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Relics and Runes Anthology

Page 54

by Heather Marie Adkins

  He was quite handsome, but awkward in my presence. He was tall, taller than I and lean, but stronger it seemed. He had flaxen hair that hung to his shoulder, only slightly longer than my own. He wore a red cloth at his midriff and nothing on his feet.

  “I’m sorry. Did I startle you? I didn’t mean to.”

  “Hello.” I found my voice easily.

  “Ah…Hello to you. Are you alright? Do you need help?”

  “No, I’m fine, just a little tired from my journey. The sun is hot. Aren’t your feet burning on the baked sand?”

  “No, not yet, and when they do, I step into the surf and fish awhile. May I ask, where are your clothes?”


  “Yes, well…you’re naked and the sun will do your fair skin more damage than the hot sand will burn my feet. Has someone taken your clothes?”

  “Ah…I don’t know. No, I don’t have any.”

  “No, clothes…?”

  “I don’t believe so, no.”

  “I have a towel in my sack.”

  The young man bent to one knee in the sand and opened his burlap sack. I watched him as he rummaged through it to uncover what he was looking for.

  His hair fell towards his lowered face and it appeared each strand shimmered as he moved. His broad shoulders had been painted across the expanse in black ink of some kind. It seemed in stark contrast to his natural beauty, almost tribal. The muscles flexed beneath the flesh pulled tight across sinewy knots and twists.

  He looked up at me from his squat and my shadow blocked the sun from blinding his vision. Proudly, he held up the towel as though a prize.

  “Here, you should wrap yourself in it for your modesty.”

  “Modesty? Like you?” I pointed to his midriff.

  “Well, perhaps you should pull it up further to cover your…” And the young man pointed to my chest, higher up, nervously waving his pointing finger and diverting his eyes at the same time.

  “These?” I lifted my open palms and cupped the soft round mounds of flesh to which he pointed.

  “Yes…yes, those.” He blushed and cast his gaze to the sand.

  For some reason, I found that quite funny, and I discovered I have a soft lilting laugh as an Upright. At the same time, the flesh blushed at the tips of the mounds and became erect and hard when he returned his stare.

  I took the towel and pulled it up over my body and tied it into a knot above the pink buttons that stretched eagerly into his gaze.

  “What are you doing here, on the beach, like this?”

  “I misjudged the distance from the atoll, there, see it? In the distance, there. See? I swam for such a long time last night to get here, I was exhausted by the time I made shore. I must’ve fallen asleep in the cool sand. I woke up just a while ago. As I fixed my hair, I heard you singing. Even though I couldn’t see you from the distance, I knew you approached.”

  “Okay, yes, that explains the how, somewhat. Now, the why?”

  “The why?”

  “Yes, why! Why did you swim in the night to get here?”

  “Because I didn’t want anyone to see me in the daytime.”

  “See you? I see you and it is daytime.”

  “Well, yes…that is unexpected.”

  “You are a very curious creature. But I still don’t know why you came here, night or day!”

  “When I understand more of what is happening, I may share the ‘why’ with you, as you call it, for my arrival. But for now, I am really quite hungry.”

  “Oh, but of course. You must be. Would you like water? There’s a freshwater pond just over the rise on the far side of the dunes where you can drink the water that collects from the artesian spring. We can drink and eat there. You can wash the brine off of your skin, if you like.”

  “Yes…yes, thank you. Let’s. What have you to eat in that pouch?”

  “I have bread and cheese, a bit of dried meat and some fish I caught earlier. It isn’t much, but I wasn’t expecting to share.”



  “It sounds delicious, but any small morsel will do for me.”

  “Then follow me. It is but a short walk over the rise.”

