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Salvaging Abby (Marks Mercenaries Book 4)

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by N. J. Walters

  She’d left him.

  Of course, she’d only been a child and hadn’t truly understood the honor he was giving her. It was time she grew up and accepted her place beside him. And if she wasn’t amenable, she’d learn.

  He’d make sure of it.

  “How close are we?” he asked his chief navigator. He had the best ship money could buy. It was fast and outfitted with the latest technology and weaponry. All for his protection, of course. His people could not afford to lose him.

  It was his little secret that he not only enjoyed but needed the wealth and power and the things they allowed him to purchase. And if anyone suspected, they weren’t stupid enough to say so to his face. He had a long memory and a way of framing any story or incident in his favor. It was his gift.

  “Less than a planetary cycle, sir.”

  “Are you sure?” She was close. He could almost sense her presence.

  “As sure as we can be, sir. The word we got was that the Dreamer was last seen in this quadrant. All our radars and scanners are looking.”

  He stood in front of his captain’s chair. “Good. I’ll be in my room. Call as soon as you find the vessel.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Jasper left the control room and headed to his room. It was small, in keeping with the message of the Simplistics, but it had every comfort. Yet something was still missing. It was only a matter of time and it would be complete. Once Abigail shared his bed and his life, he would have everything he needed to move forward with his future plans.

  Chapter Four

  She’d lost her mind. There could be no other reason for saying yes to a man she barely knew. She was twenty-two years old and had managed to say no to every other man that had crossed her path. Sure, hardly any of them had known she was a woman, but it would have been easy enough to change that if she’d wanted.

  She hadn’t wanted to. Not before today. Not before Vaden.

  All those years of playing a boy and then a young man had left her with no idea how to really be a woman. Not that he seemed to find her lacking.

  Unlike most males she’d come across, he’d known almost immediately she was a woman.

  “Are you sure?” he asked. “There is no going back once we do this.”

  The intensity in his voice made her shiver. His dark eyes were filled with lust and something more—a yearning. She recognized it for what it was because she’d seen it reflected in her own.

  She should say no. He knew who she was, and she had no idea how. He’d evaded her question.

  “Are you a bounty hunter?” She knew Jasper Freeman had men searching for her.

  He shook his head. “No, but I know of you.” He flicked his fingers through the white lock of hair on her hair. “This is very distinctive.”

  Shit! She really should dye her hair, but it seemed a waste of time and resources when she spent almost all her time alone and always covered it when she docked to offload cargo.

  Strangely enough, she believed him when he said he wasn’t a bounty hunter. Gravasians were known for being blunt and always telling the truth.

  “Will you let me have you?”

  She heard his unasked question. Will you let me have you even though I know your true identity?

  “Yes,” she repeated. She didn’t want to talk about it, didn’t want to stop and consider the ramifications of her actions. For once, she wanted to take what she desired, to do what she wanted to do.

  There would be problems, but she’d figure out what to do when the time came. She always did. If she was going to have sex with a man, she wanted it to be one of her choosing.

  It was only through skill, determination, and some pure luck that some man hadn’t already taken her by force. A woman alone in the world was often seen as fair game. Some women found husbands or protectors; some ended up working in brothels both in space and on planets. She’d wanted more for herself.

  Her family had raised her to believe she deserved more. Her brothers had done backbreaking work in the mines day in and day out so they could work their way out of poverty, so they could have more. If they’d lived, she had no doubt they would have succeeded. Her brothers were nothing if not determined.

  But they were gone, and she was on her own.

  Except right now, she wasn’t alone. Right now, Vaden held her in his arms. Their paths would diverge when his ship was fixed. He’d told her she’d be free to go when his ship was fixed, and she believed him.

  When he continued to stand there with her in his arms and do nothing more, she took matters into her own hands and kissed him.

  As though released from captivity, he spun around and strode quickly through the vessel. She paid no notice to her surroundings, far too busy kissing him. His lips were warm and firm. She’d always assumed a beard would be rough and scratchy, but his was soft against her skin.

  When her feet touched the floor, she kept on kissing him. Then he removed her chest armor and dropped it to the floor. She was still totally covered in her flightsuit, yet somehow felt vulnerable.

  She’d known she’d have to get naked in order to have sex, but she hadn’t expected it to be this difficult. She was so used to having her guard up, being suspicious. And even now, Vaden had his agenda and she had hers.

  Their path crossing was pure coincidence. Maybe it was destiny. Whatever it was, she planned to take advantage of it.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  She shook her head. It was one thing to make herself physically vulnerable, quite another to leave herself emotionally bare.

  She ran her hands up the front of his battlesuit. “I’m thinking we should make the most of the time we have.”

  His lips thinned. He wasn’t happy with her answer but let it go.

  She didn’t doubt that Vaden could be very determined when he set his mind to something. He’d already proved his stubbornness. Her being here was proof of that.

  When he reached for the fastener of her flightsuit, she took a step back. “Ah, do you have a bathroom?” Abby’s cheeks heated.

  “Right through there.” He pointed over her shoulder at a door tucked away in the corner.

