Storm's Spirited Harmony: The Grim Reapers Mc book 1

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Storm's Spirited Harmony: The Grim Reapers Mc book 1 Page 6

by Stacy Barnett

  Our club has grown over the past two years from the first three of us, to a whopping fifty men and women. Yes, I have women members in my club as officers and as patched in members. We also have the sweet butts for the men in the main house and the women members have a few sweet cocks for themselves. Sniper helped me fill the higher positions in the club with his military buddies and after I had to show them, I was someone not to be fucking messed with, they were happy to follow me.

  I now have Thomas aka Dodger as my treasurer, Black Widow is my first female officer as the club’s road captain, Master is still my lead enforcer, Mac is my secretary and then we have Doc our resident doctor. Brick and Mammoth are my other two main enforcers and my vice president’s former lieutenant aka Shocker became the man to watch over the prospects.

  My road name was picked by my men a few months, after we came to our new home and it ended up being Ghost. I smiled the day they gave me that as I thought it was appropriated, because when I attacked I was like a fucking ghost and would not be seen until the last possible moment. The name was something I could wear with pride, as we each had our names tattoo on our shoulders. The insignia I chose for the Reapers, was that of a two-sickles crossed over the top of a blazing skull and wrapped up in a rose vine and the name Grim Reapers below that.

  My day was starting off like any other and that was with all my family sitting in the large conference room in the underground hall and me about to bring the meeting to order, for some serious business just came up. Looking across the large table, I smirk at my vice president Sniper and nod to him, “bring us to order”.

  He nods his head simply before slamming the gavel down and looks back at me, when quiet has been achieved.

  Standing up so, all my brothers and sisters can both see and hear me, I begin the meeting, “listen up everyone, there is a new club that is making itself known down in Surfers Paradise and I want it checked out before they can get to out of hand. Apparently, they want to make a deal with us, that allows them to travel through our territory without any fucking problems. I got Mac to tell them, they must agree to a meet on our turf to discuss their proposal. Storm their prez informed Mac, that he is happy to oblige as long, as it is a sit down with the president of the club, namely me. Mac found out through our computer techs that they are calling themselves the Soldiers of Wrath and they just left the Death Dealers down in Coffs Harbour”.

  I turn and walk down the side of the room, to come and stand behind Joey one of my computer techs, “Joey, I want all the information you can get on the men of this club, in my hand before the day is out, alright?”. He looks up at me and nods before going back to the tablet, that is usually glued to his hands.

  Nodding, as he went to work, I return to the head of the table before speaking again, “Now if Storm is the same man from my dad’s club of the Death Dealers, I want to talk to him one on one first, before we work out a course of action as a club”.

  Dodger sits himself forward and speaks up, “Storm is the one you met when you were ten years old and before you came to live with Samuel wasn’t he?”.

  I look at him and simply nod, “yes he was. Until I know what kind of man he is today, he won’t be dealing with anyone in my club. I thought I would start out by doing my usual thing, when meeting potential new friends and that is wearing my disguise as a man. I need to see, if he would treat the real me any differently later in the night. Remember everyone, when he turns up with his brothers, to talk to our club’s president I am Ghost and I am a fucking man, until I signal otherwise. Oh, to hell with it, I might come out as Cindy the sweet butt as well and see what he makes of me that way too. Let the sweet butts and sweet cocks know will you. It will say a lot about him as a man and fellow president, on how he would treat a man president, from a woman president. You all learned in one form or another, I don’t tolerate that sexist bullshit in my fucking club and if he is of the same mind of some those sexist pigs from in town, he is fucking toast”.

  The women members chuckle at my veiled and colourful threat, while the men grimace and grab their balls with their own painful memories. When I first started up the Grim Reapers, I introduced myself, as a woman president and some of the men took exception to my position violently. After I took some of my frustrations out on them and their nuts, the word got out, to not piss me off and everything went smoothly after that. Then when I put Black Widow in an officer’s position, I let her sort out the nay sayers and the men grew to be better men for it too.

  Doc was the next to speak up and his normal deep husky voice he asked, “what does this new club want to ship through our turf?”.

  I sigh and fall back into my chair, “I don’t have a bloody clue but if they are like some of the other clubs I have met, then it will be something fucking risky. Mac when did they say they will be here?”.

  “Storm said they would be here in a couple of hours, why?”, he says as he looks down at his watch.

  Turning to my go to guy for all those secret government informational sights, I told him to get a move on, “Joey get going now and get that information for me as soon as possible. Make sure it is easy to read, as I won’t have long to go through it, completely”. He nods quickly and says nothing before he is racing out of the room and down stairs to the club’s computer hub.

  Standing up I look around the room, “right people I want the perimeter fence guard doubled and I want the main house stocked full of enough alcohol and food to last at least a fucking week, because if this meeting goes to shit and they start something, I want my home prepared for anything. They will learn quickly enough, I will be the one to finish any trouble, by putting the compound on lockdown until I can get them out of here. Sniper send out a few of the guys on a scouting position. I want them to look out for our new guests and to make sure that don’t start any shit in town. Mac look over the tech’s shoulders and make sure their arses are in gear on getting all information necessary. Let them also know I want information on the Death Dealers as well, but it is not needed straight away, if you wouldn’t mind. I don’t’ want any surprises people, when I meet them in the main church room. Now has anyone got any new news to put on the table, before we go on our way?”.

