The Beta's Mate

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The Beta's Mate Page 9

by Tanya Gilford

  “Anastasia, watch your mouth.” My mother scolded.

  “Fuck you and your fucking high horse you rode in on.” I snarled. “I’m only here because dad made me come. I had no FUCKING say in where I wanted to live. I should have been there with him, instead he died ALONE, because you’re a selfish bitch! You only care about yourself, and I thank god I didn’t inherit that trait from you. He died alone, because you had to move me out here!” Tears were pricking in my eyes. “If I wanted to be comforted by you, I would have said it, but the truth is I barely know you. I came out of your twat, but I don’t know you. Every time I come here, Bo pushes me out the door to do chores, and when I come back in, you're too busy to even talk to me. Why would I want to be here longer than one week a year? I argued a lot with my dad about this issue, and somehow I would always lose, but I’m done. My dad’s gone, and you seem pretty hell bent on taking Charlie away from me too now that you know we’re together. You’re just a selfish person, who only thinks about herself. News flash, it’s an ugly trait.” I moved to push away from the table but Charlie held me in place. I sighed, rolling my eyes at him when I understood he wanted me to hear them out too.

  “Annie, I’m sorry you feel that way. I never want to take your dad’s place; I was only trying to protect you. Charlie and I had a man to man talk earlier, and I’m glad you’re with him, because I know you're safe with him. He is an honest and dependable young man; I would never try to interfere with your personal relationship with him.” Bo spoke up sounding a bit hurt, but understanding. “As for the way you just spoke to my wife, that’s another story. There is no need to be so evil towards your mom. She loves you, and only wants the best for you. I must request you to think about your words and tone more often when talking to her.” I held back a sarcastic snort.

  “That’s right, I’m the child and the villain in this house. I’m not allowed to speak my mind, just shut up and do as I’m told. If I didn’t, she’d call Ray and tell him I’m misbehaving, and then I’d get the lecture from the shrink. Sorry if I’m finally coming unhinged, but I’ve hit my breaking point. You can always put me back on a plane home. You know what, I got a few people I could call to arrange that. It’ll be my birthday and Christmas present all in one this year. I am so fed up with this melodrama bullshit. Damn it, Pamela look at me. I know I’d have trouble looking me in the eyes if I were in your shoes too.” Bo slammed his fist on the table.

  “You want to leave. Then get the FUCK out of my house you ungrateful little brat.” Bo bellowed. “I will not allow you to sit there and speak to my wife like that. She has been nothing but understanding to you, and yet you’re so evil. Was this really who you’ve always been? When did you become so vindictive?”

  “When my mother left me and moved out here to be with YOU.” I spat. I pushed Charlie’s hand off my leg and walked out of the room. I was fucking done with this shit show, I’m going home to New England. I went to my room, packed up my suitcases, and went back downstairs. Charlie met me at the bottom of the stairs with a puzzled look.

  “I’m not taking you out of this house.” He informed me, crossing his arms around his chest. “What you just said there was seriously harsh. I think you may owe your mom an apology.”

  “First off, she owes me the apology. Secondly, I wasn’t asking you to take me anywhere. I’m capable of getting a ride to the airport myself, I’m going home and far away from here.” I told him. The look on his face told me how much my news has hurt him.

  “You’re going to leave me?” He barely spoke. I looked down at my shoes not wanting to show him how much I hurt myself saying it. “Anna, please think about what you’re saying.”

  I blinked back my tears successfully, allowing my anger to fuel my emotions. “I am thinking about what I’m saying. I knew you’d side with them, so why would I want to leave with you just to be told how vile I am. You have no idea what I’ve been through, and yet you told me I was vile towards my mom for telling her I want to leave. Truth be told, I wanted to leave the minute the plane landed, but my dad made me come. He’s gone, and now there is no one to force me to stay.”

  “I don’t want to force you, but I do want you to stay. Anna, please stay with me, don’t leave me like this.” He moved to me, wrapping his arms around me.

  I leaned into his touch, melting into his embrace. My tears began to fall and I felt another damn panic attack take hold. What the fuck is going on with me lately? I’ve never had a single panic attack until recently. I grabbed my chest, crumpling to the floor trying to breath. Charlie was at my side the second my knees buckled. He tried to sooth me by rubbing my hair. “Breathe babe, just breath little breaths.” He whispered as he pulled me into his arms. He folded his strong arms around me and told me to breath. He rocked me silently for a few moments as I began to be able to breathe again. “I love you Anna. Please don’t leave me.”

  I sat quietly in his arms, leaning my head sleepily against his chest. How does a panic attack always wipe me out? I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his lips to mine. “I don’t want to leave you, but you don’t want me to leave here. I’m not staying here; I can’t take it anymore. I’m tired of pretending that I’m okay and that things are good between my mom and I, but they aren't. They haven’t been since I was little.” I whispered. “I’m sorry Charlie.” He took my lips again, as he moved me so I was straddling him.

