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The Knightpunk Code

Page 21

by Kory Shen

  Maybe if I captured someone, like Lexley. I shuddered, wondering whether Mira had ever been used like that before. She was always so polite and cheerful, but what if Mira had a dark past? Thinking about that would do no good.

  I would go find Vimm today. I could sneak around better without the suit, anyway.

  Having made up my mind, I changed into a tunic and a pair of boots I found in the room. They fit me perfectly. It had to be Genna. Reliable boots, eh? I smiled as I stepped into the hallway. How was I supposed to find the others to tell them where I was going?

  I reached the end of the corridor and nearly ran into something red and white. Kuri. She was wearing her same clothes, but they were somehow still in pristine condition. Maybe it was magic.

  "The clothes fit you?" Kuri asked.

  "Perfectly. Genna knows my size—"

  "I picked them out."

  I looked at the boots on my feet. Kuri knew my size? "Oh. Thanks. Do you know where Genna is? I'm going to head out to find Vimm."

  Kuri's brows furrowed. "Is that wise? They're still looking for you. Isn't it better to stay here? Until your suit is mended?"

  "It'll be fine. I practically grew up a wanted criminal. How do I find Genna?"

  "I'll come with you."

  "No, you'll stick out too much. I just want to tell Genna where I'm going in case anything happens. Actually, I'm in a rush. Could you tell her?"

  Kuri's mouth pressed together tightly. "I'm not your handmaiden. You can tell her yourself." She spun on her heels to walk away.

  I watched her retreating figure briefly before running up to her. I grabbed her lightly by the shoulder. She stopped.

  "Kuri." She didn't turn, so I stepped in front of her. "Kuri. Genna's my closest friend. We grew up together. She's always been there for me."

  "That's wonderful," Kuri said. She moved to step past me. I held up my hand.

  "Kuri." For once, my tongue felt like molasses. Vimm would have paid a fortune to see me now. I scratched my head. "Kuri, you risked your life to save me, more than once. You know I'd do the same for you, that you're important to me, right? I owe you a debt. Big time."

  Kuri raised her chin in the air, looking every bit in that moment like a princess. "Is that so?" she asked.

  I nodded furiously. "Yeah."

  "So I'm a debt collector. Part of your duty."

  Fucking Yora. Genna never played those kinds of games with me, and I wasn't too interested in starting now. "Come on, Kuri. Let's keep it straight. Genna and I have always known we were going to be part of each other's lives. But life is complicated. I like you. A lot. You're fucking amazing, not to mention gorgeous…" Shit. Where was I going with this?

  Kuri gave me a flat look. "You were saying I was amazing. And gorgeous."

  "All I know is that you're awesome, and I want to beat the shit out of Lexley with you at my side. Okay?"

  Kuri nodded. "That sounds amicable."

  "Yeah," I said. "Very amicable." Definitely talking like a princess. "But I have to find Vimm now. Can you tell Genna?"

  Kuri sighed. "I'll tell Genna."

  "You're the best." I gave her a tight hug, then turned and left before she could protest.

  Who says I didn't know how to deal with princesses?

  * * *

  I left the Temple's grand building and made my way through the city, my face half-hidden by a drab gray scarf. As long as I kept my head down and didn't attract attention, staying hidden on the open streets wasn't hard. I even walked right past several Sentinels. Being on the run was just another day for Vimm's crew.

  No, that wasn't quite true. This time, Lexley had made it personal.

  I headed further into the city, towards one of the grimier parts, but not Vimm's old headquarters. There was another reason I didn't want Kuri following me on this trip. I was headed to the Whore's District.

  Vimm had a backup headquarters, really just a small room underneath one of the whorehouses. The boys would be thrilled to go there, only to find out how dirty and depressing that little room was. I should know. I had been there once. It stank of sewage and had rats. There was a reason no one else wanted the little room.

  I walked until I saw three red candles in the window of a nondescript building. I circled around to the back of the brothel and banged on a small round door.

  I waited for a minute, but no one replied. I turned to leave, when something hit me on the side of my head and bounced to the ground. I bent down to pick it up. It was a fat green grape.

