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Straight To The Heart (Three Of A Kind #3)

Page 1

by Beth Rinyu

  Table of Contents

  Straight to The Heart









































  Thank You

  Straight to The Heart

  Book 3

  The Three of a Kind Series

  Beth Rinyu


  Straight To The Heart

  Book 3

  Three of a Kind Series

  Copyright © 2016 by Beth Rinyu

  All rights reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Beth Rinyu, except for the use of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Cover design and Cover photo by Lindee Robinson of Lindee Robinson Photography


  Thanks to everyone who has had a vested interest in these three crazy girls since book one. So without further ado…. I give you Gia’s story! Enjoy!



  The closest I’d ever come to seeing myself in a wedding gown was staring at my twin sister as she walked down the aisle on my father’s arm to marry the love of her life. Her long loose curls fell just above her shoulders, while the beaded halter dress she was wearing looked like it was designed just for her. If I were to ever plan on marrying, that would have definitely been my choice of gown. My attention diverted to Jason. His smile was a mile wide, causing my eyes to pool with tears over their happiness. They had waited for this moment forever.

  Marriage had never crossed my mind. To me, it was reserved for those that were truly in love and wanted to start a family, just like Carrie and Jason. I was happy with my life just the way it was. I’d been seeing Jasper for six months now, and I was relieved that he’d already done the marriage and kid thing and wouldn’t be looking to me for that in the future. I wasn’t exactly thrilled over the still married part but the divorce was in process. His wife was fighting him on everything, thus prolonging it.

  I gave Carrie a smile as she and our father reached the altar, throwing in an extra reassuring glance to my dad when I saw his eyes tearing up as he took his seat. I bent down to adjust her train just as the priest began to speak, and I began to zone out, wishing that Jasper were here with me, celebrating this important day in my life. Instead, he was out of the country on business. Between my schedule, his schedule, his kids’ schedule, and whatever demands his soon-to-be ex was placing on him, our time was very limited. He tried to include me in on some activities with his kids, but it just wasn’t my thing. His daughter, Ava, was a spoiled little brat who was not happy over her parents divorcing and was even less happy about my presence in her father’s life. I could deal with his son, Jack. At least he didn’t shoot me daggers whenever I looked his way.

  The priest continued to ramble and my mind continued to drift further and further away. I looked into the pews of people, giving Cam a wink when my eyes met his. My smile widened and he winked back. He was so adorable, and even though he was a big time baseball player that men idolized and women drooled over, he would always be my little cutie pie. I hated that we rarely got to see each other anymore. He was the star shortstop for the Los Angeles Vipers and living out in California. We still kept in touch via text, email and phone calls. He always made sure that we got together when he was in town, but it still wasn’t the same. I was happy for his success, but a small part of me would feel a twinge of jealousy when word of him dating a super-hot model or a famous actress would flood the tabloid magazines. In my eyes, I still viewed him as “My Cam”, and I didn’t like sharing him with the rest of the world, especially beautiful women.

  “You look hot,” I mouthed to him. A huge grin stretched across his face. He shook his head and looked down at the ground, trying to stifle his laughter. My mother’s widened eyes locked with mine, giving me her familiar look of warning that she always gave when she was unable to express herself vocally. Biting my lip to stop from giggling, I quietly cleared my throat while I tried to think of something serious to curtail my laughter. Why was it that the times when we had to remain serious were the times that we most wanted to laugh?

  Get it under control, Gia. If you burst into laughter right in the middle of Carrie and Jason exchanging their vows, she’ll never forgive you!

  The baby! I would concentrate on my niece or nephew who I lovingly referred to as “It”. It drove Carrie crazy when I did that, but it was payback for her refusing to find out the sex ahead of time when she knew that the suspense was killing me. She was such a traditionalist, with her: we want to be surprised when the baby is born…. nonsense. I begged her to have the ultrasound tech write it down and put it in a sealed envelope for my eyes only, but she wouldn’t budge, telling me if she had to wait then I would, too. So from that moment on, my niece or nephew would be called “It” until the sex was determined. Regardless, if it was a boy or girl, “It” was going to be one lucky baby with an aunt that planned on spoiling them rotten and two of the best parents in the world. I couldn’t believe how different I was from my sister. We were the best of friends, but complete opposites in every way. Carrie had it together; a stable job, a baby she was already in love with on the way, and a very soon-to-be husband that worshipped the ground she walked on. Me…..well, I was a bit dysfunctional, but I seemed to work well that way. I flew by the seat of my pants, scraping up money for rent at the last possible minute each month, bartending and working at a dance studio while auditioning for every production that I could, looking for my big break. I didn’t know what it was like to have money in the bank or to be paying off more than just my minimum payment on my credit cards each month. That was who I was, and I didn’t care who judged me for it, except for when I was around Jasper. For some reason, I always tried to be “put together, Gia” when I was around him. I wanted to be more than just his younger girlfriend when I was out in public or attending functions with him. I wanted to seem like I was on his level and not just some young stupid girl who was taken by his good looks and success. It was exhausting, and I only wished that I could be myself in front of him and still have him appreciate me just as much. Part of me wondered if the only reason he was with me was so that he could say he had a much younger girlfriend, but when we were together all of those thoughts ceased. The sex was amazing and it was the only time I could truly be myself with him whether in the bedroom, his office or the bathroom at Chateau Deux. Yes, that’s where we jived best… when it came to sex. It was so i
ntense and unlike anything I’ve ever experienced with anyone else. I wondered if that was what it was like with all older men who had a little more experience or if he was really that good. When we were together in that way, he always made me feel special, sexy, and most of all, satisfied. It wasn’t the usual wham, bam, thank you ma’am I usually experienced with guys my age. It was the exact opposite, he would take his time to make sure that I always had my happy ending.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

