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The Red Queen [Book 7 of Ever After, an Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel]

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by Robert Iannone

  The Red Queen

  Book 7 of Ever After

  Another Novel of

  Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood

  ©Copyright 2017, by Robert Iannone

  All rights reserved

  Cover art by Sean Duffy

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1 – Rogues

  Chapter 2 – Campaign and Champagne

  Chapter 3 – All Lives Matter

  Chapter 4 – Vote Your Conscience

  Chapter 5 – Viva la Revolution

  Chapter 6 – Red Queen to King’s Pawn

  Chapter 7 – Check and Mate

  Chapter 8 – Disrupted

  Chapter 9 – What Goes Around

  Chapter 10 – Comes Around

  Chapter 11 – Her Grace


  The seven active sisters.

  Top left to right: BreeZee, Tee’ka, Bl’azzz and Jax’x.

  Bottom left to right: I’za, Serenity and Egg.


  “Channel open, Lady.”

  “Xara, it’s Egg.”

  “Put me on screen,” came the familiar voice.

  A moment later, the former nemesis appeared . . .

  Her first words were confusing . . . but they still gave Egg goosebumps. “Sorry, girlfriend.”

  “Sorry for what?”

  “There’s a fleet headed your way. I tried to outrun them so I could warn you in time to get away. But they’re only about thirty minutes behind me.”

  “Who are they?”

  “A breakaway group of planets in the Outer Reaches.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “They’re not very happy with the Federation. They’ve gone rogue and are looking for a symbolic victory to start their rebellion.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “They want you. They intend to take you hostage.”

  “Why me? I’m a nobody.”

  “Still annoyingly modest. Guess you can’t change the sunspots on a star. But, if I must draw you a picture . . . you are Flying Girl, the leader of the Hameggattic Sisterhood, married to the Crown Prince and, as of this morning, the newly elected Queen of Aerianna.”

  “Say what?”

  Chapter 1 – Rogues

  Xara laughed. “You really didn’t know? How funny.”

  “That I’m Queen? I think you got some bad information.”

  During this exchange, Benny was studiously avoiding eye contact with his wife or Xara, for that matter. The girl on the screen took notice. “Ask your husband.” That caused the Prince to grimace involuntarily.

  Egg whipped around. “What’s she talking about? Did you know about this?”

  “Umm . . .”


  “Umm . . . well, it was my sister’s idea.” If he thought he was going to deflect blame by throwing Meggy under the bus, he was sadly mistaken.

  “What was?”

  “She abdicated her throne and forced an early election.”

  “Don’t make me hurt you,” she said impatiently. “Just spit it out.”

  “I really dislike that phrase.”


  “Sorry. For some time, she has found the weight of the Crown to be an ever more burdensome experience. She decided to abdicate when she thought you were ready to take on the mantle of Queen.”

  “How long have you known?”

  “For a while.”

  “And you didn’t think you should share that with me?” Now she was getting angry.

  “Your modesty would have prevented you from taking an active role . . . or even accepting the idea that you would replace M-egg’Alynnia. My parents . . .”

  “Your parents! Why am I not surprised? Who else knew?”

  “Towards the end . . . the entire Sisterhood.” As his wife’s facial coloring was turning and ever deeper shade of red, he hastily added, “You should know that the Myst Tree approved of your selection. In fact, he told Aeri’elle . . .”

  “STOP. Why was Big Bird talking to the Tree about this?” Her anger was interfering with her thought process.

  “She argued with my sister that a Dragon should ascend to the throne.”

  “So why did she talk to the Tree? To get his backing?”

  “No. Because Storm told her to talk to him.”

  “Storm?” Her head was spinning.

  “Yes. Sylvia asked Aeri’elle to talk to her grandfather.”

  “Oh, my gosh. Enough. Jump to the end part. Who exactly elected me?”

  “Well, almost everyone.”

  “Who is everyone?”

  “The entire voting population of Aerianna. You received ninety-nine-point seven percent of the vote.”

  “Are you nuts? Why would the people do that?”

  Xara was enjoying the exchange, but time was growing short. “I know it escapes logic, but they all love you. Virtually every person, sea serpent and dragon thinks you’re the sun in their sky.” She added mischievously “I don’t get it either.”

  “Well forget it. I’m not qualified to be Queen.”

  “The Myst Tree disagrees.”

  “He’s a talking plant, what does he know?”

  “Oh, that reminds me. He left you a message. That’s why they sent Ziz. She’s to tell you after you land on Peekaboo Prime.”

  “Benny, I’m going to kill you.”

  “Stupid earth saying, I hope?”

  “You two can sort this out later . . . assuming there is a later for you. We’ve got to move fast. Egg, sorry but you’re going to have to go it alone on this one.” [what a coincidence; that’s also what the Myst Tree had said].

  Egg put her head in her hands . . . her world was spinning out of control and she needed to think. “Tell me what you know of these renegades?” Worrying about the Queen thing at this point would be non-productive.

