This One’s For You

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This One’s For You Page 32

by Brandy Jellum

  Owen draped his arm around my shoulder and we started walking in sync. It started to sprinkle a block away from our door, and the floodgates opened as soon as we stepped inside the lobby. I looked through the large windows, thankful that we managed to make it back before it rained buckets on us.

  We walked across the tile floor toward the elevator when a voice called out my name, and I stopped dead in my tracks.

  “Brennan!” It was Trevor.

  I turned around, seeing all my brothers standing there, drenched in their clothes, and took off running toward them. It felt like it’d be forever since I saw them last when in reality it hadn’t been. I threw my arms around the twins first, before being swallowed by Damon’s bulky arms.

  “What are you guys doing here?” I asked, flicking my eyes between them. “I thought you weren’t coming down until later.”

  “Yeah, well, Trent here . . .” Trevor said, jutting his thumb toward his brother that was older than him by three minutes. “Wanted to catch you guys off guard, make sure Owen was on his best behavior, and keeping you happy.”

  “Trent,” I said, rolling my eyes. I started to protest, to tell him that he had nothing to worry about, and he cut me off.

  “I’m your brother first and foremost,” said Trent. “It’s my job to keep tabs on you and whoever you’re dating.”

  “It hasn’t even been two weeks since we left,” I retorted. “How much trouble could we get into in that short amount of time?”

  All three of my brothers looked at me, raising an eyebrow, silently asking if I had lost my mind. They didn’t need to jump into a fully detailed list of all the trouble Owen and I could get into. The thought made me blush.

  Whatever their reason was for arriving early, I was happy to see them. Owen had joined us by then, and did some weird handshake with my brothers. They high-fived one another, bumped fists, and pulled each other into a bro-hug.

  We made our way upstairs. The hall on our floor was relatively busy with people moving about. It was Friday, most classes were over by now, or the majority decided not to go. And while basketball games didn’t garner as much hype as the football team did, everywhere you looked all you saw was green and yellow. I heard Trent mutter under his breath but couldn’t make it out. I’m sure it was some sort of slam against the school. I wouldn’t put it past him.

  “I still don’t like the idea of you being in a coed dorm, Brenn,” Damon grumbled behind me.

  I glanced over my shoulder and smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ve got Owen here to protect me from all the raging testosterone.”

  “A thought I hate even more,” he retorted.

  I laughed lightly. I knew my brother meant well. He liked Owen, he just didn’t like the fact that his room was right across the hall. I hurried to my room, not waiting to give my brother time to dive into his lecture of how Owen being across the hall was a recipe for disaster. How it would be tempting for the both of us. He was my brother—I couldn’t blame him for being worried.

  I pushed open the door, laughing at something that Trevor had said, and jumped when I heard Amelia squeal. I looked toward her, seeing her in a pair of shorts and bra.

  “Hot damn, Brenn!” Trent exclaimed, then released a whistle. “I knew you said your roommate was hot but you didn’t tell me how hot she was.”

  “OUT!” I shouted. I waved my hands shooing them out the door. Everyone dispersed quickly, except for Trent, who had to basically be dragged out by the collar of his shirt. I looked over at Amelia, shaking my head and laughing to myself. “You really need to start locking the door when you’re changing.”

  “Eh, it doesn’t bother me,” she replied. “Why should I be embarrassed to show off my goods?”

  She grabbed a shirt off the end of her bed and pulled it on over her head. She fluffed her hair out of her collar, and pulled it into a ponytail. “Besides.” She sat down on her bed. “If you got it, flaunt it.”

  I rubbed my eyes, shaking my head again, and headed back to the door. “You guys can come in now.”

  Trent was the first one to stroll in. It took everything in my power not to burst into a fit of laughter as he attempted to walk like he had swagger or something. It was absolutely ridiculous.

  “Well, hello there,” Trent crooned. He slid to a stop in front of Amelia. He reached for her hand, bringing it to his lips. Who did the guy think he was? Rico Suave? “And you must be Amelia, right?”