  “Tell me you want to stay with me. Tell me you want to be with me, and I’ll do anything you want me to. Anna, I can’t lose you after finding you now. Please, don’t leave.” He begged. The truth is, I do want to stay with him and be with him. I’m beginning to develop some emotions beyond the bedroom for him, but I don’t want to put him in the middle of this shit show any more than he already has been.

  “I want to be with you, Charlie.” I whimpered, pulling him back in for a kiss, lacing my fingers through his soft light brown hair. His brown eyes took on a hungry look as he deepened our kiss. When he finally broke our kiss, we both were panting a bit for air.

  He stood us both up, took my suitcases and my hand before heading out the door. He opened the passenger door for me to climb in. Put my luggage in the backseat and got in himself. He started the engine, and began backing the truck out of the driveway. “I love you so much Anastasia, you have no idea how much you mean to me.” He told me as he began the drive to his house. I couldn’t believe that this man, this glorious man, was taking me away from the woman who hurt me most in the world.

  Chapter 9

  It’s been two days since I blew up at my mom. I’ve had two days away from her and Bo to really think about everything I said. Charlie never mentioned it since, but a part of me knew he was right. I need to apologize to Bo and my mom for my behavior, and if I let it go on for much longer my apology won’t sound sincere to them. I asked Sophie to drop me off at my mom’s after school today, knowing that Charlie is working and can bring me back to his house later.

  I entered my mom’s farmhouse, feeling ashamed of myself. I found her in the living room looking defeated. I gently knocked on the door jam. “Can I come in? I need to apologize to you. I was just so angry and everything boiled over like a pan of water with a cover on it. I’m so sorry mom.” I told her in the doorway as tears sprang into my eyes.

  “I’m sorry too baby.” My mom replied, patting the seat next to her. I walked over and sat down next to her. “I never realized how you really felt all these years. I should have known; I should have paid more attention to what you wanted when you came to visit. Your right that we don’t know each other, and we’re family. I should know so much more about you, but I don’t.” She wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

  I leaned into her embrace, letting her console me, as I held her doing the same for her. “Maybe we can try to get past this whole thing in time?” I suggested.

  My mom nodded in agreement. “How are things at Charlie’s?”

  “Good. I hurt him the other night too. I was ready to leave without even thinki
ng about him, and I’m ashamed. I’m truly ashamed of myself for my words and anger the other night.” I admitted. She just patted my head and hushed me softly. “Did you ever have panic attacks?” I asked. “I’ve had four or five in the past week, but never in the past. I’m wondering if I should consult a doctor or not.”

  “Panic attacks? I don’t think so, but I’m not 100%.” She smiled. “What are they like? Can you try to describe them to me?”

  “It’s hard to breath, my chest goes tight, my vision blurs, and when I’m standing my knees give out. It feels like I’m dying but I’m not.” I explained.

  “I’ve never had them, but I think your aunt Carol did when she was younger. Maybe call and talk to her about it before you go to a doctor.” My mom suggested. I nodded and pushed off the couch. Just then there was a knock at the door. “That’s strange, we’re not expecting any visitors today. Do you mind seeing who that is?”

  I walked to the front door and saw the last person I expected standing on the porch. Sal was here smiling at me through the door. “Hello, Anne.” I froze staring at him.

  “What are you doing here?” I shot at him.

  “I heard about your dad, and I had to come see you. I needed to make sure you’re okay, to be here for you.” He began.

  I stepped out onto the porch, closing the door behind me. “Why now Sal? After what you did last year, why even bother? I’m doing fine without you.” I glared at him.

  “I told you the truth. I miss you Anne, I miss my mate. The thought of you going through this alone, is unbearable.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m not alone. I moved on, Sal.” I told him.

  He stepped closer, pulling me in for a hug. “You’re my mate, you can’t move on.” He took a deep inhale, and stepped away. Anger flashed in his eyes. “You have another wolf? I should have known that they were a pack. How dare he touch what is mine?” Sal growled.

  I was shocked. “What do you mean? Sal, you’re the only werewolf I know.” I hissed at him. Is Charlie a werewolf too? Sal would never lie to me about that, and I was confused.

  “I can smell him all over you Anastasia. You’ve been screwing a wolf. He hasn’t told you?” Sal got a nasty smile on his face.

  “It took you two years to tell me your secret. I’ve only been dating him for a month. But if what you use to tell me is true about me being your mate. Then, I hate to break it to you, but I’m his too. Though my connection with him is very different than it was with you.” I admitted. “So, you can get back in your rental and leave. I never asked you to come here, nor do I want you here.”

  “Your mine Anastasia. I can wait until you see that.” He growled.

  “Leave, now.” I bellowed at him. He walked down the porch steps stopped at the bottom and turned around to look at me. I crossed my arms over my chest and tapped my foot. He shook his head and walked to his Lexus he rented. After he left, I let out a sigh of relief. Now I needed to go talk to Charlie.

  I walked around the house, to see Charlie leading Oreo and Bullet into the barn. I walked into the barn as he closed the paddock doors. “Hey babe, I didn’t know you were coming here today.” He said when he saw me. He moved to come closer to me, but I held up a hand for him to stop. “Anna, is everything okay?”