  "Up here!" someone called.

  "Quiet, you idiot!" someone else said.

  Tavi's head stuck out of a window on the upper floors of the whorehouse. "Hey, Jaks—"

  Someone yanked him back inside sharply. I heard more cursing. "Hold on," someone called.

  I walked to the front door of the whorehouse. It opened.

  "Jaks!" Lars, Ollie, and Tavi were standing in the open doorway. Behind them, I saw scantily dressed women lounging on well-cushioned sofas.

  "Are you boys supposed to be here?" I asked, stepping inside.

  "It's awesome!" Lars said.

  "The best ever!" Tavi nodded eagerly.

  Ollie just grinned, eyeing the women around us.

  Vimm came down the staircase slowly, his cane thumping with each step. "Jakson," he said when he reached the bottom.

  "You didn't have to come down," I said. "But what's all this? The last time I was here, you made me stay in that shithole under the building."

  "You were too young then."

  I pointed at the boys. "And they're not?"

  Vimm shrugged. "Times change."

  Lars high-fived Tavi, then went off to sit next to one of the women. She smiled back at him like a hungry cat. Fucking Yora.

  "What brings you here?" Vimm asked in a calm voice.

  "Me? What about you? I tried to send a warning, but it sounded like you dumped the old headquarters. What happened?"

  Vimm's eyes flicked back towards the staircase. "We'll talk upstairs." He turned to the others. "Boys? You wait here, and behave. Remember the house rules. You touch it, you pay for it. And I'm not paying for you."

  "Got it, boss!" Ollie said cheerfully, taking his own seat next to a woman that had to be three times older than him.

  I rolled my eyes, then headed up the staircase behind Vimm.

  We walked down a hallway with rooms on both sides. I only heard heavy thumping behind one of the doors. Figured. It was barely past noon.

  At the end of the hallway was a smaller door with an iron lock. Vimm reached into his tunic and pulled out the matching key, opening the door for me.

  "Please," he said.

  "Age before beauty," I replied.

  Vimm grunted. "Since when did you become a gentleman. You're sending me first in case of traps."

  I grinned. "I learned from the best."

  Vimm chuckled and walked into the room. It was a tiny room, but cozy. There were no beds, only a desk and chair, presumably for Vimm, and a bunch of blankets off to one side. Keeping three teenagers in here must have been a nightmare.

  "Times are hard," Vimm said, watching me take in the surroundings. "From rags to riches, and back to rags," he said, nodding at the blankets.

  "Really? I know you have a hoard of gold locked up somewhere. Once this blows over, you'll be right back where you used to be. Cranky as usual."

  Vimm moved to his desk. I leaned on the wall across from him.

  "You don't need to sit?" Vimm asked. "I heard they did a number on you."

  That surprised me. "Who'd you hear that from?" Only Lexley's cronies had been at the scene, and it seemed like Lexley had intended to keep the whole thing under wraps, other than to blame me for everything.

  When I didn't move, Vimm shrugged and sat in his chair. "Information can be bought. As can protection. For a steep price."

  "How much does a Champion's loyalty cost, anyway?" If Vimm had paid access to the inner workings of the Champions themselves, his hoard
might have been depleted more than I had thought.

  "Not a Champion. But there are eyes and ears everywhere. But not everyone can be trusted. Tell me, Jakson. What happened?"

  I shared with Vimm the events of the last two days, only leaving out parts about Kuri, the Temple, and my armor's workings. Keeping secrets from Vimm didn't seem right, but it was too much for anyone else. Maybe it was too much for me. How did Genna handle it, knowing so many secrets with her mind reading?

  While I talked, Vimm didn't speak, only nodding on occasion. When I finished, he nodded once more.

  "And that brings you to us," he said. "I'll spare you the details from our side. But we heard there was trouble, and I took the precaution of moving us here." Vimm wiped his forehead. "That was a close one, Jakson. I don't like it."

  "Me neither. I don't know what to do. See the king to set things straight? Find Lexley and beat him to a pulp?"

  Vimm squinted at me. "The Temple. They healed you? It must have cost a fortune."

