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King of The Hood 2

Page 18

by Kendra Sumter

  “I know yo ass don’t do social media. I usually don’t either. But since I set up an Instagram account fa’ Seaqual, to help build his brand wit his drawings, graphics, animation, and shit. Yo lil trick followed my damn brother, fa’ the sole purpose to post these shits.” I pushed my phone in his face. “Ain’t that yo ass in her bed wit no shirt on, while she smiles at the camera ass naked? Look at the fuckin’ date,” I went off, pacing the floor.

  He dropped his head, then tossed my phone on the couch. His head popped up, he was eyeing me. He shrugged, nonchalantly.

  “Aiight, fuck it, that’s my bad,” he stated.

  Staring at his ass, trying to put together the right words for that shit. Sighing, I shook my head.

  “Bye, Banks,” I stated, holding my spot.

  Just that quick, I’ve determined his ass ain’t worth it. Shit, he just showed me I ain’t worth it to his ass.

  “The fuck yo ass mean, bye? I ain’t going no fuckin’ where. Talk to my ass. Let me know what’s up. Yo ass can’t act like yo ass don’t understand this shit. The fuck, man? Yo ass really expect that shit. Come on. Yo ass twenty-seven fuckin’ years old. A grown fuckin’ woman, setting limits on the pussy and shit. The fuck?” He snapped.

  In a leap, I was in his face.

  “I’m fucking worth it, Banks, DeaMonti. Yo ass can’t see that, that’s on you. It ain’t my fuckin’ job to raise a grown muthafuckin’ man. Yo ass actin’ like I begged you to keep yo dick to yo’ self. Yo lil boy ass said you would. Fuck, yo ass thirty-two, and still fall fa’ the easy pussy. Go fuck whoever yo ass wants to, I no longer give a damn. This shit just showed me I woul’na been shit but another piece of pussy to yo ass.

  Yo ass selfish as fuck. Yo ass couldn’t come to Disney World to celebrate yo son’s birthday, but you found time to get yo dick wet. It’s me who should be pissed, cuz I actually thought yo ass was ready to be a fuckin’ man. That’s what the fuck I get fa’ dreaming, instead of praying,” I went in, without raising my voice.

  Without warning, he reached out, pulling me flush against his body. I read his actions before he moved. With his lips just mere inches away from touching mine.

  “Don’t. Yo ass forfeited that shit. We just friends without benefits. I ain’t nobody’s jump off, that’s including King Banks,” I spoke, staring into his eyes, making sure he saw my seriousness.

  Taking a deep breath, he held it, as he held me. Releasing it slowly, he released me.

  Stepping back, I eyed him, waiting on his next move. I’m not surprised it’s to the door. Banks runs from his emotions. I picked up on that over the last few weeks. Plus, talking to his mama, who I absolutely love, his brother too, solidified that. What’s so sad is, he has no justified reason to be the way he is.

  With his hand on the door knob, he paused.

  “Regardless of what the fuck yo mouth says, we mo’ than friends. I’mma fix this shit. Yo mean ass is worth it. You in my fuckin’ heart. Don’t try no fuckin’ moving on shit. Yo ass know my aim is real strong. Stay beautiful,” he declared, staring at me.

  His stare was so intense, I literally, felt it in my bones. With a sexy smirk and wink, he opened the door, stepping out. Before the door could click, he pushed it back open, sticking his head in the crack, he eyed me.

  “The fuck Seaqual lil ass at?” He questioned.

  Rolling my eyes.

  “Next door,” I sassed, causing a shit eating grin to spread cross his full lips.

  “My nigga,” he whistled out, before closing the door.

  Flopping down on the cough. Black fucker, I thought, picking my phone up. That damn pic hurt, I didn’t even show his ass the other ones. He sends his entire family, plus Seaqual and me, to Disney World to celebrate Lil’ D’s and my birthday. He found out Lil’ D and I share the same birthday. He asked me about going on our way to the cookout. I told’em I would think about it.

  I didn’t know how to feel accepting such an expensive gift. That’s what I had to talk to Preshus about, which I was able to. She let me know if I’m so uncomfortable, I shouldn’t look as it as a gift to me, but a trip for Seaqual. I thought about it, it made a little sense, and made it easier to attend. Then, Seaqual and Lil’ D ganged up on me over the couple of weeks to follow his initial invitation. I agreed after all of that. I instantly clicked with his mother upon introductions. We left on the twenty-seventh of July. We flew, had a great time, one of the best experiences of my life. Although it was hotter than a bitch.