  “Are you a werewolf?” I asked in a barely audible whisper. He looked at me a bit confused, and shocked at the same time. “I know they exist. I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t already know the answer.”

  “I was going to tell you, but you can imagine how hard it is to tell someone who isn’t.” Charlie began. I sighed a little, relieved that he was being honest. “How?”

  “My ex is one. He’s what I believe you guys call a rogue. Two years into our relationship he told me his secret. Told me about mates, and how he knew we were and that he could never leave me. So, when he broke up with me, my head and heart hurt.” I explained.

  “How did you find out about me?”

  “Apparently, I’m wearing your scent well. He just showed up on the front porch while I was apologizing to my mom. I stepped onto the porch to tell him to fuck off, and when he caught your scent, he got angry. I was slightly scared by the look in his eyes, but then he left without much of an argument.” I elaborated. “He’s still claiming that I’m his mate, but if that is true. Then I know I’m your mate too, because my connection to you is much stronger than what I had with him.”

  “You are my mate, Anna. You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to tell you everything. I took this job hoping to see you again. I saw you for the first time in the market back in February. I thought you were older, until I started working here. I’m only working here to be with you Anna. I know how crazy it sounds, but it’s true.” Charlie confessed, taking me in his arms as he crushed his mouth to mine. “I love you so much.”

  “I think I’ve started to fall for you the other night, and I’ve just been so scared to admit it.” I whispered against his lips. “I only want you.” He held me so close for a while as the world melted away from us. I only want to stay in his arms and forget about everything else. He kissed my forehead as he began to move away from me.

  “I need to finish work. I’ll be in when I’m done.” He replied. “Are we good?”

  “Perfect. Just one more question… Am I living with your pack?” He nodded with a shy smile. “Now I understand how so many people can co-exist in one house.”

  “That guy at the bonfire was one too, but from a different pack.” Charlie explained. “That’s why I said I should have never brought you there. It was a pack mixer, but Steve gave me the go ahead to invite you.”

  “Steve’s the Alpha?” Again, he only nodded his response. “Is there anything else I need to know about you or your pack?”

  “Only that I love you babe.” He gave me such a cute child-like smile. I rolled my eyes at him as I left the barn and headed back into the house. I found my mom still on the couch, but looking a bit better.

  “I’m sorry mom. I guess my asshole ex heard about dad and came to console me. I sent him away, but he upset me enough to go talk to Charlie.” I sighed as I took a seat next to her with a bottle of water.

  “It’s okay baby. Did you tell him about you and Charlie?”

  “Absolutely. I don’t want him to think he has a chance to swoop in and win me back. I’m not a prize or a toy to be taken off the shelf when he feels like it. Charlie is different, he really is in love with me. Sal never truly was.” I leaned onto her shoulder listening to her soft beats of her heart. I felt my eyelids getting heavy as I rested in my mom’s embrace.


  “Sleepy head, it’s time to wake up.” Charlie’s voice called to me.

  “Five more minutes.” I grumbled.

  “Dinner will be cold by then babe.” His words had me sitting straight up. Dinner? Did I fall asleep? I thought back and remembered my mom brushing my hair with her fingers as I dozed off. Shit, I had meant to apologize to Bo before dinner.

  “Where’s Bo?” I hissed.

  “In the kitchen. Your mom told him that you apologized to her. That’s all he wanted and cares about.”

  “I meant to talk with my mom, but instead I fell asleep on her.” I groaned.

  “You do the same thing to me.” Charlie chuckled. “Come on love, let’s go get you some dinner.” I took his hand as I stood up off the couch. I allowed him to lead me into the kitchen where my mom and Bo were already seated. I reluctantly took a seat between my mom and Charlie.

  It’s only been two days since my blow out and I can still feel the tension. We all sat awkwardly at the table, as we began eating. I know they’ve chatted with Charlie when he came to work, but a part of me still feels guilty about putting him in the middle since he does work here and now, I’m staying with him. There is really no way to fix the damage that I caused with my words the other night, but I can apologize and move on. I take a deep breath trying to center myself and gather my thoughts into coherent senten
ces. “Bo, I came by today because I realize I owe you an apology as much as I did my mom. I know there isn't a way to rewind what took place the other night, but I truly am sorry for the way I spoke to you and my mom.”

  Everyone remained silent for a stretch of time while I nervously waited for Bo to say something. Finally, he cleared his throat. “Well, Annie it takes a lot of courage to come here and apologize after what you did the other night. To be honest, all I care about is you making peace with Pam. You hurt her, but you are her only daughter. I will accept your apology on the condition that you genuinely try to work on your relationship with Pam.”

  “I plan to, because I would like to work on it myself.” I assured him. I wasn’t lying, I did want to figure out a way to move forward and perhaps build a relationship with my mom. We had a nice talk for the rest of the meal. I helped my mom with the dishes before Charlie and I left. As Charlie drove us back to his house, he remained silent. “Are you going to want me to go stay at their house again?” I asked, breaking the unbearable silence.


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