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Breaking Him

Page 9

by Sherilee Gray

  I spun away from him and collided with a very big, very warm, very familiar chest. I looked up, and my mouth dropped open. “Eli?”

  He wasn’t looking at me; his scary hostile gaze was locked on my bank manager, and he did not look happy. Not one bit.

  I placed my hand on his forearm. “Don’t,” I whispered. “He’s not worth it, let’s just…walk away.”

  James chose that moment to join us, brow hiked to his hairline. “What’s going on?”

  Elijah turned his scowl on my best friend, and James frowned, then scowled back.

  “Okay. Let’s go.” I planted my hand against Elijah’s hard abs and tried to guide him to leave with me. He didn’t move. “I asked Eli to come pick me up,” I lied. “Cassie’s having fun and I have a headache…so…”

  James stared. “I would’ve given you a ride home.”

  “I didn’t want to spoil everyone’s fun.” I gave Eli another shove. “Can you take me home now?” Finally, he dropped his chin and looked at me. He had his cap on, but I was standing right in front of him and had no trouble seeing his eyes. They were dark, searing into me in a way that made me shiver—in a very good way.

  I forced a smile and waved to Cassie, pointing to Eli, so she knew I had a ride home. She frowned as well. Jesus.

  “All right,” James said, expression suspicious as hell. “I’ll give you a call tomorrow?”

  “Sounds good.” Then I was striding away, hoping like hell Elijah was following me and not still standing there shooting death glares at every male in the vicinity. The man had a light tread, and I didn’t know for sure that he was behind me until we cleared the tents and stalls and were heading into the field where everyone had parked their cars. Where the sound of the band had drifted into the distance and the chirp of crickets now filled the night.

  That’s when his arm snaked around my waist, and he spun me around.

  Backing me up, he pressed me against a truck, cold steel seeping through my dress, a towering giant crowding me, his body flush against mine. I was instantly turned on. “Eli…” I started.

  He shook his head. “I didn’t like that. I didn’t like any of it.” His grip on my waist tightened. “You look so beautiful.” He touched my hair resting over my shoulder. “I don’t blame them for wanting you…every man there wanted you. But I didn’t like it, Abigail.” He released a rough breath. “I don’t want anyone touching you but me.”

  A quiver started low in my belly. “James is just my friend. I promise that’s all we are.”

  His jaw tightened, and I knew he didn’t believe me. He confirmed it when he said, “He wants you.” His hand slid down to my hip, and he gave me a gentle squeeze. “Do you want him?”

  I was shaking my head before he’d finished talking. “No. He’s like a brother to me.” I placed my hand over his. “As for that sleaze Connor—”

  He growled, and his hand went to my ass. “Don’t say his name. Don’t even mention that bastard to me, not with the way I’m feeling right now.”

  He pulled away suddenly, grabbed my hand, and started through the cars again. When we got to his truck, he opened the door for me, and I climbed in.

  As we left the fairgrounds, I didn’t ask him why he’d come, why he’d shown up, because I already knew. He’d made it damn obvious. He didn’t want anyone else touching me, couldn’t bear the thought of it.

  “How long were you there?” I said into the silent cab, turning to look at him.

  His nostrils flared. “I saw you dancing.” He was stiff in his seat. “Watched him pull you in close, put his hands on your waist, touch your hair.”

  “Eli,” I whispered, not sure what to say, how to reassure him.

  “Didn’t like the way that made me feel, darlin’. Not one goddamn bit.” His jaw was hard again. “Seeing him run his hands over your body made me want to…” He squeezed the steering wheel. “Made me want to drag you off that damn dance floor and…”

  My heart was thudding like crazy in my chest. “And what? What did you want to do?”

  He spun to me, fire burning from his eyes. “Punish you for making me feel that way,” he snarled. “Bend you over and punish you with my hard cock until my balls are covered in you and you know exactly who your pussy belongs to, that I am the only man with the right to touch you, hold you, comfort you. Me. Only me.”

  His words sliced through me, and my nipples tightened painfully. My sex was fluttering and swollen, and so damn wet. I started to tremble with the strength of my need.

