The Beta's Mate

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The Beta's Mate Page 10

by Tanya Gilford

  “Only if you want to. I prefer waking up with you in my bed, but I won’t argue if you chose to go back to your mom’s.” Charlie replied.

  “Are you upset with me?” I asked. He usually at least holds my hand, but hasn’t reached for it at all since dinner.

  “No, babe. Why would you think that?” He asked quickly looking away from the road to give me a smile. He grabbed my hand off my lap. “I’m just lost in thought. Your ex is a wolf and he’s around. Would he hurt you?”

  “I don’t think he would harm me physically. He likes his mind games more. Why do you ask?” I was confused why we were talking about Sal again.

  “Well, he’s a rogue wolf in our territory. If my gut is right, he’s been following you around for a week or so now. We found an unknown wolf scent near our house, and when I checked around the farm, I found it near your old window. You’re my mate, and my job is to keep you safe. It’s odd for a wolf to be mated to a human, and it poses a very dangerous situation for you.” He explained. “Tell me what you know about wolves, so I know if I need to add more information.”

  “Well, I know that wolves usually have packs, but some can be nomads or rogues. Rogues are not held to the hierarchy of a pack, and can make their own rules. When a wolf finds a mate, it’s like a true love and their bond together for life. If a wolf is injured, they heal within minutes but silver is poisonous and will cause a long painfully slow death.” I recalled what Sal told me during our year together that I knew he was a wolf.

  “Rogues are usually wolves that have been banished from their pack for some reason. It’s up to the alpha to decide the term of why he is banishing a rogue. Rogues can make their own rules in how they want to live, but we all have rules to protect our kind. Telling people that we are wolves is a big undertaking. Some rogues are known to kill innocents for the fun of killing, but others choose to help the innocent. Some wolves can choose to be rogue if they don’t agree with the alpha on more than one issue. The hierarchy of a pack is the Alpha and Luna, then the Beta. If the alpha hasn’t chosen a Luna, he may pick another member in the pack to be the third in command.” Charlie began explaining. Clearly Sal intentionally left information out when he was telling me about himself. “As for mates. It’s an instant connection upon seeing them for the first time. Mates are drawn to each other, and when they are apart, they feel like they are missing part of themselves. Mates wouldn’t be able to leave each other for long periods of time without feeling unbearable pain. Mates are super protective of each other, and will go to extreme lengths to avoid harm coming to the other. As for the other information it’s true. If a wolf gets poisoned by silver, they need help from a witch within a time span depending on where the silver entered the bloodstream. Witches are dangerous to work with, but when you’re dying you are willing to do anything to live or save the life of another member.”

  “I think I understand more, but it’s still going to take time to get used to.” I replied.

  “I understand. I must admit, I went through great lengths to meet you officially after I saw you for the first time. I saw you at the market with your mom back in February, only for a split second, but I knew in my bones you were mine. I kept going back to the market, until I saw your mom again. I know it sounds stalkerish, but I was looking for my mate, who I have never seen before. I eventually heard that Bo was looking for a farm hand, so I took the job with the hopes of seeing you. I saw pictures of you and asked Pam about you. I learned then that you didn’t come here often and that I may have to suffer with a long-distance thing with you until I could tell you the truth.” He confessed to me.

  When we pulled into the driveway, I felt like I was in a dream. This man just confessed he took a job of hard labor in order to meet me. Now, here we are walking into his house together as a couple. We walked up the stairs to his room. As soon as we entered the room, I spun around, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him firmly.

  He lifted me up and brought me over to the bed, gently lowered me down to the mattress, trailing his lips down my neck. I moaned as his teeth grazed over my collar bone. I hastily pulled his shirt over his head, as he removed mine. He ran his callused hands over my curves as I let out another moan. I wanted him badly, and yet he was taking his sweet time with me. “Charlie, please.” I whimpered as I tugged at his hair.

