Broken Wings (Hidden Wings Series Book Two)

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Broken Wings (Hidden Wings Series Book Two) Page 17

by Cameo Renae

  The hound yelped in pain and immediately released its grip from Dominic’s mangled arm. It looked around and had no idea what just hit it, because I was still invisible. I gripped the handle of my dagger and pulled it from its neck. Its cries pierced my ears. I raised my dagger again, and thrust it down, from one side of the Hell Hounds neck, straight through to the other, taking its head completely off.

  At that moment I felt strong. Stronger than I’d ever felt before. Total kick ass.

  I had just slayed one of those Hell Hounds single handedly and saved Dominic. Damn. We just might be able to survive.

  Three dead Hell Hounds and three to go.

  Dominic’s eyes were furrowed, with a deep look of confusion in his eyes. He was completely baffled at what had just taken place. He had no clue that I was there, or that I’d just saved his life.

  I reached down and touched Dominic’s shoulder, and watched his body disappear.

  Within seconds I could see his hazy figure. He glanced at me, his eyes became wide, and after a few moments, he grinned.

  “Emma?” he asked.

  You need to get out of here. Hurry.”

  “Emma, you just slaughtered that Hell Hounds ass,” he smiled and shook his head. He then winced in pain, so I released. He took off his shirt and wrapped it tightly around his bloodied appendage. I was glad he did because I didn’t think I could take seeing the mutilated flesh and bone hanging from his arm. Within seconds it was soaked and dripping with blood.

  I touched him again, making him invisible, and helped him to his feet. I made sure to keep a hand on him as we made our way back to Samuel. My heart dropped as we got closer and I noticed that Samuel wasn’t there. I quickly glanced behind us, and saw him standing between Danyel and Malachi.

  They were all standing back to back, crouched, with their weapons drawn. Three warriors against three beasts.

  I helped Dominic take cover behind the boulder and then I let go of him. He was safe for now, but my job wasn’t finished. I needed to help my father and my friends.

  “Emma,” Dominic called out. I stopped and turned back to him, but then realized that he couldn’t see me.

  “Yeah?” I answered.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” I answered.

  “They need you. The Hell Hounds can’t see you coming. Just stay away from those teeth. We don’t want them turning any part of your pretty little self into hamburger.”

  “Deal,” I answered, and headed toward the others.

  I couldn’t explain all of the emotions that were running through me as I watched my father and friends surrounded by those horrifying beasts. They were growling, and snapping their sharp teeth, setting up their next attack.

  There was one Hell Hound which was larger than the others. I noticed that the other two kept turning their heads toward it, like they were looking for confirmation on when to strike. The larger creature lowered its head. Its eyes were set on Danyel. The other two had marked their targets and were also ready to strike.

  I was moving as quickly as possible and was now about fifteen yards away.

  It was now, I wished I could call on some super speed.

  With a loud growl, the large one shot forward. Samuel was right. They did move like the wind, and were so fast that their movements were blurred.

  Samuel, Danyel and Malachi all dove in opposite directions as the beasts made their attack. It seemed like all had missed, until I heard a bloodcurdling cry.

  The larger beast had pinned Danyel down. His sharp claws were embedded into his chest, and his face was inches from him.

  I gasped in horror.

  My heart hammered against my chest as I ran toward him. I held my dagger tightly in my hand, ready to stab the beast, when I was knocked from behind. I went flying forward, and my dagger flew from my grasp as I slammed into the sharp rocks.

  “NO!” I screamed. Malachi’s beast had pounced out of nowhere, knocking me down.

  “Danyel!” I screamed, glancing over to him. He had lodged his weapon into the creature’s side, but it did nothing to stop the attack. Danyel struggled to push it off, and to get out from under its weight, but his efforts were useless.

  I shot up, and quickly searched for my dagger. It was lying about five yards away, in the opposite direction of where Danyel was. I ran to it grabbed hold of it and turned back toward them.

  The creature’s claws were still locked in his chest. Danyel lifted his arm to shield his face, but the creature sunk its teeth into it.