  “Punish me,” I whispered into the shadowy cab.

  His head shot around to face me. “You don’t mean that,” he rasped, chest pumping. He shook his head. “I shouldn’t have…I never should have said it…I…”

  “Punish me,” I said again. “Please, I want you to punish me.”

  “Abi…” He shook his head again, gripping the wheel tighter, so tight it groaned.

  I reached out, took one of his hands off the wheel and slid closer, bringing it up under my dress. I spread my legs and placed his hand on my soaked underwear. He had no idea. No idea how much I wanted it. This was the only way I knew to get that across, to let him feel it for himself. “I mean it,” I said, voice shaky with lust. “I want it.”

  He pulled his hand away, and I whimpered, desperate for him, but then he was pulling off the side of the road, taking the dirt track to the old mill. It’d closed fifteen years ago. Nothing was down here anymore, except a secluded spot in the middle of nowhere, and a lake that kids swam in during summer.

  “What are you doing?” I asked breathlessly, though I thought I knew, and it turned me on so damn much it was a struggle not to put my hand down the front of my underwear and relieve the ache.

  He looked at me again. “I’m going to punish you, Abigail, for letting someone touch what’s mine.”

  Chapter Nine

  He drove to the end of the road and kept going until we reached the lake, where he pulled over. It was dark down here, but I could still see the plants, trees, and shrubs surrounding the water’s edge, unaffected by the drought.

  My heart was hammering when Eli finally turned to me.

  “Out, Abi.”

  I swallowed, trying to get some moisture in my suddenly dry mouth. “Where do you want me?” I could see his control slipping, that molten heat, that dark, dirty part of him creeping forward. At my question, I got a flash of white teeth—not from a smile; no, he was the wolf and I was Little Red Riding Hood.

  He gripped the wheel tighter. “Back…go to the back of the truck and stand there.”

  I could see him fighting it, and as much as telling me what he wanted turned him on, it frightened him as well. This was uncharted territory for both of us, but neither of us was going to back out. We’d been building toward this moment from the first night he’d touched me—maybe even before.

  His cock was a thick, hard ridge under the denim of his jeans, begging for my mouth, to be inside me. He was getting off on this as much as I was.

  I climbed out and walked to the back of the truck, nervous excitement firing through my belly, and waited. It was cooler down here by the lake, the insects louder, and I could hear leaves rustling in the light breeze. It was idyllic, peaceful—yet none of it quieted the riot going on inside me.

  It was only a few seconds, but it seemed like forever before Elijah climbed out and strode toward me, all big, heaving, aroused male.

  He stopped beside me, dropped the tailgate, then tugged his shirt off and spread it on the bare steel. His breath was choppy, color high on his cheeks. “Take off the dress.”

  I did what he asked immediately, lifting it over my head and flinging it into the bed of the truck.

  He eyed my bra and panties. “Naked.”

  I shivered at his rough command and stripped them off as well, putting them with my dress. His body shook, fingers curling and uncurling at his sides. The sun had dropped, but the moon was big and bright, and I could see the way his eyes glittered. The deep
hunger there.

  He closed the distance between us, towering over me. “Spread your legs.”

  His voice was filled with anticipation, fueling my already out-of-control need. I stepped out, doing as he asked, and his hand was there before my next breath, middle finger sliding through my swollen lips.

  He groaned. “This all for me, darlin’?”


  “No one makes you this wet but me. Isn’t that right, Abigail?”

  He kept up his torment, rubbing that wide, rough finger across my drenched opening, teasing me, not pushing in like I desperately needed him to. “No one,” I said, voice shaky as hell.

  He didn’t move closer. The only part of him touching me was that maddening finger, tormenting me, making me crazy. “You look so beautiful in the moonlight,” he whispered. “Like an angel.”

  His gaze raked over me, hungry eyes taking me in.

  “Does my angel want me to bend her over and punish her with my cock?”

  My inner muscles spasmed, and Eli felt it. He forced a breath out through his teeth and came closer, taking one of my breasts in his hand and squeezing.