  "Well, Genna talked them into it." I hoped she had. They hadn't mentioned anything about payment. Fixing Mira through my body was adding an even heavier burden to their healing duties. I frowned. No one handed out powerful magic like that for free. They would want something in return, if not now, later.

  "What is it?" Vimm asked.

  "Nothing. I'll deal with it when I have to. What are you going to do, Vimm? Run? Wait it out?"

  "I'm too old to run. Plus, I wouldn't know where to go. These streets are where I was born, and these streets are where I'll die."

  "Fuck that. No one's dying here."

  Vimm crossed his arms and rubbed his sides as if he was chilly. "When you've been around as long as me, you start to know stuff you can't explain." He leaned forward. "These streets. They tell me things, things that only I can hear. The times are changing. My time is coming to an end."

  The times are changing. He had said that twice now.

  I wished I could dismiss Vimm's words as an old man's nerves, but I knew he was right. The murmurs of rebellion from the people. The attack on the king. Lexley's deception. Lady Dyann's warning.

  The city was a bucket of oil waiting for someone to strike a match and set it all ablaze.

  "Don't talk like that, Vimm," I said. "I might think you're not a handsome young lad like me anymore."

  "Handsome?" Vimm snorted. "You're a puddle of half-dried piss compared to my good looks."

  I grinned, enjoying a piece of something that would be long gone some day, if it wasn't already.

  "I'm thinking of talking to the king," I said. "Do you think he'll listen to my side of the story?"

  Vimm shook his head. "I don't know the king. He is your…father." Vimm pounded the desk, hard. "Damn it, Jakson. I told you. Once you start standing up, getting noticed, shit happens. Better to crawl and learn to hide."

  My eyes widened in surprise. Vimm's eyes were turning red.

  "Is it so bad? What I gave you?" he asked. "It might not be a fancy life like the knights and ladies, but at least you get to live."

  "Vimm, stop that. You're scaring me." Vimm was a mean old fucker. A tough piece of leather that you'd chew up and spit out, and still not make a dent in it. This wasn't Vimm.


  He reached inside his tunic again, pulling out a key. This one had a golden hue, different from the one that locked the door.

  He tossed the key to me. I caught it easily. It was warm. He had kept this one close to his bare chest.

  "What is this?"

  "If something happens—"

  "Shut the fuck up!" I stepped forward, ready to slam the key back into his face.

  He stood up, without his cane, his bad leg shaking. "You shut your mouth and listen, boy. Don't make me beat you." It was the voice he had used on me when I was a young brat, a voice I hadn't heard in years.

  I raised my hands and lowered my head. "Yes, Vimm."

  He sat down again. "If something happens to me, if I'm gone, go back to the old place. There's a false wall on the east side of the cellar. This key will open it."

  I held my tongue and nodded. "Yes, Vimm."

  "Only if I'm gone, you hear me? Promise me?"

  "I promise." I clutched the key tightly. "I have no regrets about my past, Vimm. This isn't just about my life, though. It's about others, too."

  "Your girl?" he asked with a faint smile.

  "Yes, but no. You said the times are changing. When things are changing, who says that a push here or there can't make things go the right way?"

  "The right way?" Vimm looked amused. "You realize I'm a crook. That I trained you be a crook."

  "You know what I mean. Even us thieves have…honor. There's a proper way to act on the streets. If someone didn't behave out there, you'd set him straight. You set me straight."

  "Hm. So I did. What about your lofty Champions? The Knight Sentinels."

  I shook my head. "I'll see what the king says, but that's likely lost to me." I spoke more quietly. "There has to be another way. I still have my armor, and armor is power."

  "Careful, Jakson," Vimm said with a slight frown. "Don't let the power get to your head, or you'll just be another punk in fancy metal clothes."

  I smiled. "Don't worry, Vimm. My head's big enough to take it."

  "Dear Yora save us all. That's what I worry about."

  We looked at each other for another moment. The man had made me who I was. I held back my own tears, still clutching the golden key.

  "I should get going, before Lexley has time to cause an even bigger ruckus."

  Vimm gave me a slight nod, then turned to some papers on his desk.

  I made my way down the hall and to the first floor.

