Angered Seasons: Volume Three (You Mess With the Bull, You Get the Horns)

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Angered Seasons: Volume Three (You Mess With the Bull, You Get the Horns) Page 3

by Chester, Mireille


  “Hey.” He reached up and wiped the tears from his face. “I fell asleep?”

  I nodded. “I would have left you alone, but you didn’t seem to be having a really good dream. Do you remember what it was about?”

  He shook his head.

  “Are you hungry? I can warm you up a plate.”

  “I’ll just eat it cold. No need to waste gas just to start the microwave. You guys made sure the fridge and freezer were cold before you cut the power?”

  I smiled. “Yes, boss.”

  He sat up and pressed his lips to my forehead. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

  “You obviously needed it.” I took him by the hand and let him through the dimly lit hallway. Candle light flickered over the kitchen. I spooned some stew into a bowl for him, grabbed the last two pieces of bannock, and brought it to the dining room table.

  “I could have got my own.” He took the bowl and pulled me down for a kiss. “But, thank you.”

  “Eat.” I went back into the kitchen, poured the last of the stew into a bowl, and went to the living room. “Here you go, Brat.”

  The German Shepherd thumped his tail against the floor and gave my hand a lick before getting up to eat the leftovers.

  “How’s Grant?” Lane looked up from his spoonful of stew.

  “Still sleeping. Max said he’d keep an eye on him.”

  He nodded. “Everyone else?”

  “Alright.” I shrugged. “They’re tired, sad, and stuck in the zombie apocalypse.”

  Lane snorted. “Yeah. That’ll teach us for driving big trucks and digging for oil.”

  “You know, you can’t really blame the woman. Humans have been destroying this planet for a while now. I just wished she’d waited until I was already dead before she threw her hissy fit.”

  He grunted. “We have to get Maxy to remember who he is.”

  “Any ideas?”


  “Yeah. Me neither.”

  “Did you keep some stew for Grant?” Lane looked to where Brat was done licking up the bowl.

  “Yes, I kept a bowlful for Grant. I found a box of those Melba crackers for him to eat with it. He doesn’t like bannock, remember?”

  “Right.” He chuckled. “Only person on the face of the earth who doesn’t like bannock.” His smile left and he pushed his food away. “Or at least, he is now.”

  I took his hand, knowing he was thinking of Brent.

  “Lane, you have to quit blaming yourself for everything that goes wrong.”

  “They rely on us, Gabs.”

  I smiled as the thought rolled through my mind. “Do they? Do they need us, or do we need them?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, look at them. We started the program to help kids who had problems getting along with others, with society. Look at them. They’re a team, Lane. They’re working their asses off to stay alive and they’re making sure to do it together.”

  He thought about what I’d said and gave a small nod. “They really are amazing, eh?”

  “Yeah.” I tugged him out of his chair. “Come on. I’m exhausted.”

  We made our way to the room we’d picked and I sank into the mattress.

  “Oh, my god. I missed sleeping in a bed.” I sat up, pulled off my boots and jeans, too tired to bother finding my comfy sleeping sweats. Lane tugged his t-shirt over his head, slipped out of his jeans and boots, and dropped onto the bed beside me.

  “Were mattresses always this bouncy?”

  I laughed, crawled under the sheets and snuggled into him as he joined me.



  “I love you.”

  He smiled and gazed down at me, his fingers tracing my jawline. “I love you, too.”

  His lips met mine softly and I sighed then shivered as his fingers tangled themselves in my hair. My heart quickened in my chest and suddenly, I felt like some innocent kid that had never been with a man. He nuzzled his way down my neck where his tongue left a trail along my collar bone. Lazy heat waves tightened in my belly and travelled down between my legs.

  His tongue worked along my skin back up to my lips where he pushed himself between my teeth, his kiss taking on a more urgent feel to it. I answered him, eager to finally have him completely.

