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The Beta's Mate

Page 12

by Tanya Gilford

  I hope this letter explains things to you. If you have any questions, ask Carol, she has promised me to help you understand. I love you my angel, take care. I love and will always miss my baby girl.

  Love, Dad

  I finished reading the letter with a heavy heart. I had tears running down my face as I folded the letter back up and stuffed it back in the envelope. Aunt Carol was right, dad always had a way of explaining things to me. I understood now, but I still wonder why they waited until now to tell me that I’m a fairy. I sighed as I placed the envelope in my sock draw. I didn’t feel like I needed to hide it, I just wanted to keep it safe.

  Charlie entered the room as I closed the draw with a sob. He walked over to me, wrapped his arms around me, resting his head gently on my shoulder to just hold me. I eventually was able to gather my composure, and turned around in his embrace. I gave him a kiss with a tear eyed smile.

  “What’s wrong babe?” He whispered.

  “My aunt gave me a letter from my dad. It explained a lot, but also told me some well-kept secrets that him and my mom kept.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Not right now. I need a minute to digest all this information about who I really am.” I answered, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I know I promised you I would tell you everything, and I will. I just need a day or two to process it.”

  “Whatever you need. All I care about is that you are okay. I know you’ll tell me when you’re ready. This is a lot to process; something is happening to you because you’re not human and everyone waited until you turned 18 to even hint at what you really are. That’s not fair to you.”

  “My mother killed my father slowly. She knew what she was doing when she left.” I murmured into his chest. “He explained it in depth in the letter but asked me to forgive her.”

  “Come here, let’s lay down.” He suggested guiding me over to the bed. I climbed on to the bed next to him and curled up. “I owe you an apology for what I said to you on Monday night. I see now why you feel like your mother doesn’t care about you. I texted her telling her that Carol advised against taking you to the hospital, and all Pam said was to keep her updated if anything changes. Carol argued with me about bringing you to the hospital, until I demanded she stop talking in code and tell me what is wrong with my mate. She knew right away that I was a wolf.”

  I laid my head on his chest. “No need to apologize. You didn’t know the truth.” I said with a yawn. “Just love me. That’s all I want from you is your love.”

  “You have that until the day I day Anastasia Keller. I love you.” He told me as he rubbed my back. I fell asleep listening to his heart beating softly. I love him so much.

  Chapter 12


  The next morning, I woke up feeling sore all over. Why do I feel like I’ve done an extreme workout at the gym? So much for going to school today. I think I need some time off, but I’m not sure I know how to get out of going. I tried to stretch my body out, and I got a bad leg cramp. I grabbed my leg in pain letting out a small sob of pain.

  Once the leg cramp passed, I rolled out of bed walking to the bathroom. I turned on the shower then spared a glance at myself in the mirror. I look like a train wreck; no wonder Charlie wasn’t in bed when I woke up. My eyes were bloodshot, my skin was pale causing me to look like I’m sick. I slipped off my nightgown and stepped into the shower. The warm water helps sooth my muscles enough for me to relax. The warm water cascading over my body felt amazing, almost as amazing as having Charlie’s hands all over me.

  The simple thought of Charlie made me horny. As I washed my body, I thought about his hands following the path of my wash cloth. How was I able to just think about him and feel like he was right here? I closed my eyes as I let the water rinse me off. Did he leave for the day or was he still here? All I know is I needed to have a release.

  “Charlie, I need you.” I called him through our mind link, hoping he was still here.

  I turned off the water, climbed out of the shower and wrapped a plush towel around me. The soft fabric felt amazing on my skin. I glanced at myself in the mirror, the flush coloring in my cheeks was making my skin look less pale. As I exited the bathroom, Charlie came rushing to me from the door.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked, looking me over. “I came in as fast as I could. Are you okay?” I wrapped my arms around his naked torso, upping him close. I looked up at him through my eyelashes while biting my lower lip, enticing him to take me like I wanted. “Anna, talk to me baby. What’s wrong?”

