Renegade's Choice (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 4)

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Renegade's Choice (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 4) Page 14

by Erin Osborne

  Finally, they get her out of the car and strap her down to a backboard. There’s a neck brace placed around her small neck and the move fast to get her to the waiting ambulance. I follow them and disregard everyone who’s trying to tell me to stop or get out of the way. Cops want answers to their questions and I put them off too. They’ll just follow us to the hospital so they can ask their damn questions there. Not out here where my girl could have a lot of medical problems going on we don’t know about.

  I’m sitting in the waiting room of the hospital, pissed beyond belief. No one will tell me anything about Natasha and they won’t let me back to see her. I just kept getting told she’s having tests run. No, they think she was running from me and they’re not going to let me back until they decide to.

  My brothers surround me, almost as worried about her as I am. They’re sitting in various chairs and couches around the room. I sit and then stand to pace, then sit again. I can’t seem to

  Standing up, I pace the room once again. Other people waiting are staring at me, wondering when I’m going to lose my shit and start trashing the place. I’m not going to do a damn thing to get thrown out of here while my woman is sitting back there and I don’t know what’s going on.

  “Family of Miss Natasha Marks?” I hear.

  “I’m her man,” I tell the lady standing before me in a white lab coat. “I want to see her.”

  “You can go back in a minute. Do you know what happened?” she asks.

  “Not really. We were followin’ her down the highway when her car just careened toward the right. She rode the guardrail for a little bit before fishtailing across the highway. The car hit the grass and then spun out several more times. It almost flipped over too. I’m not sure what caused her to lose control like that though,” I answer, leaving out anything regarding Ravage Saints or the shootout.

  “Okay. Well, she’s really lucky. Other than some bumps and bruises, there’s no damage to her. She does have stitches in her head to close the gash. I’m sure it happened from her hitting her head on the steering wheel. We’re gonna keep her here for a little bit to make sure there’s no concussion,” she answers. “Follow me and I’ll take you back.”

  Nodding my head, I look to Psycho and let him know I’m going back. He nods his head in response as I walk through the doors. I follow the doctor back to the room my woman’s in. Taking a deep breath, I open the door and walk inside.

  Natasha is lying in the hospital bed, covered from her toes to just under her chin with a blanket. She’s got one arm out showing an IV in her arm. Her skin looks so pale and bruising is already beginning to form on her face and the arm I can see. Rage fills me again seeing the evidence of her being hurt.

  “Ren, can I go home?” she asks, her voice small and weak.

  “Not yet, baby. We’ll go home soon,” I tell her.

  “Your home?” she asks, opening her eyes to look at me.

  “Yeah, baby. Need to talk to you,” I say, as she sits up in bed.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks.

  “You puttin’ yourself in danger is what’s wrong. Why did you do it?”

  “You guys were spending so much time out looking for them. I knew they were after me so I thought I’d help. My thought at the time was to lead them back to the clubhouse and call you from the car to let you all know. I didn’t mean to get in a highspeed chase with them. Honestly, I didn’t really think they’d still be at my house waiting for me,” she answers me.

  “Never. Again,” I tell her. “You will never put yourself in danger again, Natasha. We have your back and we’ll make sure you won’t get hurt. But, you have to trust us and know it may take some time, but we’ll always finish what we’re doin’.”

  “I know that now. I’m sorry I didn’t believe in you. I wanted to help in some way and instead, I put more people in danger. Especially when the gunfire started,” she says, tears slipping from her eyes.

  “No more. It’s done and over with. We’ll have to think of somethin’ to tell Kora. But, you’ll be at the house with us and I’ll make sure you rest and do whatever the doctor says when you get released,” I tell her.

  “Okay, Renegade. I just want to go to bed,” she says.

  “Get some rest and I’ll let you know when we can get out of here,” I say, carefully smoothing her hair back as her eyes drift closed.

