Renegade's Choice (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 4)

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Renegade's Choice (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 4) Page 12

by Erin Osborne

  I nod my head, knowing he’s not going to let me get out of this. I’m just not sure if it’s such a good idea. Yeah, I know I should’ve already thought about it, but it’s too late for all that now I guess.

  I pull out dinner as Kora puts the peas on the stove to cook while I’m preparing our plates. Renegade grabs our drinks and sets them on the countertop as I begin to make our plates. Once the peas are done, I add them to the plate and set them all on the counter. We take our seats and begin to eat in silence.

  After Kora and I get the kitchen cleaned up, with Renegade’s help, we all sit down on the floor in the living room and play a few hands of rummy before heading up to bed. Now is when I should have a talk with Renegade. If there’s nothing more going on between us, then I may have to pull back. I’ll still hang out with Kora when he needs someone with her, but I won’t be staying here with them. I don’t want anyone to get hurt. Especially Kora.

  Instead, Renegade has other ideas. He watches me walk to the bed after finishing my routine in the bathroom. I’m wearing nothing more than one of his shirts as he sits in the bed with the sheet pulled up to his waist leaving his chest on full display. A sight I’ll never get tired of seeing.

  The man is all muscle with tattoos covering his tan skin. I’ve traced the lines with my fingers and tongue more times than I can count already and it’s never enough. My mouth waters as I look at him while my pussy gets wet. The same response I always have for the man stalking me with his eyes alone.

  “Take off the shirt,” he says, his voice husky and low.

  I strip out of the shirt and his eyes devour my body. There’s not an inch of me left untouched by his look as I pull the covers back and slide into bed next to him. Renegade pushes me under his body as he kisses me. The kiss is deep, hard, and full of promise yet to come.

  His hands travel my body as we kiss. I run my hands down his back before sliding one between us. I grab his hard cock and slide my hands up and down his length. As I slide my hand up and down him, I make sure to pull the metal bars lining his length. A groan escapes him as I catch it with my mouth. His fingers brush my clit before sliding down further to enter my wet pussy.

  “Tash, I’ll never get enough of you,” Renegade murmurs. “Need you hard and fast tonight.”

  “However you want me, you got me,” I answer, arching my back as his lips suck a nipple into his hot, wet mouth.

  Renegade pulls his fingers from my pussy and I watch with hooded eyes as he sucks me from each finger. He never pulls his eyes from mine as he slides his cock into me. I’m given a minute to adjust to his length before he’s pulling back. Immediately, Renegade sets a punishing pace as he slides in and out of me. Our bodies slam together as he slams into me. I arch my body to feel him deeper in me while raising my hips to meet him thrust for thrust.

  His fingers grab onto my hips hard enough to leave bruises on me. I rake my nails down his back as I feel my body begin to tighten with my release. Renegade reaches between us as his body becomes taut. He pinches my clit between his fingers and I’m sent over the edge.

  “John!” I call out as wave after wave crashes over me.

  “Tash!” comes from Renegade as he reaches his own release.

  For long minutes, Renegade continues to slide leisurely in and out of me, prolonging the pleasure for both of us. I continue to run my hands up and down his back when he finally slides from my body and pulls me into his arms. He holds me in his embrace while we get our breathing back under control. My eyes are already drifting shut as Renegade kisses the top of my head and I snuggle further into him.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I HAVE TO meet with Slim today. We’re going over the retreat so I can see the work that’s been done and what all still has to be done. I haven’t really been out there since we all met up and I should’ve been making regular trips out there. So, today is the day we’ve planned to meet up. I’m even taking Kora and Natasha with me so they can get out of the house for a while.

  It’s one of the last times we’ll be able to go out together. Kora’s starting dance classes in the next few days and then she’ll start school. Natasha is working at the compound and I’m sure she’s ready to go back to work doing something that pays her. Not that I’m gonna let her get too far from me.

