Broken Wings (Hidden Wings Series Book Two)

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Broken Wings (Hidden Wings Series Book Two) Page 16

by Cameo Renae

  “Dom, I think you need a mini lesson in ass kicking, and I’ll be more than happy to give you a hands-on,” Malachi snickered. In a nano-second Malachi did a spin, kicking Dom’s legs out from under him, jumped on top of him, and wrapped his large hand around his neck. Not tight, but I could tell he just wanted to show him up.

  Malachi was big brawny guy. Muscular but he didn’t flaunt it like Dominic. His tanned skin defined his bulging muscles.

  “Whoa, big guy! You got me. I totally didn’t see that one coming,” Dominic admitted, pushing Malachi off to the side. “Touché brother…touché!”

  A wide smile of accomplishment spread across Malachi’s face. He turned and gave me a slight nod. Samuel and Danyel just laughed and shook their heads. I had a feeling they must’ve been a lot like Dominic and Malachi when they were younger.

  Dom jumped up, dusted himself off, and helped Malachi to his feet. They both laughed and gave each other a quick fist bump.

  “One day, Emma, you’ll be able to kick all of our asses,” Dom said, grinning at me.

  “Whatever,” I said, blushing.

  “You just might,” Danyel added. “If you are truly the one of whom the prophecy foretold, then your strength and abilities might be greater than any Angel in Heaven or Hell. That’s why we can’t let Lucifer find out about your true origins. He must believe that you are a Nephilim - a Halfbreed - just like his son.”

  “But what if he finds out, or sees the mark like Lucian did?” I questioned. “I mean, if Lucifer is as cunning or as smart as Lucian, he’ll find out one way or another. The mark on the back of my neck will make it totally obvious.”

  “Then we will have to make sure that he doesn’t,” Samuel said, his eyes still weary with pain, with a certainty embedded deep within.

  I didn’t feel like questioning them right now. I knew that they wouldn’t send me into a lion’s den without warning, and wouldn’t let me enter without strict instructions first. We still had one more level to go through before we reached him anyway.

  One more chance to try and cheat death.

  Chapter 13

  Level 5:

  The guys gathered their weapons and prepared themselves to enter the next gate. We had to travel a few hundred yards down a dark, rocky slope to get there. One gate left. After all that we went through, I couldn’t imagine anything worse than the gargoyle-lion-scorpion creature, soul-snatching ghouls, snakes, or Grimlocks.

  I was just thankful that Samuel was still with me, and that he was okay. I really thought I was going to lose him to the Grimlocks, but he looked like he was almost as good as new.

  “Everyone stay quiet,” Danyel whispered loudly, taking the lead.

  Samuel walked over to me, and took me by the hand. “Just stay with me. They will go in first and clear the way. Then we will enter,” he said.

  “So, what are they expecting to run into at the next gate?” I whispered to Samuel. We ducked down behind a medium sized boulder.

  “Hell Hounds” he answered.

  “I bet they aren’t the kind of hounds I’d ever want to run into.”

  “No. No one would want to run into these dogs. They are Lucifer’s guard dogs; birthed and bred right here in the fiery pits of Hell. They are usually invisible to the human eye, and are exceptionally strong, fast, and very ferocious. Their teeth and claws are their weapons, and their skin is thick like a shield. The fur on their backs is as sharp as barbs.

  “The hounds are kept right here, rabid and starved, until such time as they are needed. The Fallen sometimes send them to collect souls. They are unleashed into the human world with one goal, one mission. To seek out their targets, kill them, and then drag them back to Hell. However, most victims cannot be recognized once they’re brought down. Once the soul is taken, they become the hound’s next meal.”

  I tried the swallow the huge lump that was caught in my throat. I was slowly starting to become numb to it all. Not really numb, but not surprised. I never knew there were horrors from Hell that entered into my world. My mortal world. I thought these stories were all fairytales, but they weren’t. I was coming face to face with all of them. Every horrific creature.

  He turned to me and then a look of concern flooded his face.

