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Reigning Hearts

Page 3

by Candace Osmond

  The inked edges of the intricate Celtic knot began to glow under the press of her magic, pulsing with the power imbued upon it. With a frustrated grunt that wasn’t at all ladylike, Eadlyn dropped her magic and pulled away. “She’s literally tattooed a binding spell into him that ensures his loyalty. It would end up hurting or even killing him to give up any real information on her whereabouts.”

  “Think the others have the same tattoo?” Cian wondered aloud, knowing none of their prisoners had been forthcoming with information, just like Connor.

  “I’ll get someone to check.” Jared strode through the open door and murmured instructions to a guard standing outside. His phone buzzed three minutes later, confirming Cian’s suspicions.

  “We won’t get anything out of them unless we can disable the tattoos.” Cian ran a hand through his long hair, pulling the tie from it to let it swing around his face. Frustration seeped from his skin like stale sweat. He glanced over to see his mother run her palm over Connor’s hardened face.

  “He was such a sweet boy,” she murmured. “It near broke my heart to see him so much himself just now.” She sighed and tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear. “I wish things were different.” Eadlyn let her hand drop to her side and turned away.

  Connor’s hand shot out and his eyes opened wide with fury and madness. His fingers closed around Eadlyn’s wrist and pulled hard, making her stumble back into the table as he shoved himself up. Connor’s thickly muscled arm wrapped around her neck in an instant.

  “Get the fuck away from me or I’ll snap her fucking neck!” Connor screamed, jerking his arm back forcefully as if proving to them that he’d actually do it.

  Cian threw his hands up in surrender immediately and backed away. “Don’t,” he begged. “Connor, come on man. You were my best friend. That’s my mom.” He choked on the words, too overwhelmed with terror to think straight.

  Connor’s frantic gaze darted around the room. He moved away from the table slowly, dragging Eadlyn with him, always careful to keep his back to a wall. Cian felt his father tremble next to him and reached out to grab his arm. He wasn’t sure if it was to offer support to his father or to steady himself. Either way, the connection helped focus his mind.

  “Connor, look at me,” Cian barked, trying to break through his old friend’s craze. “Look at me. It’s me, Cian. You know me. We were brothers. You don’t want to do this.”

  “We were brothers?” Connor scoffed, yanking back even harder. Eadlyn’s hands clawed at his arm as her face turned a deeper shade of red. “You don’t know what it fucking means to be a brother. You had your perfect little family, all bright and shiny. You fucking abandoned me and she was the only one that came. She told me what you said. How you were glad I was out of your life. How I would just slow you down and get in your way.” Spit flew from his lips.

  Cian stared at Connor in shock for a moment then snapped out of it as he realized that he should have anticipated this. Of course Serena would have spread lies, that was her deal. He had no idea if anything he said would make a difference but he had to try. He would save his mother at all cost.

  “She lies,” Cian insisted, stepping closer with his hands still raised. “Serena lies about everything. She wants power and she’s willing to use anybody to get her way. She’s using you, Connor. She was never there for you, she’s only there for herself.”

  “She loves me!” Connor shrieked, half losing his grip for a moment in rage. Cian watched his mother suck in a breath of air and widen her eyes at him.

  “She loves no one but herself!” He needed to get Connor madder, to get him to let up for just a moment. His mother needed a second, just one second to fill her lungs. He went for gold, knowing it would piss Connor off, and prayed his old friend wouldn’t snap his mother’s neck. “She’s nothing but a filthy lying bitch with illusions of grandeur who doesn’t love you!”

  Connor’s face turned almost purple and veins popped out of his neck as he screamed with fury. His arm jerked, then stretched out as he summoned every ounce of power he had and aimed it directly at Cian’s heart. A killing blow.

  Eadlyn spun in Connor’s arms, unseen in his manic rage, and reached for his head. She grasped his temples, one hand on either side, and pushed so much magic out of herself and into Connor that the room shook.

  His eyes went wide and blank in shocked surprise, then they turned and blinked. He looked at her like the boy had once upon a time, with love and wonder, then he collapsed to the floor at her feet, dead.