  Our second night down there, I checked Seaqual’s Gram, just to stay on top of it. That’s when I saw the pics Bethany posted. I knew that female had problems. She’s coming fa’ the wrong one though. Banks called, we talked, I asked bout Bethany, he told me it was nothin’. After that, I let it ride, while detaching my feelings. We finished up our trip. Bethany had it looking like that nigga fucked her ass fa’ the entire six days we were gone. We flew back home on the second of this month, August. We’ve been home for four days; today is the first time I’ve heard from his ass.

  While we were on this get to know each other, he informed me of some things that he does. I ain’t fuckin’ naïve, I already knew the shit.

  “Nigga can say what the fuck he wants, we are friends. The moment he lied to me, tryin’ to play me stupid, he took his self outta play. He wants to talk bout somebody’s aim being on point. My shit is bullseye,” I declared, out loud, in the empty room.

  Two days Later……

  “Are you sure you don’t want to ride with me?”

  “No, Neesha. What I’m posed to do while you gossiping wit Preshus? I’m good,” he answered.

  Eyeing him a little longer.

  “Okay, you know the rules. Don’t open the door, even if you know the person. Call me,” I reminded him.

  “I know. Neesha, you do know I’ll be thirteen in two weeks, right?” He questioned, with a hint of ‘duh’ to his voice.

  “Yes, I know that. What that mean?” I argued.

  “It means I’m responsible. I can handle myself. You don’t have to worry so much,” he expressed.

  “I’ll always worry. You my baby without being my baby.”

  His face screwed up in confusion at my words.

  “Uh, okay, if you say so. But, um, can I ask you a question?” He questioned, eyeing me.

  “Always,” I stated, with a nod.

  “What happen between you and Banks? What he do?” He asked, eyeing me nervously.

  I’m not even taken aback by his question. I knew it was coming. Seaqual is very observant. The slightest change, or shift, he wants to know what’s the deal. I moved over to him, grabbing his handsome face between my hands. Making him stare at me.

  “Seaqual, if I don’t teach you nothing else. Listen to, take heed to these words. Yo words are invaluable. Say what you mean, mean what you say. Never lie, even if it’ll hurt the person’s feelings, don’t lie. Anytime you are questioned by a female, most likely, she has just cause fa’ questioning yo ass. Be truthful, always own up to your wrongdoings. You’ll be respected mo’ fa’ it. If at anytime yo ass bout to do something, and you feel you got to lie about it, don’t do it. Okay?” I explained, squeezing his cheeks slightly.

  He stared at me, looking at me a little funny, before nodding slightly. Releasing his face, I stood.

  “So, you saying tell the truth. Banks lied to you, pissing you off, and you don’t play that. Got it,” he surmised.

  “Exactly. Look at’cha being all intellectual and what not. Bye, Bubba,” I cooed, kissing his forehead.

  Grabbing my bags, keys, and phone, I left the apartment. Riding the elevator to the garage. I got my car back the Wednesday after the Fourth, as promised. Banks tried talking me into keeping the Bentley. I let him know in no damn way I would keep a car that’s, that damn expensive that I didn’t purchase my damn self.

  This is one of those rare days I don’t have classes, and I’m off from work. I usually catch up on house work and grocery shop, but I don’t have
to do either of those. I’m ahead of myself. I plan to take Seaqual school shopping this weekend, since today is Tuesday. He’s had a growth spurt and has grown out of all his clothes just about.

  I always marvel at the sheer opulence of this dealership whenever I pull up to it. Parking, I grabbed my bag, climbing out after making sure my doors are locked. They look pretty busy today, that’s a damn first.

  Pushing through the doors. I paused, just to look at the new arrivals. Then,

  “Hello, welcome to ‘High Lines.’ How can I assist you today?” Bethany’s fake hyper ass greeted.

  A few people looked towards her. Once realizing she wasn’t speaking to them, they went back to what they were doing.

  “Hey, I’m here to see Preshus. Is she busy?” I questioned, although I already know the answer.

  Preshus has been here more lately, being that Kimmy hasn’t fully healed from her injuries.