  “I’m so sorry, Emma. I’m so used to briefing warriors before going into battle. I shouldn’t have given you all of the gory details.”

  “No, it’s okay. I’m fine. But will they be?” I whispered. I pointed to Danyel, Dominic, and Malachi who were hunched behind three separate boulders about twenty-five yards ahead of us.

  “I’m sure they will. I don’t know if Malachi and Dominic have ever come across Hell Hounds before, but I’m certain Danyel will brief them on what they need to do.”

  “Do they need to take off their heads to kill them?” I asked. That was the most logical explanation and seemed to work for everything else.

  “Yes,” he said with a confused grin. “That’s definitely one way to do it, but it’s not as easy as it seems. The Hell Hounds come and go like wisps of fire and wind. Like I said before, they are extremely fast, and they also have layers of razor, sharp teeth. Once they latch on to their victim…” he shook his head.

  He didn’t need to finish the sentence. I knew the ending, and it wasn’t a happy one.

  I could feel my heart pounding so loudly it echoed in my ears and reverberated through the rest of my body, making it tremble.

  “So how many of those Hell Hounds are there?” I questioned.

  “Six,” he answered.

  “Are they big?”

  He nodded, and I sucked in a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves.

  I liked dogs, but I already hated these ones. Their description painted a not so pretty picture in my mind.

  “Hell Hounds, like the Grimlocks, have an exceptional sense of smell and sound, so we’ll have to stay back here, and stay as quiet as possible.”

  “Do you think that they can take them?” I asked, in an even lower whisper.

  “Danyel has worked with the Hell Hounds a few times, a few centuries ago. He knows exactly how they move, and where their kill spots are. It’ll probably be a bit tricky for the others, but they’re warriors. I’m sure they will be just fine.”

  “But they can’t die, right?” I questioned.

  He shook his head. “Immortals can die,” he said softly, with sadness in his eyes. “If their head is taken off, or their heart is pierced with an immortal blade… they will die.”

  “But I thought -”

  “Don’t worry about them,” he whispered with a smile.

  I nodded.

  I carefully took out the dagger and held it in my grasp. It looked like it was brand new. There wasn’t a scratch or blood on it, and it was as sharp as it was when I’d first held it in my hands. But there was something about this dagger. It was a feeling I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Like it was becoming a part of me, and we were meant to be together.

  “You are very blessed to have been given such a rare and wonderful gift. The dagger does not answer to just anyone, and bad things have happened to those who have tried to possess it by their own means. This weapon will only work for those it deems worthy. It is truly an amazing gift, as you are, my daughter,” he whispered, grasping my hand.

  “Thank you,” I smiled. “So, are you telling me that this dagger is alive?”

  “In a sense… yes. It has magical powers which only the possessor can bring out, but no one knows exactly what it can do, because each gift is unique to each bearer. Because this dagger was a gift from the Almighty himself, they all are wondrous.”

  “Oh,” was the only word that pushed from my lips. This was all way, way over my head. What other powers could I call out of this thing? Just the mere thought of it was so crazy to me.

  The story of the dagger reminded me of the story of King Arthur and his magical sword, Excalibur.

  “We will get through this, Emma. I’ve spent too many of these last years in the da
rkness, being invisible to stay alive. It’s time for me to take a stand and fight. But I want you to know, that if anything should happen to me---”

  “No. I’ve just found you. You can’t just come into my life and then leave,” I said.

  “I’m not saying that I will intentionally try and get killed. I was just saying that in case anything should happen to me, that I love you. I loved you from the moment you took your first breath, I held you in my arms, and looked into your beautiful brown eyes. There hasn’t been a day that has gone by that I haven’t thought about you. I just wanted you to know.”

  “I love you too, and that’s why I won’t allow you to die.”

  “Alright,” he smiled.

  I wasn’t going to accept any other answer. I mean, I’d just found out he was my real father a few days ago. We’d been through so much in one short week, and learned so much about each other. I was glad that he had chosen to come with me, and I just hoped, and prayed, that we’d make it through this and that our father-daughter relationship would continue.

