Renegade's Choice (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 4)

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Renegade's Choice (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 4) Page 17

by Erin Osborne

  Today is over for me here. I want to get back to the house with my wife and daughter. The rest of the night is for us. When Kora goes to bed, I’ll ravish Natasha and show her how grateful I am for her agreeing to be my wife.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  IT’S BEEN TWO days since I got married to the man of my dreams and we had the fundraiser for the compound. We managed to raise almost ninety thousand dollars for the compound. The money will go a long way in keeping the programs going. Plus, we had so many other donations to the compound in the form of groceries for the families and individuals staying there, clothes, shoes, blankets, other household items used daily, and so many other services and goods. The outpouring of love and support has been amazing.

  Life is great. Kora is excited to have me as her stepmom. The only dark spot in her life is her mom. She still hasn’t signed her rights away and Renegade doesn’t hide anything about it from her. Kora knows exactly what’s going on. We’re just waiting to see what’s going to happen next with her mom.

  Renegade has shown me nothing but love since we became husband and wife. He has ravished my body more times than I can count in the last two days. It’s not just at night. If we’re alone for more than five minutes at any time of the day, he shows me again how happy he is. I tease him about being on a mission to get me pregnant.

  Chains has shopped around to get the best deals on what’s needed to convert the room into a training room. He got workout equipment, mats, and several other items donated to us. He’s volunteering his time once the room is set up. He’ll be teaching the women more than self-defense moves. Chains will be teaching the women how to use the workout equipment if they choose to use the machines. They’re all excited and can’t wait to see what he got for them to use. The room will be open around the clock so they can work out when they have the time. We’ll make sure one of the Prospects is inside in case something happens to them.

  I also haven’t been feeling good the last few days. I’ve been putting it down to stress and everything we’ve had going on to get ready for the fundraiser and teaching all the classes at the compound. Now, it’s not getting any better and seems to be worse in the morning, so I have an appointment to see the doctor and get checked out. I have a feeling I know what it is, but I’m keeping my mouth shut. At least until I know what’s going on.

  I’ve already called Cassidy to let her know I’ll be late because of my appointment. She’s going to let the women know to come in an hour later when I can get there. So, I get dressed and make my way out to the car to head into town for the doctor’s office. Bishop is going to follow me. Renegade knows I’m going to the doctor, but he doesn’t know what’s going on in my head.

  Pulling up to the office, I make my way inside and check-in. I take a seat along the wall closest to the door I came in and wait for them to call my name. Picking up a magazine, I flip through the pages, not really paying attention to what I’m looking at. My mind is preoccupied with so many thoughts. If I am pregnant, like I think, I don’t want Kora to think we’re pushing her to the side. Or that we’re not going to love her any less than we do now.

  Finally, I’m called back to the exam rooms. I have my weight taken along with other vitals before the nurse takes me to the bathroom so I can leave a sample for them to test. Once I’m done, I sit in the room waiting for the doctor to come in.

  Like most doctors, there’s posters showing different stages of pregnancy, diseases, and other medical things. There’s pamphlets for different medications and other diseases on a shelf on the wall. I look around and take in every detail so I don’t sit here and think about all the other things that could be wrong with me.

  There’s a knock on the door and I release the breath I was holding. The doctor comes in and offers me a smile. She takes a seat on the stool and opens the folder in front of her. After looking at the papers inside, she looks up at me.

  “Natasha, I’m Doctor Santiago. This is your first time here?” she asks.


  “What’s been going on?” she asks, setting the file to the side.

  “I haven’t been feeling good for a few days. At first, I thought it was just stress, but now I’m wondering if I’m pregnant because things are starting to calm down and I’m not feeling any better,” I answer.

  “Not feeling good how?”

  “I’m getting sick in the morning, I’m exhausted all the time, and certain smells throw my stomach off. My breasts are tender and it’s been a little while since my last period.”

