay here and man the gate. I don’t want either one of you to leave. Natasha, I’ll see you in a little bit. Stick with Cass,” I bark out starting my engine and taking off.

  I’ve been at the clubhouse for a little bit. Bishop is at the compound because he took off when we all got the alerts on our phone. Hadliegh has been with Kora and that’s the only reason he left my house. Now, I’ve waited for Hadliegh to take her to the diner to have lunch with Mom. I don’t care what they do as long as they’re not here. I don’t want my daughter knowing anything of what’s about to happen in the basement of the clubhouse.

  Finally, Psycho lets me know they’re gone when he walks back through the front door. It’s time for my fun to begin. We’re going to hopefully find out where the fuck these assholes are and what they want with Natasha. Other than her witnessing what happened as the convenience store. They’ve got a hard-on for my woman and I want to know why.

  Walking down into the basement, I open the door hard enough for it to slam on the concrete wall behind it. Tanner looks up, fear in his eyes as he takes in the appearance of myself and the handful of brothers behind me. I’ve got Grave, Psycho, Hawk, Chains, and Smokey down here with me. We’re all gonna take a turn with the fucker.

  Tanner is sitting in a chair. His arms are tied behind him with a heavy chain while his legs are chained to the legs of the chair. Tanner’s not going anywhere until we’re done with him. Then, he’s only getting transported to a shallow fucking grave.

  His eyes aren’t as wild as they were at the compound and I know he’s coming off whatever drugs were coursing through his system a little while ago. Tanner looks around the room and I watch as defeat and his knowledge of the situation begin to sink in. He’s not getting out of here alive and he knows it. Now, I just need to find something to make him talk.

  “So, Tanner, you think you can come on our property to intimidate and threaten my woman? Let’s see what you hold dear to you,” I say, reaching for his pants pockets to find his wallet.

  Pulling it out of his back pocket, I flip his wallet open to find a picture of three kids. There’s a stunning woman in the picture next to it. She looks like the girls in the opposite picture. I lift my eyes to Tanner and see the fear shining back at me. Good. This is what I want to see.

  Handing the wallet to my brother, he takes a look at the pictures before handing it off to Grave. Tanner’s wallet is passed down the line of men as Tanner sits chained to a chair and watches. His eyes begin to bulge out of his face while he turns several shades of red. He’s trying not to let anything come from his mouth to alert us to how important they are to him.

  “Grave and Smokey, I think you two should pay them a visit. Find out from Hawk who they are and anythin’ else we need to know. I think you can show her a real good time. As far as the kids are concerned, I don’t give a fuck what you do to them,” I say, never taking my eyes from Tanner.

  “They have nothing to do with this! Leave them alone!” he finally yells out, breaking his silence.

  “Oh, they do now. You think you can threaten Natasha after sendin’ men to beat her up then we’ll be sure to reciprocate what you’ve already done. Head on out boys,” I say as the two men leave the room.

  They won’t touch a hair on the woman or kids' heads. They’re not even going to leave the clubhouse. Grave and Smokey will be sitting up in the common room having a drink or fucking one of the babes. Tanner doesn’t have to know that though. The more he thinks they’re going to fuck with his family, the more likely he’ll be to talk.

  “Now that they’re on their way to fuck your wife and fuck with your kids, let’s see what you can tell us,” I say, picking up a hammer.

  “About what? I don’t know anything,” Tanner whines.

  “Sure you do. Who are the men after my woman?” I ask, swinging the hammer back and forth.

  “I don’t know who they are,” he lies.

  “The fuck you don’t. They were in your office the day Natasha was at work last and then they all of a sudden show up at her house. He told her you gave him the address. Who. The. Fuck. Are. They?” I grate out.

  “It’s another gang like you. I don’t know their names other than what I’ve glimpsed on their vests. The club is the Ravage Saints,” he says.

  “Where are they from?” I ask.

  “They’re moving in here. They’ve got a place on the outskirts of town. Unless they need to, they don’t come out of there. When they do, it’s always at night,” Tanner says as I continue to swing the hammer back and forth.

  “Psycho, Hawk, get on it. I want a location,” I say.

  The two men leave the room so I can have my fun. Yeah, I know the rest of the guys want a piece of this scumbag, but they’re not going to get one. This asshole is all mine and I’m going to take my pleasure in killing him.

  Swinging the hammer back again, I slam it down on his knee. Moving on to the other one, I swing the hammer back again and slam it against the bone. I can hear the bones disintegrating under the force of the hammer. A thrill shoots through me as the lust for blood begins to take me over.

  I don’t want to damage his body with the hammer though. So, I set it back down and pick up one of the knives we keep down here. It’s dull, rusty, and never been cleaned. Dried blood coats the blade as I begin to slice into his skin repeatedly. There’s not an inch of his skin I leave untouched.