  “May I ask your name so that I can relay it to her? You have to understand, she’s a very busy woman,” Bethany questioned, smartly.

  Eyeing her with that dumb smirk on her face. Stepping closer to her desk, let me rephrase, the desk.

  “You know my name, cut the bullshit. Being aloof don’t fit chu. Try some other shit, like just doing yo fuckin’ job. Since you want to act like you don’t know, it’s Aquaneesha Miller,” I let her ass know.

  Continuing to hold her smug smirk, she picked the phone up, saying a few words, then hanging it up. She eyed me.

  “You can head on back, she’s waiting for you. Enjoy your visit,” she announced.

  I didn’t move.

  “Is there something else you want to say to me? It looks like you got something on your mind. Enlighten me,” I probed.

  I’ve been reading people fa’ years. She’s bubbling with the need to say something to me. She moved her arms from her side, to crossing them over her chest, while shifting most of her weight to her right leg. She’s trying to give off attitude, she’s failing big time though. She leaned her body on the desk more, kinda using it as a barricade.

  “Since you brought it up. I must applaud you for realizing you are not enough woman for DeaMonti, I mean, Banks. That is what you know him by, correct? I know you don’t have the privilege of knowing his government. I would say I hate I had to show you what I do to him, but you needed to know. Go on back to the nickel and dime hustlers that you are used to. A King is above an uneducated project chick such as yourself. Keep taking care of your little brother and whore of a sister,” she spoke, snidely, eyeing me.

  Snickering, while shaking my head. Immature little ass girl, I thought.

  “First, the only reason you know what Banks’ first name is, is because you memorized it from his order form. He didn’t tell you. Second, so are you telling me you’re his woman?” I questioned, leaning closer on the desk.

  “Of course, I just explained that to you. Are you slow?” She sassed.

  “Um, nope, not slow. Never slow. So, you’ve meet his son?”


  “His mother?”


  “His brother?”


  “Umph, by yo silence, coupled wit that dumb ass look on yo face, I’ll have to say that’s a hell no. Woman my ass. Lil’ girl, you ain’t’ nuttin’ but a piece of pussy. Claim the muthafucka, I don’t give a good got damn. Yo ass ain’t shit. Let me give yo ass a bit of advice. Watch yo fuckin’ mouth when speakin’ on my damn name, my brother’s name, even my sister’s. That shit will have yo stupid ass on a breathing machine,” I read her ass.

  She recoiled at my words. Her ass don’t have a hood bone in her body. Tryin’ to play hard. She gonna fuck round and catch these hands.

  She gave a prissy hand clap after getting herself together.

  “I know you are just speaking trying to save face. He’s in my bed almost every night. While you were babysitting his son, I was riding his dick. You are the one being used. Who cares about that unnecessary crap? I’m the one he’s spending time with. I’m the one on his mind and dick. So, just accept it, while leaving him the fuck alone. This is your only warning,” she snapped, causing me to holler.

  My laugh drew attention. Ask me do I care? Hell, to the no. Her ass is funny.


  “Huh?” I answered Preshus, still laughing.

  “What is going on with you?” She questioned, walking up on me.

  Getting myself together, I wiped my eyes.

  “Whew, hey, cousin. Sorry I kept you waiting. I didn’t know your receptionist was so funny. I needed that laugh,” I answered, hugging her.

  She embraced me. I could tell her eyes were on Bethany.

  “Bethany, do you remember the stipulations of your employment?” Preshus questioned, going into Boss mode.

  “Yes, ma’am, I do,” she answered, trying to sound meek.

  I turned, eyeing her. She’s trying hard to hold her attitude in.

  “Okay, long as we have that understanding. You are a very good worker. Don’t get in over your head dealing with a man you’re not used to,” she warned, causing Bethany’s back to stiffen.

  Her ass got to be touched in the head, if she’s thinking bout snapping off on Preshus, I thought, before,

  “Let me break it down in lame hoe terms fa’ yah. All that you spit bout riding his dick, him being in yo bed, you are convenient, easy pussy. If you don’t understand your true place, let me ask you a few questions. Sometimes, that helps the slaw and delusional see their truth.

  One, does he take you out? As in outside your apartment? Not the balcony to fuck you. Two, does he hold any conversation with you? Three, does he even ask you about yourself? Four, does he call you, or do you call him? Five, are you fully dressed when he comes over, or does he tell you to just be naked, with the pussy ready for him? I know your answers are no, no, no, you call him, and you are never fully dressed when he arrives. You are in bed naked. That means, you, dear, are a jump-off, a convenient pussy jump-off. I won’t give this lesson again.”

