Book Read Free

Prairie Fever

Page 1

by Tessa Layne



  (Book 7)


  Shady Layne Media

  Copyright © 2018 by Tessa Layne

  EPUB Edition ISBN-13: 978-1-948526-03-6

  Cover Art by Razzle Dazzle Design

  Published by Shady Layne Media

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, stored, or transmitted in any form or in any manner without written permission except in the case of brief quotations included in critical articles and reviews. For information, please contact the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of copious amounts of wine, long walks, and the author’s overactive imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Welcome to Prairie!

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  About Prairie Redemption

  The Cowboys of the Flint Hills Series



  Where the cowboys are sexy as sin, the women are smart and sassy, and everyone gets their Happily Ever After!

  Prairie is a fictional small town in the heart of the Flint Hills, Kansas – the original Wild West. Here, you’ll meet the Sinclaire family, descended from French fur-trappers and residents of the area since the 1850s. You’ll also meet the Hansens and the Graces, who’ve been ranching in the Flint Hills since right before the Civil War.

  Sharing a property line with the Graces are the heroes of Resolution Ranch, the men and women who’ve put their bodies on the line serving our country at home and abroad.

  Prairie embodies the best of western small town life. It’s a community where family, kindness, and respect are treasured. Where people pull together in times of trial, and yes… where the Cowboy Code of Honor is alive and well.

  Every novel is a stand-alone book where the characters get their HEA, but you’ll get to know a cast of secondary characters along the way.

  Join my newsletter for updates and sneak peeks on my next book

  Additional books in the series:

  PRAIRIE HEAT – Blake Sinclaire & Maddie Hansen (on sale now!)

  PRAIRIE PASSION – Brodie Sinclaire & Jamey O’Neill (on sale now!)

  PRAIRIE DESIRE – Ben Sinclaire & Hope Hansen (on sale now!)

  PRAIRIE STORM – Axel Hansen & Haley Cooper (on sale now!)

  PRAIRIE FIRE – Parker Hansen & Cassidy Grace (on sale now!)

  PRAIRIE DEVIL – Colton Kincaid & Lydia Grace (on sale now!)

  PRAIRIE FEVER – Gunnar Hansen & Suzannah Winslow (on sale now!)

  PRAIRIE REDEMPTION – Cody Hansen & Carolina Grace (Coming Nov. 2018)

  PRAIRIE BLISS – Jarrod O’Neill & Lexi Grace

  PRAIRIE REDEMPTION (Book 8 in the Cowboys of the Flint Hills Series)

  Two broken hearts…

  A career-ending injury from a bull named Damnation has stopped Cody Hansen’s life in its tracks and sent him home to Prairie to lick his wounds. Refusing to accept his career is over, he limps into the office of physical therapist Carolina Grace. The sweet girl next door is now all woman, and Cody can’t deny his attraction. But nothing—not even love—will deter him from returning to the arena.

  Carolina Grace is unlucky in love. Two times she’s been left at the altar. Once is a mistake. Twice is a pattern. She really doesn’t wanna know what three times would be, so despite the best efforts of Prairie’s well-intentioned matchmakers, she’s locked up her heart and thrown away the key. Until old friend Cody Hansen hobbles into her office. In spite of her good intentions, she can’t help but fall straight into his arms—and his bed.

  Are they brave enough for one last risk?

  Will the third time be the charm for Carolina? Or will Cody’s stubbornness cost him everything? Even his life?

  Do you like a dose of military with your cowboys?

  Meet the Heroes of Resolution Ranch

  Inspired by the real work of Heroes & Horses… Chances are, someone you know, someone you love has served in the military. And chances are, they’ve struggled with re-entry into civilian life. The folks of Prairie are no different. With the biggest Army base in the country, Fort Riley, located in the heart of the Flint Hills, the war has come home to Prairie.

