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Cosmic Girl: Looking For Trouble: superhero series for young adults - Book Two

Page 17

by R S J Gregory

  “No. We can’t let anyone know about this.” I say in panic. “If they know how to bring him down, they’ll know how to bring us down.” I say and look up at Mitchell.

  “She’s right. Before you know it, everyone will be packing armor-piercing rounds. We’d all be dead.” Mitchell says, and touches my hand gently.

  “We stick to the plan. We need to be able to get a drug of some kind in him.” I say and sigh. “Besides, as much as I hate the jerk, I don’t wanna kill him. I just want him normal again, and behind bars.” I say.

  “Do you think it’s possible? To take away his powers?” Dad asks.

  “I don’t know. But if radiation was used with the meteorites to give us these powers, then maybe there’s a way to reverse it using radiation. Radiation therapy, chemotherapy. Who knows?” I say and shrug, because right now, I’m grasping at straws.

  I have no idea if we can make him human again. But the idea gives me hope, and I sure do need that right now.

  I take a deep breath, and then look up at Mitchell and Dad.

  “How did you fix the hole in my lung?” I ask, keenly aware that I am breathing without too much difficulty.

  “We didn’t.” Mitchell replies with a sad smile.

  “The hole started healing as soon as we removed the bullet.” Dad says. “I sure am glad that you heal as quickly as you do.” Dad says and ruffles my hair.

  “Hey.” I complain and push his hand away and smooth my hair back down. “I guess we have Devlin to thank for that.” I say grimly.

  I sip my coffee and sigh. I close my eyes briefly and get flashes of images. Burning bodies flying through the air at me. People screaming. Something hitting my back. I open my eyes, and tears begin sliding down my cheeks. Those poor people.

  “What happened, exactly?” I ask Mitchell. “Did the others get away?”

  Mitchell nods slowly. “I think you’d better call your friends in Washington. We need help. We can’t do this on our own. We don’t have the training. You saw what Devlin did. How do we handle this?” Mitchell paces back and forth as he talks.

  Hmm, training? I look up at them both with an idea forming in my mind. Of course, I can’t do too much right now. I rotate my right shoulder carefully. My chest still hurts, and my back is throbbing.

  “You’re right. We need help.” I say and take another sip of my coffee. It tastes good. It warms me on the inside and puts a smile on my face. No matter how bad things get, coffee is always there to cheer me up.

  “What you need to do is rest.” Dad says firmly.

  “Yeah, I know.” I grumble. Then I look around. “Where’s Jessica?”

  “She’s out getting some supplies.” Dad replies.

  Oh, the exam.

  “Umm, Dad? Did the school call you about something?” I ask tentatively.

  “Yes they did. I squared it. Don’t worry. You’ll be able to retake your exams once the new semester starts.” Dad says.

  I sigh in relief.

  “But the Principal made himself quite clear. No more leniency.” Dad adds after a few seconds.

  Oh, crap.

  “So, where’s that food?” I ask, feeling ravenous.

  “Sure.” Dad says and begins going through the kitchen cupboards.

  I polish off my third piece of French toast, when the front door opens. I hear the rustle of bags and the jangle of keys, then the door is closed. I hear someone stamp their feet, then they head towards the kitchen.

  “Hey, you’re alive.” Jessica beams when she sees me sitting at the table. She drops the shopping and rushes over to give me a hug.

  “It’s good to see you too, sis.” I say and hug with my good arm.

  “Wow.” Jessica says, then kisses me on the cheek. Then she turns and looks at the bags of groceries on the floor. “Oh, yeah, right.” Jessica says, then picks the bags up and plonks them down on the table, before removing the contents.

  “How’s my costume?” I ask Jessica.

  Mitchell shakes his head and chuckles. Dad gets up and helps Jessica put the groceries away.

  “Let’s just say you have some new stars. Big ones.” Jessica says as she puts the milk in the refrigerator.

  “Great. Soon there won’t be any purple left, just white stars.” I grumble, then smile back at Jessica. “Thanks, by the way.” I add quickly.

  “You’re welcome.” Jessica says with her back to me.

  I begin to think about Bill and Agent Forest.

  Man, I’ve let them down. Big time. I was so sure I could stop Devlin.

  My cell phone got destroyed along with my backpack. Boy, I still feel angry about that. So I don’t know if they’ve been trying to get hold of me.

  Hmm, I wonder.

  I get up slowly from the table and walk towards the hallway.

  “Where you going?” Mitchell asks as he follows me out.

  “I need to check something.” I say and head into the living room. I check the telephone. The receiver is off the hook and resting on the side table. Well, I guess that answers that question. I turn around and head upstairs. I hold on to the railing as I climb the stairs one step at a time. Every step hurts my chest. I stop, then raise myself up into the air, about a foot off the carpeted stairs.

  I will myself up the stairs. It’s a little better, but my chest is still hurting.

  I get to the top and fly towards my bedroom. I hear Mitchell’s heavy footsteps behind me on the stairs as he follows me up.

  I lower myself into my desk chair and open my laptop. After it boots up, I check my email.

  “Wow.” I blurt out. Over twenty new emails. More than I usually get in a month.

