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Melting Her Wolf's Heart: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 9)

Page 22

by Vella Day

  What they did felt like a celebration to her. “Meaning what?”

  He lifted his glass and tapped hers. “Normally, after a couple mates—assuming they both aren’t shifters to begin with—they head on over to the lake and go for a run together since it would be the first time for the new shifter mate.”

  “But I can’t shift.”

  “Exactly, which is why I thought we should do something different.” He had a glint in his eye.

  “Like what?”

  “I’ve always wanted to go to Costa Rica. There is an area called La Fortuna where they have hot springs fed by a volcano. Cabana boys bring you drinks while you lounge in the secluded pools—or so I’ve been told. It will be amazingly romantic.”

  Her pulse soared. “That sounds absolutely beautiful.”

  “After seeing a waterfall or two, we could head on over to the Pacific side and find a private beach. What do you say?”

  Vinea had missed out on so much. While she’d had the ability to go anywhere on Earth when she lived in the dark realm, she hadn’t, only returning to Earth to do her nefarious deeds. “I can’t imagine anything more wonderful.”

  He grinned. “It’ll be like having a honeymoon.”

  She set down her drink and hugged him. “When do we leave?”

  “Do you have a passport?”

  Her shoulders turned heavy. “No.”

  “Can you make one up?”

  Her heart nearly broke at his disappointment. “It would take a while to alter all the records, and besides, it’s not exactly legal. I am trying to live the straight and narrow life now. How about I just meet you there?”

  He fingered her hair. “How about we just wait till you order one legally and go together?”

  Vinea hugged him. “Did I ever tell you how happy you make me?”

  Devon squeezed her tightly. “I hope just as happy as you make me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Vinea and Devon exited the San Jose terminal in Costa Rica. He released his hold on his suitcase and embraced her. “We’re finally here,” he said. “Are you ready for some private one-on-one mating celebration?”

  Vinea looked up at him and smiled, making his heart sing. “Absolutely. Ever since we mated, it’s like we’ve become one. You’re in my blood. I need you now more than ever.”

  “I couldn’t have said it more eloquently.” He kissed her lightly. Any more and he might shift. “Come on, we need to get this honeymoon started.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  Devon spotted the van to take them to the rental car agency. After a quick shuttle ride, they were on the road to La Fortuna in a large Mitsubishi. While it was a little hectic getting out of the city, once they headed north, all of Devon’s anxieties fell away. Because the landscape was dotted with farms, small towns, and rolling hills, at times he was reminded of being back in Silver Lake.

  Vinea leaned back and sighed. “Believe it or not, there’s something to be said for moving from one place to another in a car.”

  He glanced over at her. “Oh, yeah? What’s that?”

  “For starters, I get to enjoy the countryside. And secondly, I don’t have to worry about whether I’ll land in the wrong place.”

  It did concern him every time she did her teleporting. The world would be forever changed if she messed up and appeared at the wrong spot at the wrong time. “I’d be worried too.”

  A short while later, they arrived at the hot springs where they would spend a few wonderful days relaxing before heading out for other areas of the country. While he’d never been to Costa Rica, he’d researched a few spots he thought Vinea might like to visit.

  As soon as they pulled up to the reception area, Vinea jumped out and slowly spun around, a bright smile on her face. Yup. Coming here had been a good choice.

  Once they checked into the room, Vinea changed into her swimsuit, causing Devon’s cock to harden. “Ah, no way. Ain’t gonna happen!”

  She pressed her hands down her cute little body. “You don’t like it?”

  The skimpy suit showed off every delicious curve, and it had him rock hard. “I like it too much. Hell, so will the rest of the guests. No one gets to look at you in that outfit except me, ever.”

  Vinea laughed and changed. This time, she put on a very seductive green one-piece. A red-eyed frog graced the low cut front. “This better?”

  No matter what suit she wore, she’d attract attention, so he might as well get used to it. “Perfect.”

  She grinned and held up a hand. “Now for you.”