  “Thanks. Be right back.” She all but fled and didn’t take a deep breath until the door shut behind her.

  Staring at herself in the mirror, she took in her wide eyes, her moist and slightly puffy lips, and the bright pink flags on her cheeks. Her hair was standing on end in a couple of spots. She swore and ran her fingers through the unkempt mop. The white streak seemed to stand out even more prominently than usual.

  It was unique. It had been stupid not to color her hair, but it was a link to her brothers, her family. Neither of their parents had worn the mark, but all the siblings had.

  She missed them desperately. Tears welled in her eyes, but she blinked them back. She’d cried rivers after the accident, when she’d been taken from her home. They’d changed nothing and only served to make her vulnerable.

  And the strong always preyed on the weak.

  She was tougher now, an independent woman accustomed to hard work. She had her own ship and a way to make a living. “You can do this,” she assured the reflection, sounding much more confident than she actually felt.

  Pep talk given, she used the facilities and cleaned her hands. She glanced at the gel cleansing unit, but decided it would be a bit much to use the cleansing shower without permission.

  She had no idea how much time had passed, but Vaden was still waiting in the other room.

  Taking a deep breath, she opened the door.


  As soon as the door closed behind Abigail, Vaden went to his desk and sat before the miniature control unit. “Contact Flynn Marks,” he ordered the computer.

  “Contacting Flynn Marks,” it repeated back.

  “Come on,” he muttered. Vaden was renowned for his patience, but right now it was in short supply. He had no idea how long Abigail would be in the bathing chamber.

  Flynn’s scowling face
appeared on the screen. “What the fuck do you want? You can’t have Angelina.”

  “I don’t want her.” His blunt reply seemed to relax his friend, or at least as relaxed as Flynn got.

  “Then what do you want? What do you need?”

  “I’m calling in my marker.” The family owed him, and they knew it.

  Flynn’s scowl was back, deeper than ever. “Well?”

  “Come to this location and we’ll talk terms.” And if he didn’t have his ship repaired before then, they could help him with that as well. Though, he figured he could make do with the parts he’d gotten from Abigail. No, Abby. She preferred the shorter version of her name.

  He heard the door opening behind him and cut transmission, manually locking it so no other messages came directly through. The computer would monitor and alert him if there was an important communication.

  “Everything okay?” she asked. She looked more alluring in her flightsuit than most women did in Darkata silk. He’d love to see her draped in expensive silks made exclusively on Darkata, but she seemed more at home in the utilitarian garment she wore.

  “Fine.” He didn’t want to talk. He wanted to claim his prize. Because that’s what she was to him—the reward for his years of toil and duty.

  He went to her and found the tab at the top of the garment. After pausing to give her time to object, he gave a sharp tug. The front of the suit split open. Her breasts were bound to better hide them. That couldn’t be comfortable.

  He dragged the heavy cloth down her arms and let it pool at her waist. Then he ran his fingers along the edge of the binding. Even though he knew the purpose of it, he asked, “Why?”

  She shrugged. “It’s easier. Being a woman alone in space is dangerous. Better to be a man.”

  While he didn’t like her assessment, he couldn’t disagree with her logic. He unwound the tight cloth, revealing her bountiful breasts. “You are many things, but a man is not one of them.”

  The binding had left reddish marks on her skin. Vaden dragged his tongue over one area of abused skin, revelling in the heat of her skin and the slight salty taste. She made a small moan of pleasure that had his cock rock hard against his battlesuit. It was uncomfortable, but the bite of pain helped him maintain control.

  He nuzzled one breast and then the other. “So plump, so perfect.” He held them both in his hands and rubbed his thumbs over the puckered tips, which tightened even more.

  Abby’s chest rose and fell heavily. She had her head tilted back slightly, her lips parted.

  Groaning, he forced himself away from her and went back to work on her flightsuit. He wanted to rip it away, but didn’t know how much clothing she actually owned. She wouldn’t thank him for damaging it.

  It was almost amusing how much influence this small woman had over him. He’d always been in a position of power—by both birthright and sheer hard work. He might have royal blood, but on Gravas that meant he had to toil twice as hard, be twice as good as everyone else. More was expected of him.

  He could command an army second to none, had access to the deadliest assassins in the known galaxies. But all he wanted was to please Abby.

  He dragged her flightsuit down her hips and legs. It caught on her boots, forcing him to take the time to unlace them. He wasn’t used to women wearing men’s clothing. Usually it was much easier to get a woman naked.

  Frustrated, he scooped her into his arms, deposited her on the bed, and shucked her clothing, leaving her only in her panties.

  She started to cross her arms over her breasts but stopped, giving him a perfect view. “Now you,” she ordered.

  More than willing to get naked, Vaden stripped his battlesuit down his body, removed his boots and undergarments. In much less time than it had taken to remove her flightsuit, he was naked.

  Abby’s mouth fell open. He found himself standing a bit taller as her eyes flowed over his body, stopping at his fully erect cock.

  She was slightly paler when she finally raised her head and looked back at his face. Her throat rippled when she swallowed heavily. “I’m not sure we’ll fit.”