  Natasha has worked her charms through all my defenses and I don’t want her to leave here at all now. It’s more than just wanting her body. I want her body, heart, and soul to belong to me. She deserves to be treated like a Queen and I’ll do nothing less than treating her the way she deserves. I want her to be my ol’ lady and eventually, I’ll have my ring on her finger and my baby in her belly. Any way I can tie Natasha to me, I will.

  Without knowing exactly what she wants, I’m not about to put myself out there. I’ve done it once and it didn’t end too well for me. So, I’m not about to do it again. Natasha has a past and I know it’s hindering her from letting people in. The only times I ever see her candid and open is when Kora and Hadliegh are around. Those are the only two people she truly lets in all the way. Even Callie and Cassidy aren’t let in the way my daughter and sister-in-law are.

  “Tash, Kora, it’s time to go,” I call up the stairs where the girls in my life are getting ready for the day.

  “Coming!” Kora yells back.

  She comes bounding down the stairs wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts. Her long hair is piled on top of her head. There’s a bunch of bracelets sitting on her wrist while a necklace adorns her neck. My daughter looks the way I’ve pictured her looking since she arrived at the clubhouse— carefree, spirited, free, and happy.

  Natasha soon follows her in a long dress. Her hair is left hanging down her back with soft curls flowing freely. There’s no make-up on her face and a hair tie is the only thing on her wrist. Before too long, she’ll put her hair up to keep it from her face and neck. She’s not one to leave her hair down for a long time. She says it gets in her way. But, she won’t cut it off.

  The one time I asked her about her hair, she told me a story and cried through the words. She was put in foster care and the woman of the house didn’t want to deal with her long hair. So, she chopped her hair off and made her keep it short for over a year. Ever since then she’s kept her hair long and just throws it up when it starts to bother her.

  Kora grabs a drink and a few snacks on our way out the door. Natasha does the same thing. I’m sure there’s enough for me, so I shrug on my cut and follow them out the door. After locking the door behind us, we get in the SUV I picked up earlier and leave the clubhouse. Psycho is following us on his bike to help explain everything to Slim. Or answer any questions I’m not sure about. He’s actually been to the job site and knows what’s been going on.

  “Dad, who’s Slim?” Kora asks from the back seat.

  “He’s a friend. Slim’s the President of the Phantom Bastards MC and we work together sometimes. More than that, he’s a friend of the club,” I tell her.

  “That’s cool. Does he have any kids?” she asks.

  “He does. He’s got an older son who’s in the club. His name is Playboy. There’s a daughter, Maddie, who’s married to a man in a different club. They’ve got four kids. He and his wife Shy also have an adopted daughter named Kinsliegh and another daughter, Rayven,” I tell her.

  “That’s a lot of kids. Are you going to have any more?” she asks me, surprising the hell out of me.

  “I never thought about it before,” I tell her honestly. “You think I’m a good enough dad to have any more kids?”

  “Dad, you’re the best. I love you and I know you’re going to protect me,” Kora answers. “Natasha, do you want kids?”

  “Oh, um, I never thought about it before. I’m sure I’d like to be a mom someday. But, I’ve never put too much thought into it,” Natasha answers while keeping her eyes averted from me. Interesting.

  “Maybe you should think more about it,” Kora says before placing her earbuds in her ears.r />
  I look at Natasha, who’s attention is on the scenery passing us by out the window. She looks like she’s lost in thought and I’m not sure if I want to know what she’s thinking about. If it’s about her having a child with anyone other than me, it’s not going to end well. I’ll kill any motherfucker who puts his hands on her. Or looks in her direction. I’m not even going to lie about the rage filling me as I think of her with anyone but me. Natasha doesn’t have much time before I make her realize what I want and what I’m going to take from her.

  After a few hours, we pull into Slim’s land. There’s a huge fence surrounding the front of the property and I know from the plans it goes completely around the acreage he owns. I drive along a paved road and to the right sit log cabins. They’re not rustic, one-story places. They’re small homes fit for any member of the MC who chooses to stay at the place. With Slim’s approval of course.