  I noticed the smirk that played on her lips as she looked back at my brother. “Let me guess, you’re Trent, aren’t you?” she asked.

  “Don’t you know it, baby?” It was like someone had possessed my brother. He was acting like a damn fool.

  “Does this work on all the ladies?” Amelia asked. “Do they just throw themselves all over you?”

  “Well, yeah, I me—” Trent stuttered.

  She shook her head, brushing past him. She walked over to the closet, swaying her hips as she went. Trent’s face reddened with frustration. I don’t think he had ever been brushed off like that. I don’t think he was used to someone not falling for his charm—whatever that was. And she just crushed his ego. I couldn’t help the laughter that escaped me.

  Arms wrapped around my waist from behind, and I felt Owen’s breath as he whispered in my ear. “Amelia—one; your brother—zero. This is going to be an interesting night.”


  An interesting night it was indeed. Unfortunately, the basketball team didn’t win the game. My brothers had a field day with it. From the moment the buzzer sounded, they started in on the gloating. It continued as we made our way to a party that one of Owen’s friends was hosting.

  It felt slightly awkward going to a party with my brothers. I was painfully aware of their watchful eyes on me as soon as we entered the house a few blocks away from campus. The music was blaring. I gripped Owen’s hand has he led me through a sea of bodies. We made our way to the backyard, where it seemed another beer-pong tournament was being set up.

  Trent’s eyes lit up like the Fourth of July. If there was one thing he loved—it was beer-pong. He clasped Trevor’s shoulder, who didn’t share the same enthusiasm as his twin, and bounced on his feet.

  “Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Trent hollered. “Who’s with me?”

  He looked around our small group, his eyes landing on Amelia, and without warning he grabbed her by the hand, and dragged her into the direction where five tables were lined up.

  My two brothers and Owen seemed to be on guard, all in protective mode, and created a semicircle around me. If I didn’t adore the way they were looking at me, I’d be entirely embarrassed about it. Damon’s face was void of expression as he scanned the waves of people filing in and out of the house. He had been the only one that wasn’t thrilled about coming—except for me—but tagged along so he wouldn’t be sitting in my dorm room alone.

  A few of Owen’s friends came over, and he introduced everyone. I wanted to laugh every time he introduced me as his girlfriend. Though most of the campus had put two and two together when school started back up, it was hard for them to hide their surprise when Owen confirmed it himself. It made me feel a little awkward and uncomfortable.

  A little while later, Amelia and a very unbalanced Trent made their way back over to us. His arm was hanging around her shoulder, and I couldn’t tell if she was amused or annoyed by this.

  Trent took a stance—if that’s what you’d call it—next to me, draping his other arm around my shoulder. I turned away, cringing as he breathed in my face. The foul scent of what seemed like rubbing alcohol and barley assaulted my nostrils.

  “This gurlll sucksss at ponggg . . .” he slurred his words. “I need a new partnnner. Who’s with meee?”

  “Hey!” Amelia said, throwing his arm away from her shoulder. “I never said I was any good.”

  Trent swayed on his feet, fighting to stay upright. What he had to drink while he was off with Amelia, I hadn’t the slightest clue, but it was enoug
h to affect him like this.

  Trent clapped Owen’s shoulder. “My brother? You innn?”

  Then he did the unthinkable, he puckered his lower lip and batted his eyelashes. A total chick move. I laughed loudly. Not only was he acting ridiculous, but now he looked the part too. But it seemed to working. Owen glanced at me, silently asking if it was okay.

  “Go!” I told him.

  He grinned from ear to ear and placed a kiss against my temple. He patted my brother’s back, and off the two of them went.

  As I watched Owen’s tall frame and head full of blond hair disappear into the crowd, my eyes fell on Callen. People stopped him as he wove through the crowd, giving him props on the game tonight, despite the fact that they lost.

  Callen was good. No, he was better than good—he was phenomenal. He had the makings of playing basketball at a professional level and going far with his career if he truly wanted to give it a go.