  Tavi was sipping what looked like wine with a woman wearing nothing but a scandalously thin wrap. He jumped up when he saw me.

  "Where you going, Jaks?" Tavi asked.

  "To deal with shit," I replied.

  "How's the suit?"

  I tilted my head at the women lounging in the room. "Tavi. This isn't the place to talk about things."

  Lars and Ollie had joined him. "We'll go with you. You can tell us along the way," Ollie said.

  Lars looked back at the women around. "Yeah, it's a nice view here, but they won't do anything but chat. I'm getting bored of seeing tits."

  I raised an eyebrow. "Never thought I'd here you say that. But, no. You can't follow me. It's too dangerous."

  "Come on. Our job is to take down Sentinels. We're not afraid," Ollie said.

  "Yeah!" the others added.

  "Shush! You want to get hanged?" I looked uneasily around the room again, but the women appeared to be ignoring us.

  I could tell the boys to stay behind, but I knew what they'd do. What I would do in the same situation. There was no way they'd stay put.

  I walked over to the nearest woman, a blonde with long legs and a shapely chest. She wore a silk cloak that was barely tied in the front. I could see everything.

  I kept my eyes on her face as I approached, fighting my other urges.

  "Excuse me, ma'am?"

  The blonde woman looked up. "Are you with them?" she asked, pointing at the boys. "The cranky old man will kill us if we touch any of them. Says they're too young."

  I tried to stand a little taller. "Well, I'm their mentor. Kind of like a big brother."

  She licked her lips and held out a hand. "Oh, is that so? I'm Sylvia. Business is a bit slow these days. How'd you like a sampler?"

  "That's a lovely offer, but I had something else in mind."

  "Oh?" Her smile grew wider. "What do you like? Don't be shy."

  "Could you do me a favor? Take care of the boys for a bit?"

  Sylvia frowned, then her eyes widened in understanding. "Are you suggesting…" She shook her head. "Big brother, huh? That's sweet of you, but I told you, the old man—"

  "No! Nothing of the sort." The boys were crowding around to hear what I was saying, but I glared at them and pushed the nearest one
, Lars, away. He stuck out his middle finger at me and backed away. I sat down next to Sylvia.

  I leaned closer to her. "Listen. I need you to keep them occupied for a while, and there's one thing they like better than looking at…uh…looking at beautiful women." I motioned for her to lean closer. "Gambling. You have any playing cards? Spot them a few coppers. The old man will pay for it."

  Sylvia leaned away from me and lifted her chin archly. "I'm not some nanny. What's in it for me?"

  "My gratitude?"

  "How big's your gratitude?" Her eyes slipped to my waist.

  Oh, for Yora's sake. She couldn't be serious. I didn't have time for this, not to mention that Genna would read my mind. Shit, I had to sort things out with Genna.

  Sylvia saw that I wouldn't give in so easily.

  "You have a suit? Like a suit of armor?" she asked.

  I scowled at the boys. The women had heard us, then.

  "Maybe. Yeah."

  "You're a knight?"

  "Sort of. I was."

  Sylvia rubbed her hands together excitedly. "You're one of the nice ones, like the ones in storybooks!" She sighed dreamily with a far-off look.

  "I said I'm not quite a knight anymore."

  "Close enough. Fine. If I take care of your boys, you treat me to a proper meal at a nice tavern. All lady-like with flowers, and…do you have a horse? Can you pick me up on a horse?"

  I shrugged. I supposed I could steal a horse if I had to.

  "You have a deal. A date with a knight, and you keep the boys busy here?"

  "Deal." Sylvia stuck her hand out. I shook it.

  "Pleasure doing business with you," Sylvia said.

  I got up and turned to the boys, who were waiting eagerly.

  "You go talk to Sylvia here. She has something special in mind for you."

  Their mouths dropped open. They raced to reach Sylvia first, fighting each other for a seat next to her.

  I left the building, chuckling, before they would notice I had gone.


  I walked quickly down the street out of the Whore's District and back towards the Temple. I didn't have a good idea of how to approach my father. After going through all the trouble to escape, walking up and knocking on the front gates didn't seem like a smart move.


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