Renegade's Choice (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 4)

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Renegade's Choice (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 4) Page 15

by Erin Osborne

  I’ve done a little work at the club to make sure business is running smoothly. After dropping Natasha off, I made my way to Satan’s Den to go over the books. Hawk has been running behind with work and the new baby. So, I’ve been picking up the slack. It’s no sweat off my back other than hating paperwork and not wanting to go over the dreadful books. It’s all a part of the job though. Hawk will be back to himself in no time and then he’ll take back over full time. Or we’ll talk about hiring someone else to take them over.

  We’ve all only put in a half-day at work so we can all get ready to go to the recital. Each and every member of the club will be in attendance tonight. Kora has no clue. As far as she knows, Natasha, Hadliegh, Psycho, and I are the only ones showing up. We decided to keep everyone else a secret for now. If she’s already nervous, we don’t want to add to that.

  Natasha and I will drive Kora to the auditorium with Psycho and Hadliegh following us. Once she’s in the back with the rest of her classmates, everyone else will file inside. They’ll be parked not far away so they can just ride over and get in here. I’m not sure how many usually show up to these things because I’ve never been to one, but I want to make sure there’s enough room for everyone.

  “Kora, you almost ready?” I holler up the stairs as Natasha dishes up dinner.

  She made a quick and easy dinner of eggs, toast, and bacon for dinner tonight. We don’t want Kora to dance on a full stomach.

  “Coming, Dad,” she calls out.

  When she comes down the stairs, I stop in my tracks. She’s got her hair thrown up in an intricate ponytail. There’s a little make-up on her usually clear face, and her eyes stand out more than usual.

  “You look beautiful,” I tell her.

  “Thank you, Dad. Natasha helped me with my hair and make-up. Is it okay?” she asks.

  “It’s more than okay, honey. You truly look beautiful and way too grown up,” I say as we head to the counter.

  “Kora, I don’t want you to shovel this food down quickly. You need to eat slowly so you don’t get sick at the recital,” Natasha tells her.

  The three of us sit and eat in silence before the girls clean the kitchen up from dinner. No matter what we have going on, Natasha and Kora always clean up the kitchen after a meal. Even if I’ve cooked and made a complete mess of the place. I’m going to have to try to start helping out more. Hell, I’d just like to be able to be home more.

  Once they’re done, we head out to the SUV. I send Psycho a message to let him know we’re heading out so they can be in the car and ready to follow us. Everyone else is at the clubhouse, so they’ll see us leaving. Plus, Bishop will be heading back to the clubhouse and he’ll let everyone know to get ready to ride.

  We’ve been at the auditorium for a while now. Kora’s been in the back getting ready to come out on stage and going through a final walkthrough of the dance number they’re doing. Everyone from the club is here and we’re filling the small space to capacity. Satan’s Anarchy is taking up half the seats in the small space.

  Everyone sitting on the other side of the room is giving us side glances and trying to figure out what we’re doing here. Not a single one of us gives a fuck. We’re here for my daughter and nothing more. No one is causing trouble, being rowdy, or dressed inappropriately. The babes aren’t here and everyone else is dressed in their Sunday best.

  The lights suddenly dim and everyone in the auditorium stops talking. We all turn our attention toward the stage as the dance instructor walks out to start the program for the evening. Kora’s class goes up first. They dance a hip-hop number and I’m amazed at the way my daughter moves. As far as I’m concerned, she’s the only one on stage. No one else exists in the room as the song blares through the room and the dancers perform their routine.

  We all clap when the number is done. Kora’s face is red from exertion, and the smile on her face is like nothing I’ve ever seen on her yet. It’s full, bright, and reaches into her eyes. Her eyes turn a brighter blue with her happiness instead of the indigo they normally are. When she finally realizes the entire club, minus the babes are here, her eyes widen in shock and I can see a few tears slip from her eyes.