  Tanner is whimpering and whining as I place cut after cut on him. I’m trying not to go too deep so he doesn’t bleed out. It’s taking every ounce of my restraint not to slam the knife through his black heart. So, I place the knife down and take a handful of salt with a bottle of lemon juice. I squeeze the lemon juice so it runs down his skin from his head to the floor beginning to get coated in crimson.

  “Stop!” Tanner screams out as the cuts begin to burn.

  “I’m just gettin’ started,” I tell him.

  I rub the salt into the wounds on his chest. He grunts and groans as the burning becomes worse. Next, I pull each of his nails from his body. Then I move onto his mouth. I pull every tooth from his rotten mouth and slice his tongue out. Tanner’s continuously passing out from the pain I’m inflicting so I know my fun is about over. The final step is pouring a cheap as fuck bottle of alcohol on him before lighting his despicable body on fire.

  The stench becomes too much for the guys and me to take. We leave the room knowing he’ll burn for a bit. Bentley is standing outside the door and he’ll make sure the rest
of the room doesn’t catch on fire. Then he’ll dispose of the body with the help of a few more guys. Once that’s taken care of, they’ll dispose of the body where no one will ever find him.

  “Church!” I holler out as I make my way in the common room.

  I head in the room and take my seat at the head of the table. I’m still covered in blood spatters from the fuckwad in the basement and I don’t give a fuck. We need to get information on these assholes from Ravage Saints and come up with a plan.

  Once everyone’s in the room, I go over everything and fill the guys in on what happened downstairs. Hawk will gather the information we need and then we can make plans to dispose of the trash. The guys talk club business for a few more minutes before I call the meeting and run up to take a shower. My only thought is getting to Natasha and making sure she’s okay after the events of the day.

  Chapter Eighteen


  IT’S BEEN A few days since the incident with Tanner at the compound. I’m still a little shaken up about it, but I need to put it behind me. Renegade has been staying close to the clubhouse the last few days too. I think he wants to be close in case I need him. Kora’s been sticking close to my side too. She doesn’t know what happened, but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t know something’s going on.

  Today is all about Kora. I’m going to spend the day with her at the house. We’re going to veg out, watch movies, play games, and listen to music. She said something about wanting to keep learning how to cook and bake. So, I’m sure we’re going to do some of that today too.

  Renegade gets up and takes a shower before heading down to make breakfast. Usually, I’m the one cooking in the morning for all of us. But, he’s been getting up before me since the shit with Tanner and he makes Kora and I breakfast before leaving for work. I make dinner and make sure Kora has lunch before I leave for the compound.

  I get out of bed and put some sweats and a tank top on before heading down to the kitchen. Renegade is standing in front of the stove. The smell of bacon cooking permeates the air and my mouth waters. Walking up behind Renegade, I wrap my arms around him and place a kiss on his neck. He places a hand on my arm and turns his head to kiss my cheek.

  “Mornin’, Tash,” he says, turning his attention back to the stove.

  “Morning, Ren. Thanks for breakfast,” I say, going to the fridge to pull out the orange juice.

  After pouring us all a glass, I grab two coffee mugs from the cupboard and get us each a cup of coffee. By the time our plates are made, Kora’s stumbling down the stairs. She takes a seat at the counter as her dad sets a plated down in front of her.

  We eat in silence. I’m lost in thoughts of Renegade and the way he makes me feel. For the first time in so long, I want this man in my life. I fall in love with him a little more every day. He makes me feel safe, loved, and like he wants more. But, I don’t know what he truly wants from me. As far as I’m concerned, he probably just wants a regular piece of ass he doesn’t have to share. Not someone to spend his life with him.

  When we’re done, Kora and I clear the dishes while Renegade grabs his cut from the back of his chair and slides his arms through the sleeves. His entire demeanor changes as soon as the cut is on his back. He’s not Renegade, the dad and man I love. He’s Renegade, club President and biker. I love both sides of the man and I know Kora does too.

  “Headin’ out,” he says, walking up to Kora and pulling her into him for a hug and a kiss on top of her head.

  “Love you, Dad,” she says, shocking him as it’s the first time she’s said the words to him.

  “Love you too, kiddo,” he answers gruffly.

  Making his way over to me, Renegade wraps his arms around me and kisses me deeply. He pulls back looks down at me for a minute before finally leaving the house. Kora and I clean up the kitchen before sitting down on the couch to watch a movie. She puts on A Cinderella Story. I’ve never watched this one, but apparently she has because she recites every line of the movie.

  We’ve spent the day lounging around on the couch, watching one movie after another. The only break we’ve taken is to get a quick lunch of sandwiches and chips. It’s been a day of junk food with popcorn, candy, soda, and chips. Something I don’t normally allow myself to have too much of. But, Kora’s wanted this day and I’m happy to give it to her.

  Now, it’s time to start dinner. We’re making a simple dinner of mashed potatoes, peas, and meatloaf. Renegade will be home for dinner, he always is.

