Page 28
“It was no accident you witnessed the killing that day in the library Wyre”
At Rice’s comment Wyre moved his head from around the back of Oliver’s head to look Rice in the eye.
“Yes from the moment you left your house that day, until Oliver was taken from you we controlled almost everything”
“I assumed you listened to our radio conversation?” confirmed Alex.
“You knew I was leaving Oliver in the library!” Wyre sighed.
“Yes of course we did. We knew everything, that’s who we are and what we’re about isn’t it Alex?
No sorry my mistake your wife Susan helped us out a bit but it’s all about research and being thorough”
Rice said this in the hope of baiting Wyre but the doctor was holding his breath and remaining calm.
“Come on Alex you must have known we had everything under control from the moment you saw Bostock in the courthouse. You see Wyre we needed Alex here to help you to get through this as much as you needed him to get you through this. You would not have found your son……sorry my mistake yet again, we would not have let you find your son if it had not been for Alex here. Well that isn’t totally true, Andy also made sure you found the industrial estate” said Rice feeling all the more smug at Wyre’s astonished looks at the realisation at the possibility that this had all been set up. They had been used, as Rice put it as tools at all cost.
“No!.........No it can’t be I see you kill the man in the courthouse, you killed my wife Susan, this is not a set up its coldblooded murder.” Wyre then turned to Alex with a look of resentment. “You knew all along that we were being used. Your experience would have told you what might have been going on and yet you let it carry on… did nothing and put me and Oliver in danger!”
“Don’t let him do this to us Wyre….this is what he wants”
Wyre now left Oliver sitting on the sofa and then stood holding his head in his hands. For some reason this was slightly easier to take on board than hearing his wife Susan had committed treason by being a corrupt financial advisor to dictators. As all the events appeared in his head in order, it wasn’t that hard to believe that an organisation such as this could manipulate events. Ironically the main reason being was that he had witnessed how good Alex Richards was so nothing now seemed impossible. His mind returned to when Andy and him lost the signal following Richards to the industrial estate only for Andy to find where Richards and Oliver had been taken.
“What about the killings? You can’t fake killings like that and I was with Andy when he shot the guys at the office complex” asked Wyre questioning events that perhaps seemed a little hard to take on board.
“That’s what I like about you Wyre. Honest and caring, this organisation could do with more people you whereas Ron here just likes to see people suffer. Yes Wyre those guys did die and so did the guy in the courthouse because he was taking bribes from organised crime leaders but they all served their purpose. These are the most important events to happen in our lifetime and will directly affect the way elections are won around the world, how the western leaders spend their extra money within their respected governments because they are not funding wars and political peacekeeping in the Middle East. The whole of the Arab world is on the brink of being westernised by their elected leaders who are going to be put there by their people and we can’t let this happen”
John Rice’s words shocked Wyre. For a split second he was getting used to some common sense coming from a person who up until now just wanted to slaughter their way to the finish line but what he was saying actually rang true and almost gave hope to a part of the world he held dear. It seemed the reason for the killing and deceit had some sort of mild justification even if it was twisted but it wasn’t to be. Wyre had no intention of hiding the fact that he could not comprehend why any western government would not want peace in the Middle East. Surely that’s what everyone wanted. Rice smiled and wagged his finger as he now paraded around the room looking more and more confident.
“You see Wyre that’s why our organisation doesn’t want people like you because you’re too caring and you can’t see the bigger picture, Ha! Did you see what I did then?” said Rice as he feebly attempted to make light of him contradicting himself. Richards just stared at Bostock who was now itching to open fire at them all.
“You see Wyre it all sounds romantic doesn’t it, the Middle East all at piece, being led by leaders who have been elected by its people, countries with a democracy. Yes it sounds romantic but I’m sorry you know as well as I do the Arab people are too true, too passionate, have too much resolve and a will so strong that only oppression and hard rule can keep them in their place. We’re not worried about this generation and the older generation, they have seen it all before and are getting tired of all the same things being said by different leaders. It’s the younger generation we have to worry about Wyre. They don’t want some old codger dictating their country living like an untouchable king in his palaces while their people suffer poverty and decline. Libya could be one of the richest countries in the world with how many oil wells it has per square mile compared to population but it’s too corrupt. Even though Gaddafi has gone, the riches at the leader’s disposal will be too tempting. No you see Wyre peace in the Middle East wouldn’t last long and that is why we have to make sure the people remain on the streets protesting and they remain nervous. We have to make sure nearly every country in the Middle East changes its leader at least once within the next few years to unsettle even the most loyal countries we have to make the people think they are in with a slight chance of getting rid of the oppression but remain wary of the consequences of not succeeding. Nervousness leads to suspicion and suspicion leads to wars. The thing is the dictators of these countries know what is going to happen that is why they live like they do because one day they know it will end. They fill their banks with money and live like celebrities killing anyone who threatens to take it away from them or dare speak out against them”
“So if you’re sure the people of the Middle East and the desert countries don’t want peace and democracy what do they want?” asked a flabbergasted Wyre.