  “In time babe. I want to memorize your every curve and mark.” He whispered against my skin as he continued to kiss his way over my breasts. His fingers massaged over my arms and down my sides. He unclasped my bra, then took my nipples between his thumb and finger, gently rolling it. I let out a moan. “You like that don’t you baby?” I nodded while biting my lower lip in response. He finally began removing my shorts as he stood up. He dropped his jeans as well, before kneeling back on the bed. He hovered over me, searching my eyes. I felt like he was seeing into my soul through my eyes. “What do you want Anna?” He whispered before leaning down to kiss me.

  “You, Charlie. I want only you.” I cried. He gently pushed into only pausing a moment for me to adjust to his size. He moved his hips as he set the pace for us. I rubbed my hands all over his chest, up to his shoulders to hold myself to him more. He felt amazing, the more he thrusted into me. “Oh, Charlie!” I cried out as my orgasm took over me. His own release corresponded with mine.

  He rolled off of me when we were finished. “You are sensational, Anna.” He sighed, pulling me to him. “I still can’t believe you have no questions for me. I am beyond grateful you’re not afraid of me though.”

  “Why would I be afraid of you? I mean, when he first told me about werewolves, I laughed in his face because honestly it was after seeing the Twilight movie. He thought it'd be a way to ease me into the knowledge. When I realized he was serious, I peppered him with questions to see how annoyed I could make him. I was an annoying teen when I was 15. Him, I was a bit afraid of because the air around him made him more of a bad boy. You, Charlie, I couldn’t be afraid of. I know for a fact that I am safest when I’m with you. I love you Charlie.” I explained, tilting my head so I could press my lips to his.

  “I love you too, Anna.” He whispered as I nuzzled on his chest. “I can’t wait to have this whole weekend off to spend it with you. Since Friday is my last day working on the farm, I plan to take you out on some kind of adventure if you’re up for it.”

  “I would love that.” I smiled. “I asked my mom if she ever had panic attacks, and it turns out that mom didn’t, but aunt Carol used to. Now I need to call aunt Carol to see how to avoid panic attacks. I really hate having them.”

  “Hopefully, otherwise I would recommend seeking a doctor. They seem to be getting better or at least less frequent.”

  “Less frequent but more painful and intense.” I commented. “I had one at school today in the restroom. Thankfully no one was around, but I was late for class after.”

  “Why are you just telling me about this now?”

  “Why would I mention it before now? It passed; I made a stop to the nurse who told me it could be caused by stress. That’s why I asked my mom about it when we were chatting.”

  “Next time it happens, please let me know. Were you stressed or upset about anything?” I was truly touched by Charlie’s concern.

  “No, I went to the bathroom, and was washing my hands when suddenly it became impossible to breath. My chest tightened and I fell to my knees. After a good fifteen minutes it passed, but it was still fifteen excruciating minutes.” I sighed. “It scared the crap out of me though. I’m going to call my aunt in the morning on my way to school.”

  Charlie draped his arm around my waist as we cuddled up for the night. I listened to the gentle beating of his heart as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 10


  I woke up early the next morning to squeeze a run in with Steve before heading off to work. I wanted to do a perimeter check and tell him about yesterday. I met Steve on the back deck before dawn. “Hey. So, Anna knows the truth ab
out us.” I began. Steve looked at me questioningly. “Apparently her ex is one, and exposed the truth about me yesterday when he finally got balls to show his face. He’s a rogue, who has some kind of agenda. From what she told me, he only told her enough information to fit his scheme, right down to claiming their mates.”

  “Is he dangerous?” Steve questioned as we walked down the steps.

  “I don’t know, and she’s not 100% either. She doesn’t think he’ll hurt her, but if she doesn’t go back to him, I worry about her safety.”

  “She’s not going with him. If they were mates, he would have returned to her sooner than now. She’s your mate, not his. If he does have an agenda, I hope we figure out what it is sooner rather than later.” Steve sighed. “How’s she doing over all?”