  Directly in front of us sits a large pond. It’s bigger than I thought it would turn out to be. It’s so big there will be no problem with everyone from all the MCs Slim brings here to have fun at the same time. Sitting off to the side sit two docks for anyone who wants to put a small boat in the water. Yeah, the pond is that big. Picnic tables sit along the bank and new trees are starting to grow to provide shade for anyone who doesn’t want to sit in direct sunlight.

  I come to a stop next to Slim’s SUV. It looks like Shy and the girls are here too. It will be good for the girls to meet another ol’ lady. And for Kora to see the kids. She loves her cousins and always wants to take care of them. With her here, we’ll be able to talk without having to pay such close attention to the girls. As long as they’re not by the water.

  “Slim, it’s good to see you,” I say, getting out of the SUV and opening the door for Kora while Psycho opens Natasha’s door.

  “Always good to see you, Renegade and Psycho,” he answers. “And who do we have here?”

  “Slim, this is Natasha and my daughter Kora. Ladies, this is Slim, his wife Shy, and the two beauties are Kinsliegh and Rayven,” I reply in introductions.

  “Where’s Hadliegh and the kids?” Shy asks my brother.

  “They’re at home,” Psycho answers. “Baby girl is teethin’ and she’s been miserable. We’ve been takin’ turns gettin’ up with her.”

  “Kinsliegh’s doin’ the same shit now,” Slim says. “Kora and Natasha, it’s nice to meet you. Let’s take a walk.”

  We walk around the land as the girls hang back and talk amongst themselves. Kora is carrying Kinsliegh while Shy pushes Rayven in her stroller. My daughter is keeping the little girl entertained so Natasha and Shy can become acquainted, while Psycho explains things to Slim. He points out the work on a big meeting room Slim wants to be built along with the large building which will hold the kitchen and enough room for everyone to eat if Slim has a huge retreat again.

  I listen patiently as my brother talks about the construction and what still needs to be done. Looking around, a lot of work has been done already. Besides the cabins being built, there’s posts off to the left of the cabins. The posts contain all of the wiring necessary for RVs to hook up to. There’s several spots for RVs to park with space between them. This is where the single men will stay while everyone is here. The cabins are for the families to stay in. It’s what Slim and Shy want.

  They want the families to have some privacy where the kids won’t see anything the single guys might get up to. While the single guys have all the privacy they need for fucking the house bunnies or babes. Plus, the single guys can party later at night while the men with families have the time they need to do what they want.

  At the same time, there’s plenty to do here during the day and early evening for everyone to hang out together. It’s a perfect place for everyone to get together and hang out without club business getting in the way. Slim did good here.

  “So, Renegade, you have a daughter?” Slim asks, turning his attention to me.

  “Yep. She showed up a few months ago. Her mom’s new man doesn’t want kids around so she got left at the clubhouse. Saralyn didn’t even fuckin’ know if I was there. So, yeah, I’ve got a kid,” I tell him. “Right now, I’m in the process of gettin’ her bitch of a mom to sign away her rights so Kora doesn’t have to worry about bein’ taken away from me.”

  “Need any help with that?” Slim asks.

  “No. I’m goin’ to see her in a few days. Saralyn will sign the papers or she’ll end up in court. That’s not somethin’ she’s gonna want to do if my information is correct,” I answer. “She’s doin’ enough drugs now to kill a horse. And her man is runnin’ from the cops.”

  “You need anythin’, let us know and we’ll do what we can,” Slim says.

  “While you say that, have you ever heard of the Ravage Saints?” I ask him.

  “No, I can’t say I have. Who is it?” he asks.

  “New club tryin’ to move in. They’re after Natasha. Beat her up real good a few weeks ago. Her boss, Tanner, sent them after her. He was in bed with them,” I tell him.

  “Tanner still kickin’?” Slim asks.


  “Well, if your ex wants to keep givin’ you trouble, I’ll give Summer a call. Let her get her hands dirty and put the fear of God into the bitch,” Slim says as the women and kids join us.

  “I’ll keep it in mind,” I answer.