“Who gives a fuck what they want Wyre. It’s about what the western world wants and the people on our streets want. The people of Egypt will get what they want in a new leader but do you think they will leave the streets and go about their normal lives. Some of those people will be in that square for years to come and do you know why. Because they don’t actually know what they want because they’ve been dictated to for too long. They want democracy but they don’t really know what it is. In our glorious country when the tories get elected supporters of labour have to sit and wait until the next election for their chance to change things and visa- versa. Not in the Middle East Wyre. If your party does not get into power and the ruling party take too long to change things what do you do? You take to the streets again and start to threaten people”
Rice checked his watch and sucked air through his teeth indicating they were running late for something. Alex Richards was pretty confident what it might be and readied himself as best he could. Wyre was still determined to supress his curiosity and get answers after they had all suffered so much.
“I’m sorry you’ve lost me. I don’t understand how preventing piece in the region and instead, starting what you both say will be world war three solves your so called problem and will please the western world”
“Jesus Christ Wyre do I have to spell it out to you? Alex please put this man out of his misery” Rice sighed.
Richards never reacted and only glanced at Wyre who now seemed genuinely intrigued in what Rice was saying. He was determined to find out what they had all been dragged into and why. Bostock now seemed ever more inpatient and was just waiting for Rice to start shooting.
“Tell him Alex what is going to happen next. Tell Wyre who will take the first bite”
As Rice said this in a softly spoken voice he pointed his weapon at Richards whilst
Bostock pointed his at Wyre. Richards gave a very subtle nod as he did what he was being asked.
“Using deceit, lies and false promises they want the countries of the Middle East to turn against each other from the inside, their own countrymen fighting each other. They will support groups like Al-Qaeda and help them keep peace at bay until it turns into what we are seeing in Afghanistan. Warring tribes and various secular religions fighting over rule and government leadership then when the desert becomes a blood bath and the world’s attention is pre-occupied with innocent people dying on the streets, sit back and watch as the chemical weapons land on the streets of Syria, Turkey and Israel all fired by Assad and his men with full support from Iran. This is what they really want. This is why they want to develop explosives in humans because they know it is one of the only ways to get close to pivotal people who make decisions. They want to get into Iran and now they just need an excuse and Syria and the Arab spring is it. Of course they want the Arab world and the rebel coalitions to beg for help first and to intervene to stop the slaughter which then gives the western governments and NATO a foot in the door and get a say in who runs the countries. They want Iran to fall and if it means every Middle Eastern country falling on the way then so be it”
“Jesus Christ!” whispered Wyre “I’ve worked there, the place is already like a smouldering fire waiting to catch and when it goes up……there’ll be nothing left of it”
“You see Wyre your wife Susan was our route in. When we found out she was, let us say assisting the said governments in hiding their assets in western banks and in investments we had choices to make. Dispose of her or use her then dispose of her. Wyre she was supporting dictators in the Middle East and that type of thing has to be dealt with” said Rice almost trying to sound sympathetic but smiling which was making Wyre furious.
Wyre was also forgetting what Richards had whispered to him about staying with Oliver and near to the balcony doors. He was starting to drift around the room, his emotions etched all over his face with dried blood streaks running from a still open wound on his nose. Richards was still without a firearm as he slowly walked around one of the bodies left over from the previous shootout.
Rice studied Wyre carefully.
“You see Wyre this is why my role in this was to make sure everything went to plan because the outcome of this is important to all of us. If the boy’s role had been successful tonight at number 10 we could have pinned it on maybe Iran or even Assad himself and it would have been the catalyst for the next phase. Like America’s 9/11 I suppose. Now we have to move on from it and concentrate on the next course of action. Even though we didn’t get to see if the explosives worked we now know a child can carry the system”
Richards froze as Rice lifted and aimed his weapon at Wyre whose back was now facing his would be executioner. Bostock waited with anticipation and seemed relieved at last that action was being taken and a killing was about to happen. The only thing Richards could do was to position his self between Bostock, Rice and Oliver who was sat on the sofa shaking from head to toe. Richards noticed that there were no silencers on any weapons which meant one thing. Rice wanted the dead to be found and he didn’t care who heard the killings. Wyre turned to face the aimed weapon, his mind still churning out inconceivable thoughts. The sight before him awoke him from his stupor and his first reaction should have been to reach Oliver but he quickly saw that Richards was attempting to shield him and didn’t want to draw any fire towards his son. He then remembered what Richards had said about staying close to the balcony and inwardly cursed himself for not listening. Wyre was now helpless and knew this guy called Rice wasn’t bluffing as he felt every muscle tense up in preparation for the impact of the shot, his stomach inwardly retching at the prospect of being shot at point blank range in front of his son. As much as he felt a slight betrayal by Richards, Wyre now wanted him to get up and get them out of the situation.
“Wait Rice you don’t want to do this” said Richards holding his right hand in the air almost pleading with him.
Again rice smiled smugly back at him.
“Fuck you Richards you’ve had your chance!”