  “I know that they have some kind of a disruptor ray that will render your ship useless.”

  “Have you seen this device in action?”


  “Are the effects permanent?”

  “Don’t think so. It acts more like a dampening field. Once the disruptor is turned off, everything eventually goes back to normal.”

  “It does not matter,” stated Benny. “This ship is fast enough to outrun most. They will not catch us until we reach friendly space. I can have the fleet waiting to receive and protect us.”

  “It won’t work. They have you boxed in. The only temporary escape routes will take you into deep space and away from friendly planets. By the way, it sure sound like someone close to you is a traitor. These guys know too much for it to be coincidence.”

  “If you think one of my sisters . . .”

  “I wasn’t suggesting that. But, it has to be someone in your inner circle.”

  “Xara, any suggestions on how best to protect my wife?”

  “Yes, but you won’t like it.”

  “Just tell us,” demanded Egg.

  “He needs to leave the ship. I’ll get him back to Aerianna.”

  “Are you mad? I will not leave my wife.”

  “These guys will use you to get Egg to do their bidding. My guess is she won’t let them pull out your fingernails or . . . well, you get the picture.”

  The man involuntarily clenched his hand into a fist. “They can do what they wish to me. I will not leave Gracie’s side. Besides, if you can get me away, why can’t you get all of us to safety?”

  “If they don’t find Egg
on her ship, then they will board mine and take it apart bulkhead by bulkhead looking for her. On the other hand, if they capture her, they won’t even bother me.”

  Egg understood Xara’s reasoning and agreed. “Won’t they find it unusual that I’m flying alone?”

  “Good point. I suggest you promote your cute captain to Admiral. That might be enough to fool them. Before I forget, I would hide your magic ring. They are almost certain to confiscate it.”

  Of all the news she had heard, that bothered Egg the most. She was Flying Girl – but only if she had access to her suit. “Understood. But I’ll need to find someplace to hide it where I can get my hands on it later.”

  “I’d use your dragonetta. There’s a hidden compartment in it that they will never find.”

  “But why would they let me keep Ziz?”

  “Tell them that she’s the new Royal symbol of the reign of Queen Egg. Have her perched on your shoulder when they board. They won’t be able to resist having that thing in their possession.”

  “Very clever.”

  “Gracie, none of this matters. I will not leave you and that is my final word on the matter.”

  The girl got up and threw her arms around her husband . . . and very subtly turned his face away from the view screen. “That is why I forgive you for conspiring behind my back . . . and why I will love you till the day that I die,” and she hugged him even tighter. She looked up at the face of Xara and nodded.

  The other girl understood. A second later, the Prince morphed into a cascade of twinkling lights. “Got him. I’m putting him in confinement until we get away.”

  “Be gentle with him.”

  “I promise.” Xara hesitated then added, “We’ll find a way of getting you back.”

  “I’m glad I can count you as a friend. How’s your mom?”

  “Still great. Reminding me of your gift for a reason?”

  “You have the safety of the man that I love in your hands.”

  “Understood. Good luck, Princess.”

  “Thank you, Xara,” and the connection went dead. She exhaled then turned to the captain. “Apparently, I am your new Queen. As such, I hereby give you the temporary rank of Admiral of the Royal Navy.”

  The captain, soon to be admiral, was none other than Kreed Ax’gard – Syl’s young man. Benny had warned his wife of Navy protocol before they had boarded the ship. “Since I am on a diplomatic mission and not the Sovereign, technically Kreed is in charge. We must not flaunt our close association with him while he is on duty. It would not sit well with the enlisted personnel.”

  Egg laughed. “The horror of it. If I call him by his first name, will the crew mutiny?”

  Benny smiled. “I would not be surprised.”

  “Very well. I shall comply with tradition. However, the price is a kiss. Are you willing to pay?”

  He was.

  Anyway, the man snapped to attention. “Thank you . . . Your Majesty. What are your orders?”

  “I believe you are out of uniform. Please find something more appropriate, Admiral.”



  The bad guys were now in visual range, though still five to ten minutes away. “Admiral, get the Queen on the view screen, please.”

  He turned around. “Ma’am?”

  “What? Oh. Sorry. Get the former Queen please.”

  A moment later, Meggy’s face appeared. “Sister, how goes the trip? You should be close to your destination.”

  “Why are you wearing my crown?”

  The shock on the former Queen’s face was quite amusing. “Whaaaaaa?”

  “Don’t what me, missy. I just found out about your little plan.”

  “I will have my brother beheaded. Where is that scoundrel?”

  “Not here.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Xara happened by and took him on her ship.”

  “I do not understand?”

  “Well then, let me explain,” and for the next two minutes she did.

  “I will dispatch the fleet immediately. Your sisters will join them.”

  “No. Do no such thing.”


  “Until I find out what these people want, I won’t risk the lives of anyone. That goes double for my sisters. Tell them I order everyone to sit and wait till I get word to you.”

