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Cosmic Girl: Looking For Trouble: superhero series for young adults - Book Two

Page 4

by R S J Gregory

  “I-Spy? Read my mind. I have the map of where they are. Pass it to the others.” Stuart asks while his eyes blaze white in the darkness.

  Beth tilts her head and giggles. “That tickles.” Beth says and then an unusual image pops into my head.

  It looks like an overhead map of the city, but there are no buildings, just bright green spots of light that are flashing, with pulsing green lines that connect them all. The pulsing lines are crisscrossing all over the image. It’s freaky. It’s like The Matrix, or something.

  “Still reading me?” Stuart asks Beth.

  I notice Beth nod, but all I can see is the bright green spots and lines in my head now, like I’ve stared at a light for too long, and the image is now burned into my retina.

  “Here is where we are.” Stuart says. Then a flashing green light pulses brighter briefly in my head.

  “Got it.” I say. “I’ll cover the South Side.” I add.

  “I’ll take downtown.” Mitchell states.

  “I’ve got the West Side.” Stuart says calmly.

  “That leaves me with the North, I guess.” Paul says and takes a deep breath.

  “Have fun.” Beth says and folds her arms and leans against the streetlight.

  Paul looks over at her. “I wouldn’t stand under there, if I were you. Might give people the wrong idea.”

  She flashes him a steely look, but Paul just chuckles and disappears into the night with a loud bang.

  I roll my eyes, before taking off and flying south. I keep above the streetlights and give the CCTV cameras a quick bop as I fly over. They make a satisfying crunch before crashing to the sidewalk with a clang. I follow the map burned into my mind and keep up a steady pace. There are still people around at this hour, and some wave at me as I fly overhead. I notice them in my peripheral vision, but I press on.

  An hour later, and I fly back towards the beach where we began. As I get closer I can see them already gathered, sitting on the beach. I land lightly next to Mitchell as he lies stretched out, and sit down.

  “Well, that was fun.” Paul says. “So, any idea who the dude is who phoned you?” He adds and gives me a serious look for the first time tonight.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never heard his voice before.” I reply.

  “How the hell did he get your number? That’s just plain freaky.” Beth says as she stretches her legs out in front of her.

  “Whoever he is, he sounded serious. He asked for my help.”

  “Maybe he’ll call you again.” Stuart says quietly. His eyes are now back to their normal pale brown.

  Maybe. I hope whoever they are, that they got my message tonight. I don’t like surprises, and I don’t like people watching my every move.

  I fly back to my house and descend to my window.

  “What the?” I blurt out when I see my window closed.


  I look around quickly before flying over to my dad’s bedroom window which is next to mine. I see it open a fraction at the bottom.

  Please be asleep.

  I don’t want him to catch me in my costume. It sounds silly, but I would feel embarrassed if he caught me like this.

  Okay. I am officially embarrassed.

  As I slide the window up, my dad is right there staring back at me.

  My heart is hammering in my chest as I remember to breathe.

  “Have fun, did you?” Dad says as he steps back from his window.

  I fly through slowly and right myself up so that I’m looking into his eyes.

  “Dad. We need to talk.” I say hesitantly.

  “I agree.” He says and closes the curtains behind me before switching the light on.

  I keep my mouth shut and hover in the air while he walks over and opens the bedroom door.

  “Downstairs.” He says then exits the room.

  I fly after him, but he stops and glares back at me.

  “Stop that. God gave you legs, use them.” He grumbles at me before continuing towards the stairs.

  I drop to the green carpet and mooch after him. I follow him into the kitchen. He sits at the table and waits with his back to me. I sigh as I walk over and take the seat opposite.

  “First of all.” Dad says and then sighs heavily. “Good job in Mexico. I saw what you did on the news.”

  I’m speechless. I wasn’t expecting this.

  “Thanks, Dad.” I say.

  “Can you take that off, please?” He says and points to my pink eye mask.

  “Sure.” I quickly remove it and lay it on the table.

  “I see what you’re doing, Pumpkin. I’m not blind. I’m very proud of you.”

  I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks.

  “But?” I say.

  “No more lying. No more hiding things from me. I am your father, and I need you to trust me. We’re a family, Britney. We have to stick together. No matter what happens. Okay?”

  “Okay. Then you need to know something.” I say and brace myself.


  “Someone knows I’m Cosmic Girl.”

  “What? Who?”

  “That’s just it. I don’t know. He called me on my cell.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He said that he needs my help. No, wait. He said my country needs me. Whatever that means.”

  “What did you say?” Dad asks and rests his stubbly chin on his left fist.

  “I hung up. It freaked me out, Dad.”

  “He only contacted you the one time?”

  “Yeah. This afternoon. I think whoever he is may have caught me changing on CCTV or something. It’s the only explanation. I destroyed our photos that were in Devlin’s basement.”

  “Devlin.” Dad mutters and his fists clench until they crack.

  “Tell me about it. What are we gonna do?” I ask him.

