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Demon with Wolves (Shadowpeak Wolves Book 3)

Page 27

by Sadie Carter

  “Why does Leonard want me dead?” Laney asked. “I just don’t understand it.”

  “I always wondered if Paterson had something to do with Justin trying to kill you,” Cooper said.

  “But the attacks have all been aimed at Laney, if Leonard wanted to take over the pack, why wouldn’t he try to kill you as well?” Dusty asked Cooper.

  “I suppose he thought I’d be easier to kill with Laney gone,” Cooper said slowly.

  Laney shook her head. “But even with me dead, you’d all support Cooper, help him.”

  “Leonard probably doesn’t understand that sort of loyalty,” Cain said. “From the rumors I’ve heard, he rules like Zachary did. Through fear and intimidation. He probably figures we’d betray Cooper if it suited us.”

  “I guess.” Laney still didn’t look convinced.

  Cooper took a breath and stood. “Whatever his reasons, we end this tonight.”

  * * * * *

  Dusty stood on the lip of the dirt road. Trees were spread thickly down the hillside leading to the Silverton pack estate. Laney stood beside her, binoculars held to her eyes as she stared down at the large mansion that housed many of the Silverton pack. Leonard loved to keep his pack close, the better to stroke his ego.

  Both of them had receivers in their ears so they could hear what was going on below. Dusty itched to be in the thick of things but knew she’d be more hindrance than help. So she and Laney were stuck far away from the action, out of danger.

  They were lucky not to have been left at the estate. It had been a close thing. Finally, after they had promised to stay well back, Cooper had grudgingly agreed to let them come.

  “They’re getting ready to storm the place,” Laney said quietly from behind her. “It’s not surprising that Leonard would refuse to meet with Cooper one-on-one. Only a coward would conduct himself the way he has.”

  Dusty nodded in agreement. Cooper had given the other Alpha the chance to avoid mass bloodshed, challenging him. But Leonard had refused. Now the Shadowpeak pack was getting ready to storm the place.

  Lord, she wished she was with them.

  Laney stiffened suddenly.



  “Did you hear something?”

  Dusty stilled, listening. “Probably Devon.”

  Devon had stayed behind to guard them and to get them away in case things went terribly wrong. She switched her radio to Devon’s frequency.

  “Devon?” she asked. Static was her only response.

  She glanced quickly at Laney, adrenaline rushing through her body. “We need to get out of here, now.”

  Laney turned and, grabbing hold of Dusty, dived for the ground. A bullet slammed into the tree trunk above them, where Laney’s head had been.

  “Move,” Dusty ordered. “Get down the hill to the others.”

  “Dusty—” Laney protested.

  “I’m behind you. Go.”

  Dusty slithered and slid her way down the hill behind Laney. Something crashed behind them. Whoever was there didn’t care about subtlety.

  Dusty longed to stand, to fight. Running felt like such a coward’s way out. Yet she had no defense against a gun.

  “Freeze, both of you.” A gun clicked, and Dusty stilled in shock. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Jesse’s mate Samantha step out from behind a tree. Samantha smiled coldly.

  “Samantha?” Laney asked. “What are you doing?”

  “Killing you. Once you’re dead, Cooper will falter, and Leonard will have him.”

  “Jesse told you about our plan to catch Edwards?” Pain pierced her.

  Brynn, now would be the time to get here.

  “Jesse tells me everything. He had no idea how valuable that information was.”

  “Why would you do that? Betray the pack?” Laney asked. “Did you kill Tina?”

  There was a fanatical glint in the other woman’s eyes. “Yes, Edwards had to die, and Tina was in the way. The only way to get to Edwards was to go through her. As to why I’m doing this, well, it’s for power, of course. I should be the head bitch, not you. And as soon as Leonard disposes of Cooper it will lead the way for Jesse to become Alpha.”

  “Jesse’s in on this.” Dusty’s betrayal ran deep.

  Samantha aimed the gun at her. “No, he’s too loyal. But if he doesn’t fall in with the plan there are others who would be willing.”

  Dusty’s blood grew cold.

  “Why haven’t you come after me before now?” Laney asked.