  For the next few hours, I watch Natasha sleep. Nurses come in and out of the room, constantly waking her up. They want to make sure she doesn’t have a concussion. Psycho comes in to let me know he’s talked to Hadliegh and they’re going to have Kora at their house until tomorrow before taking off.

  The rest of the guys come in to check on us before they head out. Grave and Smokey are the only two who stay at the hospital. Now that we know Natasha is okay, they’ll head back to the clubhouse and make sure the bodies are disposed of. The other two men will make sure I have an escort home with Natasha.

  Bentley brought an SUV here and rode my bike home. Psycho and Grave threatened his life if there’s a scratch on my bike when I get back. No one else rides my baby. Ever. He’s lucky as fuck I need the SUV to get Tash home.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  IT’S BEEN A week since I made the dumbest decision of my life and tried to use myself as bait. I have no clue what I was thinking. Honestly, I guess a part of me thought if I got the men after me to show themselves, Renegade could get rid of me sooner. Once my mess was all over with, I’d go back home and he’d go back to his life with Kora.

  Instead, I’m still at their house and he’s been keeping an even more watchful eye on me. The first few days, I couldn’t even go to the bathroom without him standing in the room with me. When I got cleared to take a shower after my stitches got taken out, Renegade wouldn’t let me take one alone.

  Within four days of leaving the hospital, I had the stitches in my head removed. I’m sore as hell and the bruising is making my face all sorts of colors. But, I’m lucky I’m not hurt worse. My body feels stiff and it takes me a minute to get up and moving in the morning. Renegade helps me as much as I allow him too.

  Kora was worried as hell when she got home and saw how sore I was and all the bruising. She hasn’t left my side either. Unless someone has forced her to leave me. She’s been going to her dance class and getting ready to start school in a little under two months. It’s early to start getting ready, but she’s excited.

  Every day, she comes back from rehearsal and tells me what they’ve done that day. How much she’s learning and about the dance recital she’s doing with her class in a week or two. She’s excited to be a recital so soon and spends all of her time practicing. When she’s in the room with me, she dances around the room and asks me to critique her. Kora is an amazing dancer and I love watching her.

  Renegade and I had a talk. He’s serious about making me his ol’ lady as soon as I’m feeling better. At first, I didn’t like the term, but after he explained how it’s a sign of respect and basically means I’m his wife in the eyes of the club, I came around to the idea. He’s planning a big party to celebrate me wearing his rag. Kora’s excited too.

  She’s also excited because I’ve moved into the house. Renegade didn’t give me a choice in the matter. He told me I was moving in and then took a bunch of guys to the house and packed my stuff up. They brought it here and we unpacked it. Well, Renegade and Kora unpacked my stuff as they made me sit still and not lift a finger. It was frustrating to say the least.

  So, I’m now living with Renegade and Kora. It’s not even an adjustment because I’ve been staying here for so long. Part of me doesn’t like the fact Renegade just took the decision from me. But, the other part of me loves he didn’t give me a choice in the matter. If he did, I would’ve left to have time to think things over. It wouldn’t have turned out good.

  The day I came home from the hospital, Renegade gave me my rag. I cried like a baby as I put it on to show him. It’s black and looks like his, the on
ly difference is instead of the rockers like the men wear, the women’s top rocker says ‘Property of’ and the bottom one on mine says ‘Renegade’. I love it and I’ll wear it proudly. We had a small party at the house because of how sore I was. Renegade didn’t want me to overdo anything. So, I was regulated to sitting in a chair and not allowed to get up. The Prospects brought me drinks whenever I needed one and Renegade brought my food to me.

  Today, I’m going back to work at the compound. Renegade doesn’t want me to go back yet, but I’m going stir crazy. I can’t sit in this damn house another day doing nothing. He’s not happy, but I’ll be behind a gate, the guys are all gone, and every day is easier to move. Hell, being up and around will help me move around even better. I won’t be as stiff or have as much trouble getting out of bed.