  Join me as we discover Travis Kincaid’s story and learn how he copes in the aftermath of a mission gone wrong. Meet Sterling, who never expected to return to Prairie after he left for West Point. Fall in love with Cash as he learns to trust himself again. Laugh with Jason and Weston as they fall in love with the sassy ladies of Prairie. Same Flint Hills setting, same cast of friendly, funny, and heartwarming characters, same twists and surprises that will keep you up all night turning the pages.

  A HERO’S HONOR – Travis Kincaid & Elaine Ryder (On Sale Now)

  A HERO’S HEART – Sterling Walker & Emma Sinclaire (On Sale Now)

  A HERO’S HAVEN – Cash Aiken & Kaycee Starr (On Sale Now)

  A HERO’S HOME – Jason Case & Millie Prescott (On Sale Now)

  A HERO’S HOPE – Weston Tucker and Jeanine Turner

  Help a Hero – Read a Cowboy

  KISS ME COWBOY – A Box Set for Veterans

  Six Western Romance authors have joined up to support their favorite charity – Heroes & Horses – and offer you this sexy box set with Six Full Length Cowboy Novels, filled with steamy kisses and HEA’s. Grab your copy and help an American Hero today!

  **All proceeds go to Heroes & Horses**

  Visit for more titles & release info

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  Gunnar Hansen cursed silently as the phone in his rear pocket vibrated furiously. He’d lost count of how many times it had gone off in the last thirty minutes. Too many damn times. Shaking his head, he turned back to the new mare he’d spent the afternoon training.

  As far as he was concerned, this day could go to hell.

  The phone rang again. “What?” he barked, not bothering to check the ID. It didn’t matter who it was, anyone bothering to call was bound to be pissed.

  The mare tensed, flicking her ears, and he patted her neck absently as Dottie Grace’s voice crackled through the speaker. “Calm down, calm down. Take a big ole breath and untwist your britches, for a second, will you?”

  Gunnar took a steadying breath. It wouldn’t do to piss her off more than he already had. She’d covered for him more than enough over the last few months. “I know, I know. I’m sorry. Day got shot to hell when the farrier’s truck broke down outside of Ottawa. I swear I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  Dottie chuckled. “It’s always something with you lately, Gunnar. Makes me think you’re not interested in being head of the clinic board.”

  “No, no.” Gunnar s
hook his head. “That’s not it at all.” Okay, maybe it was a little bit, but he wasn’t about to shirk his family responsibility. After all, he was the oldest Hansen, and resigning from the board would break his cousin Maddie’s heart. With no family and no wife, he was the logical choice, the only choice. Everyone else was caught up in Prairie’s mini baby boom. Maddie and his sister, Hope, were both pregnant, and his little brother was happily settled in Oklahoma, also with a new baby. He grimaced inwardly. Being alone at thirty-two hadn’t been his choice, but after what happened last time, he wasn’t about to go down the marriage and baby road again. No, sirree. He’d grow old running Hansen Stables and the Warren G. Hansen Memorial Clinic Board, and that would be that. Let him play the fun uncle to his nieces and nephews.

  Gunnar ran a hand through his sweat-slicked hair, fighting exhaustion. His plate might be overfull, but he’d manage. “I’m happy to run the board, Dottie. I wouldn’t let you down like that. I’m sorry it’s been crazy lately.”

  Dottie harrumphed. “And don’t you dare come runnin’ in, stinking to high heaven like you did at the last board meeting. We know you’re busy, but for God’s sake, we don’t want to scare off Dr. Winslow. She only just got here. She’s a pretty thing, too,” Dottie said after a pause.

  “Oh no,” Gunnar protested, clenching his jaw. “You and your posse of granny wannabes need to let up. Not interested. Especially when Dr. Winslow reports to the head of the board.”

  Dottie clucked. “We both know small towns work differently. Besides you have an entire board to keep you in check.”

  “And you know there are plenty of babies in this town on the way already. Without me.” He emphasized the last two words in case Dottie misunderstood. Not that she would. The woman didn’t miss a thing.