  “Danyel!” I screamed. Danyel turned his head toward me, like he knew I was there. “Danyel!” I cried, charging toward him.

  He was still facing me when he smiled. He smiled, but his eyes showed a deep sadness.

  “Be strong, Emma. Take care of your father for me,” he yelled.

  And then… my heart shattered.

  I helplessly watched as the Hell Hound released its teeth from Danyel’s arm, and sunk its teeth deep into his throat.

  “NOOO---!” I screamed in complete and utter terror.

  Danyel’s eyes shut tight, and in one quick snap, the Hell Hound tore his head from his body.

  My body dropped to the ground, numb, as I watched the beast take his head and crush it between its jaws.





  Not just any pain… excruciating pain radiated through my entire being, crushing my heart to powder.

  Every negative emotion ever known or experienced to man had overcome me. I sat there, completely numb, and watched the vile creature mutilate my father’s best friend. My friend.

  And then, I began to experience a whole new set of feelings. Feelings that began to blaze, like a huge inferno, inside of me. Feelings that soon torched and overtook all other feelings inside of me, filling me to overflowing.




  I grasped the dagger in my hand and rose to my feet. The creature had no clue what was coming. I was a few yards away and there was too much blood on his muzzle for him to smell me. I sucked in a deep breath, let out a loud yell, and charged toward it. I jumped up and with all my might, thrust my dagger deep into its skull. I felt the splintering of bone as the dagger went through. The hound shrieked in pain, and violently thrashed its head, sending me flying backward.

  It growled, and snapped at the air around it, trying to figure out what had just hit it. I noticed Danyel’s sword, still embedded in its side, and my fears were again extinguished by the rage.

  I jumped up and tightly grasped the handle and yanked it out. The creature wailed, but was already fading from the injury it sustained from my dagger, which was still lodged in its skull.

  With every last ounce of hate and revenge I had in me, I swung Danyel’s sword. I swung so hard that the blade tore right through the creature’s neck, and I watched with complete and utter satisfaction as its head fell, and its lifeless body dropped to the ground.

  As gratifying as it was to see the creature dead, the fact still remained. Danyel was also dead. His lifeless body was trapped under the weight of the beast.

  This time he wasn’t able to heal himself, and would never wake up.

  But I still had to snap out of it. My job wasn’t over.

  As I glanced back, Malachi’s beast had faced me. Its eyes were steeled on its slain leader, which was now dead and headless. As it paused, I saw the opportunity and took it. With every ounce of strength I had left, I lifted Danyel’s sword and swung. I swung with one purpose. My eyes locked onto my mark. In a split second the next beast’s head was severed from its body, and tumbled to the ground, a few feet away from the other. I had now slain three Hell Hounds.

  Malachi stood bewildered, looking around him at the carnage left by me, who was still invisible.

  One beast remained.

  “Malachi,” I yelled. “It’s me, Emma!”

  “Emma? Where the hell are you?” he ca
lled, looking around in all directions.

  “I’m in front of you. Invisible. But you need to help Samuel!”

  He turned to Samuel.

  The last beast was fast, dodging all of Samuel’s advances, but Samuel was also dodging its deadly teeth.

  “Don’t worry, Emma. Wherever you are. Just stay put. I’ve got this,” Malachi said, then charged to Samuel’s aide.

  The beast was outnumbered. Samuel and Malachi gave each other another nod, as if they already had some sort of plan already figured out. The beast charged at Samuel, snapping its razor sharp teeth, but Samuel side-swept it. At the same time, Malachi flew from above, and took its head off.

  It was done.

  The Hell Hounds had been defeated, but we’d also lost one of ours in the process.

  I watched as Samuel glanced over to Danyel. His companion, partner, and best friend since the beginning. Since the Fall.

  Danyel didn’t have to come back to help us. I knew he came back because of my father, and because Kade had asked him to make sure I was safe. I didn’t care if he was one of the Fallen. Danyel was a good Angel. He was a true friend, and Guardian, and I hoped that God had seen what he did and would reward him.