  At my completion of checking her ass, Preshus wrapped her arm in mine, turning me to lead me to her office. Without glancing back, I know she’s mean mugging my ass. She better grab a mirror so she can see how dumb her ass looks. Unlocking the door, she let me step in first as she followed closing the door behind us. Instead of taking a seat behind her desk, she sat on the couch that she has against the wall.

  Taking a seat in one of the chairs that sits before her desk. I spun it to her fast. Eyeing her ass hard. She’s not looking like her usually vibrant, mean, self.

  “You pregnant?” I questioned, it sounded more like a statement.

  “Yep, six fuckin’ weeks. That potent, one hitter quitter, muthafucka, got my ass. I knew when his ass did it, I was pregnant. His ass did the shit on purpose, to trap me. Who the fuck does that?” She stated, causing a huge smile to form on my face.

  Moving to the couch. I gathered as much of her body as I could, hugging her.

  “Aww, I’mma have a new lil’ cousin/ niece or nephew. I’m so happy for you. Do you need anything? Are you dealing wit morning sickness? Are you resting enough? When did you find out? You told Auntie yet?” I fired off, causing her eyes to widen.

  I’m literally, vibrating with excitement.

  “Damn, girl, calm yo hyper ass down. I found out Friday. I’m dealing wit a lil’ morning sickness. I’m not really resting like I should. My ass too busy playing hop scotch between houses. I haven’t told Mama yet. If I tell her, she’s gonna make me see Stone, regardless of why I’m not talking to his ass,” she answered.

  Shaking my head. Preshus is beyond stubborn. Po’ baby gonna be mean as hell.

  “Don’t be shaking yo head at me. What was that shit I walked in on wit Bethany?” She questioned, rolling her eyes.

  Smackin’ my teeth, I sighed, while leaning back on the couch. I started talking, informing her of what she doesn’t know. Her face changed with each word I spoke. Lawd, if Banks were
standing here, he’d be sporting a new bullet wound.

  “That’s beyond fucked up. Yo ass did right though. I’m proud of you. These niggas gonna learn one fuckin’ day. All females ain’t the same, shit. The fuck you look like bustin’ it open fa’ his ass? Honestly, he ain’t earned it,” she let me know, after I finished talking.

  My eyes went to hers.

  “Shut up,” she spat, causing me to holler.

  “I did talk to his ass, learned a lot, plus, I was horny as fuck,” she added, joining in with me.

  “Okay, okay.” I stopped, waving my hand in the air. “So, when do you plan to,” I started, but,


  “What the fuck?” Preshus yelled, jumping from the couch.

  I bit my tongue at the sound of the fuckin’ door crashing into the wall.

  “Ms. Godwin, I tried to stop them, but they wasn’t trying to hear me though,” Bethany explained quickly, with her eyes wide.

  Scary hoe, I thought, looking on. I still can’t move, what I’m witnessing got my ass shook.

  “She understand, Bethany. She don’t give a damn that you were unable to do yo fuckin’ job. Yo ass may want to visit the hood or something. Yo ass is soft. Just step out, close the door. Tell them nosy muthafuckas not to call the law. They together. Every heard of, ‘Ike and Tina?’” Racks spoke, causing Preshus’ eyes to snap in his direction.

  Bethany left with the quickness. While Racks backed into the corner with his hands raised in mock surrender.

  “This what the fuck I gotta do to talk to yo ass? Got my ass playing tic tac toe looking foe yo ass and shit. Yo ass dead fuckin wrong, Stallion,” Stone barked.

  “I ain’t shit. Yo ass rude as fuck. Why the fuck would you come in here like this? Let me lose any fuckin’ business, I’mma make yo ass regret the day you ever fuckin’ met me. Ain’t nobody told yo ass to do that shit. What part of I’m through wit yo ass you can’t comprehend?” Preshus snapped, with her hands on her wide hips.

  “I ain’t never seen no shit like this,” Racks mumbled.

  Stone was too busy following Preshus’ movements with just his eyes. Now, I understand what she meant by that shit, when she described it to me. Stone’s eyes lit up like realization of something hit his ass, before,


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