  “Well, you’re going to have a shower, then go to bed. We’ll deal with this in the morning.” Dad says and gets up.

  I get up slowly and grab my mask. I follow him from the kitchen, then almost bump into him as he stops and turns to me.

  “No more secrets?” He asks.

  “No more secrets.” I agree. Then he wraps me in his big bear arms.

  “I’m sorry I let you down, Dad. It won’t happen again.” I say into his nightshirt.


  When I head downstairs for breakfast, Dad and Jessica are already up. I hear the television on in the living room as I get to the bottom of the stairs. I hear an intake of breath, and Jessica chuckle darkly.

  “It’s not funny.” I hear Dad argue.

  I poke my head around the doorway and yawn.

  “Good morning.” I say as rub my eyes.

  “Please tell me there’s a good explanation for this?” Dad says and waves the television remote at the screen.

  I yawn again as I try and focus on what he’s pointing at. I see myself in costume sitting on the blue couch talking to Terrence Donovan.

  “Damage control, Dad. People need to see that I’m not a danger to everyone. Just to some.” I say and smile.

  “Hmm...” He murmurs and flips the channel. Now they’re showing some broken cameras, and some damaged streetlights on the news.

  “...thousands of CCTV cameras were discovered vandalized this morning all over Chicago. No witnesses have come forward yet, but the police say that they do have some leads which they will be following up on in due course.”

  Yeah. Good luck with that. Still, no witnesses? Lots of people saw me. Why don’t they say anything?

  I look sheepishly at the screen before slinking off to the kitchen.

  Dad enters as I’m tucking into my bowl of Coco Pops.

  “Strange thing. All those security cameras, vandalized like that?” He says.

  “Weird.” I agree and nod my head.

  He gives me a sharp look, and I sigh and put my spoon down.

  “Okay. It was us.” I admit. “But I had no choice, Dad. I don’t know who used those cameras to nail me.” I s
ay quickly.

  “I agree.” He says simply. “But it’s a little late. They already know who you are.”

  “Well, hopefully this will make it harder for them to learn anything else.” I say, shrug and pick my spoon back up.

  “Whoever they are, they’re resourceful.” Dad says and heads back towards the living room.

  I finish my cereal in silence. Who are they? C.I.A.? Feds?

  A knock at the door breaks my train of thought. I put my bowl in the dishwasher and zip to the front door in a nanosecond.

  “Hi.” Mitchell greets me with a dazzling smile when I open the door.

  I jump up and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

  He kisses me back and strokes my back with his fingertips, which gives me shivers.

  I release him and let go and drop back to the carpet.

  “You’re looking happier.” He says and steps inside.

  I close the door behind him and pull him into the living room, where Dad and Jessica are chilling out. It’s Sunday, so they’re both in good spirits. When we enter, Dad looks up from his armchair.

  “Oh, hi Mitchell.” Dad says.

  “Good morning, sir.” Mitchell replies, then Dad gives him a reproachful look. “Sorry. I mean, Richard.”

  “That’s better.” Dad says.

  “So, what are you two doing today? Planning on destroying any more government property?” Jessica asks.

  “Oh, I’m sure we can find something to do.” Mitchell replies and lifts his black Chicago Bulls backpack meaningfully.

  “What, now?” I ask and raise an eyebrow.

  “Crime doesn’t just happen when the sun goes down. You game?” Mitchell says.

  I look to Dad for approval. He looks up at us and shakes his head.

  “You don’t need my permission, Pumpkin. Go. Help people. And, try to be careful. Okay?”

  “I’ll try my best.” I say and grin before flying upstairs.

  I put my costume into my Chinese lucky cat backpack, then fly back downstairs where Mitchell is waiting by the front door.

  “I heard that.” Dad calls out from the living room. “No flying indoors.”

  “Yes, Dad.” I say and chuckle. “See you later.” I call out as I open the door.

  Mitchell moseys on out and I close the door behind us. We head right and head to the end of my street.

  “So, where to?” I ask as I breathe in the fresh air.

  “Downtown.” Mitchell replies and loosens his black Chicago Bulls backpack. “There’s always something happening. Muggings, fender benders, carjacking, stabbings...” He adds as he begins to unzip his pack.

  “Shall we then?” I say and unleash the power within me.

  My feet pummel the sidewalk as I blaze south. The streets become a blur as I race towards downtown.

  I hear a steady roar, then the sonic boom as Mitchell overtakes me.

  Damn, he’s fast.

  I kick up from the ground and take to the sky. I change into my Cosmic Girl costume several thousand feet up. Once my backpack is secure, I descend toward the city and search for Mitchell. I find him a few seconds later on top of a church, casually leaning against the steeple. He’s in his Crash costume now. He waves a black gloved-hand before hopping down.

  As I fly lower, he points to his left, then disappears in a black blur. I fly overhead and follow him as he heads east.

  In seconds we find ourselves near the Shedd Aquarium just south of Grant Park. Mitchell slows down, makes a left, then stops near the Buckingham Fountain. I swoop down and land next to him. There must be a thousand people here, at least.