  I fell in behind the young man and unintentionally paid close attention to his lithe body. He was tall, taller than I and narrow at the waist. Slightly older, I should think, just from the way he moved and held himself with such certainty. His shoulders broadened widely where muscles rippled under the brown skin, pulled taut over his form. I could examine the tribal etching over his shoulders and his back clearly now. It made him look regal to me, in an elegant and commanding way. It appeared to have a life of its own because it moved and swiveled almost independently of his body. It was mesmerizing. I had not noticed when he knotted the errant strands of his gold hair and secured the knot with a sharpened stick, perhaps two. But for his blond locks, he looked tribal, which appealed to me in a very visceral way. I felt another tug of what I would come to know and welcome as desire pull deftly inside the cleft between my legs.

  I wondered what he tasted like.

  His body, his movements were hypnotic.

  My eyes followed his muscled back down to the bulge below his waist where his thighs hinged. The rhythmic movement of his legs, the flex of his thigh muscles and the rise and fall of each cheek was intoxicating. My heart seemed to fall into cadence with his body. I followed him eagerly, hopeful that this encounter would lead me somewhere into which I would willingly plunge myself. There was a glistening layer of perspiration that lay like a sheer metallic gauze down his spine, and with each step, a bead or two disappeared into his waistband.

  Where did they go from there, then, once they dipped under his clothing? I would gladly trace the voyage with my fingertips, even my tongue. I smiled to myself and then realized sharply that he was talking to me.

  “I’m sorry…I missed what you just said?”

  “You will be able to wash the salt and sand off your body while I set us up something to eat.”

  “Oh, yes, thank you. That sounds refreshing and I’m famished!”

  “Me, too, now that you mention it. By the way, what is your name?”

  “I am Verité, and you?”

  “My name is Rockledge. It is a family name from the hills of our people. I answer to Rock.”

  “Rock.” His name tumbled elegantly from my trembling lips. Rock, I whispered again inside the silence of my mind. He looked at me with an openness I found charming. “Rock.”


  “I like the sound of that. It’s strong, warrior-like, in a way.”

  “I come from a long line of fighting men, yes.”

  “Perhaps that is why you wear the mantle so easily.”

  “Who knows? Here, see, just there. That’s where we are going.”

  “Oh, my, what a beautiful emerald pool. It looks like the wellspring of life, as all that lives thrives in the abundance it provides.”

  “Yes, it does look like that, although I daresay, I have never before thought of it in those terms. You are very poetic for a girl.”

  I looked at him, yes, a girl I thought, and caught the slight tic in his jawline as he turned the thought over. Then a smile twitched at the corners of his mouth. Such a beautiful, supple mouth, beneath ice-blue eyes. I could die in those eyes and then a phrase came to mind…and I felt, really felt, just like it.

  I was born when we kissed; I lived in your embrace while we loved. I died when we parted.

  I felt like a young child, with a freedom I have never experienced, and a foreboding at the same time. How could that be?

  Better said, why would that be?

  I know my peers take their mates at will and by necessity. But, this…felt…so different.

  Is this what mortals feel like when they love?

  Is this the undeniable feeling of human love?

  Is this love and why am I feeling it?

  I am surely not mortal.

  But this body,
this form, these impulses…

  …am I?


  Vixen and Virgin

  I walked to the pond and turned to look at Rock. He looked deliberate in his chore and never noticed me watching his every movement. He spread several banana leaves on the flat mossy knoll and began to set out the food from his pouch. The juniper trees and elderberries were in bloom and so fragrant it was overwhelming to me as every pore was charged to heightened sensation. I stood motionless for a moment, just watching him, and just then he looked up and waved to me as though we had been friends from birth. The rest of the pages should be indented using the paragraph tab. Special: First Line. By: .25. This paragraph shows what the indent will look like. Do not use the tab key.

  His acknowledgement of my stare made me flush at being caught. I untied the drape he gave me, unwittingly let it drop to my feet, then smiled nervously at him and turned to the water. He smiled then looked down quickly at the banana leaves. I think he may have raised his gaze just a bit under his brow to watch me enter the emerald pool.