  Chapter Four

  Ashlynn let loose a quiet yawn as the sheets crinkled at her feet and the mattress sunk with the pressure of someone crawling up toward her. Cian. He’d finally come home. The loft was shrouded in darkness, cut on by a thin veil of moonlight.

  His large frame settled next to her and a heavy arm draped over her warm waist.

  “What time is it?” she whispered.

  “Sometime after three,” he replied, low and raspy, his voice wrought with strain. “Sorry for waking you.”

  Ashlynn shifted and turned to face him, her lips searching for his in the darkness. “Never apologize for coming home to me. I’ve missed you.” She grinned. “I feel like a prisoner here in the loft, waiting for visitors to come and help me with wedding preparations.”

  Her mouth met his, but Cian’s lips trembled against hers. Ashlynn pulled away with concern and held his face in her hands, tipping it up to catch the moonlight.

  “What’s the matter?”

  Cian shook his head. “Nothing you should be burdened with.”

  Ashlynn could hear the kind of strain it was now. He’d been crying.

  “Cian, I’ll be more concerned with not knowing.”

  His body stiffened in her arms as he fought to hide his motions.

  “Don’t,” she whispered sternly. “I can feel you closing me out. Don’t do it this time. Tell me what’s happening. I’m not a fragile piece of glass, Cian. I know that what your doing is dangerous. Did – you find her?”

  Cian sighed heavily. “No, not even close. And now I’m not sure we ever will.”

  Fear ran cold through her. “What do you mean?”

  “We’ve managed to infiltrate pretty deep into Serena’s organization, I thought…” He shook his head. “I thought we were getting close to finding her. We’ve been catching witches and warlocks who are working for her, interrogating them in hopes one of them will crack. But tonight, we discovered a mark on one of her men.”

  Ashlynn thought for a moment. “A binding mark.”

  Cian nodded. “It was on someone I knew.”

  “A friend?”

  He nodded again and his head dipped to her warm chest. Ashlynn wrapped her slender arms around the man she loved, a man who quivered in her embrace under the pressure and stress of what he was doing. Of all he was doing, just to make her safe. She suddenly felt awful for complaining about the twenty-four seven protection and extreme precautions to keep her and the baby hidden.

  Cian’s head lifted slightly, and his tears stained lips found hers. His mouth trembled but she held the kiss steady, assuring him he was home and safe where he belonged. Whatever darkness plagued his mind, she would take it. She would gladly take it on to ease his beautiful heart.

  His strong arms wrapped tightly around her torso and they held one another in a twisted embrace as Cian’s face rested on her chest. She didn’t dare speak a word as he silently worked through his grief. Eventually, they drifted off to a heavy sleep with a pool of Cian’s tears soaked into her nightgown, right over her heart.

  When she awoke the next morning, the early sun had filled the apartment and warmed the chilly Autumn air that crept in through the cracks around the old picture window that sat by their bed. Ashlynn eased herself up and pulled back the sheets with care. Cian lay silently and soundly by her side, half of his face smushed into the pillow. His expression had softened with the blanket of sleep, but she could still see the clear markings of stress all over h
is face. The new lines at the corners of his eyes, the dry tightness of his skin. The dark circles around his lids. She took the tender moment to stare at him, to appreciate the man who shared her bed and loved her so.

  “Creep,” he muttered against the pillowcase, his eyes still closed.

  Ashlynn giggled and leaned down to kiss his warm cheek. “Just admiring your beauty.”

  Cian cracked one eye open she he reached up to cup her face and his thumb gently brushed her cheek. “Stay with me?”

  She nodded and laid back down as Cian wrapped the blankets over her and pulled her tightly to his warm body. Her back conformed to his chest as he embraced her from behind. His face nuzzled her neck as his hand caressed the slight curve of her belly. Ashlynn’s heart fluttered wildly at the thought of their little family of three, growing by the day.

  “Do you want to talk about last night?” she asked him.

  “No,” he spoke against her shoulder. “It’s done.”

