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Desirable CEO

Page 11

by Andrew Davis

  "Listen up William, you have to stop this, you are not maPotter my current situation any better as it is people are already maPotter assumptions that there is something going on between us and belive me, there is nothing! You and I are completely different."I said in a monotone.

  "How so?"He asked, his expression unchanged.

  "First of all our background is completely different, you have no idea but to be a playboy and till now I still wonder how your father have given you his company."I stated. "Okay, I am not promising anything but I will try... Do you know how good you look when you angry"He started but his voice became huskier towards the end."Every time you get angry your eyes get this tint of red in them."He said caressing my cheek, makung ne slap his hand away.

  "So we are going to walk out of this room and say there is nothing going on between us and you will not mention that kiss to anyone. Do we have a deal?"I said in a business like threatening tone. "Hmm...Sure but I am not promsing anything."He said and shook hands with me. It was about 5 in the afternoon. The day seemed to fly by after the talk with William. Selene, my sisters, parents, Uncle Franklin, Aunt Lucinda, the boys and I are now currently sittingin the living room watching

  I sat next to Selene on one couch with my sisters joining us. My parents, Uncle Franklin and Aunt Lucinda were on one, the boys were seated in the 3-seater with William, Anthony and Sebastian on the couch, Eric and Dylan sat on the floor with their legs strectched out.

  We moved the coffee table so the Eric and Dylan can sit comfortably. We have a screening room but we hardly use it. The movie came to the part where the evil sorceror used smurfette to get the secret potion to make the grey smurfs blue, and my sisters started to tear up when Smurfette started wishing for the grandfather smurf to come. No matter how old they are, they still act childish but I admire that at least they are not like other girls in their school. I am really grateful that they are childish but they act mature when they need to.

  The movie was close to the ending and I had totally frogotten that Selene and I's favourite song " Chapter 21: Mazerunner... It was such an awesome time!! We really enjoyed the movie even though we watched it like a 100 times but the best part was when Helen and Selene started singing. We knew that they really liked the song before and they could never help but sing to it whenever it cones on, so we decided on that particular movie.

  We really miss the old Helen...the one who would make us laugh and joke with us and teach us to bake and we would do all silly and crazy things together but eveything changed... And we want it to be like that again...

  It was really surprising when Helen and Selene grabbed us and made us dance with them it was so much fun, everyone couldn't stop laughing and cheering and we couldn't stop giggling... The song finished and I couldn't help the grin that broke out on my face, I was too over whelmed. "Thank you, Thank you we will be here til' next morning!"I shouted and every cheered. "Yaas, peepz that how we roll!!"Selene exclaimed.

  "Just like the good old times huh Helen."Selene smiled at me with a longing look in her eyes "Just like old times."I said, remembering all the awesome memories we had.

  "That was really fun!!"Anabiah yelled.

  "That was awesome!! I wish we could do this again..."Evelyn said in a soft voice towards the end but I heard her. "My child, what you talPotter?! Of course we gonna do this again!!"Selene said in a ' "Yes, Girlies, this is 'going down for real'"I said with grin.

  "So let it soak inn like seasoningg'"Selene continued right after me."Yaas, when we state them lyrics." "My word, what has gotten into your'll." Evelyn asked, looPotter at me like I had grown two heads. "Girlies, this is what we do."I said with a casual shrug.

  "Chrissy, you haven't called us that in years."Anabiah said, like she couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Enough with the sob stories, lets get this party started, all you messed up people!!"Selene yelled. "Wait aren't we forgetting something?"Anabiah said with a frown.

  We stopped and turned around to see my parents, Uncle Franklin, Aunt Lucinda and the boys staring at us.

  "Hello!"Selene said with a silly smile.

  "I see your'll having to much fun to even remember we are here."Uncle Franklin said trying to sound hurt but failing miserably by the smile he had on his face. "Sorry!"Anabiah amd Eilzabeth yelled in unison apologetically.

  "You can join us?"I said with a shrug.

  "I want to!" Sebastian yelled maPotter Anthony elbow him in the side.