  I smiled to myself at my deception. I felt a curious blend of vixen and virgin, which made me chuckle to myself knowing I was neither and more the tomboy. But this new body was disconcerting. And exciting. And a lot less tomboy.

  I walked slowly into the cool green water. Muddy silt oozed between my new toes as I advanced and it was eerily soothing. It reminded me of the mud baths we took as young ones during the hot summer months. It cooled our bodies, we played and frolicked, loving that it was great to play in the sludge as the Olders watched out for our safety from predators. We got stuck, rolled together in the mud and ran through our elder’s legs. I felt the same joyous expression, now, in this new body… especially knowing Rock was watching me, despite his reserves.

  This freedom and mystery was liberating. I didn’t know I needed that, I chuckled to myself as I squished the mud between my new toes. I started to sink further into the mud and decided it was timely for me to plunge full bodied into the pool. I was sticky, sandy, crusts of salty sea had formed in patches all over the surface of my body making it look motley and caked.

  I slipped into the cool water, and submersed my head—ribbons, treasures and all adornments--my eyes open, not wanting to miss anything. It was like entering an emerald palace. Life beneath the surface was ordered and quiet, gentle and known. Small things swam, in groups together as if chatting. Fronds and foliage grew tall and dark, demonstrating the movement of life below the surface. It was magical. I don’t know why I never saw this before. Not in this pool but in any number of others I have plunged. But I never did until now. I could feel the movement of the life over my skin and I tingled with excitement. I held my breath, but not for as long as in the past, and I swam the depths until the darkness overshadowed the light. There was less life, less movement, less excitement and it was much colder, but there was a sense of foreboding, of danger looming in the shadows.

  I felt a thunderous sound ring through the water depths.

  My chest was heaving, near exploding, so I pushed to the surface to breathe. Unknowingly, I had lost my bearings, unusual for me being a water creature, so I rose gingerly and came to surface near a cluster of banyan trees growing far into the water depths. I grabbed a trunk, then a branch to buoy myself in cover, and then voices, angry voices, broke the calm.

  “He’s here, sire. Here.”

  The hooves of a dozen horses trampled the moss and broke the privacy of the emerald shore.

  “Your father has sent me to fetch you. There are developments in the offing. He requires your presence, sire. Dunam, dismount and give your stead to His Highness and double with Masters.”

  “Aye, Sir Carmontoff, at your will.” Whereupon the rider dismounted and handed the reins to Rock.

  I felt threatened and so hid within the banyans, my feet balancing me low in the water without a ripple. The horses were restless in my presence.

  Rock rose, moving in front of the rider he called Carmontoff so he faced away from my direction, and demanded to know more. I took his cue and remained silent as I hid.

  “What is my father’s concern, sir?”

  “That is not for me to know, young sire. Mine is but to fetch you and bring you to your King.”

  “And the urgency?” Rock inquired.

  “I know not, sire. What is that, sire? Are you alone?”

  “What? You dare question me? To what do you refer?”

  “That, the fabric on the lip of the pond. Is that yours, sire? Or do you have company?”

  “Company? Do you see anyone else, sir? Anyone? No! That is my towel, Carmontoff. You dare concern yourself with my activities or company?”

  “No, I am so sorry, sire.”

  “You are walking a very tight line, Carmontoff.”

  Rock thought for a moment and dispatched the troop to tell his father he would be along shortly and to leave the horse. He would collect his catch and belongings and return to the grounds post haste.

  “I am sorry, sire, those are not the orders from my King.”

  “Would you dare shackle me and throw me aback that horse to return me?” Rock was visibly angry now.

  “No, sire. But I am under orders from the throne.”

  “You forget, Carmontoff, I AM the throne.”

  “Yes, sire. When shall I tell your father you will return?”

  “Within the hour, sir. Thank you. Leave the stead. Be off with you.”

  I dipped my head back into the water, just my eyes and auburn locks revealed.