  I suddenly felt the emotions, which I had blocked out, flood over me once more as we stood and looked at Danyel. I hated my new life. I hated that there was so much death and pain in it.


  Why me?

  Why couldn’t I have been left alone to live a normal life?

  I didn’t want to be a hero, or the answer to some crazy prophecy. I was seventeen, dammit. I just wanted to live a normal life. I wanted my parents, and my best friends, Jeremy and Lia, and a boyfriend. Just a normal boyfriend who I could be with, without any crazy supernatural laws being involved.

  I glanced at Samuel, but immediately had to turn away from him.

  I couldn’t bear to watch the pain that was deeply embedded in his eyes. As I looked down, I realized that I’d become visible again. The suit had saved me again, but it was useless when I needed to save Danyel.

  I walked over to Samuel and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around me while I wept.

  “I’m so sorry,” I sobbed.

  “It’s alright, Emma. You don’t need to shed any more tears for Danyel. He wanted this. His suffering is now over, and he will be able to rest in peace,” Samuel answered.

  He and Malachi removed Danyel’s body from beneath the Hell Hound, and carried it over to where Dominic was. Malachi had found Kade’s flask attached to Danyel’s body, and it was filled. I wished it worked on Immortals, because Dom really needed it. At least I knew he was going to live.

  Samuel made me take a drink, and as soon as the liquid magic touched my tongue, I instantly stopped shaking. Its effects were fast, and tingled as it made its way through my battered body. It helped stabilize me, and I needed that. I was broken. We all were.

  They carefully laid Danyel’s body out, and built up a small wall of stones around him. We all gathered around him, and Samuel began to recite some ancient words. They were beautiful, poetic, and melodic, but I couldn’t understand a word he was saying. He was speaking in another language. The language of the Angels.

  As soon as Samuel finished, Danyel’s body burst into flame. I didn’t question it. I just assumed that it was all part of the process of burying a fallen member.

  When it was finished, per my request, Malachi collected as much of his ashes as possible. I wanted to take Danyel’s ashes with us, and refused to leave any part of him in Hell. He didn’t belong here. He belonged someplace beautiful and peaceful, so I vowed that I would carry his ashes with me, and after we made it out of here, I’d take them someplace beautiful and scatter them.

  Four of us remained, and for a while we sat in a somber silence.

  They all seemed to deal with it much better than I was. But I was still human. A girl. They were warriors, which had already dealt with centuries of war and death.

  “We’ll stay here until Dominic heals enough to move without pain,” Samuel said.

  Malachi nodded in agreement. Dominic was quiet, but his jaw was clenched tight. The wrap he put around his arm was soaked and dripping with blood. He looked pale and his eyes were bright red and glossy. I could tell he was in a lot of pain.

  “Can’t one of you put him to sleep so he doesn’t have to deal with the pain?” I asked.

  “No,” Dominic blurted. “I’ve never been put under the sleeper. Ever. Believe me. I’ve seen much worse days.”

  “Why? Men and Angels… most are so damn full of pride,” I sighed and shook my head. “I don’t understand how you’d choose to suffer while being awake, rather than just closing your eyes and sleep, and wake up healed.”

  Dominic paused for a moment, and we waited for a response.

  “So, you really think I’m prideful?” he asked.

  “Understatement,” Malachi said, and everyone laughed.

  Dominic winced in pain. “Fine,” he gave in. “But this does not leave Hell.”

  A wicked grin crossed Malachi’s face.

  “And, I don’t want him to do it,” Dominic blurted, motioning to Malachi.

  “Why? I’d tuck you in nice and tight,” Malachi said, wiggling his eyebrows.

  “Whatever dude. Just stay the hell away from me,” Dominic huffed. “Emma, make sure-”

  “Don’t worry, Dom. I’ve got your back. No one will breathe a word, and I’ll keep Malachi away from you,” I answered.

  “Speak for yourself, Emma,” Malachi huffed. I glared at him and rolled my eyes.

  Samuel walked over to Dominic. “I think you should get into a comfortable position.”