  "Oww, what was that for!!"He said, rubbing his side.

  "Your'll can join us."Selene said.

  We put the music back on and we were all dancing and laughing, it was probably the most fun night we had together...

  Helen and I were in the living room after having breakfast. Her parents, sisters and the boys parents went to do some shopping for the girls birthday, so it was just us and the boys. The boys were in the hobby room, playing Call Of Duty on Xbox.

  "Last night was really awesome." I said with a smile.

  "It was..."She said matching my expression.

  "Hey, why are we like soo...dead?"I asked.

  "I don't know."She answered with a shrug.

  "Come on Helen, we are better than this." I said giving her a nudge.

  "Then what you want to do?" She asked. "Well-" I was cut off by the sound of the doorbell. "I'll go get it."I said and went to see who it was.

  When I got there and opened the door, I couldn't believe who was standing there and I couldn't help but scream... We were playing Call Of Duty, when we heard someone scream. "Did you hear that?" I asked my brothers. "Someone screaming"Sebastian said. "A woman's scream more pricisely."Anthony said.

  "Helen and Selene."William said and we all rushed out of the room but stopped in the hallway when we saw that they only had a visitor...

  I was thinPotter who could be at the door when I heard Selene scream. I jumped to my feet and ran to see what happened. When I got there I couldn't believe who was standing there... "Mason!!"Selene squealed and hugged him. "Well a simple hello will do and not a scream."His husky, deep voice sounded covered with sarcasm. "Hey, Mr Mazerunner..."I said with a smirk. "Sup, Mrs Mazerunner."He said with a smirk on his gorgeous face. "That was just acting!!"I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest "Aww, don't do that, sweetie." He said, sounding like he is talPotter to a two year old. "Do what?"I asked. "You know what."He said and hugged me. "How are you?" He asked. "Good and you? "Great and super good looPotter."He said with a smirk and I scoffed at him and slid out of his grip. "Yeah right."I said and he went to go hug Selene. "How you doing babe?"He asked, maPotter her roll her eyes and maPotter me chuckle at them "What you expect, love" She said and he just chuckled.

  Mason, is Chase and Matt's cousin. When we were in University, Chase and Matt invited us for lunch and Mason was there, so we got to know each other and from then on we all started hanging out together. As for Mr Mazerunner , Mason's name was so close to maze and I was reading the book ' "So to what do we owe this lovely pleasure of you coming to see us?"I asked. I hadn't realisedthat we had walked into the living room and sat down.

  "Well I wanted to ask you something."He said with a shy smile and I knew this was big considering he was shy to tell us. We nodded for him to continue. "I am getting married."He said after a short silence.

  "OMG!!"Selene gaped at him.

  "To who?!"I asked excitedly.

  "That's why I came here."He said and got down on one knee.

  "Helen Potter, Will you marry me?"He asked...

  Chapter 22: Her Answer...

  This Mason guy is Helen's boyfriend!! I glanced at William and his face was red... He looked like he was about to kill someone, more likely that Mason guy. But why did Helen kissed William back, if she had a boyfriend? We watched them from the hallway, waiting for Helen's answer...

  "Yes...Yes! That's her fucPotter answer!!"He said in a disgusted tone.

  "I didn't even know she had a boyfriend, I thought she was so hurt to have a boyfriend."He said with a scowl.
/>   "Well, we can't be to sure if the guy is really her boyfriend-"Anthony started but William cut him off. "So what, now she's a whore? She just goes around and says yes to marrying some random guy? I bet they fucked and now she's pregnant with that guy's child and now they getting married!"He said darkly. He was furious! I have never ever seen my brother like this ever.

  "Yes!" I said with a smirk. I knew what he was doing and I was willing to join in.

  "Really."He said with a raised eyebrow. His eyes glistening with amusement and mischief. "Yes really"I said with a sarcastic smile.

  Selene burst out laughing, tears practically falling down her cheeks.