  “You won’t let anyone else touch you like that again, will you, darlin’? Like James was touching you?”

  I gasped out a breath, shaking my head. “N-no.”

  His finger vanished, and he spun me before I knew what was happening. His hand pressed between my shoulder blades, and he bent me forward over the tailgate, my front on the T-shirt he’d laid out. I heard the clink of his belt, the sound of his zipper going down, then he was behind me. He spread my legs wider, resting his heavy cock against my swollen lips, but not pushing inside.

  He leaned over my back, mouth to my ear. “I liked you showing me what to do, darlin’, what you like. I love to please you, give you what you need. But you want more, more from me, don’t you, sweetheart? You want this?”

  I sobbed, so desperate for him I hurt. “Yes.”

  “Taking care of you makes me so goddamn hard.” He nipped my ear, forehead pressing into my shoulder. “But, Abigail, I think I need this, too…to hold you down, to tell you what I want and how I’m going to give it to you. I think you feel it as well, don’t you? You’re so wet, angel. You love it when I take control.”

  “Yes,” I cried out.

  He shoved his cock inside me without warning, and I screamed, coming instantly, too far gone to last another second. Eli grunted and slammed into me from behind, powering his massive dick in and out of my spasming, clenching walls, grunting and growling. I instantly felt another climax start to build; the exquisite ache I got from his cock stretching me, hitting me deep, had me close to the edge fast. He grew thicker inside me, and I grabbed at the cold steel under my hands, desperate for purchase. I found none.

  But he pulled out suddenly, before I got there again. I moaned in frustration, then for another reason when his fingers slid through my sensitive lips, up to my ass. He slicked them over my clenching hole as he pushed his cock back inside me, all the while he teased my ass with his finger.

  “Abi?” he gritted.

  I moaned, knew what he was asking me. “Yes. Do it.” I wanted to be so full of him I couldn’t think straight. I wanted him to take from me whatever he needed.

  He started to shake, a deep groan rumbling from him as he eased his finger in my ass. I pushed back, wanting more, the sensation of fullness foreign but so damn good.

  “All right?” Eli rasped.

  “So good.”

  His other hand, resting on my hip, disappeared. “Hands above your head.” I did as he asked, and he wrapped his fingers around both my wrists and pinned them to the bed of the truck—then he pushed that finger deeper and at the same time snapped his hips forward.

  I cried out, so full all I could do was writhe and moan. I wanted to push back, but Eli was now in full control. He started fucking me again, that finger in my ass, not moving, just planted deep while he slammed his cock in and out of me. I lost all control of my body. My muscles trembled, sweat coating my skin, noises coming out of me that I’d never made in my life. Eli was fucking me so hard my feet were off the ground.

  I knew what I wanted and Eli did, too, because he hissed, then grunted, rasping in my ear. “God, I want to punish that tight ass with my cock, Abigail.”

  “Do it,” I gasped.

  He released me, pulled his cock and finger free, and flipped me onto my back, looming over me. “Eyes on me.”

  Then his finger was back, sliding over my ass. I was so wet, there was no resistance when he breached the tight ring of muscle again. I gasped and arched, reaching down to rub my clit, because I had to. Pleasure overwhelming me, making me sob and cry out. He pushed in deeper, and my mouth opened on a low groan.

  Eli was shaking so hard the truck was shaking with him. “Look at me, darlin’.”

  I forced my eyes open.

  “I want it so bad. I want to claim every part of you, angel.”


  He rammed his cock back inside me. “But we’re both gonna have to wait. I don’t want to hurt you. I need to make sure when we do it, we do it right.”

  I sobbed again, and he slid out, then back in, jaw tight, eyes laser focused on me, lighting me on fire, and I lost it completely, crying out, begging, clawing at his shoulders while I rubbed my clit faster.

  He shook his head, making a rough sound. “Keep your hands up. It’s my job to make you come.”