  He rolled on top of me and spread my legs with his knees, his hard on pressing against me through our underwear. A flick of his hips against mine caused me to catch my breath, liquid heat spreading up my belly and down my legs.

  His hand traced down one of my arms before pulling it over my head where it was quickly joined by the other. I arched against him as his tongue flicked my nipple through my tank top. He brushed his teeth over the material then sucked hard. I groaned.

  The throbbing between my legs intensified and I squirmed under him.


  He moved on to my other breast. “Hmmm?” His hum vibrated through my nerves and I bucked against him.

  “Lane, come on.”

  He let go of my arms long enough to pull the tank top over my head before pinning me to the mattress once again.

  “Come on, what?” His teeth worked over my breasts, first one then the other.


  He looked up with a grin. “I’m getting there.”

  Instead of getting there, however, he moved back up to my mouth, catching my moan with his as he pressed his hips into mine once again. His hand cupped my breast and kneaded it. I felt him smile against my lips before his fingers trailed down my belly. He ran his thumb over the edge of my panties and pulled them down. He rolled partially off of me so I could kick them off before pinning me under him again.

  His hand pressed between my legs, the heel of his palm pushing against my clit. I gasped and arched under him. His fingers slipped into me and he groaned.

  “Christ, you’re wet.” He let go of my arms and I made quick work of pulling off his boxer briefs.

  I wiggled my way back under him, legs spread, ready. My heartbeat drummed through my body, pulsing heat to every nerve ending I had. I reached down, grabbed his shaft and gave it a squeeze before guiding him where I wanted him. His eyes held mine as he pushed into me until he was fully sheathed. His groan vibrated through both of us.

  His lips claimed mine once again and my fingers laced in his hair, my hips meeting his as he started to move in and out of me. Sweat slicked our bodies and added to the sensations as skin slipped against skin.

  Lane pulled out slowly and waited until I looked up at him before thrusting back in. My mouth opened in a soundless gasp at the full feeling.

  “Did I hurt you?” His eyes widened with worry.

  “No. God, no. That felt good.” I reached up and ran a hand over his stubble. “You feel so good.”

  He visibly relaxed and resumed what I soon came to realize was the worst form of torture. My hips twitched with every slow exit he made and my body rocked as he pounded back into me. The pressure started to build deep inside.

  I groaned. “Oh, god, Lane.”

  “Fuck, you’re getting tight.” He caught his breath and pushed in harder.

  My entire body clenched as the pressure exploded through it, the blood rushing to every nerve and pore I had. Lane’s mouth covered mine and I caught his groan as he swelled inside of me. His hips jerked with his final thrusts while I pulsed around him, milking him.

  He rolled to the side and pulled me to his chest, his lips on my forehead.

  “Gabrielle?” Lane’s voice was husky and he cleared his throat.


  “We’re going to live through this.” He kissed me softly. “I finally have you. If Mother Nature thinks she’s just going to take that away from me, she’s going to be surprised at the outcome.”

  “It’s not going to be easy,” I whispered, terrified at the thought of losing him.

  “No fight worth fighting is an easy one,” he stated. “I think I rememb
er a tiny little redheaded girl telling me that when we were twelve.”

  I thought back and started to laugh. “I called out Big Bertha.”

  “Right. Cause she called me your pet.”

  “I think I still have a bald spot where she pulled out my hair.”

  “I remember standing there, watching while she dragged you around and you yelling at me to stay out of it.”

  “Man, she kicked my ass.”

  “But she never did bug us again.” He grinned and kissed my forehead. “That one solid punch to the face seemed to scare her.”

  “That’s cause I don’t think she’d actually ever been hit before.”

  “So, Mother Nature is just another Big Bertha. Just a big bully who’s not used to being called out.”

  “Now, we just have to figure out how to punch her.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  “Gabby! There’s horses in the yard!” Jenny was standing at the picture window, her face full of joy at the sight of the animals.

