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Uprising of the Exiled (Splintered Galaxy Book 2)

Page 39

by Eddie R. Hicks

  “My gods, Parcisei!” Fahia said upon noticing Parcisei. “Did you not travel to Earth?”

  “We did,” he replied. “Noylarlie here has tapped into some mind-blowing gifts from the gods.” He pointed to the red glow of Noylarlie gem that rested between her breasts.

  “Ah gem I gave you,” Fahia said to Parcisei. “You let her attune to it?”

  “Uh, yeah, sure did!” That confirms that; he lost the gem and doesn’t have the guts to admit it. “And she created a wormhole leading from the human system to here.”

  Noylarlie looked at the couple sitting down once more, the woman’s behavior was…odd. She caught her looking away from her several times, even stranger was the gem…she felt it reacting to the presence of the woman, as if it was aware of her, and drawn to her. The woman peeked at Noylarlie again, and she saw her red eyes, pale skin, and what it appeared to be platinum-blond hair from beneath her hood.

  “And who is this?” Fahia asked, stepping toward Danyal.

  “Better question is,” Noylarlie said forcing the robe off the woman with her mind. “Who is this?”

  Everyone’s attention turned toward Noylarlie’s action, a robe hovered in the air, and Princess Kroshka stood below it, dressed in human attire and a gem just like Noylarlie’s hanging around her neck. Kroshka’s eyes were wide open as she leaped from her chair in a panic.

  “Well this is turning into quite the family reunion,” Noylarlie said unenthusiastically.

  “Noylarlie…it has been ages,” Kroshka said.

  “Your mother said the exact thing,” Noylarlie said and then snapped her fingers. Kroshka’s body floated in the air and shot forward toward Noylarlie, her hand wrapped around Kroshka slender neck while her fangs gleamed from her wicked grin.

  “Kroshka!” the man with her stood up and shouted. Noylarlie saw his hand was ready to draw weapon.

  A small white fireball slowly began to take form around Noylarlie’s free hand as she said to him, “Take one more step and watch happens.”

  Fahia moved next to Kroshka with interest, Noylarlie paid no mind to her. If she was concerned about the conflict growing, she would have done something by now. If anything, she was enjoying it, as much as Noylarlie was.

  “Another gem?” Noylarlie heard Fahia whisper from Kroshka’s side, having taken notice that she too possessed one. “The gods have gifted us twice!”

  “No,” Parcisei said. “Three times.” Noylarlie felt his scale-clad hand pat her bare shoulder in a friendly manner.

  A gift from their gods? Noylarlie thought to herself while continuing to grin at Kroshka’s helpless body and her powerless guardian. I’m in control again. I got the power!

  Those thoughts ended abruptly as Kroshka’s gem pulsed three times, removing Noylarlie’s hold on her both psionically and physically. Kroshka was free and stood with a slight fearless stance. Noylarlie’s hand reached up attempting to hold her with her telekinesis once again.


  Kroshka repelled all of Noylarlie’s gifts back to her.

  Quite impressive, she thought, since Kroshka did not undergo psionic cybernetic augmentation.

  … … …

  ►► Abyssal Hammer, Foicanta Orbit

  ► Proxima Centauri System

  Ary Nemea, captain of the Radiance cruiser Abyssal Hammer, sat in her chair within her briefing room. The ship hovered in orbit around the tilted locked planet of Foicanta on a patrol mission to locate Celestial Order ships or follower movement. Of course, unknown to the union, Nemea and most of the crew had been long indoctrinated by the radical teachings of the order, and had been for years. Reports of order activity in the sector go unreported, while legit Radiance or human activity is secretly passed toward the many followers residing on the planet below.

  She folded her hands and shut her purple eyes to focus and connect her psionic mind to the order’s deep space psionic network. An emergency meeting was called for all order members with telepathy powers to tap in and listen to an important broadcast. She never underwent psionic cybernetic augmentation, and lacked enchantments like the brain chip all psionics get that greatly boosts their gifts. Telepathic communication as a result required a lot more focus and concentration for her.

  “Attention everyone, we are on a general alert, please update your status now,” Gab Delakirnei’s voice echoed in her mind.

