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Renegade's Choice (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 4)

Page 16

by Erin Osborne

  Everyone in the room begins to cheer as they realize they’re going to be getting more of what they need and want.

  “That’s not all. To help provide the classes and do what’s needed to bring in the self-defense class, we’re going to have a poker run and other things done to raise money. One of those things will be a bake sale. All the baked goods will be provided by us. We’ll bake everything in class next week and then I’ll take it to the booth in town. How does that sound?” I ask them.

  For a few minutes, they’re all silent. Oh shit!

  “I forgot to add, we’re not expecting you to leave the compound to sell the goods. I’ll do all of that. The only thing I need from you is your help to get things ready. Can we do that in class next week? Or would you all rather stick to the program I set up for the week?” I ask.

  “I have no problem helping do the baking. What I don’t want to do is mingle with the public yet. I’m not ready for that just yet,” Sandra says.

  “That’s fine. I’ll let you guys think about it until our next class and we can talk about it more then,” I say. “Now, let’s get on with today’s lesson.”

  For the next hour and a half, I teach the women all about checking and savings accounts. I copied one of my checks and have blacked out all of my account numbers along with my old address. I’m going to be showing them how to write checks out, so I don’t want them to get thrown away with my information on them. Even if I shred them in my office after class.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  TODAY IS THE day of the poker run and other things we’re doing to raise money for the compound. Natasha has been working her ass off ever since she brought the idea to us over lunch. She’s been at the compound daily, making food and talking to the women about whatever they want to talk about.

  I’ve barely spent any time with her because we’ve both been so busy. I’ve been putting the poker run together, making sure the guys get a bike ready we can raffle off, and organizing other clubs coming in to help us on the run. Slim’s club is coming and they’re bringing some stuff with them to add to the day.

  I know the women are bringing baked goods with them, they’ll be helping with the bike washes, Trojan customized a bike and is bringing it to add to a raffle for more money. There’s also going to be a cookout. Some of the ol’ ladies will be selling hot dogs, hamburgers, soda, water, fries, and salt potatoes. Bentley is going to be grilling. I’m not sure what else the women have planned, but it shouldn’t take much more to make the day successful and raise money for the women and kids at the compound. Ultimately, that’s what we’re raising money for.

  Before the day begins with the poker run, I’ve got a surprise for Natasha. Psycho and Hadliegh should be here soon to help me out. Which means I need to get my ass in gear.

  Walking in our bedroom, I find Natasha standing in the closet in nothing more than a bra and panties. She’s trying to figure out what she wants to wear today. It’s now or never. It might not be the most romantic setting, but this will have to do.

  “Tash, I need to talk to you for a second,” I say, pulling her from the closet and leading her to the bed.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks, looking at me with worried eyes.

  “Nothin’ baby,” I say, kneeling down in front of her as she sits on the bed. “Natasha, I told you I wanted to make you my ol’ lady, my wife, and give you our babies. We’ve both been so busy and I’m sorry about that. I love you and I’m more than prepared to spend our lives together. Raisin’ Kora and any other children you bless us with. Natasha, will you marry me?”

  I hold out a ring box and open the lid for her to see the custom ring I had made for her. It’s got a black band with two diamonds down each side. In the center of the ring is a sapphire in the shape of the heart with a diamond on top of it. The wedding band has diamonds and sapphires going halfway around the band.

  “Yes!” Tash answers, holding out her hand for me to place the ring on her finger.

  “You’ve made me happier than I’ve ever been in my life,” I tell her. “Now, we have an hour before we have to be at the courthouse.”

  “What? That’s not enough time,” she says.

  “We’ve talked about this. Neither one of us wants a big weddin’. We want Kora, Psycho, and Hadliegh there with us. So, we’re goin’ to the courthouse to get married and then we’ll have the reception at the end of the poker run. I think it will tie the day together,” I answer.

  “Ren, are you sure this is what you want?” she asks.

  “Yes. Now, you’re the last one to get ready. If you don’t hurry up, Hadliegh will be up here and she’ll catch you in your underwear. And, I’m sorry, but I’m the only one who gets to see you this way,” I tell her, leaving the room so she can get dressed.

  If I stay in the room with her, I’ll end up fucking her and that won’t help us out today. We’ve got a busy day and our wedding is just the beginning.

  I walk downstairs to find my brother, sister-in-law, and daughter hanging out in the kitchen. There’s a ton of containers on the counter from the women at the compound. We brought all the baked goods home last night and they really outdid themselves. There’s cookies, pies, brownies, cakes, fudge, peanut butter balls, no bakes, and candy. We’ve been sampling a little bit of everything throughout the week and I’m going to have to add to my workouts because of it.

  Natasha comes down the stairs wearing a summer dress. It’s an off-white color with spaghetti straps. She’s got wedge sandals on her feet and her hair is left down with curls in it. There’s no make-up on her face either. I’ve never seen her look as beautiful as she does in this minute. Especially with the glow radiating from her.

  “Alright, Tash, you look gorgeous. Now, let’s get this show on the road. We still have to get the booths set up on Main Street and get the food set up,” Hadliegh says.