  Samantha’s face grew cold. “I have tried. But you’ve always got someone with you. Or you were somewhere it was too easy to get caught. Tina, the stupid bitch, fell for my innocent act when I came to the cabin. I told her I’d come to give her some dinner then I pretended to trip and fall. I called out to her, she opened the door, and I shot her. Besides, Leonard was supposed to take care of you. I was supposed to be a spy only.

  “Leonard hates you, you know. He loved Justin like a son. Even though you didn’t strike the killing blow, he blames you for this death. But I’m tired of waiting for him to strike. Now hold very still. My aim isn’t perfect, and I wouldn’t want you to suffer.”

  Dusty rolled over Laney, covering her. She tensed, waiting for a bullet to end her life but there was a small crack then nothing. Dusty looked back to find Brynn standing over Samantha’s lifeless body, his gaze deadly.

  “Broke her neck?” Dusty asked as she lifted herself off Laney.

  He nodded then leaped over and, picking her up, held her close.

  “I’m fine,” she whispered as Laney stood beside them, shaking. “Laney?” she asked.

  Laney nodded, her hands rubbing her belly. “I’m okay. I can’t believe the traitor was Samantha. She killed Tina. How could she?”

  Laney was trembling violently, and Dusty wiggled free from Brynn’s hold. She winced at the pain in her thigh—she hadn’t done it any favors tonight. Dusty placed her arm around Laney’s shoulders.

  “You know, I always thought she was a real bitch. I didn’t realize she wanted to be the bitch.”

  Laney let out a soft snort of laughter.

  “Shouldn’t you get back?” Dusty asked Brynn in concern.

  He shook his head. “It’s pretty much over. Leonard’s pack weren’t very loyal to him. Most stood down quickly and those that didn’t, well,” he shrugged, “we no longer need to worry about them.”

  “Are there any casualties on our side?” Laney asked, rubbing her hands down her arms. She looked far too pale.

  “Some injuries, but no deaths on our side.”

  “You feeling okay?” Dusty asked her.

  Laney shook her head. Turning away, she vomited. Dusty rubbed her back, holding back her hair. She felt awkward. She wasn’t used to the role of comforter.

  “Cooper’s coming now,” Brynn said.

  Laney stood and wiped her hand over her mouth. “You saved my life, both of you.” She smiled and gave Brynn a hug. His eyes widened as he gazed at Dusty in shock. Dusty bit her lip to hide her smile.

  Two wolves burst through the trees, heading straight toward Laney and Dusty. One pushed up against Laney, who leaned down and hugged the large beast. The darker of the two brushed against Dusty. She ran her hand down Cain’s fur as he whined and nudged her.

  “I’m okay. I’m all right,” she reassured him. Eventually, he calmed and moved behind some trees to change. Cooper did the same.

  “I’ll go get them some clothes.” Brynn winked then disappeared.

  Cain walked out, stark naked, demanding answers. Cooper stood over Samantha’s dead body, holding Laney against him as she buried her face in his chest. When Brynn reappeared, they dressed silently. Dusty and Laney explained what had happened.

  “Jesus, this will kill Jesse,” Cain said.

  “I owe you a huge debt, Brynn,” Cooper said. He held Laney tighter, his face pale.

  Brynn grinned. “I’m a friend of the pack, remember. You’re not in my debt.”

  Cooper nodded. “Thank you.”

  “Devon,” Dusty gasped. “We couldn’t get hold of him.”

  “I’ll find him,” Brynn promised.

  Cooper clasped Laney’s cheeks. “I have to stay here, tidy things up. Leonard and three of his enforcers are dead. Cain will take you both home. I want you to rest, promise me?”

  Laney nodded. Cooper peered over her head at Dusty and Cain, and they both nodded. They’d make sure the petite, pregnant werewolf was looked after.

  * * * * *

  “I can’t believe Leonard’s pack turned on him,” Dusty said as Cain filled the bath later on that night. They’d sat with Laney until Cooper had returned. He’d left Reed and Jay, along with some other Shadowpeak wolves at the Silverton pack estate to tidy up. Brynn had found Devon. He’d been shot, but he was alive.