  I soon felt a heat on my chest, and glanced down to see the Bloodstone glowing again.

  I took in a deep breath. Here we go.

  Chilling growls echoed all around us. The Hell Hounds knew they had visitors.

  Samuel placed his finger to his lips, but he didn’t have to worry about me. No sound was going to be leaving my mouth. Not anytime soon.

  I closed my eyes and wished this super suit could make me invisible again. I suddenly felt a small tingling all over my body, and when I opened my eyes, I saw Samuel looking in my direction, with a look of bewilderment on his face. I held my hands out in front of me, and…


  My body was gone. Completely gone! No wonder Samuel looked confused.

  I reached out to him and touched his shoulder.

  “Emma?” he questioned. He hadn’t seen me invisible before.

  “I’m here,” I whispered.

  And then…something happened. As I touched Samuel, he started to become invisible too!

  HOLY HELL!!! I could transfer my invisibility with a touch!

  I pulled my hand back, and he instantly became visible again. I reached out and touched his shoulder again and watched him disappear. In a few seconds, Samuel’s outline started to come into focus.

  “Samuel, I think you’re invisible. I think that whenever I’m invisible, whatever I touch also becomes invisible.”

  “You have the same gift as Alaine,” his voice said softly. “This could definitely work to our advantage. Too bad it couldn’t work for the others.”

  “I know,” I answered.

  I wondered if he could see my outline, as I saw his. He probably did, because he was facing me.

  I peeked back over the rock to see how the others were. I wasn’t as afraid now, knowing that I was invisible, and that the creatures wouldn’t be able to see either me or Samuel. Red-orange eyes, burning like fire, stood out in the darkness. They were stalking closer and closer to where the others were. Danyel was the closest, and Dominic and Malachi were a few feet behind.

  I hoped Danyel knew what he was doing, and I hoped he let the others know what they needed to do. The growls grew louder and louder as they got closer. Their snarls and snaps sounded much like rabid dogs. They probably picked up their scent, and knew they were close.

  And then, as if by magic, five more sets of flaming eyes appeared, spread through different areas of the darkness, and they were all headed toward Danyel.

  Danyel turned back and nodded to Dominic, who turned and nodded to Malachi. They must have known they were coming.

  I caught a glimpse of one of the creatures. It was about five feet in height, with thick fur as black as the night. Its muzzle was folded back, baring razor sharp teeth, and its eyes were filled with hatred and hunger. Its claws were as long as daggers and it looked hungry.

  My stomach twisted with each step it took closer to Danyel. Danyel grip his sword tightly in his hand. I had to keep reassuring myself that he knew what he was doing.

  When the first Hell Hound was only a few feet away from Danyel, it let out three loud barks. As it did, flames shot from its mouth.

  A sudden wave of horror washed over me, drowning me in the memory of what happened to Kade. The searing heat, the look of pain on his face, his horribly burned and bloodied flesh, and then watching him go unconscious.

  This creature was not only fast and ferocious, but it also breathed fire! I hated and now feared things that breathed fire. We needed every bit of help we could get with this last level.

  I turned to Samuel, “You didn’t mention that those things breathed fire.”

  “It’s not the kind of fire you think. It’s not like the creature that injured Kade. The fire from the Hell Hounds cannot be thrown, but it can still burn if you’re close enough.”

  I sighed, overwhelmed, but still terrified.

  Suddenly the nearest Hell Hound crouched; its eyes were steeled on the rock that Danyel was crouched behind.

  I almost dropped my hand from Samuel, but he grabbed hold of it. I turned to him for a split second and that’s when it happened.

  Hell was unleashed.

  The creature bounded towards Danyel, and as he did Danyel quickly laid flat on his back and thrust his sword upward, scraping the creature’s underbelly. It landed in the middle them, looking like it hadn’t been injured.

  Malachi turned and gave a quick nod to Dominic before jumping from his cover and yelling at the top of his lungs.

  What the hell was he doing?