  “Are you alright?”

  He took a moment, but finally replied. “Yes. I have you, the wedding is tomorrow. I’m alright.”

  Her heart raced once again at the mention of the wedding. Just a day away. It felt like forever had passed to get them to this point and, in a way, it had. She’d travelled through time to meet the man whose soul was fated with hers and they were about to profess their love for one another, to vow to be together forever.

  He gently squeezed her. “I’ll find Serena, and I’ll put a stop to the underground hostilities. Don’t worry. It just might take longer than we planned. Right now, my main priority is keeping you and the baby safe.”

  A tinge of guilt toiled her stomach at the thought of how Serena wasn’t the only danger she faced. Her powers grew by the day and Ashlynn was beginning to feel like they were reaching out of her control.

  But she couldn’t tell Cian that. Could she?

  The toll everything else was taking on him, she couldn’t bear to put this on him, too. But the thought of keeping a secret – one of this importance – seemed wrong. They shared everything. It was an honesty they’d built their entire relationship upon.

  Ashlynn opened her mouth to speak, but Cian snuggled closer and his lips grazed the bottom of her ear.

  “Let’s stay in bed all morning,” he whispered.

  His breath tickled and sent goosebumps racing down her body. His hand slid across her stomach and reached up to gently squeeze her sensitive breasts as he pressed himself against her. Ashlynn tipped her chin up and let out a hearty gasp. Cian’s touch could send her reeling into bliss at the drop of a hat and she relished every second his hands were on her. His fingers trailed down her sternum and grabbed at the hem of her silky nightgown, pulling it up to expose her dainty underwear.

  “Gods, I love you,” he told her.

  She turned in his embrace and pressed her body against his, letting their soft curves meld together perfectly. Whatever they were made of, whatever bits of the universe came together to create them, Ashlynn knew she and Cian were made for one another.

  She slung a leg over his waist and let his warmth consume her. His able hands slid underneath her nightgown and caressed the skin of her back as he held her tightly. Almost desperately. And, in that moment, Ashlynn knew Cian needed this. He needed the touch, the closeness. The assurance that she was there.

  With a deep growl, Cian moved to hover over her, his large, muscled frame covering Ashlynn like a protective blanket. She wrapped her hands around his waist and pressed her fingertips into his skin. Cian’s hips rolled and she threw her head back in ecstasy.

  “Oh, Gods, Cian…” The words came out in a tender whisper.

  Ashlynn felt her temperature rising, her chest filled with want, with a need for this man before her. As Cian nestled himself between her legs, he grabbed her thighs as he gently positioned himself at her warm center and slide inside.

  Another cry of bliss escaped Ashlynn’s chest, matched by the moans that tumbled from Cian’s body. He tensed as the pace quickened; his hips rolling faster, harder. Ashlynn braced her hands against the brick wall behind them as she let Cian ravage her body, thrusting with a perfect rhythm and sending wave after wave of pleasure shooting through her.

  “Harder,” she said in a broken whisper.

  Without a word, he obeyed, and Ashlynn cried out in pleasure as the warmth of their sleep escaped the sheets that fell to the floor. Cian grabbed both her hands and pinned them to the pillows, entwining their fingers as his unfaltering movements continued to envelope her in a thick cloud of bliss.

  She could feel her rising climax, building and swelling deep inside and she prayed he never stopped. And, as if he could read her mind, Cian’s pace quickened, and Ashlynn’s back arched as the hard rush of orgasm poured down over her. She rode the wave for as long as she could, never wanting it to end, and Cian soon met her. Tensing and then crumbing together until there was nothing left but their heavy breaths and a new warmth that filled the bed.

  Ashlynn grasped Cian’s face in both hands, and she fought to regain control of her breathing. “I love you.”

  He pressed his forehead to hers. “I love you, too.”


  A knock at the door echoed through the comfortably quiet apartment and stirred Ashlynn from one of the deepest sleeps she’d ever had. Afternoon sun evaded the space and she peered over at the clock on the bedside table. It was nearly four o’clock.