  "I am sorry-"She said inbetween giggles."I couldn't hold it in anymore! This is just as funny as it was 4 years ago!"She said after her laughing fest. "You could have just waited a little more, I was getting to the good part..."Mason glared at Selene. "Which is the good part?"I asked with a raised eyebrow.

  "Kissing you. You know, after I propose and you say yes and then you jump into my arms and we kiss. Ya, that was the good part."He replied and got up. "That was the good part?"Selene chuckled. "Do you know hard it was to get to kiss Helen! That was like ' "Apparently it was not hard for you, since you so casually kissed me!"I said in an accusing tone.

  "We both fell and you landed on me, so I wanted to know how it was to kiss you. You know how many guys wanted to know how it felt to kiss you"He said with a shrug. "But you knew I was with Davif and you still kissed me."I said and he just shrugged. "But it was worth it!"He said with a smirk and I flipped him off which he just faked being hurt. "Okay now for real who is the lucky woman?"I said.

  "Well, did you see the girl that works as a receptionist in Lexon Hospital?"He asked. "Which one?"Selene asked.

  "The pretty blondehead one, you know with green eyes and she always her hair in a bun?"

  "I saw her once when Anabiah went for x-rays."I said remembering the nice woman, she is pretty and she is perfect for Mason.

  "Ya, so I went there for something and I accidently bumped into her and she... shoud I say fell in love with me."He said arrogantly.

  "You know your'll are really family, because Chase and Matt are just like you such playboys and too proud for your'lls own good."I said, maPotter Selene agree and laugh.

  "Okay,Okay as I was saying we got to know each other and yeah, I proposed and she very excitedly agreed."He said with a grin.

  "And I want you to plan our wedding, Helen."He said

  "Me?" I said. I always loved to plan events like parties, wedding etc. It is really exciting but I haven't planned any events by myself ever since that asshole Wright. I now get people to do all the planning. "Yes, you is there any other Helen Potter in this room."He asked looPotter around the room. "No I don't think so."he said not waiting for a reply.

  "I would love to Mason. This is going to be so much fun."I said a bit excitedly.

  "Awesome!! So we wil set up a date when we will discuss everything."He said punching the air. "Okay, We will see you soon."I said and hugged him and Selene hugged him.

  "By the way congradulations!!"Selene squealed excitedly.

  "Thanks."He said "And congradulations Helen!!"She said. Knowing that I have never did any planning since Wright. I was on my way to the kitchen, someone said something maPotter me stop.

  "Congradulations!" I heard Helen's friend...what's her name...Selene, ya that's right...say congradulations to that Mason guy. "Thanks"He replied. "Congradulations Helen"She said and that made me do a double take. I forgot what I went to get from the kitchen and rushed back to the others.

  "Hey, she is getting married!"I burst into the library. I don't even know how we got here from the hobby room. "What do you mean?"Dylan asked with a raised brow.

  "I mean that Helen is getting married."I said clearly.

  "How do you know?"Anthony asked.

  "Because that Selene chick just said

  "That could be why else would she say congradulations and after that propsal."Sebastian said. We were interrupted when Helen and Selene walked into the room.

  "I thought your'll were in the hobby room."Helen said.

  "And I thought you weren't a whore."I heard William mumble to him self maPotter Anthony elbow his side, maPotter William glare at him. "We just finished the game."I covered up.

  "Okay but we need to use the library."Selene said.

  "Well you can use it, we don't mind."Anthony said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice but she didn't pick it up but I think Helen did.

  "I meant your'll can leave."Selene said.

  "They can stay Selene, we only going to be here for a few minutes."Helen said and walked to the huge maghony table on the side of the room and sat down on the chair behind the computer. "You think planning will take a few minutes?! Helen I thouht you knew all about this."Selene said walPotter to her and sitting on the chair in front of the desk.

  "I do and that's why it only takes a few minutes because I am doing the planning."Helen said with a smirk. "So what are you planning?"Sebastian inquisitively asked.