  “Well, I can say you’re definitely pregnant. A few months along from what I can tell based on the levels in your sample,” Doctor Santiago says. “I’ll give you some prenatal vitamins but you need to make an appointment with an obstetrician.”

  “Okay. I’ll ask the other women who they’ve gone to and see if they’re taking on any new patients,” I tell her.

  Doctor Santiago finishes her exam of me, gives me the script, and sends me on my way. I feel as if I’m walking on a cloud as I leave the office and make my way to the car. Bishop is sitting on his bike next to my car, keeping an eye on things. There’s been no threat, but Renegade isn’t taking any chances. Whenever the women leave their houses, the clubhouse, or the compound, someone is always with them. It’s either their man or a Prospect.

  I head to the compound where Bentley and a new Prospect are manning the gate. Bentley lets me in with a wave before closing the gate behind me. For the next two hours, I work with the women in class and we make tacos. The only difference is we use chicken instead of ground beef. It gives them a variety and next week we’ll make the ground beef ones.

  When it’s time for lunch, I take the tacos over to Cassidy’s office. The men and Cassidy are waiting for me. I set the trays down on the desk and they dig in. I’ve already eaten with the women in the kitchen so I just sit back and sip my water. Renegade doesn’t take his attention off me and I’m sure he’s waiting to hear what the doctor told me today.

  “Are you gonna make me wait until we get home?” he finally asks.

  “No. I’m just not sure if now is the time to talk about it,” I answer.

  Renegade sets his plate down and stands up. He holds out his hand for me and leads me from the room. We stand in the empty hallway as Renegade waits for me to talk.

  “I’m sorry. I found out I’m pregnant. I’m not sure how far along I am yet, but the results were definitely positive,” I tell him, keeping my eyes lowered.

  He waits for a minute before gently lifting my head so our gaze meets. A smile is on his face as he looks at me. Before too long, he leans down to kiss me. The kiss is soft and sweet. Not like the ones full of passion and want.

  “I didn’t think I could be any happier than I was when you agreed to marry me. That’s nothin’ compared to right now. I can’t believe we’re gonna have a baby,” he tells me.

  “You’re happy it’s happening so soon?” I ask.

  “Yes. It’s not like we’ve been usin’ protection or anythin’ to prevent pregnancy. You’re the only one since Saralyn I’ve never used a condom with,” he tells me. “I’m happy as fuck this is happenin’. Talk to the girls and use their doctor.”

  “That’s what I was planning on doing. I don’t want to use someone none of them have been to before. I’d rather have a doctor they’ve used,” I say.

  “Good. You take it easy the rest of the day and I’ll pick you up when you’re done,” he says, giving me one more kiss.

  “I will. I’ve only got the finance class in a little bit. Then I’ll be ready to go home. I’ve got my car here so if you have things to do, don’t worry about me.”

  “Nope. I’ll be here waitin’ for you,” he replies.

  Heading back into Cassidy’s office, Renegade finishes his lunch before I take the trays back to the kitchen and wash them up before putting them away. There’s no time to talk to Hadliegh or Cassidy about their doctor so I make my way to class and spend the aft
ernoon with the women I’m coming to care about so much. They’re fast becoming friends as we work, talk, and laugh together. I just wish I could get Vanessa and Amanda to join us. They still don’t come to any of the classes.

  Cassidy’s been trying to talk them into coming around, but they don’t. I know Vanessa has kids and she’s been told there’s someone here to watch the kids while she’s with me or anyone else for class. She still sticks to herself. Amanda is pregnant and only leaves when one of the Prospects takes her to the doctor. I’d like her to join the classes, but I’m not going to force either one of them. In a few weeks, I’ll go around and talk to them. See if I can give them more information about what we actually do in class so they know.