  “Can you be here in an hour? I’m not waiting any longer to put out the pies.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  It took the better part of an hour to get Sugar groomed and settled, adding to Gunnar’s already sour mood. He couldn’t help that the mare was naturally high-strung, and still skittish of her new surroundings. All he could do was stay calm and give her as much time as she needed to settle. If the board couldn’t understand that, then fuck ’em. He wasn’t going to traumatize a good animal for a party. If he had to make his apologies to the good doctor after the fact, then he’d do that. She was going to have to learn how country time worked anyway.

  As he cleaned up, Gunnar’s thoughts turned to Dottie’s remarks. So the new Dr. Winslow was a looker? She’d have no shortage of would-be boyfriends, then. In fact, he grinned tightly, if she fell in love with a local and got married, then she’d certainly stay beyond her five-year commitment. All the better for the town’s investment. Let someone pursue her, so long as it wasn’t him. Until Hansen Stables financial picture was more secure, he had his hands full at home.

  On the dresser, Gunnar’s phone vibrated. He grabbed it, glancing down.

  Ma: Are you coming?!? Dessert is almost over.


  G: Tell Dottie I’m on my way… I swear.

  Ma: The new Dr. is very nice :)

  Great. Not her too. She wanted grandbabies so desperately. Especially now that his father was slowing down. It didn’t matter that one granddaughter was only a few hours away, or that Hope was expecting. It was like some kind of a contest with the older women in town. “She who has the most grandchildren wins,” he muttered, jamming the phone in his back pocket and slamming the door behind him.

  The tires squealed as they made contact with the pavement. If he pushed his speed, he could get to the diner in under fifteen minutes. As long as he didn’t get stuck behind a tractor. This time of year, anything was possible. He sped along the main road leading to Prairie’s Main Street, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel and rehearsing his apology speech to the new doctor. Now that he was on his way, guilt settled in his belly. He’d dodged Dottie’s questions for months about why he’d blown off the search process for a town doctor. Why he’d been uninterested from the get-go, and willing to let the board do whatever they saw fit. He trusted them implicitly – at least that had been his line with Dottie, who gave him the stink-eye every time he waved her off, saying it was more important for the board to have ownership of the process.

  What a load of horse shit.

  Dottie knew it too, but she’d never figured out why. He’d played those cards too close to the vest. The only one in town who knew the truth was his cousin, Parker, who’d kindly kept his mouth shut about the real reason Gunnar had taken a hands-off approach to the whole thing.


  4 1/2 Years Earlier

  Parker checked his watch impatiently. “Dude. Colton Kincaid’s going to ride at eight. If we don’t leave soon, we’re going to miss him. The Strip’s already at a standstill.

  “Just a few more minutes,” Gunnar growled. “Something must have happened.”

  Parker smirked, arching a brow. “I think your balls have been busted.”

  “Fuck you,” he snapped. “Suzannah’s not that type of woman.”

  The look on Parker’s face said otherwise. “I think you left your thinking brain back in Prairie. C’mon. Who falls in love and gets married this fast?” Parker opened his hands. “Sure, we’ve all been in instalove at one point or another, but even I know you don’t know this chick well enough to marry her.”

  “She’s not a chick,” Gunnar bit out, looking to his brother for help. Axel just shrugged, giving him a look that said “Sorry, dude.” Fuck him. Fuck them. They didn’t understand. How could he even begin to explain what the last three days had been like? He could barely articulate it himself, but he knew. He knew with the deepest part of himself that Suzannah Marie Harper was the woman he was destined to spend his life with. Fate had brought them together. He was certain of it. And while it might seem irrational to onlookers, heck – his parents would shit their pants when he returned home to Prairie and announced he’d gotten married in Vegas – this was the sanest decision he’d ever made.

  An hour and three drive-through weddings later, still no Suzannah. Parker shook his head grimly. “I’m outta here. Wait if you want, but I’m not gonna miss Colton’s big ride. Not with the championship on the line.” Parker tilted his chin. “Axe, what are you doing?”

