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The Hunt of the Cold Moon

Page 7

by Beth Wirth

  Terry knew his mouth was hanging open, but it took awhile before he closed it and swallowed. Isi didn't move; he was adept at standing still for long periods of time, which, more than anything else, screamed to Terry that the man standing across from him was more than human. "Why would you want to see me?"

  Isi did look at him then. "I may not be old when counted among my own, but I've run more moons than you have seen. You were the first hunter I saw who I wished to ... surrender to. I was fearful at first, for all of my people know the history of your town. The stories of what happened to Maral and Hersh are often told in warning to those who would run the moon. But, as my heart knew, you were different."

  Terry stared at him. The surreality of the moment persisted. This felt far more unreal than the night of the Cold Moon had, and he grasped at the rough brick behind him to try to ground himself. "Gerald was right," he murmured, "you did choose me."

  Isi nodded. "I chose you."

  Terry looked away. "I thought ... that you came for Alex. And you just took me because I was the closest to him. I ... He deserves it, more than I do."

  Isi smiled, the expression soft and tentative. "Terry, I chose you. You chose Alex, and he did receive the wish. He will have everything he truly wants." He ducked his head and added, "By the power of the wish I have seen his heart, and what he wants is the opportunity to prove himself, nothing more." He paused. "And for his brother to be happy."

  Terry jerked back, stung. "So you are here because of Alex."

  He started to pull away, but Isi grabbed him by the wrist and thrust him back against the brick wall behind them, arm pinned above his head, Isi pressed full against him. "I am not here for Alex," he breathed, the words ghosting warmly over Terry's face in the cool afternoon air. Isi's eyes were dark with desire, and Terry found himself leaning into the kiss he could feel coming, leaning into the strength pressed against him.

  The kiss he was expecting didn't come and Terry jerked his gaze up to meet Isi's searching eyes. "I chose you," Isi murmured softly as if talking to someone else, and Terry could suddenly feel that Isi was trembling. "But you chose Alex. You released me. I," He closed his eyes and repeated, "I chose you."

  Terry stared at Isi, trying to put the pieces together. "Why did you choose me?" he asked. "What do you want?"

  Isi rested his forehead against Terry's shoulder. "Love," he whispered, the word open and raw and unexpected. "I thought you would ..." But instead of finishing the sentence, he pulled away.

  As it had in the barn, everything seemed to happen at once for Terry. He put together the pieces he was holding and began to see a pattern: Martin, who refused to accept what was given and took only what he earned himself; Robert, who cared about nothing in his life, not even his wife, and had fled his brother's house when the birth of Thomas' daughter had filled that house with love; and Bill, who was so happy because he was filled with the truth of love. Beyond that—Terrence, who was obsessed with what hadn't been given and could not acknowledge what he already had; Gerald, filled with joy at the opportunity to pursue what was, Terry realized, love. The usdi were creatures of love, who came to those who needed them, even if those people couldn't, wouldn't recognize what it was that came to them. He caught Isi's wrist as he tried to pull away and pulled Isi back against him, bringing his arm up around Isi's shoulders.

  "It's not about the wish," he murmured. "The wish is about love. That's why Martin didn't believe it was real, and Robert never even knew. You came to them because they needed love, but they couldn't recognize it when you tried to give it. But I love Alex, so it worked for him." He tightened his arm around Isi. "But you needed to be loved. That's part of it too."

  Isi shook his head in denial, eyes closed in pain. "No, not as you think. Just ..." He turned his face into Terry's shoulder. "Just to be truly seen by someone. To be ... accepted, valued."

  Terry laughed quietly and, giving in, buried his fingers in thick hair and pressed a soft kiss to Isi's temple. "I hate to break it to you," he murmured against brown skin, "but that's love. I think everyone is looking for it."

  Isi sighed against him. "Everyone eventually runs the moon," he confirmed. "There is no other fate."

  Terry closed his eyes and stroked his fingers through Isi's hair. "Some still don't find love," he mused, thinking of Robert and his haunted look. Isi made a soft noise of pain, and Terry soothed him. "I didn't mean you," he turned to whisper in Isi's ear, pausing to kiss him again. "I like you quite a bit already and I think we could get to know each other better." He ran a hand up Isi's shoulder to catch at his chin and pull his face toward Terry's own. There was cautious hope in Isi's expression, and Terry shivered. "I didn't think you could want that from me, after I was there when they hunted you —after I was the one who caught you." His fingers traced paths over Isi's cheek, moving down to brush over his lips. "I didn't see how it could be your choice. I'm sorry." He leaned in and pressed his lips to Isi's, which parted for him eagerly, and Terry lost himself for a moment in the feeling of rightness that stole over him.

  "So here you are Terry! Man, behind the admin building? Not cool."

  Terry pulled out of the kiss long enough to glare at the intruder. "What do you want, Brad?"

  His housemate grinned at him before eyeing Isi, as if trying to recognize him from somewhere. "Tadd was wondering where you disappeared to. I thought we were going to Gino's for dinner after you finished your admin deal." He spread his hands to indicate his freedom from blame. "But hey, if you've got better things to do."

  Isi seemed amused by the interruption, which was the only reason Terry let Brad keep talking. When Tadd peered in behind Brad, a questioning look on his face, Terry knew he was going to have to stop for some introductions.

  Sighing deeply, as if greatly put upon, Terry gestured to their audience. "Brad and Tadd." He rested a hand on Isi's shoulder, "This is Isi."

  Tadd's eyes flew open wide and he smiled. Brad looked confused until Tadd told him, "Terry's crush from back home."

  That cleared things up enough for Brad to inquire again about food.

  "You two go ahead," Terry told them, looking at Isi. "Today it looks like I've got other commitments."

  Brad guffawed, but Tadd nodded knowingly. "Keep him away from Chris," was the only thing he said as they left, and Terry laughed.

  Isi followed him home, and Terry took his hand as they passed through the front door. He lead Isi up to his room and closed the door behind them, but once he had the door closed he could only stare. "I couldn't stop thinking about you," he confessed to Isi. "It's so strange that you're here."

  Isi reached out to run his fingers across Terry's cheek, as Terry had done to him earlier. "I've thought of nothing but you since I saw you under the Cold Moon and knew what I had been waiting for all my life."

  Terry shivered. "I don't believe in fate," he protested, and Isi smiled as he leaned in to continue the kiss Brad had interrupted.

  "It doesn't matter what you believe," Isi replied. "You understand, and you said you would love me. You will believe the rest in your own time."

  In spite of himself, Terry grinned.

  About the Author

  Beth lives in North Texas with her cats, who both inspire and annoy her. She works with animals but holds a degree in library science. Beth’s life is full of contradictions like that, which amuses her greatly. Beth loves words and language, music, and fantasy. She is constantly making up stories which, when they make sense, are written down to see if other people would like to read them. Beth loves to hear from people! Drop her a line at



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