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The Marine's Pet

Page 2

by Loki Renard

“Naughty girls who don’t train their dogs or clean their homes get spanked properly,” Austin replied. “That means over their panties and then on the bare.”


  “No buts,” he said firmly as he began spanking her again. He gave her what had to be at least twenty swats over her panties, sealing in the heat he’d started over her skirt. Sarah couldn’t believe he was still going, and she certainly couldn’t get her head around the idea that he intended to take her panties down too. The thought made her blush from the top of her head all the way down to her toes, and gave her a curious sensation in the very pit of her belly. Every swat made her squirm, and every squirm was making heat turn to something else. Austin’s palm was less than an inch from her pussy whenever he paused, and now that her skirt was no longer lending modesty to the proceedings, she was more aware of it than ever.

  Her body was reacting of its own accord, producing a traitorous wetness that she knew would soon soak through the gusset of her underwear, and even if it didn’t, it was going to be plainly visible when he made good on his promise to take her panties down.

  Whimpering softly, Sarah tried to quell her body’s reaction, but the more she tried tensing things and resisting the spanking, the more it hurt and the wetter she got.

  “Time for these to come down, I think,” Austin said. The words made her quiver, as did the way he let his fingertips drift under the lower hem of her panties, traveling along the reddened skin with a gentle touch.

  Sarah made no reply. What was the point? She had no control in any of this; he had made that much quite clear. All she could do was lie there over his lap, her hot bottom aching as he ran his strong fingers over her skin and hooked them in the waistband, drawing her panties down with what seemed to be a deliberate slowness. He wanted her to know she was being bared. He wanted her to feel every inch of her modesty disappearing as he slowly peeled down her underwear, stopping not when her panties were no longer covering her bottom, but letting them fall all the way down her legs until they tangled at her ankles.

  He let out a low whistle and passed his palm lightly over her reddened cheeks. “You’re gorgeous,” he said, catching her off-guard with the compliment. “Look at this bottom.” He patted her hot buttocks lightly, apparently pleased with the way they moved under his hand. “You were made to be spanked, Sarah,” he said. “There’s no doubt about it.”

  She did not have much to say in response to that. The lowering of her panties had not just left her bottom bare, it had exposed her pussy. It had meant that her clit was now pressing against the rough fabric of his jeans, and it meant that she was now completely distracted from almost everything besides where his fingers were going and how close they came to touching her lower lips.

  He swatted her bottom lightly, almost playfully. “You’ve gone very quiet,” he observed. “Is that because you’ve discovered you like this?”

  Sarah closed her eyes, though that made no difference at all. She was blushing so furiously the tips of her ears felt as though they were on fire. He knew what he was doing to her. She felt his hand slide over her bottom and then onto her outer thigh. He applied a little pressure, spreading her legs. She could have resisted, but she didn’t. She let him see the results of his spanking, the wet glistening slit of her pussy.

  “Oh, you do like this,” he said in husky, aroused tones. “You like this a lot.”

  His fingers drifted up her thigh and brushed gently against her outer lips. Sarah let out a little sigh. In spite of the heat and the ache, his caress was exquisite. The lightest touch was all it took to make her clit brim with excitement. She needed more from him. In that moment, she would have taken more spanking if it meant that she received another one of those brief caresses.

  The spanking began anew, but this time there was no fierce fire to the swats. This time he spanked her almost lightly, and each slap was interspersed with a caress to her pussy lips, a teasing touch that made the petals of her womanhood flower increasingly until his fingertips were dipping into her moisture and sliding into her body, penetrating her just barely.

  Sarah had long released all notion of propriety. She arched her bottom and held her red cheeks high, hoping that it would earn her a deeper touch. He chuckled and patted her bottom, his palm pausing for a moment as he seemed to be trying to make a decision.

  “Sit up,” he said, letting her have her freedom. She squirmed up to her knees, ending up beside him on the couch, looking at him quizzically. He didn’t seem to be done with her, but the spanking was clearly at an end.

  “Take your top off.”

  She hesitated for a moment, staring into his eyes. She saw no indecision there. He meant what he had said. He wanted her naked. And for some wild, completely hedonistic reason, she agreed. She pulled her blouse off over her head, revealing her bare breasts and belly to his gaze.

  His eyes roamed her body appreciatively. “Beautiful,” he said, reaching out to caress the underside of her left breast, his thumb brushing across her erect nipple.

  “Kneel up on the couch,” he said, making a new order. “Facing the back.”

  She did as she was told, caught in an erotic daze. She could not see him, but she felt his hand slide up her back and her neck and then his fingers tangled in her hair and he pulled gently, arching her naked body backwards.

  Sarah was completely in his thrall, her hips gyrating ceaselessly with carnal excitement as he held her in place. She heard the zipper of his jeans, then felt the brush of his long, hot, hard cock against her inner thigh. A brief spark of something like moral panic ignited at the realization that her handsome neighbor now held her completely naked and was poised with his cock at the last barrier of her resistance.

  “You took your spanking well,” he praised, patting her bottom with his free hand. “And taking your spanking well earns you a reward.”