  “She’s still having panic attacks, but now they are appearing out of nowhere. Her mom told her to talk with her aunt about it, I guess she had then when she was younger too.” I replied. “She went to them and apologized for the other night. I was a bit shocked but impressed all the same. I told her the full truth about whatever he told her, and now I’m waiting for more questions to arise.”

  “She had no questions? Maybe she knows more than she lets on.”

  “I don’t know. She has no reason to lie or hide things from me. Especially now that we both know the truths. I think she’s just still dealing with her grief, her anger and now these panic attacks. She’ll ask questions when they come to her, that’s part of her charm constantly questioning or bravely pointing out things.” I chuckled.

  As we approached the woods, Steve and I shifted. We split up through the woods around the house checking for signs of the unknown wolf. I have a feeling it’s Anna’s ex, but we won’t know until we find him. Again, we found the scent and followed it out to the road where it mixed with gasoline, telling us he got in a car. This time the scent seemed only a couple hours old, telling me this wolf was out here around two in the morning. Does he not sleep? Something told me we are going to need to send people out sooner now that he is switching the times.

  Steve and I went back to the house, shifted to our human forms before climbing the stairs to the back deck where we left our clothes. “What do you think?” I asked pulling my pants up.

  “He’ll show himself eventually. His scent told me he was pacing for a good two hours before he left. If it is her ex, he’ll show.”

  “He’ll have to go through me to get to her.” I snarled. Wolves are territorial creatures, never mind with their mates. The idea of how he hurt last year made me angry thinking he was a human, but knowing the truth and the full story. I want to kill him.

  I went back inside to have a cup of morning coffee before I had to leave for work. Steve grabbed a cup himself and took a seat at the table. As I drank my cup of coffee silently, I thought about Anna. Everything we talked about yesterday was so fresh in my mind. I’ve never wanted more than to be able to read her thoughts, but I can’t. Then I remembered something important to help tell me if he really was her mate. Mates can speak through a mind link. That’s how you know the connection is real.

  I climbed the stairs two at a time, excited to go try this with my mate. I can communicate with the rest of my pack when we’re in our wolf forms, but this link will allow me to talk to her in any of my forms as long as she’s willing a hundred yards of me. I eagerly pushed open my bedroom door to find her standing in front of a mirror looking at the outfit she put on. It was a cut-off denim skirt with a frayed bottom, and a delicious looking red tank-top. It should be against the law for her to look this good. She tied her hair up into a high ponytail, that allowed the rest of the hair to curtain her neck and shoulders.

  I watched as she crossed the room into the bathroom, where she flipped on the light and began rummaging through the one draw, she kept all her make-up in. She pulled out a tube of shimmery looking liquid to apply to her lips. Well, I’ll be damned if she puts on lip gloss. She smiled at me as she sat down on the bed to put on her sandals. I guess I should stop wasting time and just try linking with a comment or something.

  “You look stunning in that outfit babe.” I linked to her. I heard nothing in return from her end of the link and I felt my heart sinking. If I can’t mind link with her then we are not real mates and I’m wrong about all this.

  “You can show me how much you like this outfit later when you get home.” She replied out loud with a sexy smile. Oh My God, it worked. I’m so relieved, but I know I’m going to have to teach her how to use it. She looked at me with a skeptical expression. “Why are you smiling like that?”

  “Because I love you beyond words.” I mind linked with her again.

  “How did you just say that without moving your lips?” She asked puzzled.

  “It’s called mind linking. Packs can do it in wolf form, but mates can mind link with each other all the time. As long as they’re within a hundred yards of each other.” I quickly responded excitedly. “You didn’t know that?”

  “Nope. How do I do it?” She was eager to learn.

  “Look at me and focus on sending me your thoughts. I’m not 100% how to explain it.” I confessed through our link.

  “Does it work for me too?”

  “Yes.” I answered pulling her in for a kiss. “We are mates. This proves it.”