  As the women file out of the classroom, I pick up the papers from today’s lesson and make my way to my office. I shred the papers, lock my office door as I leave, and head to my car. As promised, Renegade is sitting on his bike waiting for me. I give him a quick kiss before getting in my car and heading home. He follows me and parks beside me before taking me inside for the rest of the night. It’s family night and no one will disturb us. Renegade wants to celebrate our news, but I don’t want to just yet. Kora needs to hear it from us and we need to talk to her about it.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  YESTERDAY NATASHA MADE me the happiest man alive. When Saralyn was pregnant with Kora, I missed out on everything. Not only with the pregnancy, but with Kora’s first twelve years. I didn’t get to see her being born, her first steps, crawling, her first tooth, or anything else. Now, I get to experience everything with Natasha.

  Natasha and I had a long talk last night once Kora was in bed. She wants to talk to Kora about the baby before anyone else is told. I get where she’s coming from and I have some of the same concerns she does about my daughter feeling some type of way. We’re not going to love her any less or put her after the new baby. She’ll be here every step of the way with us.

  Before we talk to her about the baby, I have another job to do. I have to go see Saralyn and get her to sign the damn papers. One way or another she’ll sign the paperwork to give up her rights. If she’s doing drugs and worried more about her next fuck instead of our daughter, she doesn’t need to be around her.

  I leave the house before the girls are awake and make the trip to Saralyn’s house. It’s in the next town over and I’m not surprised when I pull up to a rundown house almost an hour after leaving my own home. The yard is brown and overgrown with trash littering it. Paint is peeling from the outside of the house, shutters are hanging askew, and the steps of the porch look like they’re ready to collapse under the weight of an ant. I’m almost afraid to walk up to them and knock on the door.

  But, I push on and make my way gingerly to the door. When I knock on it, the door swings open. It’s not locked or even shut all the way so it will latch to remain closed. I peer inside and I’m disgusted by the sight greeting me. The front room is trashed and bodies are lying all over every available surface.

  Saralyn is lying on the couch. A band is still tied around her arm as she’s drugged out of her fucking mind. The rest of the people in the room aren’t much better as I step into the room. I pull my gloves out of my pocket and make sure they’re on before I go further inside. I’m not going to get poked by any needles or take the chance anyone has a disease I don’t want.

  Once I’m standing in front of Saralyn, I kick the couch to jar her ass up. She looks up at me with dazed eyes. Looking down at her, I see the needle she used on the floor beneath her. There’s drugs on the table and I’m thoroughly disgusted by her and how she’s choosing to live her life. This is not the girl I fell in love with.

  “Saralyn, wake the fuck up,” I yell out.

  “W-w-what?” she asks, barely opening her eyes and looking up at me

  “Saralyn, sign these fuckin’ papers,” I tell her, pulling them from my coat and slamming them down on the table.

  The drugs lying scattered on the table go flying. Coke now coats every surface while weed litters the floor and table. I’m not even sure what the hell else is on this tabletop and I don’t give a fuck. I’m making sure Kora never has to come near this bitch ever again. My daughter has a mother and her name is Natasha. Saralyn will never be known as her mom again. It takes more than giving birth to a child to be a parent.

  “I’m not signing them,” she says, trying to sit up. “That bitch is mine and mine alone.”

  “The fuck she is. You ever speak about my daughter again and I’ll fuckin’ gut you. Do you understand me?” I yell out. “You don’t sign these papers right now, I’ll drag your ass to court and you’ll be locked up. Not only are you an addict, but the cops are lookin’ for your man. You want me to call them now and have them come pick him up?”

  “You wouldn’t do that,” she slurs.

  “Yes, I would. You don’t know a fuckin’ thing about me anymore. I’m not the same person I was when I was younger,” I tell her.

  Grabbing her arm, I pull her toward the table and put a pen in her hand. She looks up at me to see how serious I am before signing.

  “Get the fuck outta here. You’re not welcome and that bitch isn’t welcome here either,” she says, becoming slightly more alert.

  I grab the papers, wipe them off to make sure there’s no residue on them, and leave the fucking hole Saralyn’s living in now. I’ll drop them off on my way back into Shadowville so the lawyer can file them and we’ll never have to worry about this bitch trying to take my daughter from me.