  “Mmnnghh?” Sarah couldn’t quite find the words to respond to that. But what were words when her wetness was tracing down her inner thighs and her pussy was pulsating with need? She could smell her arousal, a feminine musk her body was releasing as it begged for more.

  “Because you’ve been such a good girl, I’m going to fuck you now,” he purred in her ear. Her hair was caught in his fist, her body arched as he moved his hips forward and thrust the bare length of his cock inside her without any hesitation or precaution. In less than a second he was buried deep inside her, her cunt wrapped around him like a tight glove, his hips pressing against her spanked bottom. The hand not in her hair moved from her hip around the front of her body. He slid his index and middle finger along either side of her clit and pinched lightly as he began to thrust inside her, long hard strokes that claimed her for his own.

  Held and fucked, Sarah could do nothing but take her pleasure. Her clit felt as hot and as tight as the skin on her bottom as Austin’s cock plundered her. He knew how to take a woman. He knew when to thrust hard and fast, and when to slow down and offer a few teasing strokes with just the head of his cock before burying himself deep inside her.

  Sarah had never made love like this before, never been taken by a man who had so roughly seduced her and left her unable to object to her own ravishment. She arched her hips back, welcoming every thrust, soft vocalizations becoming louder as he took her harder, grinding and thrusting until her pussy began to ache from the vigor of it all.

  Though she whimpered, he did not stop. His fingertips danced over her clitoris as his cock demanded her complete submission. He did not speak a word, but she knew what he wanted. He wanted her to cum on his thrusting rod. He wanted her to dissolve completely and give way to the tremors that were racing through her lower belly and rising to an uncontrollable crescendo as he bent her head forward and bit her swiftly on the back of her neck.

  She came hard, falling forward and being caught by the back of the couch as Austin clamped her hips in his hands and flooded her deepest places with his essence. He kept biting as he came and did not release her until the last drops of h
is cum had made their way inside her bare pussy.

  The force of the orgasm left her trembling and weak. Left to her own devices she would have slumped over the couch, but he gathered her close, cradled her on his lap, and kissed her over and over until she managed to find words.

  “W… what was that?”

  “That,” Austin said with a twinkle in his eye, “was the beginning of the rest of your life.”

  Chapter Two

  Three days after Austin claimed her and turned her life upside down, Sarah threw a party. It happened to be the same night that Austin had told her he was going to be out of town for the night, but that was a sheer, total, utter, completely unplanned coincidence. There was certainly no way Sarah had put off the party for two days so that Austin wouldn’t come over midway through and spank her in front of her artistic peers. And she definitely wasn’t planning on denying the party had happened if he asked about it later on. If it happened to slip her mind, oh well.

  Austin had promised that their lovemaking was the beginning of her new life and after she had recovered from his idea of sex, rules had been set. Rules about cleaning the house, walking Nunu, and maybe there had been something about not having loud parties anymore. She couldn’t quite allow herself to remember. There had also been the very firm reminder that if she broke any of his rules he would discipline her as he saw fit. But he was away for the night, and what he didn’t know certainly wouldn’t hurt her bottom.

  Truth be told, Sarah couldn’t quite believe any of it had happened. He had been growling on at her for months, but what had finally taken place between them had been so swift, so primal, so completely out of the realm of her normal experience that she really wasn’t sure she hadn’t imagined it.

  There was no time for wondering as her guests began to arrive, Seattle’s elitist of the artistical parading in one after the other, stashing e-bikes and picking up glasses of wine. The evening passed quickly in a whirlwind of artistic revelry and gay abandon. There were shenanigans of all kinds, paint was spilled, sculptures were made out of various food items, discussions were held simultaneously in English, French, and Italian, or what people insisted was French and Italian, though Sarah insisted that reading the back of imported foodstuffs didn’t count.

  Things were drunk and some things were smoked and other things were left to dissolve under people’s tongues and by the end of the evening Sarah was fairly convinced she was standing at the precipice of the end of the world, casting spells to the amazement of her compatriots.

  And then it went dark.


  She roused herself from what felt like more death than slumber. It was as if she was trying to swim through molasses just opening her eyes. When she eventually managed to pry her lids open, she found herself on the floor, looking up into the very concerned face of her lover.

  “Sarah, what happened?” Austin reached down and hauled her up to her feet. Unfortunately, her legs weren’t working so she slid back down his body almost all the way to the floor before he managed to catch her and pull her up against his hard frame.

  “I don’t know,” she said fuzzily. “I had a few friends over… a few drinks…”

  “How much did you drink?”

  “Maybe three?”

  “You had to have had more than three to be in this state.”

  “I think maybe there was something else,” she said. “Maybe a pill or something.”

  “Someone slipped you a pill?

  “No.” Sarah shook her head. “Everybody was taking them.”

  Austin’s eyes narrowed at her, then did a quick sweep of the room. “Where’s Nunu?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Austin propped her up on the couch like a ragdoll and went to look for the dog. Unfortunately, he was not successful. After several minutes of searching, it soon became apparent that Nunu was not in the house, her studio, or the garden for that matter. Nunu was gone.

  “The gate was open when I came in,” Austin said. “He’s likely run away.”