  Master Ho stands up and he looks grim, “I was out the on the South side of Brisbane picking up stock for the cellar and saw a couple of blokes, looking around one of our warehouses that we use for Samuels stock. When a couple of the boys and I rode up to see what they were up to, they turned tail and ran. I suggest we get some of the techs over there, to check out the security cameras and see if they have anything incriminating on them. The only thing weird about the whole thing was that warehouse was completely empty except for that crate of wine your stepfather order in. The gun shipment I figured they were looking for, is in the underground warehouse on the compound”.

  Nodding my head at Master Ho, I look across to my right at Sniper, “get some men onto that and make sure they have back up, no one goes out alone with strangers sniffing around where they are not wanted. There will be a new shipment coming in on Thursday from off the coast and I don’t want anything to go wrong with it. Until we know what the bastards were after, we will put the stock into the secondary warehouse at the back of the compound. Now if that is all”. I wait for anyone else to speak up and when they don’t, I slam the gavel down, and yell out, “everyone is dismissed”. Sniper stands up beside me and waits for everyone to leave before turning and speaking to me privately, “you sure you want to get involved with this new club? or is it just you want to see your knight again?”.

  “It is a bit of both my friend, and thank you for approaching me privately with your concerns, but I need to do this either way. As the rest of the club, doesn’t need to know my private business because if they do, they think they can bloody meddle in it”.

  Sniper nods and kisses me on the top of my head before he to walks out for a cold beer and to do as I ordered. When the room is clear, I look at my best friend and smile evilly, while rubbing my
hands together in glee, “so my friendly black Widow, ready to put on my face, says the spider to the fly….”.

  Widow aka Samantha smiles crookedly at me and waves me to the door, “come on Cinderella, time to prepare you for the ball and your prince charming”.

  As I walk past her and up to the main house, I look across at her and smile. She is a beautiful and graceful Amazonian woman at a tall at six foot five and compared to my whopping five foot three, she is a bloody giant. We go up the flight of stairs to the rooms at the top of the main house and into my second bedroom, for this make up session. I always loved this room, with its big bay windows and walk out balcony, but it doesn’t have the one thing my main bedroom does. That’s the art I painted on the walls, when I first moved into it and that was to have a safe welcoming haven, whenever I was in there. Widow walks in behind me and starts for the walk-in closet, to get ready. I must have wandered out onto the deck for some fresh air, when two minutes later I hear my friend calling out,

  “Harmony come and sit down honey and I will finish getting my stuff together…”

  I do as she say’s and sit in front of the bedrooms large dressing table and mirror to wait patiently. When I look into my mirror, I smile, because I have always liked how turned out and that was just like my beautiful mother Sarah. My wavy black hair has grown down my back until it sits just below my arse and when I brush it, it feels like pure silk in my hands. Looking at my face, I see my vibrant dark blue eyes staring back at me and they are surrounded by dark eyelashes. A small button nose and full red lips that would rival a fairy tale’s princess. Moving my face from side to side, I could see a few freckles dotting across my nose, making my clear white skin glow and as I smile, my dimples show up in my cheeks.

  Looking down at my body, I see my handful breasts first then my soft belly. Standing up before Widow comes back in, I could see my body shape is the same as the famous actress Marilyn Monroe’s and as I giggle like a girl, at that image in my head. Sammy comes back into the room smiling, as she watches me twisting and turning in front of the full-length mirror, admiring myself.

  She lifts a small bag that houses a body suit and all the other necessities for my man makeover. Turning from the mirror, I quickly go over to where she was setting up on my bed and look over her shoulder, “I think I will need a full facial this time, with a black and grey beard and dark contacts. The body suit will make me look fatter than I already am and the wig will give me a sense of looking older. Oh…yeh…I’ll be back in a second okay?”.

  Sam nods and I am out the door in a minute flat. Walking down the long hall, I tap on Snipers door and his latest sweetbutt Mandy answers the door smiling, “what’s up prez, Sniper isn’t here yet?”.

  Smiling slightly to her, I go into president mode and look at her carefully, “first off Mandy, you know you aren’t allowed in the men’s rooms without them being in there and second, I need something out of his bathroom”.

  Mandy lowers her head sadly, “I know were not allowed but prez, he has been avoiding me and I just wanted to find out what was wrong”.

  Putting my hand on her shoulder, I smile sadly at her, “honey, he is a male who doesn’t always know what he wants and if you chase him to ground, his going to run harder. Now go down stairs and help the women with lunch, before our guests arrive and remember I am a man, when they turn up alright”.

  She nods and leaves the room for me to go into my vice president’s bathroom to snatch his men shampoo and deodorant for authenticity. After I grab them and am in my own shower using them instead of my vanilla scented ones, I begin to hope Storm hasn’t changed to much over the last ten years and he is still a man who stands up for others. Like he did for me once…...