  “I… I turned myself on in the shower thinking about you.” I confessed. “I know only you can fully satisfy me, so there’s no point in trying to take care of myself.”

  Charlie let out a hearty laugh wrapping his arms around my back holding me to him. He bent his neck crushing his lips to mine. I turned my arms up to grip his shoulders as we deepened the kiss. He slid his tongue over my lips as I opened my lips inviting him in. He lifted me up, before placing me on the bed. He pulled away from me standing up, I whimpered at the loss of contact. I opened my towel for him as he dropped his pants.

  He eyed my body hungrily as he stalked me in the bed. The lust in his eyes made my breath hitch as I bit my lower lip in anticipation. I let my eyes trail over his muscular body. His thick arms, his well-toned biceps, those washboard abs that made my mouth water, his perfect hips, his full length of his erection as he crawled across the bed, hovering just above me. I let out a whimpering plea as I wrapped my legs around his waist, bucking my hips towards him. “Do you want me Anna?” He whispered in a husky seductive voice.

  “Yes, please Charlie.” I begged.

  He kissed my lips as he gently pushed into me. I gasped as I adjusted to his size. He began setting a pace for us, as I moved with him in rhythm. I dug my nails into his shoulders scratching down his back as he continued pumping into me. He grazed his teeth down my neck as I moaned out in pleasure. He knew all the places to touch me, to kiss me to drive me crazy. How can this connection feel like this? I cried out his name as my orgasm ripped through me, followed by his own release.

  He rolled over onto his back panting. “I wasn’t expecting that as a reward for staying here today with you.” He chuckled. “How are you truly feeling babe?”

  “I woke up really sore. I think we just stretched my muscles out a bit though.”

  “That’s good. I was on a run with Paul, checking the perimeter when I heard your plea. Do me a favor. Next time you want me, tell me that not that you need me. You had me panicking thinking something was wrong.” He scolded gently. I rolled over onto my side to look at him carefully.

  “I will. I didn’t mean to worry you.” I ran my fingers over his shoulder silently thinking about everything that I now know. “I’m not ready to fully talk about everything, but it turns out my unknown medical attacks are a result of my body changing and developing my new abilities. I’m not supposed to tell anyone else the truth about me, not even you, but I don’t want to keep this from you.”

  “I understand. Your aunt seems wary around us wolves, which tells me she doesn’t trust wolves easily.”

  “She doesn’t. My dad briefly explained in his letter why we can’t trust other mystical creatures. I feel that I can completely trust you, but part of me feels like there maybe a breed of non-wolves that your kind despises more.”

  “Steve listed the different possibilities of what you could be and we’ve narrowed our list down to three” He informed us. I looked at him anxiously. “You’re either a witch, a fairy, or an elf. Honestly, I kind of hope you’re a witch since the other two options have a bad history with our kind. Steve detests elves from a personal experience of his own. Fairies are unpredictable and can use their abilities for their own gain, not caring who it affects.”

  “So, if I’m an elf or a fairy it would be terrible for you?” The thought made me recoil a little. I’m supposed to be his mate, but it turns out that my kind is one of his sworn enemies. He ro
lled onto his side, and reached out to me.

  “I wouldn’t completely care. We’re just not too keen on any kind besides a wolf, and even then, if they’re not part of our pack, we don’t trust them. The fact that you’re not a human alone puts my mind more at ease. With abilities you can protect yourself if needed, makes my job as your mate a little easier.” He smiled tugging at a strand of my hair that fell into my face. “So, you’re not a witch?”

  “No, but I hope my aunt is wrong about my potential abilities. Considering I’m having a similar bodily reaction to what she had, I guess I may end up with at least one of her abilities.”

  “Are your mom and Bo like you?”

  “My mom is, but Bo is hu…”



  “Anna?” I called to her as her eyes rolled back in her head. She went really still then began to seize. Shit, what the hell is happening? I grabbed a pair of shorts, pulled them on and ran out into the hall. “Carol!” I roared through the quiet house.