  “But what if I can’t see you, but want to talk to you?”

  “I guess focus on sending me your thoughts anyway.” I shrugged.

  “Good to know. So, I’ll see you tonight after work? I need to do some studying for my test I have on Friday.” She informed me.

  “Sounds good to me. Do you want me to bring you dinner, or are you going to cook?”

  “If mom will spare it, please. It’s a big history test.” She sighed. “I gotta get going.” She gave me a kiss and headed out the bedroom door. I stood in the middle of my room smiling like a fool.

  I shook my head, pulling my mind back to earth. I checked the time on my phone and headed out of the room, pulling the door closed behind me. I walked down the stairs, turned right and headed for the front door. As I began pulling it open, I caught sight of Anna clutching her chest against Sophie’s car and sliding down to the ground struggling for air. This is getting out of control.

  “Anna!” Sophie shrieked.

  I instinctively jumped off the porch, racing towards my mate. I pulled her into my arms, and carried her back in the house. “Anna, take small breaths.” I instructed as we climbed the steps.

  “What do I do?” Sophie asked worried.

  “Go to school. I’ll take care of her.” I called over my shoulder as I pushed the front door open. “That’s it, nice small breaths. Just focus on your breathing.” I mumbled to Anna as I climbed the stairs back to our bedroom.

  I gently laid her on the bed, kissing her forehead before removing her shoes. As I was pulling off her second shoe, she began to have a seizure. What the fuck was going on? I called for Steve, who came barreling into my room to see her seizing on the bed. I called her mom to tell her what was going on and asked her to meet us at the hospital.

  Steve drove us while I held her in the backseat. She stopped seizing, but she was unconscious now. I’m a bit freaked out since she’s a human and this is strange medical phenomena. Her phone began to ring as we were driving, I slipped my hand into her pocket to check the caller I.D. ‘Aunt Carol’. I answered it hoping she had answers. “Hello?”

  “Who is this? Where is Annie?”

  “This is her boyfriend Charlie, and Annie is unconscious at the moment. She had a sudden panic attack followed by a seizure. We’re en route to the hospital where Pam and Bo are meeting us.” I quickly explained.

  “They won’t find anything wrong. Pam should know better, but I can’t over rule that decision. I’ll take the next fight out, my niece needs me out there, sooner than planned. Tell me young man, how often has she had these attacks since last Saturday?”

  “One Saturday, two on Sunday, one on Monday night, I guess she had one
randomly yesterday at school that lasted fifteen minutes, and then today. This was the first time it was followed by a seizure though.” I recalled.

  “Her birthday isn’t for another four weeks. Strange.” She mumbled more to herself than to me. “I’ll be there later tonight. Tell Pam for me, since you’ll see soon. And when Annie wakes up, make sure she eats a good meal.”

  “What does her birthday have to do with anything?”

  “Never mind that, Pam should have been more prepared than this. My brother had a box ready to give her. I never liked Pam, so naive.” She continued to mutter to herself. I wondered if I should hang up or not.

  “Anna isn’t staying with Pam and Bo anymore. They had a big fight on Monday night, well I should say Anna blew up at them.” I admitted.

  “I need to be with my niece, so I need an address or a ride to your house. Pam’s had it coming for years, Annie can only take so much before she lets it out.”

  “She let them have it. A bit harshly.”

  “That’s my Annie, sharp tongue just like her aunty.” Carol boosted. “Apparently we are more alike than Pam wants to accept. If you’re not with Pam, then don’t bring Annie to the hospital. They’ll keep her there for observations, and stick her with needles. She doesn’t need any of that, just rest and a mother with a brain.”

  “But she’s unconscious after a seizure.” I protested.

  “Unless she starts throwing up, don’t bring her to the hospital. Something is going on that is making this all happen sooner than it’s supposed to. I just booked a flight for two hours from now. If she’s still unconscious when I arrive then I can make that call.”

  “Pam said to take her to the hospital.”


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