  We all leave the house and pile into Hadliegh’s SUV. Natasha’s silent as we head to the courthouse and I’m wondering if she’s regretting her decision to marry me. Especially since we’re getting married in a courthouse in front of a Justice of the Peace. I’m not giving her the wedding she deserves. It’s a rush job and I can admit it.

  “Tash, are you sure this is what you want?” I ask, pulling her attention toward me.

  “Yes. I told you I don’t want, or need, a big fancy wedding. I want you and Kora there along with your brother and Hadliegh. She’s the first friend I made here and he’s your brother. What more could I want?” she asks.

  “You could want a real weddin’. Even if it’s not a big affair. Am I rushin’ you into this?” I ask her, concern lacing my features.

  “You’re not rushing me. Renegade, I want you to be my husband. I want to have you and Kora in my life for good. This is not me being rushed. I’m worried you made a rash decision and you’re going to end up regretting it,” she tells me.

  “Never. I’ve wanted you since the first day I saw you in the tattoo shop talkin’ to Hadliegh about her situation with her and Psycho. Instead of jumpin’ on the bandwagon to bash men, you talked to her about givin’ him another chance. I was just too fuckin’ stupid to realize what was standin’ in front of me,” I tell her honestly.

  Psycho pulls up to the courthouse and we all get out. I take a look around as I help Natasha and my daughter from the SUV. The town is already full of people getting ready for the poker run. It looks as if the ol’ ladies aren’t going to be the only ones having booths for today’s affair. If we can help the town out with the other clubs and people coming into town, then I’m all for it.

  We head inside and walk to the room we’ll be getting married in. Hadliegh hands Natasha a bouquet of Lily of the Valley flowers in blue. They’re her favorite flower and I never even thought to get something for her. Damn it!

  The five of us walk to the podium at the front of the room and stand while the Justice of the Peace begins the short ceremony. When he gets to the vows, I stop him. I want to say my own w
ords here.

  “Natasha, you know my past and how I never wanted to be with anyone, didn’t want to let anyone close to me again. You blew through all of my defenses without even tryin’. You’ve been there for my daughter, have taken on projects the club started, and help anyone that needs it. All without anyone askin’ for your help. You make me want to be a better man and father for Kora. I promise to always talk to you, be there to support you in any way I can, and never hold you back from anythin’ you want to do. I’ll love you as much as my leather and ride you as hard as my bike,” I tell her making Hadliegh and Psycho laugh.

  The Justice of the Peace coughs to hide the laugh he wants to let loose. Natasha looks at me with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face.

  “Renegade, you have wormed your way into my life and my heart. I wasn’t living before I met you. I merely existed in a world alone. You and Kora have filled my life with fun, laughter, color, and hope. The hope which leads me to believe we can accomplish anything as long as we’re together. I will make you proud, support you in everything you do, love you, and trust in you to make the hard decisions. I will love Kora as if she were my own child and help you ensure she grows to the amazing woman I know she’ll become with our guidance and strength,” Natasha says, looking at Kora at the last sentence.

  “If no one has any objections, I now pronounce you man and wife,” the Justice of the Peace says. “You may kiss your bride.”

  I hold Natasha’s face with both of my hands and lean down to kiss her. The kiss is soft and full of promise. Of the future I want us to have and I’ll do anything in my power to make happen.

  The four of us sign the papers we need to for our marriage to become legal. Kora stands just behind us, holding the flowers in her hand. She’s got a smile on her face as I wink at her. Yes, I talked to my daughter before I proposed to Natasha and planned this crazy-ass day.

  We leave the courthouse and make our way back home. Natasha, Hadliegh, and Kora are talking about what they need to do as soon as we get back to the house. There’s no time for us to have alone and I don’t really care. Today is now about the Domestic Violence compound. We’ll have time for us later on.

  “Alright, you ladies go do what you need to do and I’ll see you later on,” I tell them as we park in front of the house. “Psycho and I need to go over the last-minute details of the poker run. There’s more clubs comin’ than we thought and other riders too. We’ll see you at the end.”

  “Love you, Ren,” my wife says, smiling up at me.

  “I love you too, baby. I wish you were goin’ with me on the ride,” I tell her.

  “I know. But, I promised the girls I’d be in the booth with their baked goods. Besides, Kora’s gonna help me.”

  “You two behave and we’ll see you later,” I say, placing another kiss on my wife’s mouth before heading out with my brother.

  We’ve just gotten back to town from the poker run. Instead of meeting back at the clubhouse like we’d normally do, Natasha got permission from the town to have a large party in the town square. They’ve partitioned off several parking lots for the bikes to all park and the Prospects are directing people where to park. We’re not going to have the weekend riders parking with the guys in clubs. We’re that protective of our rides and don’t want anyone to fuck them up on accident.

  As soon as we’ve parked, I make my way over to the various booths lining Main Street. Natasha’s is the first one in the line and I don’t hesitate to walk behind it and wrap my arms around her. She leans back into me and I hear a sigh escape her. There’s barely anything left from all the baked goods they brought with them today.

  “Looks like you had a good turnout today,” I tell her.