  What happened?

  Where are you?

  Why don’t you answer your phone? Please call me. Urgent!

  Are you injured? We saw some footage from New York, but it’s not very clear. Please contact me.

  On and on they go. Gee, it sounds like Bill’s actually worried about me.

  “I need a new phone.” I grumble to myself as I begin to reply to the last email. I hear a whoosh, and turn to see that Mitchell’s gone. I turn back to my laptop and start typing.

  Hi, Bill. Sorry it’s been a while. Summer holiday, you know how it is. I lost my cell in New York, so I haven’t been able to call you. I’m fine, but I know that a lot of people aren’t. We tried our best. But we need some help. I have an idea, but I will need your cooperation and some sci-fi tech savvy person. I’ll call you when I get a new phone. C.G.

  I click on send, then I hear a whoosh again.

  “Here,” Mitchell says. “Try this.” I turn around and he’s holding a cell phone out to me.

  “Mitchell!” I gush as I stand up and give him a one armed hug.

  “It’s Pay As You Go.” He says in my ear. I kiss him on the cheek.

  “Thank you.” I say as I accept the new cell phone.

  Mitchell leans over and checks my laptop.

  “Hmm, what have you got in mind?” He asks.

  I wink up at him. “You’ll see.”

  Twenty Two

  “Are you sure about this?” Bill asks for the third time, as I hover near the spire of the John Hancock building. My new Pay As You Go cell phone is pressed to my ear, and I’m in my Cosmic Girl costume. It’s been two weeks since I was shot by Devlin. I’m feeling much better now. Determined, focused, and ready for round two.

  “You bet I’m sure. Can you help me or not?”

  “Give me some time. I’ll need to discuss this with my superiors.”

  “Sure. Just don’t take too long. Devlin’s still out there.” I say and hang up.

  Well, now the ball’s in their court. If they help, then maybe we’ve got a shot at stopping Devlin and his goons. Maybe.

  I slip the new cell phone inside my right boot, then take a deep breath. It’s been a while since I was able to leave the house. Now that I’m out, I need to restore people’s confidence in me again.

  All of the news channels are speculating whether
I’m dead. It was time to set that record straight.

  I adjust my pink glittery eye mask, then pitch forward and fly down toward Michigan Avenue. I level off at a hundred feet and fly leisurely along the avenue. I hear car horns blaring, then some people start shouting out.

  “Hey, it’s Cosmic Girl!”

  “Good to see you again.”

  “We love you.”

  “Where have you been?”

  “Hi.” I reply and wave at them as they stare up at me. Some wave back, but there are some who give me other hand gestures.


  I fly over the city, making sure people can see me. I help out with some fender benders. I pull the cars apart and make sure they’ve dialed 911. Then I wave goodbye and take to the skies again. I fly back towards The Pier and take a wide turn over the harbor.

  By now, a couple of news helicopters have spotted me and are heading in my direction.

  I stop and hover above the lake. I wait until they get closer, then smile and wave at them before taking off again. I accelerate and leave them far behind in a heartbeat.

  It feels good to be home.

  When I land on the roof of my school to collect my clothes, I get a call. So to speak.

  ‘Hey, Britney. You wanna go watch a movie tonight?’ Beth’s husky voice asks me inside my head.

  What did you have in mind? I ask silently while I get changed.

  ‘Love is the Key.’ Beth replies excitedly.

  That’s the new romantic comedy, right? Oh, okay. So, a girl’s night. Cool. But I want to go to Bloomies first.

  ‘Great. Bring Jessica along too. The more the merrier.’

  Thanks, Beth. When do you wanna hook up?

  ‘Around three, outside the 900.’

  See you then.

  I check my cell phone. It was just after twelve. Plenty of time to get ready.

  I finish getting changed back into my normal clothes. I wear my clothes over my costume. I put my Nikes back on, and carry my purple boots. I slip my eye mask inside one of the boots, then jump off the edge and drop to the school parking lot.

  As soon as my feet hit the cement, I super-speed back to my street. I stop at the corner of my street, then stroll casually up to my house. When I get to the top of the steps, Jessica opens the door with a smile.

  “Yay, girl’s night out.” Jessica says as I slide past her.

  So, Beth has already asked her. Why am I not surprised.

  “You wanna come, then?” I ask.

  It’ll be fun to spend some quality time with my girls. I could do with some fun. Things have been so serious lately.

  “Of course. Wouldn’t miss it. Shame about the movie choice. Love is the Key?” Jessica says, then fakes a shudder. Romance isn’t her thing. I bet she wants some hot lovin, though. Probably from Bavik, her Ukrainian work colleague.

  “Don’t forget your bank card.” I say as I saunter into the kitchen.

  I’m not that hungry, so I just make myself a tuna-fish sandwich with some capers and some mayonnaise. I’m still chewing the last of my sandwich as I fly upstairs to my bedroom.

  I close the curtains, then get out of my normal clothes. I unzip my Cosmic Girl costume, and remove it gently. I place my costume, boots and gloves on the carpet near the writing desk, and go take a shower. I turn the heat up all the way and enjoy the steam.