  I joined her and was impressed at how healthy the three of them looked. Other than being a bit thin, it seemed they’d done alright for themselves since either escaping their home or being let loose. The horses spooked as Max came running around the corner of the house. His eyes bugged out of his head and he quickly backtracked, coming into the house through the back door.

  “Holy shit! There’re horses in the yard!”

  “Let’s try to get them in the pen. There’re halters in the barn and I think Robby said there was a bit of grain left in the hopper out back. Let’s get a pail full.”

  Jenny nodded and left to go get the oats while I fetched the halters.

  “Hey, guys…” I walked up slowly, making sure not to make any sudden movements. The bay mare flared her nostrils and snorted. “Easy girl.” I reached back into the pail and held out a handful of oats. The black behind her pawed at the ground nervously. I looked past her to the sorrel to make sure he wasn’t about to bolt.

  The bay reached forward and breathed in the smell of the oats.

  “That’s it, Bella.” Jenny shook the pail gently to let her know there was more.


  “Yeah. Just look at her. She’s all nervous and twitchy. Just like that chick off of Twilight.”

  I tried to keep from laughing but a snort managed to escape my efforts. Bella shied away from me, her head and tail held high.

  “Easy now.” I got a halter ready and took a step toward the black. She stepped toward me at the sight of the oats and the halter slipped over her nose without causing a meltdown. Jenny was there with the pail to let her get another mouthful while I did up the buckle.

  “Think the other two will just follow us?”

  “Here’s hoping.” I led the black toward the barn where Max was holding the gate open.

  “We should call this one Vader. You know, cause he’s all black.” He grinned.

  “He’s a girl,” I clarified with a chuckle. “Come one, Vader. Call your buddies in here.”

  Instead of listening, the newly christened Vader put all of her attention into eating the small pile of oats Jenny had put on the ground for her.

  “Ooh! The brown one’s coming.” Jenny held out the pail and let the gelding have a few mouthfuls before attempting to put on the halter.

  “Two down, one to go.” Max grinned.

  I caught a glimpse of Lane, Robby and Jason coming out of the woods behind Bella. Her ears twitched in their direction. Though I couldn’t hear Lane, I knew he was taking to her in that low, calming tone that seemed to work on everything alive.

  He slowly took his belt off while still walking calmly toward the bay mare. I watched as she relaxed and knew she was under his spell.

  “That’s a good girl.” He flashed me a grin as he led her past me and into the pen. “So… horses, eh?”

  I shrugged. “It’s got to be safer for them here, right?”

  “I’m sure they’ll appreciate some hay and a steady supply of water.” He scratched the bay behind the ear while she ate oats from the pile on the ground.

  “That one’s Bella,” offered Jenny.

  “And this one’s Vader.” Max noticed Lane’s amusement and grinned. “Yeah, yeah. I know she’s a girl.”

  We all turned out attention to the small sorrel.

  “Fatty Lumpkin.” Grant’s voice behind us caused me to jump.

  Max frowned. “What’s that from?”

  Grant’s smile was a sad one. “Lord of the Rings. It’s Tom Bombadil’s horse. Brent always said if he ever had a horse, that’s what he’d call it.”

  We all took a minute to look at the small gelding. I put an arm around Grant and gave him a hug.

  “That’s a good name for him.”

  Everyone nodded.

  “How are you doing, Grant?” Lane watched him closely as Grant took a handful of oats and fed it to Fatty Lumpkin.

  Grant shrugged. “Alright, I guess.” He shrugged again. “Did you get anything?”

  Lane, Robby, and Jason all shook their heads. Jenny snorted.

  “I guess if we’re going to have fresh meat on the table, the women will have to go out and get it.” She stuck her tongue out at her brother and I laughed.

  “We’ll head out first thing in the morning,” I suggested.

  “Make sure you take Brat,” stated Max. “He can let you know if any of the Yellow Eyes are getting close.”

  The German Shepherd appeared at the mention of his name.

  “It’s too bad you’re not a bloodhound, Brat. We could have used a tracking dog today.” Lane gave him a pat on the head.

