Book Read Free


Page 9

by Russell Fine

  “No, I have no idea. We have to go to Procolt 2 and check on Jeffery’s crew members. Then we will go back to Coplent. What were you mining?”

  “They never told us, but we had our suspicions. There were rumors that Torblit needed money, so we all thought it was hirodim, but we were never told. Each time we opened a new section of the mine, the supervisor would walk through the mine and tell us where to remove the ore. A few of the men asked what kind of ore we were extracting, but they were told that if they wanted to keep their jobs they should stop asking. Since the jobs paid very well, everybody kept quiet.”

  “If you’re correct, that would explain why Glencet was so hostile when Jeffery showed up. He threatened to blow up his ship if they didn’t leave immediately. Jeffery gave him some of the goods they were carrying in exchange for some time to explore Procolt 2.”

  “I heard about that. Apparently, Jeffery had things Glencet wanted, but I do not know what they were.”

  A few moments later the device over the break in Bendal’s leg beeped. Marcet removed the splint and said, “Your leg should be okay now, but take it easy. No running or jumping for a while.”

  Marcet removed the device, polymer, and splint. Bendal sat up in the bed. He slowly stood up and smiled, while saying, “This is great! No pain! Thank you, doctor.”

  “You are most welcome. Now we can get you something to eat.”

  Marcet and Bendal joined the others in the dining room. After the three miners had eaten, Marcet told them to go to the sleeping quarters and try to get some rest. After they left, Jeffery asked, “Brealak, do you have any idea who could have done this? Garlut told me all the members of the trade group were peaceful.”

  “I believe this was done by Crosus. They are the richest planet in the trade group and have been for more than a thousand years. Being the richest planet gives them a financial advantage. They have the ability to set the terms for virtually all of their trade agreements. They do not negotiate. If you want to buy something, they tell you how much it will cost. If they want to sell something, they set the purchase price. We all believed there was no more hirodim in our part of the galaxy. If Torblit did find hirodim, that could make them wealthier than Crosus, which would weaken Crosus’s position in the trade group. I do not think that Crosus would find that situation acceptable.

  “In the terms of the trade agreements, armed conflict between members of the trade group is prohibited. This would be considered an act of war. If Crosus did this, they would be expelled from the trade group. I am sure that is why they attacked from space. That way no one could prove it was them. We must get back to Coplent as soon as possible so I can report this.”

  “We have to go to Procolt 2 first. If we have to take my two crew members back with us, this ship is going to be awfully crowded. It was obviously designed for six and we already have seven. Is the ship capable of carrying nine passengers?” Jeffery asked.

  “The ship’s air, water, and food systems can handle up to twenty. We have two choices: We could use the time stasis field so we will not be awake during the trip, or we could sleep and eat in shifts. We can make that decision after we see the situation on Procolt 2. I am concerned that whoever attacked the ship and the mine may have also attacked your facility on Procolt 2. We will leave immediately,” Brealak stated with a grim expression on her face.

  Marcet went to the sleeping quarters and told the miners the ship was leaving to go to Procolt 2, suggesting they stay in their beds until the ship landed again. They agreed. Marcet went back to the control room and sat down. As soon as she did, the ship took off. When they were twenty-five thousand units above Procolt 4, Brealak programmed the navigation system to go to Procolt 2. About point-fifteen-hours later, they were in an equatorial orbit above Procolt 2. Jeffery used his com unit to try to contact his crew members, but there was no response.

  Using the ship’s scanners, they were able to locate the habitat. They watched the video monitor as the scanner showed what was left of the habitat. It looked like the entire building had been destroyed.

  Brealak landed the ship close to the remains of the habitat. Jeffery and Frank left the ship immediately to search through the wreckage. A half hour later they were sure that nobody had been inside when the attack occurred. That was a big relief, but they had no idea where Cathy and Sheila were.

  Jeffery suggested, “They must have taken refuge in one of the caves, but there are dozens of caves in this area. Let’s go back to the ship and ask Brealak to use the scanners to search underground for them.”

  As Jeffery and Frank turned to walk back, they saw one of the squirrels standing ten feet in front of them. As they approached the squirrel it asked in a soft, squeaky voice, “Are you Jeffery, the one who is Cathy’s boss?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Follow me and I will take you to Cathy and Sheila.”

  “We will, but I must contact my ship first and let them know what’s happening.”

  Jeffery contacted Brealak and told her that apparently Cathy and Sheila were okay and one of the squirrels was taking him and Frank to them. He promised to contact her again after he had talked to them.

  Jeffery and Frank followed the squirrel through the woods and into a cave. After they had walked twenty feet into the cave it was so dark, they could barely see the shape of the squirrel in front of them. Then they saw a shimmer of light ahead. As they approached, the light got brighter. The cave opened into a large room and seated in the center of the room surrounded by squirrels were Cathy and Sheila.

  Jeffery, relieved that they were okay, smiled broadly and said, “I’m very happy to see you two are okay. We were very worried. You are okay, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, but we’re better than just okay. Something strange, but good, is happening to both of us,” Cathy said.