  “Oh, no you don’t. I brought a suit and am perfectly capable of putting it on myself.”

  He wouldn’t be surprised if she tried to give him a pair of grape-smashers. No thank you.


  Devon hurried to change, needing to hold her sooner rather than later. As much as his wolf was begging him to make love to her first, Vinea seemed too excited to want to stay in the hotel room. Besides, he had other plans to drive her wild.

  Once he was ready, he led her outside. After passing the large swimming pool with the swim up bar, they entered a path that led to the totally lush gardens of the hot springs. Because there appeared to be so many hot spring pools, they continued walking until they came to an unoccupied one.

  Vinea grabbed his hand. Without seeming to care whether the water was too hot, she walked right in and sunk down. “Ahh. Yes.” Her groan caused his nails to sharpen and his bones to crack. “The light realm—what I remember of it—can’t beat this,” she said with an amazing glow on her face.

  Devon stepped in and pulled her to his chest. When she wrapped her legs around his waist, his wolf starting celebrating.

  Not here, he chided to his impatient animal.

  No one’s around, his wolf shot back.

  Vinea grabbed his head and kissed him slowly, seductively, sensually. As he cupped her rounded ass, his world spun with desire and need, and all he could think about was sinking his cock deep inside of her. The fact someone might discover them added to the excitement.

  Trying to suppress his wolf, Devon listened to the cooing of the doves and the squeals of the monkeys darting overhead. Voices sounded and another couple peeked into their little retreat before moving on. The fact they had a young child with them doused his desire to be amorous in this pool. From the brochure, there were more secluded places—ones designated for adults only. “How about we find a better hot spring where we have a little more privacy?”

  “Why, Devon McKinnon, don’t tell me I’ll get to see your wild side.”

  He gave her a seductive wink. “You’re going to see more than just my wild side.”

  “Show me the way.” Vinea stood and stepped out of the pool. “Brrr. It’s a bit chilly.”

  Devon’s eyes were fixed on her protruding nipples. “You’re wet, that’s all.”

  He snagged his towel and rubbed her body to heat her up. “Better?” he asked.


  “Then let’s explore.” When they came to a fork in the path where the sign read adults only, his pulse soared. “This way.”

  Grabbing her hand, he led Vinea to a secluded spot where two lounge chairs—or rather two beds with a canopied cover—sat next to a hot spring. If the drapes were drawn, they’d have total privacy.

  “Ooh,” Vinea squealed. “Let’s sit in this one.”

  “Sit, yes.” Not really. He intended to enjoy what she was offering.

  Vinea stepped closer and looked deep into his soul. “Please don’t tell me you’re really a fuddy-duddy in disguise?”

  Devon placed her hand on his erect cock. “Does this feel like I’m disinterested?”

  She laughed. “No, so what are you going to do about it?”

  Before he could answer, a young man wearing black pants and a white shirt with the hot springs logo on his shirt arrived. “Can I get the two of you something to drink?”

  Vinea stepped in front of Devon. �
��Yes. I’d love a vodka Collins.”

  He didn’t care what he ordered, just as long as it would take the kid a long time to retrieve it. “Make it two.”

  As soon as the attendant disappeared, Devon lifted her up and swung her around. “You are driving my wolf to drink.”

  “I like hearing that.” She swiped a hand in front of her and instantly they were naked, his swim trunks nowhere to be seen.

  “Vinea. Dress us right now.” Devon’s pulse rose. While no kids might find them, he didn’t want to scare anyone who might happen upon them.

  She sashayed over to the covered lounge, and then crooked her finger at him in a come hither way. “We only have a few minutes before our drinks arrive. Don’t you want to take advantage of the time we have?”

  “When we return to Silver Lake, I’ll have to dunk you again in the lake to cleanse you. I can see your evil ways have returned.”

  She dropped back her head and laughed. “You know the old saying: You can take the goddess out of the dark realm, but you can’t take the dark realm out of the goddess.”