  “You want to start the potatoes or meatloaf?” I ask Kora.

  “Meatloaf please,” she says, washing her hands and grabbing out the ingredients she’ll need.

  “Okay. You work on that and I’ll start peeling the potatoes. Want some music on?”

  “I got it,” she says.

  Broken Halos by Chris Stapleton begins to play from the TV as we start dinner. I’m singing along to the song as it’s one I understand completely. Kora was put in my life to show me it’s okay to open up again. She’s learning to trust her dad and the rest of the Satan’s Anarchy MC. Instead of expecting her dad to be just like her mom, she’s embracing him and letting him in her life.

  Maybe it’s what I should do. Learn to take a chance and put myself out there. The worst that’s gonna happen is my pride will get bruised if Renegade tells me this is just a casual, no strings attached fuck he wants. Someone the rest of the guys don’t get to fuck.

  “Natasha, can I ask you something?” Kora suddenly asks.

  “Sure,” I tell her, peeling the potatoes.

  “Are you and my dad like boyfriend and girlfriend?” she asks innocently.

  “Oh, um. I don’t know how to answer that,” I tell her, becoming flustered.

  “I think he likes you. I like having you here, and I think he does too. He doesn’t let you stay at the clubhouse anymore. And no one else is allowed here at the house,” she answers.

  “That doesn’t mean he wants me here constantly,” I tell her, still not sure how to answer her.

  “Will you at least give him a chance?” Kora asks.

  “I’ll think about it. I want you to know, no matter what happens between your dad and I, you’ll always be able to talk to me. I’ll never push you away if I’m not here or talking to your dad,” I tell her, wondering if that’s what she really wants to know.

  “I’m not worried about that. I know you’ll always be here for me. You’re no different than Aunt Hadliegh, Callie, or Cassidy. If you were, you wouldn’t be volunteering at the compound,” she tells me.

  “I like working at the compound. I’ve only been there a few days, but the work is rewarding,” I answer honestly.

  “I want to work in something where I can help when I’m older. Do you think that’s silly?” Kora questions.

  “Not at all. I think you’re in a better position than most because you know what it’s like not to have someone standing up for you like they should. Kora, I still don’t know everything you’ve been through, and you don’t have to tell me. But, I think it’s important to help people when they can’t find a way out. If it’s really what you want to do, don’t let anyone talk you out of it, Kora.”

  “Thank you. Is that why you work in a law firm?” she asks.

  “Well, that’s how it started out. I want to help people too. Let them know people have been where they are and there’s always someone willing to step up to help them. Like your dad’s club.”

  Kora nods her head in understanding. We continue working in silence, each lost in our own thoughts. I help her put the meatloaf in the pans before putting them in the oven. Then I put the potatoes in a pan with water to boil. When we pull the meatloaf and potatoes off, I’ll put on the peas. By then, Renegade should be home and we can eat. Then, I’ll have to figure out what to do about Kora asking me to give him a chance.

  I’m lost in thought as a pair of arms wrap around me from behind while I’m still puttering in the kitchen. Kora has disappeared as I turn my head and watch Renega
de bury his face in my neck. His scent of air, leather, oil, and man invade my senses and I soak it up.

  “Have a good day?” he asks, turning my head for a kiss.

  “Yeah. We spent the day watching movies. How was your day?” I ask.

  “Exhaustin’. I swear the paperwork is never-endin’. The second I get caught up, someone else brings in a stack I have to go through,” he answers. “Plus, we went out for a ride this mornin’ so that took up some time.”

  “I’m sorry. Why don’t you go relax while dinner cooks? It should be done in an hour or so,” I tell him.

  “I’m gonna grab a shower. Where’s Kora?” he asks, looking around the room.

  “I don’t know. I think she went upstairs,” I say.

  “I’ll check in before I get a shower.”

  Renegade leaves the room and I quickly finish cleaning up the dishes we used to make dinner in. It leaves less work after we’re done eating. Though, Kora and I usually don’t take long to load the dishwasher and put the food away. There’s still something about doing dishes by hand every now and then that relaxes me though. So, that’s what I’m doing when father and daughter make their way back downstairs.

  “After dinner, can we play a game?” Kora asks.

  “Sure. What do you wanna play?” Renegade asks.

  “Let’s play rummy. I always kick your butt, Dad,” she says, laughing at her dad.

  “I’ll kick your butt tonight. And Natasha has to play too. No excuses for you tonight,” Renegade tells me.

  I always try to let them have their own time at night. It’s important they get to spend time together one-on-one. So, I bow out and read a book on my phone or take a bath while they play a game or whatever they choose that particular night. They both love it and I spend time with each of them throughout the day. It works for us.

  “I was gonna read my book tonight,” I say, trying to make my excuses already.

  “Not tonight. I know what you’ve been doin’ and I love it. But, tonight, you’re gonna stay with us,” Renegade answers. “No hidin’ in the room while we play a game.”


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