  Everyone stands up and we clap and whistle. Not just for Kora, but for the entire dance group. After a few minutes, we sit down and let the show go on. Every girl Kora danced with leave the stage with smiles on their faces. We’re here to build up all the girls, not just one because she’s part of our family.

  A few more dances are performed. Before the recital is over, the instructor comes out and announces one more dance. We all sit down and wait to see what’s going on. This dance isn’t on the program so none of us have an idea of what it’s going to be or who’s going to be dancing.

  The curtain rises and standing in the middle of the stage is Kora and three other girls. They’ve changed their outfits and a different song comes on this time. It’s not pop, hip-hop, or anything I’ve ever heard before.

  When the girls begin to dance, they capture your complete attention as they dance in sync and their moves are sensual without being sexual in nature. No one in the audience can take their eyes off the small group of girls as they dance around the stage. Before I know it, the routine is over and the girls are bowing at the end of the stage.

  I’m torn from my stupor by Natasha pulling on my arm to stand up. Everyone in the audience cheers, whistles, and claps along with us. This last dance was absolutely amazing and I’m stunned Kora kept this a secret from us. She never once mentioned being in two numbers today. Maybe it’s because she didn’t want to jinx herself or maybe she was nervous how we’d react. Whatever her reason, I’m going to make sure she continues dancing like this.

  It takes a little bit for Kora to change and get down to us. We’re all standing in the auditorium still while the rest of the parents and family members have made their way to where the refreshments are being served. We have flowers for my daughter as we wait for her. Bishop and Bentley went out and got enough bouquets for each member to give her one. I’ve never seen so many different flowers in my life.

  “Kora!” Natasha shouts. “I’m so proud of you.”

  Natasha is the first one to wrap our girl in her arms. She holds her for a minute as they talk amongst themselves. When they break apart, Kora turns her attention toward me and walks into my arms.

  “Baby girl, I’m so damn proud of you. Why didn’t you tell us what you were doin’?” I ask her.

  “I don’t know. I guess I was already nervous and I didn’t want to disappoint you,” she answers.

  “You could never disappoint me. You’re out here doin’ what you love and you’re puttin’ your all into it. That’s more than enough reason for me to be proud of you. Now, if you sat back on your ass and didn’t follow your dreams, I’d be disappointed,” I tell her honestly.

  Kora hugs and spends a minute with the rest of the guys in the club before getting to Psycho and Hadliegh. Hadliegh wraps her in her arms and doesn’t let go of her as she leads her to the room with the refreshments. The rest of us follow them as my sister-in-law gushes over my daughter. Kora’s face is burning red from all the compliments.

  It’s another hour before we get out of here. Kora spends some time with the girls she danced within the smaller group. They talk and laugh like teenagers should. The rest of us enjoy our cookies and drinks while she spends time with her new friends. I’m so happy she’s making friends before starting school.

  By the time we get home, Kora’s ready to crash. Natasha and I take care of all her flowers while she gets cleaned up and changed, once we’re done, I stop at my daughter’s room to find her already passed out. So, I go in and cover her up the rest of the way before placing a kiss on the top of her head. Shutting the door behind me, I make my way to my room to find Natasha in bed with her phone in hand. She’s reading a book already. Life is good. This is what I want in our home every fucking day.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


ER THE LAST week, the women in my classes have really started to open up. Today it’s my turn I’ve decided. But, the common thread of them all seems to be if they knew how to defend themselves, they’d probably not have stayed as long as they did. They would have taken their lives into their own hands and attacked their attackers. None of them know how to defend themselves though.

  So, I’ve got something to talk to Cassidy and Renegade about along with the class today. I’m getting everything out of the fridge when the girls start piling in. There’s at least one or two girls that don’t come to any of the classes and I want to change that too. These women must learn they can stand on their own two feet and they will make it in the world regardless of what anyone’s told them in the past.