  Clamping the fingers of one hand back around my wrists, he pinned them above my head again. He pulled his finger from my ass, then slid his arm under my lower back, lifting me so I had no choice but to wrap my legs around his waist. Then holding me completely immobile, he fucked me stupid. Jarring, brutal thrusts that made it almost impossible to draw breath.

  I screamed, coming again, inner muscles clamping down on his cock.

  Elijah cursed and slammed in so deep, I knew I’d feel him for days.

  “Jesus Christ.” He released my wrists, cupped my face, and kissed me, tongue tangling with mine. And God, his deep groans as he came shook me to my foundation. His cock pulsed as he filled me, pumping me full of him.

  He finally slowed his thrusts, gliding in and out of me, his body trembling. “That’s my good girl,” he murmured, lips brushing mine, voice softer than I’d ever heard it. “That’s my beautiful girl.”

  His praise warmed me in a way I didn’t understand, but right then didn’t have the energy to think about, either. None of this made sense, these intense feelings I had for him, but it felt right, and that’s all I cared about. When he finished, he carefully pulled out and rested his forehead against mine. “Darlin’?” he whispered. “Darlin’, tell me you’re okay.”

  I cupped his face and gently kissed him. “I’m more than okay,” I whispered back.

  He stood and toed off his boots, then after he’d shucked off his jeans, he lifted me, cradling me in his arms, and headed toward the lake. He walked straight out into the water and sank down to our chests. It was cool and welcoming against my overheated skin.

  He kissed me again, still murmuring sweet things, making me feel like the most treasured woman in the world. His lips pressed against my forehead as his hand dropped between my thighs, sliding over me with a gentle touch, cleaning me under the water, making me sigh with pleasure.

  “You sure you’re okay?”

  I slid my hand around the side of his muscular throat and held his gaze, the worry there making my chest hurt. “That was the single best experience of my life, Eli Hays.” I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I don’t know what this is, but I know I want it with you, only with you.” I kissed his gorgeous mouth. “Don’t second-guess yourself.” My cheeks heated, which was ridiculous after all we’d done, but I’d never said this out loud, this feeling inside me. “I want what you gave me, Elijah. I loved it when you held me down and told me what to do…and I loved it when I pleased you and you praised me for it. I don’t know what it means. I just know I crave i
t from you, all of it.” I swallowed, licking my dry lips. “And I…I think you feel that way, too?”

  He stared at me, his breathing rough, his hold getting tighter. “I feel that way, too,” he said so low and deep that his words vibrated through my chest.

  Relief flooded me, not that I really had any doubt, but I didn’t know if he’d ever admit to that part of himself, at least not when he wasn’t inside me. “Trust your instincts,” I said softly. “That’s all you have to do.”

  His hand slid into my hair, fingers fisting gently, and he kissed me until we were both breathless, until he was hard again. He maneuvered my body so I was straddling his hips, and he slid back into me under the water.

  I clung to his wide shoulders, while he followed his instincts—and made love to me in the lake.


  I sipped my iced tea, holding Eli’s in my other hand, and headed out of the house. This last week had been one of the best in my life. It had just been me and Eli, well, except for a short visit from James on his way out of town. Eli had stayed in the field working, but to put his mind at rest, I’d sat on the porch with my friend to have our beer. We’d chatted, and everything was like it always was between us, like he’d never left Deep River. But I’d known Eli was watching us from under the brim of that cap—and though it was wrong, and I sure as heck didn’t want him to be jealous or insecure, knowing his eyes were on me the whole time had excited the hell out of me. He’d told me that morning, when he knew James was coming out, he didn’t mistrust me; it was everybody else he mistrusted. He knew his fears were irrational, but he hated the thought of James touching me.

  So when my friend pulled me in for a hug, like he always did, I didn’t know what to do. I’d had no choice but to give him a quick squeeze back. I’d wanted to. He was my best friend, and that would never change. Eli would have to get used to him and me, and our friendship.

  Still, my belly had squirmed as I’d waved good-bye. Butterflies going crazy while I’d stood there, rooted to the spot, Eli striding across the yard toward me. He’d reached me before the dust had settled behind James’s car.


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