  Brat gave him his version of an eye roll. Max and Grant went to get a couple of hay bales from the stack the owners had left behind and broke them open for the horses.

  The day’s jovial mood was broken as Brat gave a low growl. We all looked to Max for the translation.

  He blanched. “Glade knows we’re here.”

  “Your brother is turning into one hell of a pain in the ass.” Jason ran his fingers through Vader’s mane.

  “Brat said some of the dogs got close enough to hear some of his plans.”

  A border collie trotted up the driveway and sat by Brat. It gave a sharp yip.

  “Riley says Glade is going to be coming from the far field…”

  Lane frowned. “I’m assuming he’s not coming alone?”

  Riley growled and Max shook his head.

  “Then we need a plan.”

  I nodded and tried to keep the butterflies from smashing through my stomach. “Do you remember anything, yet, Maxy?”

  “No.” His voice was just a whisper.

  “It’s alright, Max.” Jenny took his hand in hers. “You will.”

  Lane took a deep breath. “I think it’s time for a group meeting. If that dipshit thinks he’s just going to roll through us, he’s got another thing coming. We need to be ready for him. We will be ready for him.”

  Fatty Lumpkin stomped his foot in what seemed to be agreement.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  “Do you think we’re ready?” I leaned my forehead against the door frame, willing my stomach to settle down.

  “Hey. We’re as ready as we’re going to get. If we just stick to the plan, we’ll be fine.” Lane’s hand rubbed up and down my back. How he could sound so calm and sure of everything, I had no idea.

  I took a few deep breaths, and gave myself a mental kick. It was time to suck it up and do what needed to be done.

  “Okay.” I pushed away from the wall and tried to smile. “Let’s do this.”

  Lane pressed his lips to my forehead. “Just remember Big Bertha.”

  We walked out into the living room where the others were gathering. Marie had tears in her eyes as she hugged everyone.

  “Be careful,” she whispered to me.

  “Will do.”

  Max gave her an extra long hug and ruffled her hair. “You know what they say about messing with bulls, right?”

  She f

  “You mess with the bull, you get the horns.” He grinned. “I think I heard that in a movie once.”

  She laughed. “I’m assuming you’re the bull?”

  He shrugged. “Lane’s probably the bull. You know, he’s all protect the herd kinda guy…”

  “Hmmm?” Lane looked up from the plans he’d drawn out.

  “Maxy just called you a cow,” laughed John.

  “Man, I did not! I just meant he’s kinda like our fearless leader.”

  Lane grunted. “Right. Well, whatever you guys were talking about, we’ve got to get going. You all have everything?”

  Everyone nodded.

  Max knelt down beside Brat and Riley. “You guys stay here and help Pete and Marie hold down the fort.” He gave them each a pat on the head and stood. We all looked at the door then followed Lane outside.

  “Does everyone remember what they have to do?” He glanced around until he was sure everyone was nodding. “Alright. Let’s get into position.”

  We all clambered into our designated trucks.

  Lane put a hand on my leg while I watched the trees go by.

  “It will work. Don’t second guess yourself.” He gave my leg a squeeze.

  “I wasn’t just my plan.”

  “No, but you did have the original idea.”

  I shrugged. “It’s not the Yellow Eyes I’m worried about. It’s what we’re supposed to do when Glade shows up.”

  “There’s nothing we can do if he shows. The only one who can do anything about that is Maxy.”

  “That’s what’s bugging me. He doesn’t remember anything. How is he supposed to do something about his brother when he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do?” I glanced through the rear window to where the topic of our conversation was sitting in the box, his eyes trained on the woods in search of Yellow Eyes. His eyes had bled back to green now that he was away from the dogs. Though he looked a shade paler than his usual pale, he seemed calm, determined even.

  We pulled into the field where we were planning to make our stand. I glanced up to the tree stands we’d built the day before as we drove by them. The ground was nice and dry thanks to Mother Nature trying to bake the hell out of humanity the past two days.


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