  We hang out and talk for a few minutes. The women stay busy with the kids while Psycho goes over last-minute changes and additions with Slim. He’ll make sure the crew knows what they are and get put in place. It’s not long before we part ways and head back home. We’ll stop for dinner on the way to get out of the SUV for a bit. Psycho already knows and has let Hadliegh know we’ll be home a little later than expected.

  Chapter Twenty


  RENEGADE HAS ASKED Kora and I to come to the clubhouse for a cookout today. He wants to have one before Kora starts dance classes tomorrow. She’ll be going five days a week and won’t have time to hang out as much with anyone. This way she can see everyone before she gets busy as hell.

  I’ve made a pasta salad, potato salad, garlic bread, and my chocolate chip brownie bars for dessert. Hadliegh, Callie, and Cassidy have also made things to bring over. The babes have been in the kitchen cooking while the guys are out at the grill preparing the meat already. There’s coolers of drinks in ice already outside surrounding the table where the food will go and some closer to the picnic tables.

  Renegade is standing at the grill when Kora and I make our way to the backyard of the clubhouse. He’s standing with Grave and Psycho and they’ve already got meat cooking on the grill in front of them. The tantalizing smells are shrouding the yard, making my mouth water. I’m not sure what they’re cooking but I want to taste it all.

  “Why are we here?” Kora asks again.

  “A family cookout. I promise, no babes will be here. And if you see one inside, let me know and I’ll make sure they stay away from you. Or get your dad. None of them have a right to talk to you any way they want,” I tell her.

  Kora hasn’t wanted to be at the clubhouse since the two babes showed up at the house and caused problems. I get where she’s coming from, I don’t want to see them either. However, I’m not going to let them run Kora off. This is her home before any of them. They’re just holes for the men to fuck when they want to. Kora is the President’s daughter and she belongs here more than any of them.

  “You’ll stay by my side?” Kora asks as Hadliegh walks up to us.

  “If that’s what you want, honey,” I answer her as I watch Kora take Hadliegh’s daughter, Trinity, from her arms.

  “What’s going on?” Hadliegh asks.

  “Nothing. Kora wants me to stick close to her,” I answer.

  “Those bitches fuckin’ with her again?” she asks, going into full-blown mama bear mode.

  “No. She just doesn’t want to see them if she’s alone. Kora hates them,” I say.

  “She’s not the
only one. How are things going with Renegade?” she asks.

  “There’s nothing to tell.”

  “Like hell, there’s not. You’re living in his house, spending time with his daughter, and he can’t take his damn eyes off you,” she says, looking over my shoulder.

  “I’m not living in his house. I have a house I’m waiting to go back to. Everyone spends time with Kora while Renegade’s out on business. As far as looking at me, I’m sure he’s watching his daughter and not me,” I answer.

  “All lies and excuses. You want him and he wants you. Neither one of you has the balls to admit it though. You’re fucking each other’s brains out daily yet you can’t commit. Do you want him to go back to fucking the babes?” she asks.

  “Where his dick goes isn’t my problem or concern. If that’s who he wants to be with, then I’ll come back to the clubhouse and he can stop worrying about me,” I answer.

  “Yeah. That’s not gonna fuckin’ work for me,” Renegade says as he wraps an arm around my middle and pulls me back into his body. “You’re in my bed, my life, my daughter’s life, and you’re not goin’ anywhere, Natasha.”

  “Oh, um, I don’t know what you mean,” I say.

  “Yes, you do. We’ll talk later about what that means for us. Here on out, it’s us together with Kora,” he says.

  Hadliegh gives me an ‘I told you so’ look before she walks away leaving Renegade and me standing together. He keeps his arm wrapped around me as we watch Kora playing with Trinity. Axel is playing nearby. After a few minutes, he leads us to the closest picnic table. We take a seat and look around the yard at all the members as the ol’ ladies slowly trickle into the yard with their kids.

  Kora keeps an eye on all the kids. She plays with them and helps take care of them so their parents can take a break. Cassidy leaves her daughter in her car seat while she sits at the table across from us. She’s talking about the compound and I’m listening. Renegade is paying attention to the yard. At least until Cassidy begins talking about Grave.


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