  The knock came again, and Ashlynn peeled the blankets from her sweaty body with a moan. She grabbed a robe as she made her way to the door and wrapped it hastily around her before opening the door.

  “Faith,” she said with surprise. “Is everything alright?” She rolled her eyes and leaned against the open door. “Or is this more wedding preparations?”

  Faith grinned as she took in the sight of her and peered over her shoulder toward a still-sleeping Cian. “Neither. I’m here to help you with your problem.”

  Ashlynn could feel the color drain from her face and lowered her voice so Cian couldn’t hear. “What do you mean?”

  Faith seemed to pick up on it and dropped her tone to match Ashlynn’s. “I know you’ve been experiencing unsteady bursts of power. I could see that in the forest the other night.”

  Part of her was relieved to have someone to talk to about it. “I think – I think it’s the baby. She has a power of her own.”

  Faith shook her head. “That’s impossible. We’re not able to host magic until at least five or six years old. A fetus isn’t developed enough to even comprehend the concept of magic, let alone wield it.”

  Ashlynn shrugged. “Well, something’s happening. Something I’ve never felt before. It’s strong, and I’m not sure I can control it.”

  Faith smiled and reached into a brown leather shoulder bag to retrieve a glass ball. “Yes, you can.”

  Ashlynn’s eyes widened. “What’s this?”

  “An orb of Thessula,” Faith whispered. “It does many things, but one is to store magic. You can funnel your excess power into it until after the baby is born so you don’t experience what you did in the forest.”

  “Faith you never cease to amaze me,” Ashlynn stared in wide-eyed wonder at the gift her friend had discovered. She lifted her hands reverently and gratefully accepted the gift. “How does it work?”

  “It’s pretty simple,” the Seer said. “Just hold the orb in both hands and focus your energy on it. Will your excess magic to seep into its pores until you feel it’s enough. Do it as many times as you need, this thing can store a millennia’s worth of magic.” She cleared her throat. “Just don’t let anyone know. If this thing falls into the wrong hands –”

  Ashlynn’s eyes bulged. “What?”

  “The magic stored inside can be accessed by anyone.”

  Ashlynn nodded in understanding. “Serena.”

  “Exactly,” Faith replied sadly. “This is a great tool to help you through this pregnancy. But you must protect it at all costs.”

sp; “I will,” Ashlynn assured her friend. “Thank you, Faith. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  Faith grinned and cast a quick glance over Ashlynn’s shoulder. “You seem to be fairing pretty well.”

  Ashlynn laughed and then heard Cian stir behind her.

  Faith cupped a hand over her mouth. “Sorry. Okay, I’ll leave you to it. Get some rest, you’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

  Ashlynn’s stomach fluttered. “Thanks. I’ll see you here in the morning?”

  “Absolutely, Princess.”

  Faith disappeared down the hall of the old warehouse and Ashlynn shut the door. She slipped off her robe and hid the orb inside before tucking it in her handbag. Then she tip-toed back to bed where she crawled back into Cian’s arms. Her safe place. Her home.

  But something plagued her mind, the thought of someone finding the orb after she stored her excess magic inside it.

  Someone like Serena.

  Chapter Five

  “There you go, my handsome boy,” Eadlyn cooed unashamedly as she adjusted Cian’s tie and smoothed down his collar.

  “Mom.” Cian shook his head.

  He took his mother’s fidgeting hands in his and raised them to his lips for a kiss. These hands, he thought as her eyes misted over for the twentieth time that morning, these hands held his heart. Whoever had said the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world had known what they were talking about. Except his mother’s hands really did help rule their world, with grace and power. She’d taught him to be a good man and a good leader, well, her and his father.

  “I can’t help it,” she said, dabbing at her eyes carefully with an old-fashioned handkerchief embroidered with her initials. “You’re my first-born and today you’re marrying the woman you love.” Tears brimmed again and spilled from her eyes. “I wish your brothers were here.” Eadlyn shook her head and chuckled. “These are happy tears, don’t worry. They’ll stop eventually.”


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