  “Yeah. No one’s balked at the prices and people have been coming up to me all day wanting more. I think we need to talk about opening a shop. When the women are ready to leave the compound, we could offer them jobs there. Give them a fresh start here where they know us,” she tells me. “And I’ve had several people drop off donations. There’s been money, gift certificates for different businesses in town, groceries for the compound, other goods the women and kids will need both at the compound and as they make their way out of our program. It’s better than I ever dreamed.”

  “That’s really good, baby,” I tell her. “We’ll have Hawk count all the money when we’re done and he’ll give us the final total. I have to go say a few words now about the raffles for the bikes.”

  “Okay. I’ll be here. Oh, Hawk needs to stop by the other booths and get their monetary donations too. Every shop owner in town is selling things so we can have that money. And they’re donating whatever else they can as well,” she tells me.

  I nod my head at her and make my way to the center where the bikes are sitting. There’s so many people surrounding the bikes, I have to fight my way through the crowd. Grave and Psycho are standing the closest to the bikes so no one gets hurt, fucks with the bikes, or starts a fight over them. Once I’m on the makeshift the stage my brother hands me a microphone so everyone can hear me.

  “Excuse me! Can I have everyone’s attention please,” I say, pausing to wait for everyone to calm down. “I want to thank you all for comin’ out today. My new wife is the reason we’re all here today. As some of you know, we run a compound for victims of Domestic Violence. Any person in an abusive relationship, we want to help. Please keep us in mind if you know of anyone in a situation they don’t see a way out of. We’ll do what we can to help.

  “Anyway, we’re all here today to raise money so we can keep up with the programs we have in place. Cassidy is in charge of the programs and has brought counselors in, there’s a computer class, a financial class, and a cooking and baking class. We’re also about to implement self-defense classes for the women livin’ at the compound. Now, let’s see who won these amazin’ bikes. Psycho, please draw the first ticket.”

  Everyone pulls out their tickets to see which of them are lucky enough to have won the bike we put up. Psycho pulls out a ticket and laughs at the name. He searches the crowd until his eyes land on a woman. He hands me the ticket and I take a minute to laugh at the name I see.

  “Summer, you’re the winner of the bike,” I say.

  Everyone turns their attention toward the back of the crowd where the bikes are being washed. She faces toward Dozer, who went on the poker run with us today. He’s laughing his ass off. I’ve heard Summer’s a badass and I guess this proves it. Looks like she wants to ride her own bike instead of riding bitch behind her ol’ man.

  Looking toward Grave, I motion for him to pull out the ticket for the next bike. The one Trojan donated. He looks at me after pulling a ticket and from the look on his face, I completely think another woman won the bike. He hands me the ticket and I’m shocked.

  “Looks like I won the other bike,” I announce.

  The crowd boos because none of them won the bikes. Until Summer makes her way to the stage. She holds out her hand for the microphone and I hand it over while remaining on the stage.

  “Hello, everyone. I’d like to give the bike I won to a worthy person. I know this family has been down on their luck and they don’t have reliable transportation. It’s not much, but it will help the father get a job so they can get back on their feet and become independent once again. Mr. Killinger, will you please come up here?” she says.

  I watch as a man in his early thirties walks toward the stage. He leaves a heavily -pregnant young woman with a baby on her hip. The woman is crying while the man has a soft smile on his face. He walks up on stage and thanks Summer. He’s not letting his pride get in the way of helping his family or accepting the gift from Summer.

  “Thank you,” he says. “I don’t know what else to say. You have no idea how much this is gonna help us.”

  “You’re welcome. I heard about your story and I wanted to make sure you had something to help you out. Just don’t take your wife on any joy rides right now. Wait until she has that baby,” Summer tells him.

  “Mr. Killinger, can I have a minute?” I ask him.

  He nods his head and follows me from the stage and toward the back where no one’s standing. Once I’m sure we’re alone and no one’s going to overhear our conversation, I begin talking to him.

  “What’s your first name?” I ask him.

  “It’s Kent,” he answers.

  “Kent, I’m Renegade. President of Satan’s Anarchy Motorcycle Club. Do you know how to tend bar?” I ask him.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “You’ll follow our rules and make sure no one underage drinks, no drugs are sold in the bar, and you cut people off when they’ve had more than enough? Get people a cab when they’ve had more than enough to drink?” I ask him.

  “I can do all that, sir,” he replies.

  “Then be at the Outlaw Den tomorrow at five,” I tell him. “I’ll let the guys know to expect you. Bring your ID and you’ll have to fill out the paperwork. You know who Hawk is?”

  “I do,” he says.

  “Go find him and give him your information. I’ll have him run a background check on you before you go in tomorrow,” I say.

  “Thank you,” he says. “You didn’t have to do this.”

  “I know I didn’t. But, you’re a resident of our town and I want to make sure your family is taken care of,” I say simply. “Now go enjoy the rest of the day and enjoy the bike.”

  I watch as Kent leaves me. There’s a smile on his face and I’m glad we could do this for him and his young family. He’ll have a job, money in his pocket, and I hope nothing bad happens to him again. I’ll keep an eye on him to make sure he’s doing okay and see if his family needs anything. I’m sure the girls will take his young wife under their wings as well.


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