  He wanted to laugh but dared not. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her feelings, or have her storm off in a huff. Abby might not act like most women he knew, but her uncertainties were normal.

  “We’ll fit,” he assured her. It was his job to make her ready enough to take him. And he prided himself on a job well done. He couldn’t wait to get started.

  She didn’t appear convinced. As much as his body was screaming for release, he knew he had to take his time or risk losing her. Having her enjoy sex was all part of his campaign to keep her with him.

  He stretched out beside her on the bed and slid one hand behind the back of her head, holding her securely as he leaned down. She licked her lips, drawing a groan from him. His cock jerked in anticipation.

  Ignoring the single-minded appendage, he kissed her. He wanted to devour her, but forced himself to take slow sips of her lips. Her mouth was soft and warm and willing. She was tentative, but as time went by, she began to relax.

  Her tongue met his in a dance as old as time, one that crossed almost all cultures. She tasted sweet. Her tongue stroked his, battling before retreating, only to come back for more.

  She ran her hands over his shoulders and dug her neatly trimmed nails into his skin.

  Vaden left a trail of hot kisses along her jawline and down her neck. He eased down in the bed until he was able to lick the soft mounds of her breasts. She gave a low moan. Her heart was beating hard enough for him to feel the heavy thud.

  Her eyes were closed, her head slightly tilted back. She was fully in the moment, lost in the erotic sensations. It was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. There was no guile, no attempt to manipulate or control.

  He couldn’t get enough.

  Using his fingers and mouth, he stroked and sucked, laved and licked until both nipples were hard and wet. His balls ached, and fluid leaked from the head of his cock. A fine sheen of sweat covered his entire body. None of the intense military training he’d received over the course of his life had prepared him for this challenge.

  Control slipping, he knew he had to accelerate his plans.

  He kissed a trail across her torso and down to her flat belly. Her panties covered her, hiding her womanhood from him. Restraint gone, he grabbed the garment with both hands and ripped.

  Her eyes flew open as he tossed the flimsy fabric aside.

  He ran his hands up her slender but muscled thighs. They tightened for a brief second before parting slightly. That small movement, that tiny signal of trust brought him back under control. He had to give her pleasure before he took her. Otherwise, he’d hurt her.

  Using his iron will, he pushed her thighs open, exposing the delicate pink of her pussy. The neat covering of hair on her mound was as black as the hair on her head, except for the tiny white streak near the center.

  Groaning, Vaden lowered his head. He had to taste her.


  Abby’s entire body ached. It wasn’t pain. It was a yearning. An intense longing for something she’d never had but instinctively knew was within her grasp, if only she was brave enough to reach out and take it.

  She’d had more than a little moment of doubt when Vaden had stripped away his battlesuit. He should have been less intimidating. Instead, he’d been more so, as though the wildness of the warrior beneath had been exposed.

  Like her, there was more to the man than first appeared.

  Her breasts were heavy, her nipples tight buds that almost hurt with the need to be touched. But that paled next to the throbbing between her thighs.

  Vaden’s large hands spread her legs wide. When he dipped his head between them, she forgot to breathe. Then his mouth was on her. Her thighs tightened in reflex around his head. She gripped the covers on the bed as she arched her hips.

  “Vaden.” His name became a chant in her head as he licked at her slick folds. He dipped his tongue inside her,
making her cry out. It was so good, but it wasn’t enough. His beard stroked her flesh, adding to the sensual sensations.

  “More,” she ordered. The rumble of his laugh penetrated her sensitive skin, driving her pleasure even higher. Then he found the tiny bundle of nerves at the top of her pussy and flicked it with her tongue.

  She almost came off the bed.

  She’d touched herself there before and enjoyed it, but this was terrifying in its intensity. Like an addict with the first taste of an exotic drug, she wanted more.

  Without her having to ask, he gave it to her. He captured the small nub between his lips and flicked it with his tongue. Abby sucked in air as fast as she could, but her lungs still ached. Breathing was almost impossible, but she didn’t care, not as long as he kept touching her.

  He dragged one strong hand over her thigh before cupping her mound. The heat from his palm seeped into her. And then one long finger penetrated her core.

  A low cry broke from her lips. She was panting so hard she feared she might pass out. Talking was beyond her.

  Vaden added a second finger, stretching her inner passage. At the same time, he pressed his tongue hard against her clit.

  A supernova exploded behind her eyes. Her body imploded. Her cries echoed in her ears. Her entire body shook, every cell dissolving and being remade.

  She’d never be the same again.

  If she weren’t so sated, she’d be worried. As it was, all she could do was lie there and enjoy the aftershocks of pleasure that rocked her to her very core.

  She finally understood what all the fuss about sex was about.

  Vaden brushed his lips over hers. She made a small sound of pleasure and tried to draw him closer, but he resisted.

  Their eyes met. Their gazes locked.

  He reached between his legs and guided the head of his cock to her opening. She’d been so caught up in her own experience, she’d forgotten all about him. Considering his massive size, the hard, muscled body, and his impressive cock, that should have been impossible.


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