  He hoped that wasn’t true. “That’s not quite how it goes.”

  Vinea landed on her back and spread her legs wide. Dear goddess in heaven. Did Naliana have any idea her sister was a devil in disguise? Devon was on her in a flash. She lifted her legs and managed to draw the curtains closed with her toes. “I can’t wait any longer,” she moaned.

  He didn’t need any more of an invitation than that. Devon pounced. His mouth crushed hers and then their tongues tangled. She scraped her nails down his back, ratcheting his desire to unbelievable heights. Once they mated, his need for her knew no bounds.

  While there wasn’t as much room inside their little cocoon as he would have liked, there was enough for him to feast on her tits. The first tug had her squealing in delight.

  “Shh. We don’t need anyone finding us like this,” he said.

  “Like you care.”

  Hell, maybe he didn’t.


  Vinea couldn’t believe she was being so bold, but she’d finally found the perfect balance between being good and being a good girl—which meant she wasn’t very good at all. It wasn’t because she cared if that young man returned and found them in the throes of passion that she wanted to hurry, it was because she wanted—no needed—Devon now.

  He moaned, and the next tug of her nipple had her soaring. She dug her nails into his skin, clamoring for more. Their tongues dueled for position, but because his teeth had sharpened, she had to be cautious.

  “Please. I’m so fucking ready,” she whispered in between breaths.

  Ignoring her plea, he drew the nipple taut while he slipped a finger between her folds. Waves of lust shot straight through her, and her little world narrowed to just the two of them. She broke the kiss and nipped at his earlobe.

  “Grr.” Devon scraped his teeth against her neck, probably debating when to sink his teeth into her.

  Vinea returned the favor by dragging her tongue down his neck, loving the slightly volcanic tang from the heated pool water. A second later, Devon placed his cock at her entrance, and a rush of hormones filled her. Not able to wait any longer, she lifted her hips, helping to drive his cock in, but only half of it fit despite her slickness.

  Devon slid out and captured her lips once more. When he forged his way in again, her inner walls contracted around him, holding him tight. Vinea closed her eyes and floated into such an intense state of bliss that she almost forgot to breathe.

  “Vinea, I can’t get enough of you,” Devon whispered after taking a deep inhale.

  “Then don’t stop.”

  Devon plunged in again just as she lifted her hips. She wasn’t sure who was fucking who more, but with each foray, she soared higher and higher. Her body vibrated with delight, and the pleasure was so intense, it felt as if her inner goddess had returned to the light realm.

  Devon nibbled on her lips and then her chin, before making his way back down to her neck. With each lick and kiss, her body came closer to exploding. When Devon finally sank his teeth into her, her climax swept her away, shattering her into a million pieces. She swallowed a scream as she buried her face against his shoulder. His hot seed pummeled her insides, and she held on tight.

  The wind whipped the curtains around them, and the gurgling of the hot spring helped drown out the blood pounding in her ears.

  “You’re drinks are here,” said a very unwelcomed voice.

  Vinea groaned, and Devon withdrew. He glanced down at their naked bodies and grimaced. A second later, she’d dressed them both in their suits. She sat up, pulled open the curtain and smiled. “Thanks.”

  Devon told the waiter their room number and to put it on their tab.

  “Yes, sir.”

  The young man didn’t seem upset at all. Then again, she bet he’d seen more than his share of couples having sex.

  Vinea held up her drink. “A toast to foiling the Changelings’ evil plans, and to the start of a wonderful life together.”

  Devon tapped his glass against hers. “To us.”


  No sooner had they entered their room after another hour of soaking in the wonderful hot springs than Vinea’s cell rang. It took a moment to locate her phone and glance at the screen. “I don’t know who this is.”

  “You won’t know until you answer it then,” Devon said.

  She swiped the button. “Hello?”

  “Is this Vinea Summer?”


  “This is Claire from the Billard Georgia Hospital. I’m calling in regards to EmmaLee Donovan.”