  Gunnar’s stomach dropped to his boot heels.

  Axel shot him a guilty look. “I’m sorry, man.”

  Pain knifed through Gunnar. His chest burned and he scrubbed a hand across his jaw, letting out a ragged breath. “Go.” He waved his brother off. “I’m gonna wait a bit longer.”

  The look in Axel’s eyes shot straight through him. He was a fucking idiot. He’d been played. And Axel was too nice to point it out. She couldn’t have played him. This felt all wrong. “You sure?” Axel asked. “If you want me to stay…” his voice trailed off.

  He shook his head once, stomach hollow. He’d face his humiliation alone. “I’ll be all right.” Somehow.

  “Do we need to set a rendezvous point?”

  Gunnar barked out a laugh. “If she shows, the first place we’ll go is the phone store so I can text your sorry disbelieving ass a photo.”

  “And if she doesn’t?”

  The words gored him like a raging rodeo bull. “Then you can find me in the hotel bar.”

  Axel gave him a crooked smile and grabbed his shoulder. “I’ll look for the text.”

  He wouldn’t. Axel knew what he wasn’t ready to admit yet. She wasn’t coming.


  Lights flashed in the rear-view, and the blip of the police siren sounded. Motherfucker. Gunnar glanced down at his speedometer as he hit the brakes. This day could just go to hell. Hopefully Prairie’s police chief, Weston Tucker, had tagged him and not one of the recruits. Weston understood how Dottie could be when she got a bee in her bonnet. He also knew about the welcome party for the new doctor. Heck, he’d probably stopped in himself.

  Gunnar rolled to a stop on the sh
oulder, giving a sigh of relief when he saw Weston step out of the SUV and adjust his aviators. He rolled down the window and nodded a greeting. “Sorry, man. My brain was elsewhere. Dottie’s fit to be tied that I’ve missed most of the welcome party for Dr. Winslow.”

  Weston adjusted his stance and crossed his arms, shaking his head. “Do you know how fast you were going?”

  “Shit, I don’t know. Fifty? I’ve been running late all day.”

  Weston shook his head slowly. “Wanna guess again?”

  He couldn’t have been going that fast. Weston was a stickler for drivers observing the speed limit. Everyone knew it, too. “Sixty?”


  “I can explain,” Gunnar started. Weston seriously wouldn’t give him a ticket, would he? Heck, they’d just sold the guy a horse he was crazy about.

  Weston cut him off. “I can’t let eighty-two in a forty-five slide. At that speed, you’re a danger to yourself and everyone else on the road.” He pulled out a small clipboard.

  Gunnar dropped his head back against the seat. “Dottie’s gonna kill me.”

  “Better a tongue lashing than vehicular homicide.”

  He knew better than to argue. Weston was a hard-ass. And that’s what made him a great police chief. It didn’t matter how much he liked you, he had no problem giving you a ticket when you deserved one.

  The phone buzzed from its place on the console. Who was it this time? Dottie? His mom? Maddie? His sister? A weight settled across his chest. He hated letting them down, and right now it felt like that’s all he’d done lately. He held out his hand for the ticket. “Can I go now?”

  Weston signed the ticket with a flourish. “I dropped it to thirty over. Still a hefty fine, but you won’t get your license yanked. Slow the fuck down, okay?”

  Gunner nodded, clamping down on the smart-ass retort on the tip of his tongue. He fell in behind Weston’s SUV and drove the remaining distance to Main Street doing five under. The parking lot was virtually empty when he pulled in. Not a good sign. Worse, he didn’t recognize any of the vehicles. His parents must have hit Gino’s Trattoria for a late dinner. Maybe he could join them after he’d accepted his tongue-lashing and drown his sorrows in a bowl of spumoni. Shutting the door with too much force, he rolled back his shoulders, jammed on his hat, and rounded the corner to the entrance. Normally a welcome sound, the bells jangled too brightly, announcing his arrival.


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