  … … …

  ►► ESV John F. Kennedy, Asteroid Belt

  ► Sol System

  Gab Delakirnei’s three-foot-tall body stared at the asteroid belt from the observation window in the John F. Kennedy’s lounge. To the UNE off duty staff within the lounge having a drink or playing games, he as just enjoying his break, gazing off into space, not plotting the down fall of all those who don’t follow the path of the order.

  “Our associates’ part of the Earth front is ready to enter the final stages of their objectives,” his nonverbal report continued. “The humans are considering joining the union, there’s some unrest right now, but in time it will be quelled.”

  … … …

  ►► Aervounis

  ► Luminous System

  Ary Cehaei stared at the great ocean of Aervounis, the Aryile home world. His rapid transit train sped along the outskirts of the second largest floating city on the planet, hovering over the deep blue waves of warm water. “We need more time to remove the council,” his thoughts projected to the psionic network.

  “How much?” Delakirnei replied.

  “We are working on a few leads to make this happen,” he projected. “And one council member may have the potential to turn and devote their lives to us.”

  “Get it done, replacing the council for the union and the throne for the empire needs at the same time to ensure a smooth transition.”

  … … …

  ►► Assassins’ Guild Pyramid, Paryo

  ► Uemaesce System

  Archmage Gayir listened in to the meeting, and verbally reported to Torval from his office within the Hashmedai assassin’s guild. He then psionically transmitted his update. “It has been brought to my attention that Kroshka was discovered in one of our temples here on Paryo.”

  “Really,” Cehaei’s voice echoed.

  “Shall they finish the job?” asked Nemea.

  “Oh wait, my friends, there’s more,” Gayir’s mind projected. “Archmage Noylarlie is there as well along with our dear friend Parcisei.”

  “Parcisei a free man? The gods truly must like him.”

  … … …

  ►► Talsyk

  ► Avalon System

  Za Fenea was quite the multitasker as she not only listened in, but taught mathematics to young Rabuabin children in an outdoor class room on Talsyk, the Rabuabin home world.

  “They showed up with Danyal, the human Hashmedai hybrid,” she heard Gayir voice echo.

  “So…it is true,” Delakirnei said. “Akeia has a son.”

  Her tail stood up on end upon hearing the confirmation.

  … … …

  ►► Port Shala, Morutrin Prime

  ► Morutrin System

  Saleriz a Hashmedai psionic attention shifted back and forth from the psionic network meeting and the half-naked Hashmedai strippers from a gentleman’s club. His blue hands held on to the glass of his drink, waiting for the meeting to end.

  “Don’t kill Kroshka then; her empathy toward humans might help Danyal adjust to life in the empire. Not to mention provide an ally for him within the imperial family. See to it he follows the way of the order, this could be the replacement we were looking for,” Delakirnei transmitted. “It’s unlikely Kroshka could be converted to our cause.”

  “By the way, those on Morutrin Prime.” The mention of the word “Morutrin” got him to focus a little more on what was being said and less on the girls. “Please seek one, Za Haridei, also going by the name Telan no’vi Ralian. He is a sleeper agent loyal to the Union and is to be vaporized when found.”

  … … …
br />   ►► Abyssal Explorer, Interstellar Space

  ► Outside of Barnard’s Star System

  “One last thing,” Delakirnei’s voice echoed throughout the head of Ure Sinzihea aboard one of the labs of the Abyssal Explorer. “The wormhole is open.” Her hands released the data pad she was carrying, it floated in the weightless setting much like her body. She was shocked to hear the news.

  … … …

  All four eyes of Mil Dargonea, who was also aboard the Abyssal Explorer, opened wide at the announcement of the wormhole. She staffed the bridge psionic station solo as Stolanei and Karklosea were still resting in cryostasis.

  “Yes, Hannah’s dreams once again have proven to be true,” Cehaei chimed in. “Does Fiesei know about it?”

  “According to Kasidey, it doesn’t matter,” Delakirnei finished. “May the gods light shine upon you all!”