  “Alright, everyone. Today we’re going to be making shake ‘n bake chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn. While we’re working, I’m going to share my story with you,” I say as everyone stands at their stations and watches me take the chicken out of the package.

  “What do you mean?” Sandra asks.

  “Well, when I was growing up, I didn’t have a mom who tucked me in at night, made sure I had clean clothes, or even cared if I went to school. My mom only cared about the next man in her life and the drugs she was pumping in her system. As long as she had her fix and a man in her life, I was left alone. Literally. I had to make my own meals, learn how to do my own laundry, and figure out a way to get to school every day,” I begin. “When I got old enough and started developing, things changed.

  “My mom decided she would try to pimp me out when she found one of her men trying to rape me. I was fourteen at the time. I had no protection or a way to defend myself from a man three times my size. So, I left home and lived on the streets until a caseworker found out. I was placed in a foster home that wasn’t any better than living with my mom. Instead, I had a foster father and brother who thought my payment to them should be fucking them. I was scared to tell my caseworker, so I ran away from there too. I’m a natural-born runner I guess.”

  “Men are fucking disgusting,” one of the women says as we all place our chicken in the over so we can move onto the potatoes.

  “Not all men are the same. It’s something you’ll learn when you’re ready,” I tell them. “Anyway, when I was in college, I thought I met the man of my dreams. He was polite, caring, loving, and wanted to do anything he could to help me. In exchange, I was doing my work and his. While I was stuck at home working myself to death on all of our homework, he was out fucking anyone with a pussy. Since then, I’ve stayed to myself and I don’t let anyone in. Not until recently. Now, I have a man in my life, an amazing little girl who’s had a rough start to life, and an entire MC to back me up. You all can have that in your life when you’re ready and if that’s what you want.”

  “I don’t know if I’ll ever trust a man again. I’ve been beaten down by everyone who’s supposed to have had my back. I’m just not sure it’s worth the risk to my heart or body,” another woman speaks up.

  “And that’s perfectly fine. What I do want you to know is no matter what you choose to do, I’ll always be a phone call away. I want to see you all succeed on the path life takes you on. No pressure or anything. I just want you all to know you have someone in your corner.”

  Putting my things down, I walk around the room to check on the progress of the women in the class. They’re all doing so good as they peel and cut the potatoes before placing them in the pans to boil. If one of them needs help, I quietly help them as the women talk and begin to laugh together. Everyone is sharing their stories and opening up to one another. This is what I want for the other girls who aren’t taking a chance and coming to the classes.

  Once we have the potatoes on the stove, I grab the cake mixes for everyone and we begin to make a yellow cake for dessert. Many of the women have children in their home and I want to make sure they have food to take home to them. It’s not always junk food we make either. I’ve had them prepare fruit and vegetable trays. There’s other things I want to help them learn how to make too.

  “Natasha, are you sure we’re going to remember everything you’re teaching us in here?” Sandra asks.

  “Yeah. I’m going to put together a book filled with the recipes we’ve been making. You’ll have everything you need, other than the ingredients, when you leave here. Now, how many of you are going to come to class this afternoon?” I ask.

  They all raise their hands to let me know they’ll all be in class. This is good. I can talk to Cassidy and Renegade about the self-defense classes. There’s a large room in this building we can use to train in. All we need is one of the guys to teach us and large mats to put on the floor so no one gets hurt. At least, that’s what I’m thinking. I’ll have to have the guys look into it before we begin.

  We pull the chicken out of the ovens and I show them how to check the temperature to make sure the chicken is cooked. And to cut it in half to make sure there’s no pink on the inside. When we’re all sure the chicken is done, we check the potatoes and put the corn on the stove to cook while the chicken cools a little bit.

  The women put the cake in the oven to bake while we fix plates to try the food we’ve made. I’ll let them try the food I’ve made so they can all take their own portions home with them. There will still be enough left to feed Cassidy, Renegade, and Hawk for lunch. Renegade’s been coming around during lunch on the days I have the cooking class. He takes time away from work to have lunch with me. Then he checks on Kora and goes back to work until I’m done here.