  Vinea’s legs weakened, and she grabbed onto the desk chair. “Oh, no. What happened?”

  “Your name was on the contact list. I’m sorry to have to tell you that EmmaLee was assaulted a few hours ago. Her spleen ruptured, and we had to rush her into surgery. She’s in recovery now and doing quite well.”

  Vinea’s stomach lurched. “I can’t believe it.”

  “We thought you should know.”

  “Of course. Thank you. Do the police know who did this?”

  “I’m not the one to ask.”

  Devon rushed to Vinea’s side and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, his comfort helping. “I appreciate you letting me know,” she said to the nurse.

  Vinea must have been standing in the room for a while saying nothing because Devon slipped the phone from her fingers. “Come sit down and tell me what happened.”

  Vinea let him lead her over to the bed. “EmmaLee was beaten, and the bastard ruptured her spleen. I’d bet anything it was Slater.” She looked over at Devon who was white. “Are you okay?” she asked, quite ill herself.

  “I’m feeling your pain. It’s intense.”

  She’d completely forgotten that mates could sense each other’s emotions. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. Do you want to go to her?”

  She hugged him tight, trying to absorb all of his goodness. “Yes and no. EmmaLee needs me, but we’re on our honeymoon and having such a good time. I don’t think I can be away from you for that long.”

  Devon leaned back and ran a knuckle down her cheek. “I’ll catch a flight up there as soon as I can book one. I know you’d be fretting if you didn’t see her.”

  “Are you sure?” Devon was such a good man.


  Then it was settled. “The only good that might come of this incident is that EmmaLee might finally be convinced that Slater is no good for her.”

  Devon rubbed her shoulders. “Your friend will need protection. No telling if he’ll try something else. I’ll call Connor. He’ll make sure she stays safe.”

  “That would be wonderful, but she can’t pay.”

  “It’s okay. We do pro bono work all the time. EmmaLee is important to you, which makes her important to me.”

  If she ever saw her sister again, she’d have to thank her for giving her the best man in the world to love.

  Chapter T


  Connor really didn’t have time for a protection detail, but a woman was in trouble, and he’d be damned if something happened to her on his watch. Dev had assured him he would catch the next flight from Costa Rica to Atlanta, and then rent a car to drive to Billard. Once he arrived, he and Vinea would take over watching her friend.

  The drive from Silver Lake to Billard took less than three hours, which was why Devon had asked him to go. Given the fact that EmmaLee had only recently been brought back from surgery, he doubted the hospital staff would let anyone visit her. That worked for him. His job was to make sure this Slater Coghill—assuming he was the one who did this to her—didn’t cause any more problems.

  Not knowing how long he’d have to stay, Connor packed a bag, checked into a hotel close by, and then headed to the hospital. As he approached the desk to ask about EmmaLee, Vinea rushed up to him.

  “Thank you for coming,” she said. “I really appreciate it.”

  “How did you get here so—” He waved a hand. “Never mind. And Dev?”

  “He’ll be here late tomorrow night. It was the first available flight he could get.”

  “How is your friend doing?” he asked.

  “I haven’t seen her yet. I was waiting for you.”

  “Let’s check on her status to see if she’s even allowed visitors.”

  Together, they walked up to the nurse’s station. Because Vinea was on EmmaLee’s contact list, he suggested she ask.

  “Can you tell me what room EmmaLee Donovan is in?” she asked.

  The nurse checked. “She’s in room 307. They just brought her in from the ICU.”

  If it was that easy for them to find EmmaLee’s location, Connor worried that Slater might be able to sneak in. As they approached her room, something strange began to vibrate in his chest. It wasn’t another shifter signature, but rather something else—a feeling of urgency and need. Dismissing it, he followed Vinea to her friend’s room.

  Vinea knocked softly then pushed open the door. EmmaLee’s eyes were closed, and her blonde hair was matted. The bruise on her cheek, along with her cut lip had his wolf growling. The tube attached to the bag of saline further incensed him.


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