  "A wedding."Helen said like it was no big deal. "Who's wedding exactly?'William asked through gritted teeth. "Does it matter not like you will know the person?" "You would be surprised..."William mumbled to himself. "Okay back to the wedding, how we going to do this?"Selene asked. "You do know we are going to meet them, this is just for ideas."I replied. "Our Mason is all grown up."Selene pretended to wipe away a fake tear.

  "Who would have thought that he would be getting married."I said remembering the time in University... ** Such playboys and they still are, but I am very happy for Mason, he finally found the love of his life. "I can't wait to meet Mason's fianceè!!"Selene squealed. "She must be very good, if she could get him to propose."I said with a smirk.

  I looked at my brothers amd saw they had the same expression. William some what looked relieved but at the same time angry and confused.

  Chapter 23: Mia Bella... It has been a few days since I finally and fully had gone back to work. Uncle Franklin, Aunt Lucinda and the boys all went back to their homes, the boys saying they had left the office for a while and needed to get back. The same with me, when I came back there was so much to do that I had to work late that evening with Minnie helping me. I really owe it to her...

  "Helen, you have a meeting in 5 minutes and then another 2 after that and then you have a couple papers that need your approval then you are all done for the day." Minnie said, poing her head in my office.

  "Thank you Minnie, can you set up a room for the meeting?"I asked

  "Right away."She said with a smile and left.

  I just finished the 3 meetings I had and now almost finished signing the papers that needed my approval.

  I was about to sign when my phone beeped, notifying me that there was a message. I slud my finger across the screen and pressed the mail icon and read the message... They never even say who it is from and I don't even know the number. My phone beeped again and it was from the same number.

  Who the fuck is this person. I finished signing the balance of the papers and I grabbed my blazer and phone. I dismissed Minnie and headed towards the elevator.

  I got down to the lobby and as I was walPotter towards the door...I glared at them who just grinned in my direction... I walked closer to them still glaring at them.

  When I was close enough Sebastian spoke up.

  "Took you long enough."He said with a smirk.

  "Shut up."I glared at him.

  "Do you know how long we were standing here!"Sebastian exaggerated.

  "What are your'll doing here." I asked with a bitter tone.

  "Can't we come and visit you?"Anthony asked.

  "Don't your have anything else to do...oh I don't run a company!"I yelled at them and they just shrugged. "We finished early so we wanted to come and see you." Eric said.

  "Actually we wanted to invite you to come to the beach with us."Dylan interjected.

  "What if I said no?"I asked with a raised eyebro

  "Then we will have to go by ourselves."William said with a shrug.

  "So then no, your'll can go by yourselves."I said.

  "No, come with us we want to spend some time with you after all we are business partners."Sebastian pouted but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. "I am saying yes not because I want to come but I am really tired of this conversation."I huffed. "Great, so now we can go to your apartment and get your stuff."Anthony said.

  "Whatever."I said and got into the SUV that was parked behind them. Soon they all got in and we drove to my apartment.

  We reached and after greeting the guys at the front desk I pressed the button for the top floor and when I reached my floor, I walked down the hallway and and opened the door. I went to my bedroom and took out a towel and put it in my beach bag. I put a pair of shorts and a bikini but just the top. I put on my hoodie, the one that is long and looks like I am not wearing anything underneath.

  I finished getting ready and walked out of my apartment and locked up aand thenbI went to the lobby. I got there and went into the SUV that was waiting. As soon as I got in we were off.

  "What about your'lls clothes?"I asked.

  "We already got them before picPotter you up."Willam answered. After that the rest of the drive was silent.

  When we got there I jumped off and looked around realising that this is a private beach. "Our family owns this part of the beach."William said from behind me. I turned around and gave him a nod.

  We walked down the path and soon the beach sand touched my feet. There were already chairs and a blanket that was set up.

  I walked to one of the chairs and sat down, taPotter off my hoodie and relaxing.

  Soon the boys came dressed in their shorts and not wearing shirts. They must have changed in that little tent that was near the path. "Wow...never thought I would see you in a bikini." Anthony said sounding surprised. "I thought you said you don't wear bikinis."Sebastian said.


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