  “Poor Jesse,” Dusty murmured as Brynn picked her up, setting her on the counter.

  “Think he’ll be okay?”

  Cain shrugged. “I don’t know. Would you be?”

  Cooper had told Jesse about Samantha’s betrayal and death. After seeing her body, he’d gone silent and taken off.

  Brynn shook his head as he stripped. Her gaze was caught by his smooth, muscular chest.

  “I cannot believe that coward Leonard hid in a safe room and let his enforcers die for him.”

  “Leonard doesn’t lead from the front line like Cooper,” Cain replied, helping Dusty into the tub. “But we got him in the end.”

  “Yeah,” Dusty said with some relish. “He’s finally dead. And the traitor has been eliminated.”

  She sighed as the hot water soothed tight muscles. Her thigh twitched a little. Yep, she’d definitely overused it tonight.

  “At least no one from Shadowpeak was seriously injured,” Cain said, joining her in the tub. Brynn climbed in after him. “But I’m not sure how Cooper felt about Leonard’s pack turning to him as their Alpha.”

  She chuckled. “It’s going to take a while to sort this shit out.”

  When the Silverton pack had realized the Shadowpeak wolves were there to challenge Leonard, many had stood back or actually thrown themselves behind Cooper and the others, helping them.

  “Apparently they’d wanted to get rid of Leonard as Alpha for a while, but his enforcers had them so scared they couldn’t make a move against him,” Cain explained.

  “He died like the coward he was,” Brynn drawled. “Trying to escape. Didn’t take much for Cooper to end his miserable existence.”

  “Thank God it’s over.” Dusty yawned. “Things can only calm down from here, right?”

  Brynn snorted. “You wouldn’t know what to do with calm. You’d be bored in five seconds.”

  “Oh, I think I could find something to fill the time.” She grinned before kissing them both. “And I’d enjoy every minute.”


  Dusty raced through the forest, pushing herself, reveling in the feel of the trees brushing against her, the wind in her fur, the way she could hear, smell, see everything so much clearer. She pushed herself harder, ignoring the twinge in her back leg. The plate along with the disc had been removed two days ago, but this was the first time she’d been able to change, and she was going to get as much out of this as she could.

  She heard the other wolf before she saw him. He pounced in front of her, his black fur almost blending into the night. He stood, blocking her path. She dodged around him, letting out a little yip of delight.

  He nudged her with his head as she passed him. Then he gave chase. He gained easily, his legs much longer than hers.

  He ran beside her, pushing against her until she slowed. She snarled. She didn’t want to stop, she wanted to run until she collapsed.

  He snarled back, nipping her nose in rebuke. Growling, she sat back on her haunches, the hairs on her neck rising. He did not get to boss her around. He grabbed the scuff of her neck with his teeth and shook.

  It was a clear order to behave herself. He pushed at her shoulders with his head, wanting her to turn. She did, but when he walked off, she quickly turned and ran.

  Of course, it wasn’t long until he caught her. He soon had her turned around. He stayed behind her, biting the back of her legs every so often to keep her moving. But by this time she was pleasantly tired and ready to go home. When they reached the place where they’d left their clothes, she changed form. Human again, she lay on her back, staring up at the stars. Every muscle ached. But it was a good pain.

  “You were pushing yourself too hard.” Cain knelt beside her. He massaged her aching thigh.

  “That was so amazing,” she breathed dreamily.

  Cain chuckled. “You are amazing.”

  “Looks like I’ve missed out. Whatever it is making you two smile like that, I want in.”

  Dusty looked up and smiled happily at Brynn. He’d been away for two days now in Hell. He didn’t leave as often as he used to, but still, she missed him horribly when he did. “You want to be a werewolf?”

  His eyes lit up. “You changed?”

  She nodded.

  Swooping down with a whoop, he picked her up and swung her around. “Now that deserves a celebration.”

  “Just what I was thinking,” she replied.

  Grabbing Brynn’s face, she kissed him. “Strip now. I want you both.” She helped Brynn pull his clothes off. Cain stood and drew Brynn toward him and kissed the other man deep. His hands came around and grasped Brynn’s creamy ass, clenching tight as he rubbed his body against Brynn’s.