  As soon as the cake is done, we’ve eaten our lunch and started to clean the mess up, the women place their food in containers to take home with them. I walk them from the room and finish cleaning up before heading toward Cassidy’s office with lunch for everyone.

  Renegade, Hawk, and Cassidy are waiting for me. They never know what they’re going to get for lunch, but they’re always waiting here for it. Never once do they complain about anything I bring them either. It usually doesn’t last long on their plates. And the guys always want seconds. It makes me happy to see them enjoying my food. They’ll just have to wait for dessert. The cake isn’t ready to frost yet so it’s still sitting in the office ready to get done. I’ll finish it before I go home and the women already took their frosting home to do it on their own.

  “So, I wanted to talk to you all about something important. I’ve been listening to the women talk while they’re in the class. There’s one common thread to what they want; something they feel is important to them taking another step in the right direction of being free from the compound and their fear,” I tell them.

  “What’s that?” Renegade asks.

  “They need to be taught self-defense moves. The common thread is they wouldn’t have been so afraid to leave if they knew how to attack the attacker. Do you think it’s possible to add a class to the week? There’s a huge empty room. I’m not sure what all would be needed, but I’ll figure out a way to help cover the costs of everything needed to make the room ready for a class. If there’s someone who can teach the class too,” I tell them, not taking a breath until I’m done speaking.

  Renegade and Hawk look at one another for a few minutes. They’re having some sort of silent communication between themselves while Cassidy sits silently in the room with me. I look between the three of them, trying to figure out what’s going on.

  “I think it’s a good idea, baby,” Renegade finally says. “And I know someone we could get to teach the class. Chains used to teach at a gym and he taught Cassidy self-defense moves when they first got together.”

  “What do you have in mind to raise money?” Hawk asks.

  “Well, I’m thinking we can have the women who have been taking the cooking and baking class sell baked goods they make. Even if they’re not ready to leave the compound we can figure out a place to sell them in town and I’ll run the booth all day if I have to. And maybe a poker run to help raise money. Not only for the self-defense classes but for other aspect
s of the compound,” I tell them.

  “We could raffle off a bike or something, sell tickets for children to have rides on the bikes with the guys, and other things like that,” Cassidy adds in.

  “I like it. It won’t take long to organize everythin’. We can have it all set up in two weeks. Do you think you can get the women to bake enough to sell in that amount of time?” Renegade asks.

  “Yeah. We can talk about it and arrange to cook everything the week of the event. I’ll work every day with them to make sure there’s enough food to have there. Oh, what about bike washes too?” I ask, getting excited.

  “We’ll talk about that, Spitfire,” Renegade answers.

  “Spitfire?” I ask.

  “Yeah. I’ve never seen you so excited about somethin’ before,” he tells me.

  “Thank you so much, guys. I’m so happy you’re all on board with this. Do you need to run it by the rest of the club?” I pause.

  “No. They’ll understand we made an executive decision based on the needs of the women here,” Hawk tells me.

  “I’m off to my next class. Time to teach them about setting up a checking account and get them on board with this idea,” I say, jumping up from my seat.

  I give Renegade a kiss goodbye before heading to the next classroom I’ll be in.

  Walking in the room, I see all the women are already in there waiting for me. They’re really eager to learn ways they can become independent. I’m so excited I get to talk to them at the beginning of the class about the new class and baking food for a bake sale.

  “Alright everyone, before we start class today, I’ve got some good news for you. As I’ve listened to you all talking, the one common thing I’ve realized is you want to know how to defend yourself if it’s ever needed again. So, I’ve talked to Cassidy and Renegade and they’ve agreed a self-defense class is good to bring in. Another member of the club, Chains, will be the instructor of the class. He’s also with Cassidy so he knows all about the program,” I announce.


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