  I’m excited to be getting back to work. I want to be around the women and find out what Cassidy wants me to do moving forward. Then I can get to work setting up weekly schedules. If I know anything, knowing what’s coming is important to people who have been through domestic violence situations. At least in some cases. Not everyone is the same though.

  Then I can make a list of what’s needed in the kitchen and send someone out to get it. Once we have everything in place, it will make the classes easier for me. I’ll just have to grab out what I need for the day and know it’s already in place.

  I can work on menus, lists for what’s needed in the kitchen, groceries I’ll need, and ideas for raising money to help fund the program. If I’m going to be spending money every week, I want to make sure I help figure out ways to bring the money back in. I should sit down with Cassidy once I get to the compound if she’s got a few minutes.

  “Ready to head out?” Renegade asks, coming in the bedroom.


  “What’s got you thinkin’ so hard?” he asks, wrapping me in his arms.

  “Just thinking of ways to make things easier and raise money for the programs,” I tell him honestly.

  “You really like workin’ there, don’t you?”

  “I do. I want to make sure the programs Cassidy’s put in place thrive and we have enough money to make sure everything stays in place.”

  “Okay. I’ll bring it to church about gettin’ you put on the payroll there. If it’s what you want to do, then we’ll make it happen,” Renegade tells me.

  This is why I fall a little more in love with this man on a daily basis. Renegade sees what people want and he moves mountains for people to get it. Especially the people he cares about and lets in. I’m lucky to be one of those people.

  “Renegade, you know I love you,” I tell him, not forgetting uttering those words when I thought I was going to die. “When I said it during the car chase, I meant it. I love you and things you do like this make me fall more in love with you every single day.”

  “That’s good, baby. I love you too. I want you to be happy with your decision to be mine. Because I’m not lettin’ you go. Tash, you’re mine and I’m goin’ to put my ring on your finger and my baby in your belly. I’m not waitin’ anymore. And I’m not thinkin’ you’re goin’ to put me through the same shit Saralyn did,” he tells me. “When I saw you crashin’ I thought I was about to lose you. I’ve never been so scared of anythin’ in my life. And I have a teenage daughter.”

  “I want it all with you. I don’t think you’re going to be my ex or anyone else that’s done me dirty in life. I’m ready to take a leap of faith and give myself to you,” I say, pressing my lips to his. “Now, I want to talk to Cassidy before class.”

  “Let’s go. Kora’s in class already and don’t forget we need to be ready for her recital next week. I want everyone there for her,” he reminds me.

  We head out to the compound where Bishop and Bentley are standing at the gate. They let us in and close the gate as soon as we’re through. Since Tanner showed up here, none of the guys are taking any chances. The guys are taking our safety seriously. And not just because we’re with members of the club. They want the women and kids living here to be safe; to feel safe after not feeling that way in so long.

  Renegade parks by the office building and jumps out to open my door for me. He helps me out of the SUV and we walk inside. I’m sure he’s going to hang around for a while to make sure I’m settled in. He doesn’t need to, but it’s nice to know he wants to be close to me.

  “Babe, I know you got work to do. I’ll be safe here and I won’t leave without you or another member with me. I’m going to talk to Cassidy, prepare my classes, and then come home when you come back to get me. Go do your Presidential duties,” I tell him, trying to lighten the mood.

  “I know, baby. I’m goin’ to talk to Hawk quick before I head out. You go do your thing and we’ll meet up later. I’m orderin’ dinner so don’t worry about cookin’ anythin’,” he tells me. “Love you.”

  “Love you too,” I say, placing a chaste kiss on his lips.

  I watch Renegade walk away from me. Once he’s disappeared from sight, I head to Cassidy’s office. Knocking on the door, I wait for her to call out before I go inside. She’s sitting at her desk with Sloane asleep in her car seat next to her. There’s papers scattered all over the desk and I hope it’s nothing bad since Cass looks so frustrated.

  “Everything okay?” I ask, taking the seat in front of her desk.