  “Nunu!” The word erupted from Sarah in a plaintive cry. She struggled to get to her feet, but failed in the act, plunking back down on the couch.

  “You’ve gotten yourself in a real mess, haven’t you,” Austin sighed. He slipped his arms around her and hefted her to her feet.

  “We have to find Nunu!”

  “I’ll call some of my friends and have them start a search around here,” Austin said. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  He steadied her on her feet for a moment, then swept her up into his arms when it became apparent that walking was going to be fairly risky business. Sarah was present enough to be simultaneously mortified and worried as he carried her into the bathroom, deposited her gently in the tub, and began stripping her clothes off.

  She could feel the disappointment coming off him in waves.

  “I’ve upset you, haven’t I.” She looked up at him under her lashes as he began taking his own shirt off.

  “Let’s not talk about that now,” Austin said, making her heart sink. He turned the shower on, dipping the showerhead to let the water run down behind her back as it warmed up.

  “I want to talk about it,” Sarah said. “Because I really didn’t mean to go this far, the evening just sort of got away from us…”

  “You don’t need to explain yourself,” Austin said, handing her the showerhead as he soaped a washcloth.

  Her expression crumpled in the face of his detached displeasure. “I can’t stand you being mad at me right now,” Sarah sobbed. “Please don’t be angry at me. Please.”

  He sighed as he kneeled down next to the tub. “You know I don’t condone this lifestyle,” he said. “And I thought we had an agreement. You were going to stay relatively sober. You were going to keep the place tidy. You were going to be a more responsible owner for your dog. I come here today, you’re passed out in a pile of filth, and Nunu is God knows where.”

  “I’m sorry,” Sarah said through tears. “I just got carried away. I had a drink and then another drink and then one more and then all of a sudden I was just…” She trailed off into tears as Austin took the showerhead from her hand and held it over her hunched shoulders, working the washcloth over her skin with more tender care than she really felt she deserved. Her head was pounding and her mouth was dry and her skin felt as though it was someone else’s. Only Austin’s touch kept her connected to the reality of the situation.

  She began sobbing so profusely, her tears fell like rain into the bathwater, creating ripples of misery. “I’m so awful,” she wailed. “I’m the worst owner there ever was, I don’t deserve anything good ever.”

  “Pull yourself together,” Austin said as he washed out the cloth. “There’s no point feeling sorry for yourself now.”

  His words were harsh but deserved. She had known better than to indulge so recklessly. The activities of the previous night were the sort of things she would have done when she was first out on her own and completely irresponsible.

  Austin was still cleaning her up, smoothing the cloth over her back and shoulders and subsequently over her breasts and stomach. He was not saying much, and Sarah was mostly occupied with trying not to snivel into the tub.

  “Let’s dry you off,” he said when every inch of her was washed clean. “And then we’ll go out and see if we can find that dog of yours.”

  Sarah was far too scared to look him in the eye, but she did as she was told and found her legs. All she could do now was try not to be too pathetic. All she could do now was find Nunu. She went and got dressed, not really expecting Austin to still be there when she was done putting her clothes on.

  She emerged from her bedroom in jeans and a slouch sweater, her normally riotous hair tied back behind her head. It was all she could do to look decent.

  “Hey,” she said as she found him in the lounge. “I’m sorry about this, I really am…”

  Austin looked at her with a blank expression that was more heart-wrenching than
any she’d ever seen on his face. “I’ll help you find Nunu,” he said. “That’s it.”

  “What do you mean that’s it?”

  “We’ll talk about it later,” he said. “We have to find the dog first.”

  She could sense what he meant. He was done with her. Men like Austin didn’t hang around dealing with other people’s shit.

  It was difficult to look for Nunu with her eyes fogged with tears. The world was smeary and messy and when she called his name it sounded like the high-pitched mournful wail of a cat. Austin had gone off in a different direction, leaving Sarah to her own devices in the search.

  Unfortunately, it all proved pointless. She traipsed around the neighborhood for what felt like hours calling the little dog’s name to no avail. When she returned home she found a missed call from her friend Matilda on her phone, which had been hidden under an empty wine bottle and a discarded pair of underwear that were not hers.

  She returned the call immediately, hoping against hope that it had something to do with Nunu, and not more bad news.

  “Sarah,” Matilda said as soon as she picked up. “I have your dog.”

  “You have Nunu!?”

  “Sorry,” Matilda said in space cadet tones. “I thought he was my handbag.”

  “How do you confuse a dog for a handbag?”

  “It wouldn’t be the first time my handbag moved around all mysterious,” Matilda said. “Last night was pretty out of this world. Anyway, you can come get him if you like. He’s trying to eat my couch. And I think he bit Stanley. Or maybe I did. It’s a bit of a blur. Best party ever, Sarah!”

  “I’ll be there right away,” Sarah said. “Don’t let him out, whatever you do. I’ll be right over.”

  “Was that news?” Austin had just come in after his own fruitless search. He still looked thoroughly pissed off. Sarah hadn’t known that his jaw was capable of being set quite that hard.

  “Good news,” she said, hanging up the phone. “My friend just called. She took Nunu home by mistake.”

  “Good,” Austin said. “Let’s go get him.”


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