  Carol came to the bottom of the stairs glaring at me. “Did you just roar at me?” She snapped as she tapped her foot. “Just because Annie is fucking you doesn’t mean you have the right to act like a wild animal towards me.”

  I was pissed at the moment and filled with concern. I turned back into my room to see Anna still seizing in the middle of my bed. I went to her, gently touching her hand hoping she stopped seizing soon.

  Carol walked into the room pissed off that I walked away from her after bellowing for her to talk to me. She took one look at Anna and closed the door. “How long has she been like that?”

  “Almost five minutes. We were having a conversation and then she just started seizing. What can I do?”

  “Close the shades to ensure no one can see into this room. And leave.” She shouted.

  “Charlie…” Anna called weakly. She finally stopped seizing and was laying still on the mattress. I sat on the bed next to her, gently stroking her hair.

  Carol let out a loud sigh and rolled her eyes at me. She crossed the room to the five windows that let the sunlight into my room and pulled the blackout shades. She turned to me tapping her foot on the floor. “You can go now. It’s only going to get worse before it gets better for her, and all we can do is wait.”

  “I’m not leaving her.” I protested.

  All of a sudden Anna began withering in pain next to me, with tears slipping down her cheeks. “OWWW!” She cried out in pain, as she curled into herself. Carol was right, this is worse. Anna whined as she arched her back. “Charlie!”

  I moved her hair out of her face. “It’s okay baby, I’m right here. I know it hurts, but it’s almost done.” I whispered, placing a kiss on her temple.

  She withered even more as sweat broke out on her naked body. She tossed to her side, arching her back some more. Was she shifting? “Charlie…” She moaned out again as she curled in on herself. I hesitantly reached out to touch her shoulder, which caused her to relax.

  “Interesting.” Carol breathed. It was barely audible, I looked at her with a confused expression. How the hell is any of this interesting? Her niece is suffering in pain, and all we can do is watch. She cleared a throat, shaking her head a bit. “I’ve never seen this. She’s calling for you and responding to your touch. When we begin to go through the change, we have no clue of the outside world. It’s like our body becomes a cocoon in a sense.” She explained. “I don’t know how it’s possible, but it is interesting.”

  “So, are you going to continue to tell me to get out of my own bedroom, or are you going to tell me how to help your niece or at least what’s going on?” I snarled. Anna began tossing and crying out in pain again. I reached for her, but stopped when she curled in on herself and blood began seeping out of her back. I smelt it before I saw it. “Why is she bleeding?” I howled at Carol.

  “She didn’t tell you?”

  “She was in the process when she began seizing. Please, Carol what is happening to her? Why is her back bleeding like she just got cut?”

  Carol was quiet for a moment clearly ponding the situation. Finally, she let out a long deep breath. “Her wings are coming out.” My eyes felt like they were about to pop out of my head when she told me this.

  “Her wings?” She nodded. I looked at her even more confused. “How do you know?”

  Suddenly yellow shimmer wings appeared on Carol’s back. “We’re fairies, and she had no idea until yesterday. Do you know if she read her father’s letter?”

  “She told me she read it. She was reluctantly telling me bits and pieces of it; I’m not pressing her about it. I know she’ll tell me when she’s ready.” I replied, stroking Anna’s forehead. “She’s so beautiful.”

  Anna curled up into herself, holding her stomach as something began poking out of the slits on her shoulder blade. “Charlie…” She groaned one more time before her wings jetted out of her back. They unrolled dripping blood all over the bed and the floor. They were a beautiful royal blue with purple swirls in them.

  “Be careful not to touch her wings until she wakes up. They’re fragile like a butterfly’s until they dry and the wounds they cut heal. She’ll sleep for now, when she wakes up, they will be dry and her wounds will have healed. She could take a few days to wake, I’ll check in on her once in a while. Please, don’t tell anyone in your pack. I don’t know what her powers will be yet until she starts showing signs of them, and that may make people uneasy. She can’t defend herself right now, which puts her in serious danger here.”

