Storm's Spirited Harmony: The Grim Reapers Mc book 1

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Storm's Spirited Harmony: The Grim Reapers Mc book 1 Page 7

by Stacy Barnett

  He looks at me straight on and smiles through his thick beard, “you have my word, if you fucking behave and treat my family with respect”.

  Nodding I turn to my men, “do as he asks, then meet us inside to discuss our business and give no one any trouble, we clear?”. As I move toward the front door, I hand over my two-dessert eagle magnum’s and give their club’s second in command a look, “I want those back, in the same shape I give to them you in, right?”.

  Sniper looks at me as if I have two heads before he grins crookedly, “sure, if you don’t piss off the prez, were good”.

  My men nod without any hesitation and begin to disarm themselves to hand over to Sniper as well. I turn around to look at the Reapers prez, after I spoke to Sniper and find him staring back at me intently with those creepy arse eyes of his. When the men and I finish giving over our weapons, I watch as Ghost turns casually and heads back into his grand club house. When I looked at his straight back, I silent gasped as the bastard had two ninja looking swords strapped to his back and they looked like they have been used regularly.

  Scratching my chin, I begin to wonder if I could seriously take him in a fight, when the man walking in front of me, speaks up without even turning around, “in case you are wondering, no you can’t take me in a fight Storm, but it would be interesting for you to try. Also, brother for further reference, your body language told me that and not your words”.

  Shaking my head at his blunt statement, I keep on following him into a massive room that only could be their main living room. Looking around the place, it looks clean for a biker club house, with lounges along every wall and two pool tables in the centre. Down the other end of the room against the wall was a huge motherfucking television, that looked like it came out of a movie theatre and it was playing last night’s football game.

  As my eyes roam across the members in the room, they land on the Amazonian from the front gate and the man going to town on her pussy. Smiling I nod at her before turning my riveted gaze from the sight, to follow a waiting Ghost into the club’s bar. He sits down on one of the wooden stools at the end of the bar and looks across at the prospect behind it, “the usual for me Casper and whatever Storm and his men want”.

  This Casper prospect looks at his prez and nods before going to the back of the bar and bringing back a glass with cold coke and ice in it. Chuckling softly, I watch as the man in front of me, nods his head at his prospect before he turns to me. The prospect then proceeds to hand out beer to the rest of the men and as he drops one in front of me, I lift it and salute the fellow president beside me, “cheers mate…”

  He nods and smiles at he too salutes me, “bottoms up brother…”.

  When I have emptied half my beer, I look around to see my men were enjoying themselves, by spreading themselves around the room and taking hold of a sweet butt each. Sighing I was a little worried, they were enjoying themselves a little too much, but Ghost didn’t seem to mind, as he kept on drinking and watching the room.

  Looking seriously at him again, I go to open my mouth and tell him I want to talk about business, so we could get on our way but the bastard cuts me off first, “before you open that mouth and spew out some shit about business, I want to tell you something. This impromptu party is business, as it lets me see what kind of men I am going to be dealing with in the future and if you lot don’t behave while under the influence of alcohol then you’re not worth my time or energy. Now go have some fucking fun before your brothers hog it all”.

  I get up smiling that he was doing this even if it was a fucking test. Before I get to far, he quickly grabs my arm to stop me and says, “a little friendly advice from one prez to another”, I nod and wait, “don’t try anything with Widow, as she is very particular about who she allows in her bed for the night. Wouldn’t want you to end up dead in the morning, hence her full name of Black Widow”.

  Chuckling I nod again and walk away from the bar, with a new cold beer in my hand, until I reach one of the big leather lounges on the side of the room. Sitting down, I look around the room and wonder who was going to be gifted with my large nine-inch, thick as my wrist cock tonight. When I look around the large room, I spot Sniper already getting a ride from a sweet looking blonde sweet butt and right next to him was the Amazonian Widow getting fucked by my man Breaker. Shaking my head at the lucky bastard, I take another swig of my beer and kept on looking.