  By the time I get back home, Natasha and Kora are sitting at the counter with lunch in front of them. I make a sandwich and grab the bag of chips and a soda before sitting down with them. They’re both looking at me to figure out where I’ve been this morning. I usually don’t leave the house without at least letting Natasha know where I’m going. Today was an exception.

  “Kora, Natasha and I need to talk to you about a few things. The first thing, Natasha doesn’t know about,” I tell her. “I got your mom to sign the papers signin’ away her rights to you. On my way back into town, I dropped them off to the lawyer and he’s goin’ to file them as soon as he meets with his last client for the day. You don’t have to worry about her comin’ around here to take you anymore.”

  Kora jumps up from her chair and does a happy dance. She wraps her arms around me and says thank you repeatedly. Tears shimmer in her eyes and a smile takes up her entire face. My girl is happy as hell she doesn’t have to worry about that bitch anymore.

  “Does that mean Natasha can adopt me and be my mom forever?” Kora asks.

  I look at Natasha over Kora’s head and see the tears falling from her eyes. She’s not upset or sad— she’s happy Kora wants her to adopt her. We’ve talked about the possibility but decided not to say anything, to leave it up to her to decide what she wants to do. It looks like we didn’t have to wait long to find out.

  “Now, we have one more thing to talk to you about,” I tell her, looking at Natasha again.

  “What’s going on?” Kora asks.

  “I found out yesterday I’m pregnant. Don’t think this is going to change anything between us. We’re going to include you in every aspect of the pregnancy and birth you want to be included in. Us having another baby doesn’t mean we love you any less or are gonna push you to the side. There’s room here for everyone. Especially you,” Natasha tells her.

  For a long time, Kora doesn’t say anything. She looks back and forth between us with no emotion showing on her face. I honestly don’t know what she’s thinking or what she’s going to say.

  “Are you serious?” she asks.

  “Yeah. We wanted to tell you first. Neither one of us wanted you to hear it from anyone else,” I tell her.

  “That’s awesome! I can’t wait for you to have the baby. Are you gonna find out what you’re having?” she asks, jumping up and down again.

  “We haven’t talked about it, but I don’t want to wait if your dad doesn
’t,” Natasha answers.

  “Can I help you plan the nursery and paint it?” Kora asks.

  “Of course you can,” I answer.

  The rest of the afternoon, the three of us spend together locked in the house. This is a big day for us and we’re not ready to share all the good news with everyone just yet. Well, not until tonight anyway. Mom, Psycho, Hadliegh, and their kids are coming over for dinner and we’ll tell them tonight. They’re blood and deserve to know before anyone else does.

  I help the girls prepare dinner and dessert. Natasha and Kora clean up the house while we’re waiting for everyone to show up. I head outside and fire up the grill for the steaks about twenty minutes before they’re all supposed to be here. It’s going to be a good night as I take in our home and watch Natasha and Kora dancing around the living room. This is what makes life worth living— letting people in and sharing your life with those who love you without reserve.

  Mom is the first one here. She lets us know Psycho and Hadliegh are on their way. He was going to stop at the store and pick up some beer for the clubhouse on his way here. We’re short on Prospects and since he’ll be out, he said he’d get it before coming here.

  By the time the steaks are done, the rest of the food is made, and my brother and his family are walking through the door. Kora immediately goes to Axel and Trinity to play with her cousins. She’s busting at the seams to share the news with the family. So, I look to Natasha and we all get in line to fill our plates. It’s buffet-style as we all fill our plates before going outside to sit at a picnic table.

  “Kora, would you like to tell everyone why we asked them here tonight?” I ask.

  “I can now?” she asks excitedly.

  Natasha and I nod at her as I wrap my arm around my wife.

  “Dad got Saralyn to sign the papers today. I don’t have to worry about her trying to take me away now. It will be official as soon as it goes through the court,” she says as everyone claps and shares congratulations. “That’s not all the news we have for you tonight. Natasha is gonna have a baby.”


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