  “My pack will protect my mate.” I stated, brushing Anna’s hair.

  “But what about the scent you all keep talking about. What is?”

  “An unidentified male wolf. We only noticed it earlier this month, when I first brought her here. I checked around Pam’s farm and found the same scent there. Then her ex showed up this past Wednesday, telling her I’m a wolf. She was nervous when she approached me in the barn about it. I was baffled that she just asked me out of the blue. On our drive back here, we talked about it in depth, but she really didn’t ask me questions.”

  “If Sal is involved, she won’t ask questions. Keep her close, and stay vigilant. Her father and I overheard him telling her that she was his mate. He targeted her, somehow learned about our heritage and if she develops the powers, I think he may try to take her. I tried to look to see, but he wouldn’t allow me close enough to touch him, almost like he knew my abilities. He manipulated her, but realized Ray and I were watching him, so he bailed. He’s probably watching to get a sense of your packs routines to see when he can get Annie alone. He knows if he can get Annie alone long enough, he can get in her head. She believed him about being his mate.” Carol explained.

  “She knows that he’s not now. She said it herself before I told her. Our connection is much stronger than whatever she ever felt for him. I was able to prove it to her and myself yesterday. I was thinking along the same lines as you about Sal, and I knew I had to figure out how to prove to her that we are mates.”

  “Care to share?”

  “Mates can communicate through what we call mind links. I can only talk to my alpha in wolf form through a mind link, no one else. I can link with her and she can link with me. She’s my mate, and I will kill him if he tries to hurt her.” I assured her.

  “Don’t bet on her telling you every time she sees Sal. He had his claws in her deep and if he finds out she has the abilities he’s been waiting to see her develop, then he’ll make a move.” She commented.

  “What ability is that?”

  “It could be one or two. We don’t know until we develop our abilities. My grandmother had wings like Annie’s. She could have the ability to control minds, wind, or electricity. Four years a long time for a wolf to wait, but he has a reason. I just wish I knew what it was.” She sighed. “Just don’t let anyone but us two in this room to see her until after she wakes up. When she’s up, I’ll teach her how to conceal her wings so
that she can wash the blood off.”

  “I will.” She nodded, paused at the door for a moment. I thought she’d say something, but she didn’t. Carol quickly slipped out of my bedroom without another word. I got up to lock my bedroom door, then climbed back into bed next to Anna. I watched her sleep for a few hours before I got restless. I grabbed the key to my room, stepped out and locked the door behind me. I hope she doesn’t wake up while I’m out, but I’m getting restless just sitting around doing nothing.

  I walked into the kitchen, made myself some lunch. I sat down at the kitchen table with a sigh looking out the glass door. I found myself thinking about everything I just witnessed and learned about Anastasia Keller. She is my mate and the love of my life. We’ve been together for almost two months now and it feels like a lifetime. She’ll be eighteen in three weeks, but yet she’s already developing her abilities. I’m so confused about everything.

  My mate who I thought was human is really a fairy with wings now. Her pushy aunt is the only one willing to help her. Her mother seems to have detached herself from everything, how is that possible? I checked my phone to see Bo called me twice, great he’s probably angry I didn’t show for my last two days of work. I looked at the clock to see it was noontime, so he’s probably having lunch right now. I wonder if Pam actually told him what was going on with Anna.

  I called him back. When he answered he sounded a bit annoyed but relieved. “Charlie, what happened to you? Did you forget we still have the last fields to harvest before the first snowfall?”

  “I did not forget Bo; it’s just Anne isn’t doing well. She had a seizure yesterday; didn’t Pam tell you?”

  “Is Annie okay?”

  “She’s resting, but I’m afraid to leave her for too long. She had another seizure early this morning when she was getting dressed for school. I sent Pam a message so she could call Anne out of school. Is Pam okay? She seems a bit out of it with her messages.” I explained.


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