  The priest’s voice snapped me out of my fantasy and right back to reality.

  My sister was married. My sister had a husband. I had a brother- in- law. We were no longer Carrie and Gia Maynard. She had a different last name to mine! Why was this all suddenly hitting me right now? And why was I becoming a blubbering fool over it? As happy as I was for Carrie and Jason, I couldn’t help but feel a little disheartened. They were moving on to the next stage of their lives and leaving me behind. This was so unfair…..I didn’t want to be a grown-up just yet!


  Good music, great food, flowing drinks, and I still hadn’t loosened up. Instead, I found myself checking my phone every two minutes for some form of communication from Jasper.

  I decided to step outside before dinner started. The banquet facility was owned by the grandiose inn that was located on the property, making it the perfect venue for a fairytale wedding. As I looked around at the well- manicured grounds dressed up in white lights to celebrate the approaching holiday season, I couldn’t help but laugh to myself. Leave it to my mother to be able to pull off a wedding that most people would need at least a year to plan in only six weeks. Since this would be the one and only time she would get to be the mother-of- the-bride, she made sure she did it right, regardless of the timeframe. The cool November air was welcoming compared to the stuffy banquet room filled with people. I needed a break from trying to be cordial and putting on my best game face each time I would hear, ‘’You’re next”’. No, I wasn’t next. Why did the majority of the population feel that just because you were a single, soon-to-be twenty-five-year-old woman that you needed to be married? Why was it so hard to accept that marriage wasn’t for everyone, and that I was perfectly happy being Gia Maynard for the rest of my life? I fumbled through my tiny purse, trying to find my emergency stash of cigarettes. I needed to do something to loosen up. Since the three glasses of wine I’d slammed down just a short while ago weren’t having any effect on me, this was my next option. I turned my back to the breeze, cursing under my breath as I tried to get the damn thing lit. I inhaled that first drag deeply when my lighter and Mother Nature decided to cooperate for one brief moment.

  “Since when do you smoke?”

  I jumped at the sound of Cam's voice.

  I turned around to find him standing right behind me with his hands in his pockets and that adorable double-dimple grin that always made my heart beat a little faster than normal.

  “Leave me alone, it's my way of coping." I offered him a drag, and he held up his hand in protest. "Well, if you're gonna make me feel guilty about it." I took one last drag and put it out.

  "What do you need to cope with?"

  I looked up at the moon and let out a sarcastic laugh. "Nothing really. Just my crazy life."

  "Oh is that all?"

  I playfully punched him in the arm. "Oh, come on, Cam, we can’t all be famous baseball players like you." He shook his head and flashed me that grin again. "So tell me, are they real?"

  "What?" he creased his forehead, looking totally confused.

  "Willow Asher's boobs."

  "Only you, Gia!" He chuckled.

  "Well, seriously. I mean, no one can be that beautiful naturally. Please tell me all those photos I see of her in magazines are photo-shopped."

  "I don't know, but I think you're a natural beauty."

  "Ahh, you’re so sweet, and a very good liar."

  "Hey now, I'm not lying. I do."

  "Well, thank you, Cam, but compared to her, I'm a rag doll."

  He rolled his eyes. "So, how's ‘what's his face’ doing? Are you still seeing him?"

  "What's his face? You mean, Jasper?" I giggled. "Yeah I am, and he's doing good. Wish he was here....but whatever."

  "Well, where is he?"

  "Tokyo." He nodded and looked straight ahead. "He was supposed to have come but was called away on business at the last minute. No biggie. I'm kinda used to it." I let out a deep sigh.

  "Well, he must be pretty special, this is a record for you." He smirked.