  … … …

  ►► ESV Winston Churchill, Earth Orbit

  ► Sol System

  Michei return to the brig via a teleport, he held the red gem that hand the entire crew of the Winston Churchill going nuts not too long ago. Chloe became worried at how fast it took for him to teleport over to the lab, then teleport back with it. There had to have been at least ten people inside the lab studying it at this time. No way in hell they would have allowed Michei to swipe it without putting up a fight…and radioing in for help. Sooner or later someone was going to catch on what the two of them were doing.

  Michei waved his hand toward the wall terminal controlling the force field, causing it to shut down while he quickly handed Ella the gem. The instant it was in the palm of her hands, Michei stepped backward and performed the exact same movement of his hands, the force field reactivated.

  “It’s all up to you now, Ella,” Michei said. “Find her, the Rabuabin girl with human-styled hair. She’ll lead you to my partner, Telan…I hope.”

  Chapter 27

  ►► Port Shala, Morutrin Prime

  ► Morutrin System

  The planets of the solar system, ships of the UNE and Radiance, dormant comets and nearby stars all zipped past Ella’s conscious, it traveled into Avearan’s body once again, as Avearan mind was transferred into the body Ella’s sealed away body behind a force field.

  You again, Avearan thought.

  It’s been a while. Now think back to that Rabuabin girl from the train. Where did she get off? Ella thought back.

  You know the location.

  She was right; their minds were one. All it took was a few seconds of digging through her thoughts to get access to what she needed. Yeah, I do…damn it. This is too strange.

  Ella noticed that she was standing in the middle of a crowed and humid shopping district. There were deep puddles around her in which people, mostly Linl splashed through with little to no care about water droplets spattering upwards. Upon closer inspection she saw the water splashes didn’t really leave the surface as high was she would expect it to. Right, everything is heavier here.

  More digging through Avearan’s memories revealed where she was and what station the Rabuabin woman left. In control of Avearan’s body, she walked back to the rapid transit station, and awaited a train heading going to the location within Avearan’s memory.

  It was a lengthy wait at the platform, during which she felt Avearan take notice of the brig she now found herself to be in. And she learned the hard way that it was a force field keeping her locked in her cell, a painful lesson indeed.

  So they put you…us in prison? Avearan thought.

  If you hadn’t acted the way you did…

  The train arrived at last and she boarded it alongside several Linl and Hashmedai, and two or three Aryile. During the ride back down, Ella went over in her head the Rabuabin language. Officially she never fully learned all of it, but since the Radiance Creole language contained many words from the Rabuabin language, she knew that utilizing the knowledge of those worlds would at least help eliminate much of the language barrier combined with her limited knowledge of their language. According to Avearan’s memories she got off at the stop leading toward a heavily Rabuabin populated area of Port Shala.

  Ella commanding Avearan body left upon arrival at the stop. Exiting the station she saw a massive coverage of green grass leading toward a park. In the distance was the ever so common sight of the towering skyscrapers of the city, blocking half of the sunlight and dark rain clouds rolling into the region. There was a river to the right of her, separating the park from another group of pillaring buildings.

  Her uneasy footsteps carried her onto the soft grass where she encountered various Rabuabin living their carefree live as a Radiance exiles. She questioned a few them, asking if they had seen a woman fitting the description she remembered from her last visit here. There were a lot of odd glares at her, she was either using the wrong words or they felt it was odd that a Hashmedai speaking with an Australian accent was talking to them.

  A small group of Rabuabin in their teens understood what she was saying, and knew exactly who she was talking about. One of them directed her toward a set of chairs in the park overlooking the river. Jackpot, she thought upon laying eyes on Kalis. She walked over and sat down next to her. Kalis, however, continued to look toward the flowing river with her blue eyes. Her tail slowly wagged from side to side as it rested on a free and opened spot on the bench.

  Ella waited before speaking, she was quite captivated by her beauty. Everything about her appearance was just so…flawless. How her hair didn’t cover up too much of her ram-like horns, nor were they large.

  I get it now; you’re attracted to this woman, Avearan thoughts echoed.


  You can’t hide thoughts like this from me. I was unaware humans could be attracted to one of the same gender.