  As I finish off my fourth beer an hour later, I go to stand up to go take a piss when out of the hallway came the single most beautiful sweet butt I have ever seen. She came out wearing a sapphire blue halter top and a pair of black cut-off jeans, that fit around the lushest arse, I have ever come across. Leaning over to the Reapers brother beside me, who was grunting away as he pumped his cock into a sweet butt’s arse and pointed across the room, “hey, man who’s the chick with the blue top in that doorway?”.

  He looks at me as if I have gone mad and for interrupting his fun, before turning his head to have a look at where I was pointing, “that’s just Cindy, one of the greatest sweet butts here, why?”.

  Shaking my head at him, I don’t answer before licking my lips, “that one’s mine….”.

  The brother picks up his pace and shakes his head laughing, “your fucking funeral man. Been nice knowing you….”.

  I tear my gaze away from the beauty at the door, to look at the man beside me and see he is back to fucking his woman and totalling ignoring me. Tipping the last of my beer back, I get up and make my way to the next woman, I am going to take to my bed for the night. As I walk slowly across the room, I make sure she has seen me before I am putting my hands firmly on her tiny waist and leaning into her ear, “hey sweetheart, feel like taking a ride on my cock for the night?”.

  She tenses up under my large hands and then softens before turning around and looking me straight in the eyes, “what makes you think for one minute you would make me feel good….”.

  Chuckling, I bend down to her ear, to whisper just for her, “baby, my cock has pleased plenty of women to know what it’s doing. You just need to learn to take the pleasure I am going to give you and go with the flow”.

  She moves in a little closer and presses her soft, lush body softly into mine and smiles sweetly up to me before grabbing my cock in her tight little hand, “you mean your cock is the only one who knows how to please a woman and you sit back for the ride. I have a vibrator for that sort of job, so I will ask again, what makes you think for one minute you would make me feel good…”.

  I look down to the tiny, feisty woman and growl, as her hold on my hard as nails cock gets tighter, “sweetheart I plan on kissing you from top to bottom, then I am going to lick your pussy out until you scream out your climax, before I take each of these perfect breasts into my mouth and suckle like a new born babe. After that I will be pushing my cock, so deep into your cunt until we become one and you can’t walk properly tomorrow. How’s that sound for starters?”. My breathing deepens as my arousal spikes for this beautiful creature.

  Her breathing picks up as well, until she is panting and her eyes glaze over with her own lustful thoughts, “well that’s to the fucking point. Come with me big boy…. you’re with me”.

  She grabs my hand and begins to pull me down the hallway to what I presume are the club’s spare bedrooms, when out the shadows, a big mother fucker stands in our way. I grab her around her waist and gently put her behind me, to protect her and to stare the big bastard down, “what do you fucking want?”.

  The quiet brother just stares down at me, if you could believe it. I’m fucking six foot three and this monster was still able to look down at me as if I was a bloody insect, ready to be trod on.

  My beautiful woman for the night chuckles behind me, before she is sticking her head out from behind my back. As soon as the fucker sees her he tenses up, like he is ready to fight and I am his next punching bag. I don’t like the look of this fucker and how he was standing between me and a good night’s fuck. His eyes leave min
e for a moment and go straight to the beautiful creature behind me. I step to the side to hide her again and look at the giant in front of me expectantly.

  He narrows his eyes and puts his hands on his hips, as he to tries to look around me again, and as I move again, he asks me, “Where do you think you’re going with little Cindy?”.

  Before I can even open my mouth to tell him off, the little lady I thought was behind me chirps up from beside me and as I look down to her and wonder how the fuck can she move so fast, she speaks up, “Master Ho, it is okay. I was dragging him down the hall and not the other way around. So, if you don’t mind getting out of the way, I would very much appreciate it”.

  The large man smirks down at her, before stepping aside without so much as another fucking word and walks down the hallway away from us. I reach down and grab Cindy’s hand to begin pulling her further down the hallway, but before we could enter an empty room. One of the Reaper brothers comes jogging down the hall straight for us, “Cindy can you wait a second please, honey?”.