  Chapter four


  When I agreed to this meet between my club the Soldiers of Wrath and the Grim Reapers, I didn’t realise the amount of shit I had to go through just to get in their fucking door. As we road into the outskirts of Brisbane, I could see that we had a few extra followers behind us and I had to wonder what their prez was so afraid of.

  We had only just convened our new club last month and then finally got ourselves organised to take on a few runs to build up our street cred. The only drawback was we had to get permission to go through Brisbane and that was from the Grim Reapers president, so no shit would come back on us later down the track.

  The meeting was going to take place in their clubhouse with their prez Ghost and some of his top-ranking men. Looking around as we make our way towards their club house, I thought back to what Rock our tech guru found out about this large club and wonder how they managed to stay under the radar for so long. It wasn’t an old club, having been put together by their current president in just the last few years. Another thing that was strange, was that they have never gotten caught by the cops for their activities and their president was hardly ever seen outside of his club. I also found out the men he had surrounded himself with, were some of the toughest sons of bitches in the country.

  Looking over my shoulder, I look to see that all my men were having the time of their lives, being back on the road and I smile as Breaker my road captain, he gives me a grin and shout out. I decided in the end to bring all my brothers up to this met, to show the Grim Reapers we meant fucking business. Shaking my head at his antics, I turn back to the road and turn the corner to go up to the big metal gates at the end of the road. To look at the place from the road you would think, I bloody celebrity lived there and not a bunch of rough arsed bikers. The house looked like it would house about thirty men and still have room left over for the families. The white walls gleamed with care and the ornamental bannisters that wrapped around the house made it feel like an old fifties style home.

  As I come to a stop at the closed gate, I chuckle when I saw the sign on it, I read it out loud over the noise of our rides, “Grim Reapers property, if your good fuck off and if your bad come in and fucking party”.

  Seems this club isn’t worried about the cops or anyone else knowing about their club house. I point at the sign when Tex rolls up beside me, “gotta love their advertisements”.

  Tex just shrugs his shoulders and smiles, “well at least we know were good enough to be fucking bad”.

  As I go to joke with him, one of their members steps out of the shadows and I nearly groan, as it’s a fucking woman, “hello boys…. what do you need?”.

  Tex looks at her and growls, “just you baby doll and that sweet pussy of yours”.

  I shake my head at how fast my brother works, then laugh under my breath when I saw the quick calculating flash in her eyes’. She looks at him and smiles sweetly before she whips out a small hand held cross bow, with multiply shots loaded into it and points it at my man’s head, “what was that sugar, I didn’t hear you quite right. What do you need?”.

  Chuckling at Tex’s shocked expression, I turn and have a better look at the bow toting woman. She was a very beautiful woman standing at about six foot five with long honey coloured hair, that was plaited down her back to a narrow waist and now, she was shooting daggers out of her chocolate brown eyes at my second in command. I could see straight off she wasn’t someone who, would be backing down any time soon.

  Putting my hands up in the universal sign of surrender, I chuckle, “listen honey, he doesn’t mean any harm, his big mouth runs off on him sometimes and anyway, were here to see Ghost and his men”.

  The Amazonian blows a bubble with her gum and pops it before looking straight at me, “you lot can come in, if you leave your weapons at the door and if you think to sneak anything in, the prez will rip you a new one”.

  I nod as she slowly steps out of the way and back into the shadows, then large metal gate opens, letting us pass through unchallenged. As I ride up the road slowly, I couldn’t help looking into the shrub running along the road and found we were being watched by several sets of dark eyes. Man, this club takes its security to a whole new level, but I have got to say it explains a few things, li
ke how they have stayed off the radar for so long. The bastards would see you coming before you did….

  Riding towards the large mansion style house, I look at it carefully and all I can say is fuck me. The place is a two-story building, with wrap around porches that run the entire length of the houses both floors and as we get closer, I wish the place was mine. Riding a little faster, I watch as a small bearded man walks out the door, with two fucking swords strapped to his back and hard stare.

  As I ride closer to the men, the little man’s jacket becomes clearer and his patch of president stands out for all to see. He stands at about five three and if I must say he was a bit on the old and fat side. Thinking I could take him with no fucking problem, if it came down to him or me, I let out a small breath.

  Pulling to a stop just a few feet from him on my Harley Davidson V-rod muscle, I sit there a few seconds to try to gauge his stand on us being here. We needed our meeting here to go well, so my club can move forward and prosper. As I sat there stoically, I watched the Reapers prez to see what he would do and was shocked when he fucking smile big before stepping forward to offer his hand for a firm shake.

  Getting off my bike at the same time as my men, I hold out my hand to shake Ghost’s hand, “thanks for the met Ghost”.

  He takes my hand in his and gives my own hand a good squeeze before nodding, “anytime Storm”. Seems their prez is a man of few words, which is good with me, as I hate idol talking.

  He nods to the man standing beside him and instructs me, “you can hand your weapons over to my second in command Sniper, before your welcomed to come inside to talk. You have a problem with that?”.

  I tense a little at his request and speak up, “do we have your word as president, that we aren’t under any threat?”.


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