  “Wait,” Dom answered, and then slid down and took a side position. “Okay, do it.”

  Samuel kneeled down to him, and spoke into his ear, “Sleep.”

  In less than a minute, Dominic was sound asleep and snoring loudly. If he kept that up, we’d all need the sleeper.

  “Emma, do you need some help to sleep?” he asked.

  “Not right now, but maybe later,” I said.

  As time slowly ticked, my heart and thoughts were on Danyel. It didn’t matter whether my eyes were open or closed, my mind kept replaying the horror of his death. The last look on his face was what killed me the most. He knew he was going to die, and yet, told me to be strong and take care of my father.

  I kept watching the Hell Hound sink his teeth deep into his neck and pull away. It wouldn’t stop.

  “You haven’t eaten in a while, Emma. Here.” Samuel offered me some jerky.

  “No thanks. I can’t eat right now.”

  Samuel’s eyes had a look of concern. A look my mortal father used to give me when he knew I was sick or down about something.

  “I understand what you’re going through,” he said exhaling. “It’s been a rough journey for all of us. Danyel was my best friend, but he was tired of it all. Tired of having to be on a side. Tired of fighting. Tired of not knowing what we were fighting for anymore.

  “Believe me when I tell you that he is finally at peace now. It’s something he has been waiting for, and for a very long time.”

  I nodded, feeling the tears daring to spill from my eyes.

  He came and hugged me. “Don’t worry, Emma. We’ll get through this.”

  “Do you really think we’ll make it past the next gate?” I asked.

  “I think we stand a very good chance,” he answered. “Especially with Malachi and Dominic with us now, and after watching you today… I’d say you’re more than capable of holding your own.”

  “I don’t understand what happened to me. It must have been the suit or the dagger that helped me. They gave me the strength to do what I needed to do.”

  “No,” he shook his head. “It was you, Emma. The suit and the dagger only enhance what is already inside of you. You have the power to make a difference. When faced with a deadly decision, you charged forward instead of staying back and watching, and it
was that decision that saved Dominic’s life.

  “If you had paused, even for a moment, right now there would be two tragedies, and three of us left. You saved him and saved the rest of us. That’s not something that can be taught. It’s something you’re born with.”

  I couldn’t really grasp the full extent of what he was saying, because I was still unsure of what I could do in my new skin. This new world, this dark world of death and torment… was burying me alive.

  Dominic made a sound, and we both turned to him. He looked so peaceful, and was finally free from his pain and suffering. He was now resting and healing. Malachi was turned away from us, and looked like he was sound asleep.

  “So what do we do now?” I asked quietly.

  “We wait. Once Dom’s arm heals we will be able to plan the next step,” he answered. He grabbed his small pack and placing it on the ground. He then lay down, and placed his head on it.

  “Do you think they’ll let us see him? Lucifer?” I asked.

  “I have high hopes,” he said, yawning.

  He must have been exhausted, and we were safe for now. Samuel and Malachi were not under the sleeper, so they would be on full guard.

  “Emma, you should get some sleep. And, don’t worry, we will wake you if anything happens,” Samuel whispered.

  “I don’t think I can. Not after what happened.”

  “Do you need some help?” he smiled.

  I nodded. I really needed some help, especially with the constant horrors playing over and over in my mind.

  “You comfortable?” he asked.

  I tried to lie down in the most comfortable position I could. Samuel leaned over and brushed the hair away, which was stuck on my cheek. “Sleep sweet, my daughter.”

  My eyes suddenly became heavy, and my brain started tingling and became numb. Soon, my world faded to black.

  Chapter 15

  Samuel gently nudged my shoulder to get up, and when he did, I realized that we were still in Hell. I was still in the nightmare. My reality was the nightmare, and it wasn’t going to go away. I had wished that when I opened my eyes that Danyel would still be alive, Kade would be with me as an immortal, or that I’d be back in Los Angeles with my mom and dad. But that wasn’t going to happen, and I had to deal with it. We all had to deal with it.


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