  “But how will you do that?” Then she remembered the upgrades to the dragonetta. “Ziz, she can do that and much more.”

  “Really? What else can she . . .” but was interrupted by the new Admiral.

  “Ma’am, we are being hailed.”

  “Meggy, the bad guys are here. Remember – do nothing. In fact, say nothing to anyone except the Sisters. Xara will bring Benny home. She thinks someone in our inner circle is a spy so you might want to figure out who it is. And, if anyone asks, Ziz is the new symbol of my reign.”



  “Shall I put them on screen?” asked the Admiral.

  “Sure. No wait. Give me a few seconds to get to my cabin. Then, just audio. I’m not properly dressed to receive guests.”

  The guy was well trained and didn’t bother to react to Egg’s statement. He just put the renegade captain on speaker.

  “This is General Zwam. I demand to speak to the Queen.”

  “General, this is . . . Queen Eloise. How’s the revolution going?”

  Dead silence. Then, “Congratulations. I thought I was clever enough to surprise you.”

  “Can’t win them all. How can I help you?”

  “Cut your engines and prepare to be boarded. You have ten seconds.”

  “Turn off your new toy, General. I have no need to see your disruptor in action.” She called the Admiral and instructed him to power down. “Engines are off, as are the shields. General, do not try to harm any of my crew. You wouldn’t want this new relationship to get off to a bad start, would you?”

  “As you wish. However, if we see anyone with a weapon in their possession, they will be deemed to be hostile.”

  “Understood. Welcome aboard.”


  Back in her cabin, Egg changed into her formal attire.

  She wanted to dress the part of a queen. She also wanted to hear the message Ziz was carrying in case she was unable to get an opportunity later.

  “Ziz, emergency override. Give me your message now.” The dragonetta did as she was told . . .

  “An unstable dynamic, far versus near

  A happenstance of nature, nothing to fear

  Alter the equation on this universal fuss

  Turning a negative into a galactic plus

  At the end of the tunnel is the answer you seek

  Transforming the angry into the mild and meek.”

  “Has anyone figured out what it means?”

  “Trying to be funny?”

  Egg shook her head in annoyance. “Do you know why the Tree gave me this message?”

  “What do you take me for? A dodo?” came the sarcastic reply.

  “Just tell me.”

  “He said that you would face one last challenge. And you would face it alone.”

  “Surprise, surprise. That challenge is now onboard. Listen to me, Ziz. I’m putting my ring in your secret compartment. Guard it with your life. Understand?”

  “I’m not alive.”


  “Sorry. Understood.”

  “One more thing. I want you to sit on my shoulder. You’re going to be the new symbol of my reign.”

  “Good choice.”

  “Come on, Ziz. Now’s the time to get serious. By the way, that means don’t talk unless I tell you to. Promise?”

  “You’re mean.”


  “Oh, all right.”


  There was a pounding on the cabin door.

  “Yes?” called Egg.

  “Open the door immediately.”

  “I’m not dressed,” she
lied to see what they would do.

  A moment later, a laser pistol blasted the lock and the door was kicked open. Well, apparently, common courtesy was not on the menu today. “Follow me,” demanded a man dressed in well-worn fatigues.

  He was about three feet tall with comically large eyes. His species wasn’t too many generations removed from their amphibian beginnings.

  Egg wasn’t overly familiar with these more distant Federation planets since they seldom interacted with the rest. The only fact that she could recall was that they weren’t held in high regard . . . considered by the rest of the worlds as being embarrassingly unsophisticated and of limited intellectual ability.

  She was glad that she met this individual before meeting the General. Her first instinct would have been to smile since this little fellow was hardly her idea of a rebel. Yes, yes – that would have been rude and demeaning to find humor in this guy’s stature. But sometimes we react without thinking of the other’s feelings.

  She left the cabin and made her way to the command center. She stopped at the door and waited.

  “Get in there,” demanded the soldier unceremoniously.

  “I am the Queen of Aerianna,” she said haughtily. “You will open it or I will stand here until the cows come home.”

  “What?” Apparently, there was yet another world unfamiliar with Earth slang.

  “Open. The. Door.”

  He was about to argue then reconsidered. His general hated to be kept waiting. He slapped at the control button and the door slid open. Egg walked in and scanned the room until she spotted the guy in charge. “General Zwam, welcome aboard.”

  To her surprise, the man was not of the same species. For that matter, he was actually a woman. She was closer to seven feet tall, blue skinned (which she involuntarily found reassuring for obvious reasons) with a long, thin head perched upon an equally long and thin neck. Much like her soldier, the eyes were large and much further apart then most humanoids, perhaps a remnant of her reptilian past . . .

  She was dressed to the nines with silver buttons, gold epaulets, a red satin sash, green leather boots and a dazzling assortment of maybe hundred medals. But, there was no sartorial rhyme or reason to the outfit. It was just a collection of military items looking for all the world like a Halloween costume.


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