  I like guys to…

  I guess our species aren’t so different.

  Enough staring at the cute girl, she had a mission to do. “Hello?” Ella said in the Rabuabin language. “I just wanted to chat.”

  Kalis turned her head toward her, smiled warmly after several seconds and spoke. “Sorry, not used to hearing a Hashmedai speak my language.”

  “Or my accent?”

  “Yeah, that’s a strange one as well,” she said. “Not one to talk, my hair everyone says is strange.”

  “I think it’s lovely, very human,” Ella said.

  “It is, there was this Hashmedai woman who did work on the human home world, she learned this style and a few others. I ended up giving it a try, something different.”

  “I bet your boyfriend likes it,” she was fishing for information, namely about Jazz.

  There was no replay, not at first, just a puzzled expression on her face as tried to process what she asked. “Boyfriend? What is that?”

  “Well, err,” Ella didn’t know if something was lost in translation or the Rabuabin don’t have a word for “boyfriend,” given how well the conversation is going, she was leaning toward the latter. What do they call boyfriends out here? Ella thought.

  With Rabuabin? How should I know? Avearan thought.

  Ask the one who’s in front of you, her thoughts echoed back.

  Does it matter?

  Oh, fuck it.

  “What I mean is, your uh, male companion in life, your partner, mate?” Yes, that might work, she thought. “Mate,” seeing how that’s the word Hashmedai would use, and since she’s in a Hashmedai body, she might understand better.

  “Ah,” she said. “We are, still in the first stages.” She leaned closer toward her, with a data pad in her hands; a picture of Jazz was displayed on the screen. “His name is Jazz.”

  “Tell me all about him.” Inquiring minds back on Earth would like to know everything you know about him!

  “I would but, I need to get ready for work.” She pointed toward a tall building in the distance. “Vuanel Gi Talsyk great Rabuabin food.”

  “Never been there.”

  “You should try it when you get the chance. My fa
ther, Telan no’vi Ralian, is the chef.”

  … … …

  ►► ESV Winston Churchill, Earth Orbit

  ► Sol System

  Avearan while in control of Ella body spoke from the confines of her cell. “She reports that Telan no’vi Ralian is a chef at some local restaurant.”

  “That must be his cover. Tell her to head there,” Michei said.

  Just for the record, I ate an hour ago, Avearan thought after relaying Michei’s request.

  … … …

  ►► Port Shala, Morutrin Prime

  ► Morutrin System

  A Whisper agent watched Kalis and the Hashmedai psionic sit on the park bench talking. He appeared as a Rabuabin grounds keeper and stood farther back, behind a set of trees, acting as if he was trimming branches and taking soil readings with his data pad. In reality, his data pad picked up their vocal communication; it was enough to make him grit his teeth.

  “Aborting mission,” he transmitted to the rest of his team.

  “Why?” one member asked back.

  “Kalis has company, Hashmedai psionic. I’d rather not be turned into ashes.” He then saw the two get up as Kalis led them away down a footbridge, leading directly into the cluster of skyscrapers ahead. “They’re moving out, I’m going to follow, keep a lock on my signal.”

  He discreetly moved behind them, keeping his distance, and trying ever so hard to not make a sound. Phylarlie in the distance couldn’t help but grin at the situation, Avearan was not only a person of interest for the Assassins’ Guild, but the Whisper as well. Phylarlie became the third party to follow behind Kalis and Avearan undetected.

  … … …

  Ella was led up a lengthy elevator ride, which took her to the floor where Vuanel Gi Talsyk was located. She could smell a variety of aromas coming from the halls that she just stepped into. She didn’t even need further directions as to where to go, follow the smell and strange alien electronic music beating in the air.

  As she entered, she noticed the restaurant wasn’t full of patrons. The lengthy day and night cycles of this planet, it was hard to tell when an establishment was about to close or when it had just opened. A young Rabuabin woman greeted her and offered her a place to sit. She requested a seat closest to the kitchen, which oddly enough to her was located directly in the middle of the establishment an open kitchen at that. She sat down, hoping to catch a glimpse of Telan, the chef; this brought her to next question…


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