  “Yeah. Just paperwork. As usual. What can I do for you?” Cassidy asks. “Are you feeling better?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. A little stiff still, but nothing time won’t take care of. I wanted to talk to you about a few things,” I tell her.

  “What’s on your mind?” she asks, leaning back in her chair.

  “Well, I want to plan everything out by the week. I’m not saying I won’t plan a few weeks at a time, but it will be easier for me to concentrate on one week at a time. I’ll plan out the menus, put together a grocery list, and go through what the kitchen needs. I’ll have someone pick the stuff up and bring it into me. Then, everyone will know what’s going on for the week,” I tell her.

  “That sounds like a good plan. Are you still wanting to do the class three days a week?”

  “Yeah. If we get more women in here and I think we need to up the class, we’ll talk about it. For now, three days is more than enough for what we’re doing. I’m going to do the same things with the finance class I’m teaching. I won’t need anything for that because I’ll just make copies of my personal things. I’ll black out the numbers of my account so they don’t have access to that. It will work out.”

  “Sounds good, Natasha. I want to thank you for taking this on. I know it’s not for everyone,” she says.

  “There’s just one more thing. I want to figure out some ways we can make money. We won’t have to rely on the club for funds. You can start an account in the name of the compound or whatever you want to do. But it would be money for the compound only. If a program needs something, you’ll have the funds without having to bother the guys if they’re busy,” I say, not too sure about this idea.

  Cassidy sits back in her chair and thinks about what I’ve said. When I think she’s about to turn down the idea, she smiles at me and leans forward.

  “I love it. I’m putting you in charge of all fundraisers. I’m going to get you in an office here so you don’t have to do everything at home. You can come and go as you please like you do now. But, you’ll have your own space too,” she says.

  “Thank you so much. I’m glad you like the idea,” I tell her, relief filling me.

  Heading out of her office, I make my way to the kitchen. I open all the cupboards and begin to make a list of everything we have and another what we’re going to need to get. By the time I’m done, I have a huge list of things we need to have purchased if I’m going to teach the women a wide array of meals to cook.

  Looking into the refrigerators, I make a list of everything we have. I go through the entire room before I’m done. The list of things we need to buy is longer than I anticipated and my mind immediatel
y goes to any type of fundraiser we can do immediately to help raise funds to purchase the necessary items and equipment.

  We could do a bake sale, a poker run, or something along those lines. I’m not sure how long it would take to organize something like that though. Before I can think about it too long, the women for the class begin to filter into the room. I need to get things in order for them. And I haven’t done it yet.

  “Hey everyone. Are you ready for today’s class?” I ask, a smile on my face as they each take their stations.

  A few greet me, while others remain quiet. Some of the women are newer here and they don’t trust anyone. It doesn’t bother me— I’ve been in their shoes before and I get it. They’ll open up when they’re ready and not a second sooner.

  “Today we’re going to be making a simple meal of BLTs and French fries. I think it will be the perfect lunch. And when you’re busy and not sure what to make, it doesn’t take long to throw together,” I say, pulling the fries from the freezer first.

  As I teach the class, I keep an eye on the women. If I see one struggling and not asking for help, I can discreetly help them. Some of them don’t want to be the center of attention and I try to respect that feeling.

  The day passes by and everyone enjoys the food we’ve made. Even the newer girls have managed to say a few words. This is why I want to work here and be around these women. I know they’re wondering about me because I’m still covered in bruises and I haven’t tried to hide them. Today isn’t the day for sharing though. Next class, I’ll share my past with the women and let them know they’re truly not alone. I know some of what they’re feeling and what they’ve been through.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  THIS MORNING, KORA has been a bundle of excitement mixed with nerves. One second she’s jumping up and down because she can’t wait for the recital to begin. The next second, she wants to lock herself in her room and not go to the recital at all. Natasha and I have tried talking to her, giving her the encouragement she needs. It’s not working all that well though.


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