  He waved his sword at the creature, calling its full attention. The creatures snapped its head toward Malachi, and within a second, shot at him. Malachi dove, before it reached him, sliding under the creature. At the same time, Dominic was in the air, and as soon as the creature landed, Dominic pounced on its back. With both blades raised in his hands, and a quick swish, he took the creatures head off and sent it rolling on the ground. Its body dropped. Dominic stood above the creature, smiling, thick blood dripped from his blades. He was amazing.

  “Dom!” Danyel yelled. “I think you’ve pissed them off.”

  Dominic turned as the five remaining Hell Hounds surrounded him. Their howls were loud and piercing. Their eyes burned with even more hatred, and were set on the one who had killed one of their own.

  Dominic readied his weapons, and Danyel and Malachi stood and joined him.

  Chapter 14

  We watching the dreadful events unfold. I felt Samuel’s hand hold me down, and I hadn’t realized I was standing.

  I felt hopeless, because they were outnumbered and we weren’t able to help. Three against five. The odds were not in their favor.

  The creatures slowly and methodically made their way around them. Their deadly growls echoed all around us. The flames from their eyes and mouths burned brightly. The Hell Hounds had surrounded them on all sides. And then… we watched as everything happened in a sudden blur.

  One hound charged at Dominic, its wicked eyes steeled on its target, its sharp teeth bared and ready to tear him apart. It moved so fast that it had almost disappeared, and in a flash it had traveled the distance to Dominic, leaving a trail of flames behind it.

  I watched in horror as Dominic dove out of its path. His first blade swung and missed, but the second sliced through the hound’s rear leg. The hound didn’t flinch, but turned its head and sunk its razor sharp teeth into Dominic’s arm.

  Terror shot through me.

  Dom yelled out in pain, as the creature rabidly shook his arm, tearing and ripping the flesh to shreds. With his free hand, Dominic managed to lodge one of his weapons into one of its eyes. It cried out in pain, but it kept its jaws tightly locked onto Dominic’s arm. I could see flame burning brightly from his mouth. Dom’s tortured yells turned my stomach.

  Danyel and Malachi were busy fighting off the other Hell Hounds. There was no way they’d be able to help Dominic, especially when they were fighting for their own liv

  Dominic was helpless, and looked like he was going to lose his arm, or die, if someone didn’t help him. Samuel had gripped my arm, and was trying to push me down, but I knew in my heart that I had to help him. I felt compelled to run to his aid, and every cell in my being yelled for me to do so.

  I quickly shook Samuel’s grip free, which made him visible again.

  “Emma! NO!” He yelled, reaching out for me, but he couldn’t find me. I was still invisible. I quickly moved away from him and headed toward Dom.

  Samuel was still calling my name, but I couldn’t just stand there. I had to do something.

  Something inside of me clicked on again. A switch that wouldn’t allow me to stand by and watch Dominic die. I was on autopilot. My body was automatically reacting to the situation. A situation I would normally cower from. I was determined to help him. I felt like I could help, and I wasn’t going to let my fear hold me back.

  Adrenaline gave me a boost and had me running towards them. The dagger was still gripped tightly in my hand. I knew I’d have to use it, and this time I was prepared to.

  I shot a quick glance toward the Danyel and Malachi. Danyel had just taken the head off of his hound, and Malachi had just dodged an attack. The jaws of his hound were inches from his face, but it missed.

  I exhaled and focused my eyes on Dominic. There was blood everywhere, but he was still fighting hard to release his arm from the Hell Hound’s death grip. Every second he looked like he was getting weaker and weaker. He tried to release the sword he’d embedded in the creature’s eye, but it was stuck.

  I ran toward him as fast as I could, hoping he would be able to hold on until I reached him. His arm looked like it wasn’t going to hold out much longer. The creature had nearly dismembered it, torn it to shreds, and burned it.

  I lifted my dagger and prayed it would hit its mark.

  As I neared them, I jumped up behind the creature, and thrust my dagger into the back of its neck. I pushed down with all of my might. The sharp blade found its mark and easily went through the creature’s thick skin.


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