  "Look who's talking? Who is your flavor of the month? Let’s see, is it an exotic super model, or an Oscar winning actress?” I giggled.

  "Don't have one this month." He laughed.

  I held my hand over my heart. "Wow.....that's a shocker!"

  "Keep it up, funny girl."

  The light moment that had just passed between us made me realize once again just how different my life was from my ‘put together’ twin sister. "Carrie and Jason, they look so happy." I stared straight ahead.

  "Don't sound so down. It's a good thing."

  "Oh, I'm not. It's just sometimes, I wonder if I'm normal."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I can't ever imagine myself settling down and doing the whole marriage and baby thing. I mean, what’s wrong with me? It totally goes against the female DNA, doesn't it?"

  "Nah. It's just not what you want out of life right now. Who knows, maybe someday you’ll change your mind."

  "Doubt it, but whatever."

  "Maybe What's his face -"

  "J-a-s-p-e-r!" I laughed.

  "Yeah, him." He laughed back. "Maybe he's the one that will make you change your mind."

  "Umm....that's highly unlikely.”

  "And, why is that?"

  "For one, he's going through a bitter divorce right now. I don't think he'll want to ever make that commitment with anyone else, and as far as kids go, he's already got two and doesn’t plan on anymore."

  "Well, maybe he'll become so enamored with your sparkling personality and your cute little smile, that he'll be willing to take the plunge again."

  " are so funny!"

  "I'm being totally serious!”

  “Doesn't matter if he does because this chick doesn't do babies."

  He shook his head and grabbed my hand. “Ah, Gia, you and I are so much alike, I sometimes wonder if we were twins separated at birth.”

  “Can’t be.” I looked up into his deep brown eyes, trying to be serious.

  “Oh yeah, and why is that?” He looked as if he was trying to keep that same serious demeanor as me.

  “Because, you’re older than me, and I’m much prettier.” We both burst into laughter.

  “Okay, so how about this, you’re my sister from another mother….. and father.”

  “Sounds good to me!”

  He clenched my hand tighter and led me toward the door. “Okay then, sister, I say we go get drunk.”

  “Sounds even better!” I laughed as we walked inside.



  I rolled over and slowly opened my eyes, trying to figure out where the hell I was. My head was throbbing so bad that my hair actually felt like it hurt. I grabbed the back of my neck as I scooted up into a sitting position, looking down at myself, still dressed in my bridesmaid dress.

  Okay, I guess I wasn’t kidnapped and raped.

  Drugged? Well, that was a possibility with the way I was feeling at the moment. The running water in the bathroom piqued my curiosity. I inched my way out of bed and grabbed onto the night table to gather my balance once my feet hit the floor.

  “Yo, easy Gia!” Cam shouted, walking out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

  Even in my hungover state I couldn’t help but stare at the more than perfect body that definitely wasn’t photo-shopped in all those magazines. I had living proof of that, standing right in front of me. I plopped back down on the bed and ran my han
d through my hair.

  “Umm…Cam. We didn’t….?” I shook my head, hoping he would answer that with a no. If we did, I was going to be pissed at myself, and I wasn’t quite sure if it was because Cam and I would have crossed a line that should have never been crossed or because I was too drunk to remember it.

  “What?! No, Gia of course we didn’t. I was pretty drunk, but not that drunk.”

  “Oh thanks!”

  “Very funny, Gia. You know I didn’t mean it that way.” He took a seat next to me on the bed, and I had wished that he hadn’t. He was too hot for words, and I hated having that hotness only a few inches from my face. “You were…pretty wasted. So, I took you to my room to stop you from making a spectacle of yourself.”

  Suddenly bits and pieces of the night were coming back to me. I remembered dancing with Cam….a lot. I remembered drinking…..a real lot, and I vaguely remembered my maid of honor speech. “Oh God, Cam, please tell me I didn’t bomb on my speech to Carrie and Jason.” He let out a chuckle and rubbed his hand along the scruff of his face. Suddenly my stomach felt sick. I grabbed his arm in desperation. “What did I say?”

  “Nothing, you gave a really nice speech.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “Then why are you laughing.”

  “Guess you don’t remember singing in front of everyone?”

  I felt like I was going to puke. Dancing in front of everyone, that came as natural as breathing….but singing? I couldn’t sing to save my life. I buried my face in my hands, trying to contain my embarrassment. “What was I singing?”

  “Umm….do you want to know what you were singing or who you were singing it to?”

  My eyes widened. “My god, it just keeps getting worse. Go ahead, hit me with it. I can handle it.”

  “Let’s Get it On by Marvin Gaye.”

  “Oh god!” I gulped. “Who did I sing it to?” It was painful to even ask. “Please tell me it was you, Carrie, or my mom?” I pleaded.


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