  When it’s at its hottest, I can almost feel the warmth. It’s like when you can just about feel the sun through the clouds in winter. Not enough to warm you, but it’s comforting.

  After I’m done, I dry myself off and wrap my long hair in a pink towel, then lie on my bed and inspect my costume.

  Poor thing. There are so many stars now from all of the bullet holes that I’m beginning to think that I need a new costume.

  The knuckles on my gloves have friction burns and scuff marks. The boots are looking unloved.

  A cracked heel on the right boot, and I can see gouges in the soles from where Devlin zapped me with his heat-vision.

  A tear falls from my eye when I remember my cute little backpack. Gone. Burned to cinders while it was still on my back.

  I can see on the back of my costume where it once was, there’s some blistering in two lines going from the left waistline up to the right shoulder. I can’t afford a new costume just yet.

  “Hang in there.” I say as I stroke the purple leather.

  I climb back into my costume, then check my closet for something to wear over the top of it. Blue jeans, that always works. I pull a blue long sleeved sweater out and slip it on. I check myself in my mirror, and nod in approval when I can’t see my costume poking out. I pull my purple boots on, then slip on some larger Nikes on over the top. I’m a size four, so I got some old Nikes from a thrift store in a size seven.

  They fit over my boots nicely, but I do look odd with huge feet, kind of like a Hobbit. I slip my new cell phone into a shoulder bag that my sister got me after Devlin broke out of jail. She thought it would cheer me up. It didn’t, but I appreciated it.

  It has a long cream leather strap that matches the bag. I slip it over my shoulder and check myself in the mirror.

  Hmm, not bad. Starting to look a bit more like a woman now. Well, only a little.

  I spray myself with some of my favorite perfume, then head downstairs.

  Jessica’s already waiting by the front door. She opens the door as I reach the hallway.

  Jessica decides that we should get the bus to downtown.

  “Let’s just have a normal day.” Jessica says as I frown.

  Being normal and moving at normal speed is difficult when you know you can get there in the blink of an eye. But, I relent, and Jessica takes my hand as we walk towards the bus stop.

  I was looking forward to going to Bloomingdale’s. It’s been SO long.

  We get the number seventy three bus on Armitage. Jessica pays. I grab a window seat and look out the window. People are in t-shirts and vests. Must be hot today.

  I notice a few odd looks from the other passengers.

  Whatever. I can wear a sweater if I want. It’s a nice powder blue, and goes well with my jeans.

  “Nice weather?” I ask Jessica as she sits down next to me.

  She nods, then notices my sad expression as I pout and look out of the window. She touches my hand gently.

  “Can you feel this?” She asks quietly.

  I nod slowly.

  “Can you feel my warmth?” Jessica whispers.

  I shake my head. I turn and look at her, and give her a half-smile. “Don’t take it personally.” I say.

  She puts her arm around my shoulders and pulls me to her. I rest my head on her shoulder and close my eyes.

  This feels nice.

  We exit the bus near the John Hancock building, and I crane my neck and stare up the dark steely beast. It’s my favorite building in Chicago, and I use it to help me navigate when I’m flying.

  “Mmm, something smells good.” I murmur and inhale deeply.

  The flags outside the main entrance are flapping lightly in the breeze. The streets are alive with voices and car engines, and the occasional person singing. But my stomach was singing to me now. I mosey over to the railing and notice the line of people outside The Cheesecake Factory.

  “Come on, Beth’s waiting for us.” Jessica says and tugs on my arm.


  She grabs my hand and we stroll up Michigan Avenue at a leisurely pace. We cross the street at the Westin and then head on up to Louis Vuitton. We wait for the traffic to stop, then cross over to Gucci. I wave at Beth as we get closer. She’s dressed in a burgundy hoodie with black sweats. She grins and waves back, then I rush over and give her a hug.

  “Nice to see you back on your feet again, girl.” Beth says as she hugs me back. I give her a real squeeze. One of the few people I can give a real hug to. She giggles and squeezes me back.

  “Can you thank Pamela for me?” I ask.

  “Or you can do it yourself.” A voice says.<
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  I turn around, and Pamela is smiling at me in a black leather jacket and green jeans.

  “Hi.” I say and give her a big hug. “Thank you, for getting me home.” I whisper in her ear.

  “You’re welcome, Britney.” Pamela says and chuckles. “It was nothing, really.”

  “So, shall we?” Jessica says and starts walking towards Bloomingdale’s.

  I hook my arms with Pamela and Beth, and we all head inside.

  Boy, talk about being a kid in a candy store.

  So much glam and so little time.

  If it wasn’t for Beth, we would’ve forgotten all about the movie and just stayed in Bloomies all day.

  But after an hour browsing the racks of clothes and getting pampered in the make-up department, Beth took us up to B’Cafe for some cappuccinos.

  I can’t help noticing that we all have big smiles on our faces, including yours truly, as I sip my cup of frothy goodness.

  After we’re done, we take the escalators down to the ground level and then walk south. We’re talking about boys, of course. Jessica totally has a crush on Bavik, and she finally admits it.

  “We’ve been making out at work on our breaks.” She admits before turning tomato-red.


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