  Dusty’s breath caught.

  “That never fails to make me hot,” she breathed. Brynn and Cain reached an arm out each and pulled her into their embrace. Reaching down, she clasped both men’s cocks, one in each hand, then squeezed slightly. Brynn’s shaft was cooler and slightly smaller in circumference than Cain’s, but the skin was smoother, more silken.

  Kneeling, she sucked on Cain’s cock then moved her mouth to Brynn’s. Back and forth she shifted, loving the feel of them.

  “Jesus, enough,” Cain groaned, stepping back. “That feels too good.” He knelt beside her and, lying back, pulled her down to lie on top on him. He thrust his fingers inside her pussy without preamble. But it was exactly what she wanted. She was wet, needing his touch. Brynn dropped behind them and parted the cheeks of her ass. His tongue licked across her asshole. She arched back in surprise.

  “Hurry, please, I don’t want to wait.”

  “Good,” Brynn groaned as Cain’s hands replaced Brynn’s, holding her ass cheeks apart. Brynn dipped his fingers into her pussy, gathering up her juices. He thrust a lubricated finger into her ass.

  “Oh God, that’s amazing.”

  She pushed back, wanting more. Cain smacked her.

  “Lie still,” he growled.

  Brynn moved up to using two fingers then three. She couldn’t wait.

  “Please, please,” she begged.

  Cain grasped her hips with his hands, lined her up and drove his cock deep within her. He paused. “Damn, no condom.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” she groaned. “Please, don’t stop. Please.”

  Her reasons for needing that bit of latex between them seemed stupid, had for a while now. It didn’t matter whether they were true mates or not. Both of them were hers.

  As he pulled out, Brynn nudged her ass with the head of his shaft, slowly pushing into her.

  “Oh Lord.”

  They worked together, one pulling back while the other drove forward.

  Pleasure washed over the three of them in a deep wave. Cain reached down and rubbed her clit. She screamed as she came, feeling Cain’s essence shooting through her pussy at the same time as Brynn came in her ass. Stars burst over her in waves, throwing her up to the sky before she fell to the ground and darkness raced over her.

  When she awoke, she was still between them. They were lying on their sides on the ground in a tangle of limbs.

  “What happened?” she asked, groaning, moving her arms and legs
carefully. She felt different, strange, but couldn’t quite put her finger on what was wrong. As Cain and Brynn sat up, she felt them.

  Inside her.


  She stared over at Cain as he swore.

  “What was that?” Brynn asked.

  “We’re mated, all three of us,” she spoke quietly, unnerved.

  Brynn frowned. “I know we’re mated—”

  “No,” Cain interrupted, “not just mated, true mates. We’re true mates, all three of us, impossible as it sounds. Why did this happen now? How did this happen?”

  “You didn’t use a condom,” Dusty said slowly. “And my wolf was fully with us this time. Maybe that’s what the link needed. The three of us together without anything between us. But how is it possible for Brynn to be part of our link?” she pondered.

  “It must have something to do with the way we’re tied to him through the bond.”

  Brynn rubbed at his chest. “The bond feels stronger, complete. I can feel both of you so strongly.”

  “It’s amazing,” she said.

  Cain drew her leg onto his lap and rubbed it.

  “You did too much. I can feel your pain.”

  “I’m fine.” She shrugged off his concern.

  “Dusty,” he growled.

  “Sorry,” she sighed, snuggling into Brynn, who was rubbing her shoulders. “The adrenaline rush took over.”

  “You can’t let your own health suffer,” Brynn said. “Not that we’d allow that to happen.”

  “Arrogant, bossy, domineering—”

  “Gorgeous, sexy, snarky…” Brynn interjected with a smile.

  “Mine. Both of you. Mine.”

  Dusty looked from Cain to Brynn and smiled.

  “I never thought I’d be this happy, you know.”

  “None of us did, my own. But we are, and we’ll stay this way.”


  Dusty let her men carry her into the bedroom and love her, pamper her, cherish her.





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