  He had a wide grin on his face as he walked over to our group. He didn’t give my brothers a second look before pulling me into a hug. He smelled like soap mixed with his rich cologne.

  “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever,” he said, pulling back to look at me.

  “Yeah, well, if someone wasn’t so busy avoiding us, you’d see us more.”

  Callen’s face fell. He glanced over at Amelia, his eyes cold, and his lips pulled into a tight line. “Hey,” he said roughly.

  “Hey,” she answered back just as coldly.

  I had to do a double take. It was strange to see them greet each other in such a manner. Whenever the two of them were together, my rib cage usually took a beating. I was about to ask them what was going on when Damon cleared his throat next to me.

  “Oh!” I exclaimed. “Callen, these are my brothers, Damon and Trevor,” I said, first pointing to Damon then Trevor. “Guys, this is my friend, Callen.”

  “Hey, man,” Trevor surprisingly said first. He was the conservative one of my brothers and usually kept to himself. “You played a great game tonight.”

  “Thanks, still didn’t snag the big W, though.” Callen replied.

  “Well, you can’t win them all,” Damon chimed in. He extended his hand toward him, and they shook. “Nice to meet you. My sister’s told us a lot about you.”

  I caught the way Callen’s face flushed. He chuckled lightly, and said, “It’s probably all lies.”

  “That’s for sure,” Amelia spoke up.

  I narrowed my eyes, zooming in on her. What the hell was going on? I saw Callen roll his shoulders out the corner of my eye, and watched as he shifted his weight uncomfortably between each foot. I looked to my brothers to see if they noticed the hostility between the two of them, but they were too busy scanning the crowd again.

  I gave the crowd a look over, my eyes meeting Owen’s as he headed toward us, with a sloppily intoxicated Trent hanging off him.

  “I thought the two of you were joining in on the festivities?” I asked, the two of them coming a stop in front of us.

  “Yeah, well, that was until this guy here—” Owen nodded to my brother “—decided that he was going to basically fall over onto the table. Can’t really play if my partner can’t stand upright.”

  I looked to Amelia. “Just exactly how much did he drink while you two were off?”

  “I tried to stop him,” Amelia said, laughing lightly and shaking her head. “But he hammered down like ten Jell-O shots.”

  That would do it.

  I looked at my brother, shaking my head. Leave it to him to make a fool of himself. It’s a good thing they were crashing in town tonight. I’d hate to be stuck in the car with him.

  Trent removed his arm from around Owen’s, stumbled a few steps through the group, and planted a sloppy, wet kiss on Amelia’s cheek. She squealed, jumping back, almost sending him crashing to the ground.

  “Sooooo, my placeee or yoursss?” he slurred.

  “You couldn’t handle this even if you wanted to, hot stuff,” Amelia teased.

  “I’d take youuu on the rideee of yourrr life, sweet thing.”

  “All right, all right,” Trevor said, stepping forward and helping our brother avoid face-planting onto the ground. “I think it’s time to call it a night.”

  “He can crash on my bed,” Owen offered.

  Trevor looked at my brother and nodded. He started to lead them through the crowd. Trent looked over his shoulder, making some kind of gestured I assumed was him blowing a kiss. Amelia laughed loudly and shook her head. It only took a few seconds before I lost them in the crowd.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Callen snapped.

  I turned my head toward him. His eyes were set on Amelia. He looked like he was about to explode. The veins in his neck were bulging, and his nostrils were flaring.

  Amelia straightened her stance, her eyes staring hard into his. I thought she was going to burn holes in his head. She took a deep breath and slowly released it.

  “Nothing to concern yourself with,” she retorted, spinning on her heels and storming away.

  I looked to Owen, wondering what was going on with them. He shrugged his shoulders, as if he hadn’t had a clue, but his eyes told a different story. He almost seemed sorry for Callen. There was something I missed, but I had no idea what.

  “Maybe we should call it a night?” I suggested.

  Owen wrapped his arms from behind me, nestling his head in the crook of my neck, and gently peppered me with kisses.