  “That’s why we came back so soon. We discovered the remains we found were from a man who died seventeen years ago at the ripe old age of one hundred eighty-four. There’s some type of radiation on this planet that causes genetic mutations in living organisms. For Mr. Brown, his life span was substantially increased. What effect is it having on you?”

  “Well, I don’t know if we’re going to live longer than normal, but our strength has increased. Glencet called to tell us he was under attack and he suggested we get out of the habitat because it could be a target for whoever was attacking him. Before we could take his advice, there was an explosion near the habitat that caused the structure to vibrate and then it began to come apart. Sheila and I were both inside. So were seven of our squirrel friends. We were able to hold up the habitat long enough for the squirrels to get out. Then Sheila and I left as well. As soon as we let go, the wall we were holding up fell down. As we were running away from the habitat, there was another explosion and the habitat was completely demolished. We never saw a ship, so we assumed the attack came from space. We tried to contact Glencet after we got a few hundred feet from the remains. There was no response from him, but apparently somebody tracked the signal from our com unit because a few seconds later there was an explosion fifty feet away. We followed the squirrels into this cave and we’ve stayed here in the dark for a while. We went back to the habitat and found a working power module and a lamp so we brought them back here along with some pillows and blankets. Is Glencet okay?”

  “No, his ship was completely destroyed and unfortunately, it doesn’t look as if there were any survivors. The mining operation on Procolt 4 was also attacked. Three men survived the attack and they’re on Brealak’s ship.”

  “Why didn’t you come on the Star Rover?”

  “Because we were worried about you two and Brealak’s ship is much faster than the Star Rover. Why didn’t you answer me when I called your com unit?”

  “We were concerned that whoever destroyed the habitat and tried to kill us would be able to track the signals from the com units we had. One of the squirrels took them far away from the cave and buried them.”

  Jeffery nodded.
“That was a very good idea.”

  Frank said, “I’d like both of you to come back to the ship for a complete physical. I know you think what’s happening to you is beneficial, but I’d like to make sure you’re both well.”

  Sheila, who had been quiet up till now, “Admiral,” she pleaded. “Jeffery, please don’t make us leave here.”

  “We’ll discuss that after I get the results of your examinations.”

  As Jeffery turned to leave, he felt a tug on one of his pant legs. He looked down and saw one of the squirrels. The squirrel said in their typical high-pitched voice, “We have never been inside a space ship. Can we come with you?”

  Jeffery looked around and counted at least thirty squirrels. He said, “The ship is too small to take all of you. We can take five of you now. When the first five come back, another group of five can go into the ship.” As soon as Jeffery said it, he realized he had forgotten the squirrels had no concept of numbers.

  He was about to explain it a different way when the squirrel standing next to him said, “I will split us up into groups of adults; there will be ten groups of five and one group of four. Is that okay?”

  It took Jeffery a few seconds to realize what happened. In the short time he had been away from Procolt 2, Cathy and Sheila had taught the squirrels the concept of numbers and the ability to do simple calculations. The ability of the squirrels to learn was apparently far greater than the ability of humans. He replied nervously, “Yes, that would be perfect.”

  The squirrel walked over to their group and selected four others to join him. Then he turned around and said to Jeffery, “We’re ready.”

  “Very well, let’s go.”

  As they walked back, Jeffery asked quietly, “Frank, have you ever seen another living creature that learns as fast as these squirrels?”

  “No, their ability to learn is truly amazing. We’ve been gone for only a few months and now they speak fluent English and do simple math. I wonder how long it will take them to learn to read and write.”

  Cathy, who was listening to the conversation, said, “They can already read numbers. We were going to start on letters when the habitat was destroyed. However, based on how quickly they learn, I would think we can have them reading simple children’s books in six weeks.”

  Jeffery asked, “Frank, do you have the ability to test their intelligence?”

  “No, I don’t think it’s possible to test their actual intelligence with any degree of accuracy until they’re able to read. But a brain scan might give us some clue regarding their ability to learn. Unfortunately, I don’t have the equipment on the ship, but I’m sure it’s available on Coplent. Do you want to invite them to go back to Coplent with us?”

  “No, I don’t think that would be a good idea. However, we could bring the appropriate equipment back here on our next trip.”

  When they got back to the ship, Jeffery said, “Let me go in first and tell Brealak about our guests. I’ll be back shortly.” He found Brealak in the dining room. He sat down across from her and said, “We have some guests that would like a tour of your ship.”

  Brealak looked puzzled. “What are you talking about? What guests?”

  “The squirrels want to see your ship. In the time we were gone, they became fluent in English. When we left, they had no concept of numbers. Now they not only understand numbers, but can perform simple math problems.”

  “That’s impossible. Nothing learns that fast.”

  “That’s the same thing I said to Frank. Is it okay if I bring them aboard? You can see for yourself how intelligent they are.”

  “I do not see any harm so bring them aboard. I’ll be in the control room.”

  Jeffery left and returned with the squirrels following him. He walked into the control room with his new furry friends. When Brealak saw them, she smiled and spoke to them in English, “Hello, I am Brealak. I am the captain of this ship.”

  The first squirrel behind Jeffery looked up at her and said, “It’s nice to meet you, Brealak. We don’t have names yet, but I’m sure Cathy will give us names soon.”