  I suddenly feel nervous. Will they freak out that we’re here?

  “Hi. How you doing?” Mitchell says to some teenage girls who are nearby, gasping and pointing at us.

  “Howdy, folks.” I greet a group of six young Latinos who are sitting on the grass reading. Two of them look up, and one of them blows me a kiss and winks at me.

  I rise up from the grass and glide over the people sitting down, while Mitchell stomps across the grass looking like Robocop.

  Grant Park is a huge area, and there are thousands of people out enjoying the sunshine. The weather guy said it was gonna be seventy five degrees today, and judging by what most people are wearing, t shirts, tank tops, vests, and some of the guys are topless, I guess he was right for once.

  Me? I don’t feel the temperature anymore. Hot, cold, it’s all the same to me. I always feel warm, nothing else.

  I hear a commotion a few hundred yards away, and fly over to see what’s going on. Two guys are shouting, shoving each other. A couple of girls stand nearby shouting as well.

  “Whoa. What’s the ruckus?” I call out as I stop and hover near them.

  “He was eye-balling my girl.” The one wearing a Van Halen t shirt who is sporting a black goatee states, and points at the other guy.

  “He did what?” The other guy’s girlfriend asks and looks daggers at her guy.

  The other guy’s wearing an Elvis Presley t shirt, with the King rocking his 70’s wardrobe. The poor guy is getting it from both sides now.

  “Did you?” I ask. I can’t believe that I’m trying to fix a domestic.

  “Only as I passed by. She was sitting on the grass. I didn’t want to step on her hand, so I looked down to avoid her.” The Elvis guy says.

  “Oh, yeah, he looked down alright. Right down her top.” The Van Halen guy says and shoves the other guy backwards.

  “Hey, that’s enough.” I say and push them apart. “It sounds plausible.”

  I turn to the Elvis guy and gesture with my head to get out of here. “Go.” I say.

  “I’m not done with you.” The other guy says and makes a grab for him.

  I glide in-between them and glare at him.

  “You wanna hit someone? Hit me.” I say with a challenging look.

  “Yeah, right.”

  “Then take a chill pill. Nothing happened.” I say.

  The guy in the Elvis t shirt gives me a ‘thank you’ look and hustles away with his girl; who may take more convincing.

  The man in the Van Halen t shirt grunts and sits back down. The girl who’s with him shrugs at me and sits down again.

  I fly up a few more feet and make a slow circuit of the park. Everyone is enjoying the sunshine. Some have guitars and are playing some local tunes, while others have music playing on their cell phones or MP3 players.

  I find Mitchell on the north side of the park near Jackson Drive. His helmet is moving left and right like he’s looking for something.

  “You lose something?” I ask as I stop and hover near his right shoulder.

  “Not something. Someone.” He responds in his deep muffled voice.

  “How did you lose them?” I ask.

  “She vanished.”

  She? “What was she doing before she vanished?”

  “Crying. I thought she might need help. But as I got closer, she just disappeared. Faded away, like a ghost.”

  “A ghost?” I ask, suddenly curious. I’ve always wanted to see a ghost in person.

  “Like a ghost. Not an actual ghost. At least, I don’t think it was a ghost.” Mitchell mutters and shakes his helmeted-head.

  “Ooh, what’s that?” I say and inhale through my nose again.

  Something acrid stings my nostrils. A fire?

  “There.” Mitchell says and points towards Lake Shore Drive.

  I look and see a plume of black smoke a couple of miles away. It’s rising from one of those fancy apartment buildings near Lake Shore Drive.

  “Let’s go.” I say and will myself up into the air.

  I thrust my arms forward and make a B-line for the black smoke. Yep, it’s definitely on Lake Shore. Looks like it’s Lake Point Tower. The top floors are completely shrouded in black smoke. I descend and level off at the top floor.

  I can already hear the emergency services in the distance. As I get closer, I see Mitchell leap up from the ground.

nbsp; His black blurred form rises up in front of me and arcs towards the top floor windows. I hear the sound of breaking glass as he enters the building in typical Crash fashion. A ball of flame shoots out from his entry point, then more flames begins erupting from the other windows, shattering the glass. Tongues of orange and red flame lick the air and walls.

  I head for the broken window, and take a deep breath before flying through into a thick blanket of black smoke. The smoke is making my eyes water. There’s a heavy smell of chemicals in the air.

  “Hello? Is anyone here?” I hear Mitchell’s muffled voice call out from somewhere nearby.

  I try and gage where he is, but the smoke is so thick that there’s zero visibility.

  “Is anybody here?” I call out above the crackle of burning furniture and the roar of fire.

  I hear something. Barely audible with all of this noise. But the strangeness of it catches my ear.

  It sounded like a button being pressed. The billowing thick smoke begins to thin. Within a few seconds the smoke has thinned enough for me to see a tall man in a grey suit sitting calmly on a stool in the middle of the room. He’s wearing a gas mask.


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