  “Hmmm,” I moaned. “Looks like you’re crashing with me tonight since you gave up your bed to Trent.”

  “I don’t think so, Casanova,” Damon butted in. “You and I are camping out on the floor.” He locked his eyes on Owen. “In your room.”

  Owen groaned. “This should be fun.”

  I laughed lightly and whispered, “He isn’t so bad.”

  “He looks like he wants to kill me right now.”

  “In his defense.” I turned in his arms, interlocking my hands behind his neck. “You are pawing his baby sister right in front of him.”

  “That I am,” Owen mumbled against my lips before kissing me deeply. Damon cleared his throat again, tapping Owen on his shoulder. “I was just getting started.”

  “If you want to live to see another day, you won’t try my patience,” Damon said gruffly.

  I pressed my lips onto the corner of Owen’s. I turned and patted Damon’s cheek. “Always on the watch, big brother.”

  “Someone has to keep this guy in check.”

  My smile grew, stretching from ear to ear, reaching my eyes. “Let’s find Amelia and get out of here,” I told the both of them.

  Owen slapped me playfully on the butt as I turned to go search for Amelia. I laughed to myself when I heard the low warning Damon gave him.

  “You’re pushing it.”


  “RISE AND SHINE!” I said cheerfully, as I threw open the curtains in Owen’s room.

  All four of the guys groaned and pulled their covers over their heads as the sunlight filled the room. I stepped over Trevor and sat on Owen’s bed. I leaned forward, trying to tug the blanket away from Trent.

  “Go away!” Trent grumbled.

  I started to bounce up and down. Trent mumbled some obscenity under his breath before pushing me off the bed. I landed on the floor with a bang, a searing pain shooting through my leg, but was distracted by the green-eyed guy staring up at me.

  “I could get used to waking up to you every morning,” Owen said, pulling me in for a kiss.

  One second, I was completely wrapped up in Owen, the next I was being assaulted by a pillow. I rubbed the back of my head, which had bumped into the nightstand behind me, and looked across the room. Damon was propped up against the wall with a smirk on his face. I sighed, a slight smile playing on my lips.

  Some things never changed.

  “Well,” I said, pushing myself off the ground. “You guys need to get up and get dressed. We’re going to breakfast.”
  “It’s after one in the afternoon. A little late for breakfast, isn’t it?” Trevor asked, popping his head out from under his blanket.

  “It’s never too late for breakfast,” I replied.

  “Did someone say food?” I heard Trent’s voice from behind. I glanced over my shoulder, finding him sitting up on the bed. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

  He shot out of bed, moving as if his life depended on it. I left the room so the guys could get ready for the day. I woke up to find Amelia’s bed empty. I had no idea where she was or if she was okay. I sent her a text, checking in on her, and invited her to join us. She said she was fine and declined the invitation.

  It wasn’t long before we piled into Damon’s car and headed out. All through the meal, I was dreading the time when we were done. My brothers were heading back to Washington from the little café we stopped in at, leaving Owen and I to walk back to campus. It wasn’t a far walk and the weather was decent enough.

  I found myself welling up with tears as I said good-bye to my brothers. My brothers and Owen did their little handshake thing, bringing a slight smile to my face, and then they climbed into the car. I had to force the tears to stay at bay as Damon’s Jeep disappeared down the road.

  “You okay?” Owen asked as we headed back to campus.

  “Yeah, it just sucks they had to go back so early.”

  We walked for a while in silence, taking the long way through campus, and enjoying the presence of one another. Though it was still cold out, other students found themselves lounging all throughout campus. For the most part, everyone seemed so content, so happy here, and I wasn’t sure I’d ever get over the atmosphere on campus.

  “You know,” Owen spoke up. “I think I could get used to this.”

  “Used to what?”

  “The way your hand fits perfectly in mine,” he answered, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. I looked up at him and smiled bashfully. “Or the way you fit into the crook of my arm, like our bodies were made to lie next to one another. Or the way my body hums every time I kiss you.”


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