  Brealak had been expecting a few mispronounced words in broken English at best. She smiled and said, “This is a very small ship, but I will be happy to give you a tour. Please follow me.” The five squirrels followed her into the sleeping quarters.

  While Brealak was showing the squirrels the ship, Frank asked Cathy to follow him into the bathroom. Frank said, “There’s really no private area on the ship, so this is the best I can do. Please wait here and I’ll get the equipment I need for your examination.”

  “Would it be okay if I took a quick shower before you start the exam? I haven’t had a one in a long time.”

  “Sure, I’ll come back in ten minutes. I’ll find something clean for you to wear.”


  Frank left the bathroom and walked over to a storage area where there were extra uniforms. He picked up two of them he thought would be the right size. Then he walked over to his sleeping quarters where his medical equipment was stored. When he got back to the bathroom, it was crowded. Cathy was still in the shower and Brealak and the squirrels were looking around. As Frank walked in, Brealak and the squirrels walked out.

  Frank said, “I brought a uniform for you to wear and I’ll show you how to use the laundry system when we’re done. Please step out so we can get started..”

  Cathy stepped out of the shower and covered herself with a towel. Then she walked over to the closest bench and sat down. She said, “It feels nice to be clean again.”

  After Cathy was dressed, Frank took a blood sample and put it into the analyzer. A few moments later a report showed up on the screen. He looked at it and said, “The analysis indicates there have been minor changes in your DNA since your last test. However, there’s no indication of any medical problem.”

  Using a medical scanner, Frank checked her heart and lungs. He pushed buttons on the device floating above her on the armature attached to the exam table, when it was completed it beeped. He proceeded to check her reflexes the old-fashioned way, with a small rubber mallet from his days in medical school. He found no problems. Then he attached two small electrodes to her forehead and said, “I’m going to do a quick brain activity scan. Please sit very still.”

  The test took about twenty seconds. When it was over, Frank removed the electrodes and looked at the report. He said, “Your brain is showing increased activity. I’m not sure what that means yet. I’ll have to study the report and compare it with your last one. I suspect it may be due to radiation exposure. That being said, I still don’t see any immediate problems. But I don’t think you should stay here until we’ve had an opportunity to investigate the changes in your DNA.”

  “Does that mean you’re going to tell Jeffery not to let me stay here?”

  “No, that’s simply my opinion. I’ll tell Jeffery what I found. If he asks me for my opinion, I’ll tell him what I think, but the final decision should be yours, and I’ll tell him that too. Please remember there are other dangers here. Whoever destroyed the habitat may come back and you are defenseless.”

  “You’re right, of course. I’ll discuss this with Jeffery. I’m worried about leaving the squirrels here alone. They have no concept of war and didn’t understand what happened to the habitat.”

  “Think about it for a moment. The squirrels are not a threat to whoever destroyed the habitat. They may be safer if you and Sheila are not here.”

  “I see your point. I don’t want to do anything that would put them in danger, but I really don’t want to leave either.” She was silent, feeling some remorse and disappointment over the impending decisions she and Sheila would like face, then she said, “I’d like to get something to eat now, if that’s okay.”

  “Your doctor orders are for you to get a good, hot meal and some sleep. Please ask Sheila to come in here,” Frank said with a smile on his face.

  Cathy walked over to the dining room and sat down at the table. Jef
fery and Sheila were both sitting there. She told Shelia Frank was ready for her. Then she turned to Jeffery and said, “I was going to ask you if Sheila and I could stay here, but after talking to Frank I’ve changed my mind. I was thinking about us and not the safety of the squirrels. Frank said that if the people who destroyed the habitat come back, they won’t be looking for animals. They would be looking for humanoids and our being here, unarmed, could put the squirrels in danger.”

  “Frank’s right. We have to leave here soon, probably in four hours. I think you should use that time to explain to the squirrels why you have to leave and let them know you’ll be back as soon as possible. I suspect it will be at least one hundred and twenty days. When we come back, we’ll be prepared to defend our position here and you’ll be able to spend time with the squirrels without putting them or yourself in danger.”

  “Okay, I want to tell Sheila the plan and then I’ll go talk to my little friends. Frank said I should eat something and then get some sleep, but that will have to wait.” She got up from the table and left the room.

  A few moments later, Brealak walked into the dining room and sat down. Jeffery said, “I’m glad you’re here. I told Cathy we were leaving in four hours and suggested she explain the situation to the squirrels.”

  “She just left with the first group. I can’t believe how intelligent they are. They are the first intelligent non-humanoid species we have found. They speak almost perfect English. Sheila told me how quickly they learned the concept of numbers. It is truly amazing!”

  “I told Cathy we’d be back as soon as possible, and we’d be ready to protect ourselves. But the weapons on the Star Rover aren’t capable of doing that. Does Coplent have some kind of war ship that could protect the planet?”

  “Yes, it has not been needed for a long time but it can be reactivated very quickly. I want to find out who committed these acts of war. If they are members of the trade group they will be expelled, but regardless of who they are, we will not allow this to happen again. I still think it was Crosus, but we have no proof.”


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