  Growling at the man, who was now between getting my wick wet and fucking nothing, as he came to a stop beside little Cindy and bent down to whisper something in her ear. Whatever it was must have pissed her off, as the hand I was holding firmly became tense in mine, before she nods her head at the interloper. I watch as he turns quickly to run back down the hallway, leaving us in the now quiet hallway, with me getting even bluer balls then before.

  Pulling her into my front, so she can feel how hard my cock is for her and for her not to get distracted, “baby, I can’t take any more fucking distractions, from the people around here before my blue balls explode from wanting to get into that tight pussy of yours. How about you come into this here room and forget all your worries, huh…”.

  She looks up at me and laughs softly at my wiggling eyebrows, before running her hands up, my chest until they are wrapping around my neck tightly, “take me for a ride Charlie and make me forget my troubles”.

  It didn’t click straight away, that she knew my birth name, until later down the track, as all I had on my mind was how soon I could get inside this perfect body and ride her all-night long.

  Picking her up and I had her wrapping her little legs around my narrow waist, as I walked her into the empty room. I kicked the door closed with one of my booted feet and looked around the large room. Walking over to the side of the double bed, I slowly lower her legs down to the floor and attack her mouth, seeking out their sweet perfection. Moaning from deep in my chest, as the unique flavour that is her, hits me like a lightning bolt.

  Groaning against her lips, I tell her honestly, “why can’t I get enough of you baby?”. Thinking to myself I realise, I haven’t literally fucked anyone in years but with one taste of her, I know I must get inside her pussy as quickly as humanly possible.

  Her hands move down my chest until they reach my tight jeans and her little fingers begin to undo my buttons and zipper. I run my hands through her long silky black hair, giving it a little tug, as she finally pulls my thick and heavy cock from its confines. Groaning deeply, when her little hand wraps tightly around my pulsating shaft and I quickly diverge her of all her clothing in a matter of minutes, with her still holding onto my cock.

  Taking my lips from hers, I begin to kiss down her soft and sweet scented neck, “god baby, you smell so good and so fucking familiar. The things I want to do to you and this gorgeous body. I am going to fuck you so hard and deep, you won’t know where you begin and I end”.

  “Promises, promises big boy…”. She pulls my shirt off in one quick move and lays back on the high bed, with a sigh.

  I look down into her beautiful dark blue eyes and a memory flashes through my mind of a pair of similar eyes, ones that belonged to the one I have been seeking for the last ten years. My sweet Harmony…. This woman would be about the same age as my woman and here I am thinking her and about all the different ways I am going to fuck her.

  I feel my breathing starting to pick up at the thought that I was betraying my woman with some random sweet butt. I slowly pull back from Cindy and shake my head, “I can’t do this to my woman…I am so fucking sorry Cindy. Maybe one of my other brothers will take care of you, because I don’t think I can”.

  As I move away from her, she sits up on her elbows and smiles sweetly, “you are still my hero Charlie and just now still proves that”. I look at her confused as she lays there relaxed and stares at me softly. Shaking my head, I sit down in the first chair, I could find after putting my swollen dick in my pants, “who are you really?”.

  She sits up further and wraps a sheet around those perfect breasts before she answers me, “why I am the damsel in distress and you are my knight in shining armor, or you can simply call me Harmony. I’ve missed you Charlie, where have you been all my life?”.

  My mouth falls open and my heart begins to race, as I sit there staring at the beautiful woman who was sitting right there in front of me, in all her naked glory. I hadn’t heard anything back from Rock my techy on my search for my lost Harmony and I chuckle at the thought, all I had to do was look in another club up the road.

  Getting up stiffly, I walk over to my found love and bend down in front of her, with my hard erection digging into my jeans zipper. Smiling softly as I found even kneeling I was still taller than her and as I put one hand on her knee and the other on her flushed cheek, I chuckle lightly, “I have been looking for you for ten years’ sweetheart and when the Death Dealers got word you and your mother were caught up in the Brisbane mob, Wolf told us to back off. Your father signed the paperwork for your mother’s divorce soon after and began to dodge that bastard friend of his, that paid for you”.

  Her eyes narrow at me, when I told her about her being sold, “what the fuck do you mean I was already sold? Momma said he was looking to sell me, not that he had already….”.