  The ground shook and quaked as the horses were turned to go back. Some reared and whinnied, snorted and kicked as though they sensed an animal threat, but I remained calm, quiet…submerged.

  The earth roared and the pondwater trembled as they thundered off. The chestnut Rock held by the reins reared in response. He pulled him down and cooed into his ear. The horse calmed noticeably. He tied the horse off at a nearby stump and left him to graze on the lush grass and foliage.

  “Verité…Verité, are you there?”

  I heard his voice, of course, because I wasn’t that very far away. I could actually hear him breathing. I thought I could almost hear his heartbeat. But I felt his heartbeat, I knew it, I thought it…I felt it.

  “Here, Rock…here I am.” I emerged gingerly from the water…slick from the wet, wiping the water and the hair from my face and down my back. I walked out of the water, slipping a bit on the mud, but the ribbons and treasures in my hair were still steadfast.

  Rock watched me as though I had him in a spell, as though he had been hit with a bolt…stunned and staring.

  While I knew I was at risk, I reveled in my effect upon him.

  “You hid. How did you know to hide? Why did you hide?”

  “I felt threatened. I don’t know why, I just did. You didn’t call for me, so I took your lead. I thought if it was safe, you would beckon to me. And you didn’t, so I remained hidden.”

  “That was smart. I am so glad you did.”

  “So…Verité? No one has ever called me by that name. It is the name of my birth.”

  “I apologize, Verité. I just blurted it out. Are you alright?”

  “Yes, of course, I am as well you can see for yourself. Verité…I like it, but only from you.”

  “Then Verité it is.”

  “Why didn’t you collect your things and return with the guards? It seems your father is intent on speaking with you about a matter of some urgency.”

  “Why? Quite because we had not eaten yet. I think it would be very impolite of me to leave my guest hungry while I took my leave. I don’t think it would be the gentlemanly thing to do, to abandon a naked young girl alone in the forest. I should think you would appreciate that logic.”

  “Ah, yes, Rock, that I do.” And with that, I collected the fabric from the lip of the pond and tied it once again over my form, concealing my new bits and curves.

  “Let’s eat. The sooner we are done, the sooner I can make arrangements
for your safety in the village.”

  We sat on the bed of moss and picked from the selections of meats, bread and cheeses Rock laid out on the banana fronds. I eyed the fresh fish hungrily and Rock caught my gaze.

  “This sea bass is fresh this morning and while I do not have time to roast it here, you are welcome to have some raw. Would you like a piece if I cut it for you?”

  “That won’t be necessary, Rock. Thank you.”

  I reached for the cleaned and gutted bass. It was beautiful in the refracted sunlight that filtered through the trees. It was silver, warm from the pouch, and reflective as a mirror in its beauty. And it smelled divine! I had not realized I was so famished until I tore the open cavity, folded it back and sunk my teeth into the rich, flavorful meat of the fish.

  I was lost in the abundance and welcomed the nourishment.

  “My, Verité, you must be very hungry!”

  I looked up at Rock from the hunk of fish I held to my ravenous mouth and nodded in agreement. “I am. I didn’t realize just how hungry! Thank you so much. Aren’t you going to eat?”

  “My pleasure is in watching you enjoy the food. Most women…girls…eat as if the food revolts them, just moving it around their platter.”


  “That is to say, it looks like they’ve taken an earlier full meal and are not at all hungry when they sit down at my table to coyly pretend light appetites. It is refreshing to see a girl enjoy the very art of eating so much and so selflessly.”

  “Ummm, yes then. I am glad to have pleased you that much because I was very hungry! I am glad you are happy!”


  “No, thank you. I daresay, I have no more room in this little body.”

  “You sound as if your form, so lean and well-toned, is new and unknown to you!” Rock laughed unwittingly at what he thought was a joke while I smiled acknowledging his humor. I began to pick up the remains of our meal, popping loose morsels of muffin and cheese into my mouth as I did. I reached for his pouch to clear up, but he reached for my wrist.


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