Chapter 25
Richards desperately searched for a weapon on the floor but Rice had been thorough like men in his position always were. He had picked them all up whilst he had been shooting Richards because he knew what Richards was capable of and giving someone like him any hope was dangerous. As much as Wyre didn’t want to look away from Rice he so desperately wanted to see his son Oliver what might be for the last time. Wyre felt his face crease up with anguish at the sight of his five year old son, whose system was still full of poison shaking and scared out of his wits. The fear etched on Oliver’s face and the anguish emanating from Wyre’s body that had now started to shake told Richards the doctor was about to make an attempt to reach Oliver who was about fifteen to twenty feet away. Richards was ready to react as soon as the first shot was heard. He was confident he could reach Rice before he got the second shot off even though he was injured. Alex’s focus was now totally on Rice as Wyre turned to face Oliver and slowly walked over to him, all the time waiting for the impact of a bullet from Rice’s weapon. Just before Wyre reached the sofa he flinched and let out a violent yelp as the crack of a weapon loudly filled the room. It forced Wyre to fall onto his son in the hope of protecting him for the onslaught that was sure to follow. Richards had not moved a muscle and was stood exactly where he had been standing three seconds ago. It wasn’t because he couldn’t get to Rice quick enough or because he had been shot again, it was because he was now watching Rice hold the weapon up to Bostock’s right temple. It was a miracle Bostock was still standing due to the fact that Rice had just shot him in the chest. Bostock had managed to grab hold of the back of a chair against the table.
“What the fuck are you doing you little prick?” stuttered Bostock as he gasped for air and looked at Rice stubbornly. As cold blooded as Bostock was the old heartless murderer was still refusing to be told what to do and drew a tiny bit of admiration from Richards who was watching his old mentor and at one time the father like figure breathe his last. Richards had no idea why but it was Bostock’s turn to be thrown away as a now unwanted tool.
“Sorry Ron but this one has come from the top” sighed Rice as he pressed the weapon hard up against Bostock’s temple.
The anger was evident in Bostock’s eyes, as even though now struggling to stand he still managed to figure out who Rice was talking about.
“You can tell that bitch………”
Again Richards didn’t blink as the shot dropped Bostock straight to the floor and sprayed blood from the exit wound up the wall of the kitchen and over the wall units.
“Shame really but only following orders Alex you know how it is” whispered Rice as he lifted the weapon towards Richards. The detective took a second to run through his head who Bostock might have been referring too when he said bitch. He returned his gaze towards Rice who watched the detectives frown turn into a smile. Rice’s smile then changed into a frown as he watched Richards slowly walk around the table towards him. All of a sudden the realisation dawned on Rice who it was that was now staring at him. There was no fear in the eyes of Richards and he hardly blinked as he approached showing no emotion. The prowess and bravado Rice had shown only seconds ago seemed to have evaporated as one of the coldest killers ever to have worked for the government was now only inches away. Wyre watched as Rice’s eyes filled with intimidation as Richards was close enough for the weapon to be pressed against his forehead. Rice knew he was dealing with a man who didn’t care less whether he was killed or not.
“You’re not going to kill us. You would have done it by now” whispered Richards.
“Fuck you Richards you don’t scare me. You’ll be lying next to Bostock in the blink of an eye. You of all people should know I follow orders. There’s not many people above me but believe me Alex there are and right now they want you dead so don’t fuck me around” said
Rice now seeming more focused on his next kill.
“Well correct me if I’m wrong Rice but I’m still alive” replied Richards turning his back to Rice and studying Wyre and Oliver closely as he spoke. “Killing for you Rice is a way of life. Take Bostock for instance you never hesitated in spreading his brains over the wall and yet now you seem unsure. It’s like you’re waiting for something……or someone”
“I couldn’t care less what you think Alex. I’ve heard the stories about you and what you are. The things you have done and the dark things that drove you to commit such atrocities. If only Wyre knew the things you had done and how far away from normal people you are. If he knew he wouldn’t have even let you within fifty feet of him. You know Alex part of me had respect for you and perhaps even admired you but looking at you stood here now……you’re no angel of death you’re just some washed up government tool that thinks being a detective will make up for all the wrongs you have done…..clear your conscience. I bet you still don’t sleep much though do you? ”
Rice still aimed the weapon at Richards, his tendons in his trigger finger tightening in preparation to shoot one of the most feared men to walk the streets. Wyre grasped Oliver tighter in his arms as the smile on Rice’s face told him that maybe this was all too much for Alex Richards. The doctor only had a slight idea of who Richards was but no matter how much fear he put into people it looked like this whole situation was perhaps something even he had no control over. If they won this battle there would be more and more. There is no way whoever was pulling the strings would let Wyre and Oliver live. They knew too much. Even Wyre shook with fear now as it looked like Richards was resigned to the fact that he could do no more. His and Oliver’s only saviour up until this point now had his back to a loaded weapon and seemed reluctant to do anything about it. Wyre knew that unless he did something about it they would be next. As much as he tried to glance around the floor for a weapon Wyre could not see one. He would never get to it in time anyway and then he would have to fire it and hit Rice with a kill shot. They wouldn’t stand a chance.