  I grab her hands and give them a gentle squeeze, before I answer her as honestly as I can, “a man came to the club stating he wanted to pick up his package of a black-haired girl with dark blue eyes, as per his agreement with Pain your father. When I confronted your father about selling you, he just shrugged his shoulders and said it was in the name of the Death Dealers. I told Wolf what I thought of the idea of selling family and it wasn’t going to happen, but he stood up for your father and I would have to fucking deal with it, as it was a club matter. I simply told them both off and I left with ten of my brothers behind me”.

  Tears began to roll down her soft wet cheeks and I couldn’t take the distance between us anymore. I get up on the bed and sweep her into my arms tightly, bringing her lips up to mine. We kiss like there is no tomorrow and as I move a little more over her, her little hands run down my still naked chest and around to my jean covered arse, to give me a bit of a pitch.

  Going up on one of my elbows, I shift my other hand down across her soft belly, until I reach my goal of her hot wet pussy. Pushing her lacy undies aside, I quickly push two of my large fingers in her cunt with a satisfied groan coming from the both of us. Harmony reaches up and pulls my lips back down to hers, to whisper, “please I have waited so long for you to fuck me, I might die you if you don’t soon”.

  Chuckling, at her plea, I make quick work of the rest of my clothes and dive on her like a man fucking starving. I come at her from her feet and plant myself between her legs, with my mouth directly above her shaved pussy, “mmm….my very own honey pot. Give me some of that honey my love”. I then proceeded to take her clit in between my lips and suck it gently, all the while I begin to pump my two fingers in and out of her sweet cunt. Her back arches off the bed with the intense pleasure, I was giving her and as I sucked on her pussy, I was rubbing my pulsing cock onto the bed covers, to help relieve some of my pent of energy. Looking up with just my eyes, I watch as her body tenses each time, I swipe my tongue along her pussy and into her entrance.

  Harmony’s hands come down to my head to take handfuls of my hair and to push my mouth further into her pussy, “go
d Charlie…. that’s so good. Don’t you ever fucking stop”. I had no intention of stopping and as I licked her from the top of her clit down to her ass, I groaned with the sublime taste that was all her. My Harmony’s hips lift a little for more contact, as I keep up pumping my fingers in and out of her tight channel, she whimpers softly before she gets really fucking tight and screams out her orgasm, “yes Charlie I’m cuming, don’t……stop”.

  Sucking her clit in to my mouth harder, she screams again and her pussy begins to gush her delicious cream, right into my waiting mouth. As she starts to come down from her climax high, I crawl up her body kissing it all the way, until I reach her beautiful full lips and kissing her with all my pent-up need for her. Harmony spreads her legs wider, so I could lay snuggly between them and it also gives me a chance to line my hard cock up with her wet entrance. Lifting my lips from hers, I look deeply into her glazed over eyes and smile drunkenly, “baby, you still want my cock buried deep in that sweet pussy of yours?”. I hoped her answer was still yes and we can be happy together as one.

  My babygirl considers my eyes and smiles sweetly, as she rubs my cheek with one of her tiny hands, “I want you more than anything else in this world”.

  Growling with her acceptance, I go up on my elbows on either side of her head and line my pulsing cock up with her small entrance and begin to push in as slowly as I can. When the head of cock gets all the way in and I am sit going slowly, my impatient woman lifts her hips up and takes nearly half of me inside her snug body. Stilling instantly, I look down at her to make sure she is alright, “god, baby are you okay? do I need to pull out and try later?”.

  Her hot, wet, channel tightens around my steel shaft before she growls up at me, “Charlie I am fine, better than fine and I would like it better if you would please move. I need you inside me like, I need my next breath”.

  When I take a closer look at her and see my beautiful angel is in fact alright, I pull out a little only to push back in with a little more force. I keep this up, until I am fully embedded within her hot channel and I could feel my cock pulsing through both our bodies. Wrapping my arms around her small shoulders, I begin a slow but steady pace of thrusting into her beautiful body, when I remember I didn’t put a bloody condom on. Leaning down to her ear, I whisper, “I’m clean baby and I don’t want anything between us…”.


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