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The Perfect Holiday

Page 82

by Mia Ford

  A warm, musky scent filled the air and I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply.

  “I love your scent,” I said in a low voice.

  June flushed. It was a delicious pink that spread all over her cheeks, down her neck, and across her smooth white chest. She had small tits, but they looked juicy and bite-sized to me. I imagined that her pink nipples were stiff in her bra, eagerly scratching against the fabric and wanting my touch.

  “God, I want you,” I growled. My fingers brushed against the crotch of June’s panties. This time, I could feel that they were silk instead of cotton. But this time, they were also soaked by the time my fingers brushed against her clit. Her legs were spread so far that her thighs were dangling off the chair. June pushed her hips forward and bit her lip. By now, her face was bright red. I grinned eagerly, feeling like the Big Bad Wolf as I stroked her pussy through the thin layer of cloth.

  “Next time, don’t wear this,” I said. I pulled the soaked crotch of her panties to the side and slipped a finger inside. June gasped audibly, covering her mouth with both hands.

  “Shhh,” I said sternly. “Don’t make any sound.”

  June was obedient and quiet as I slid another finger inside her tight, wet cunt. She moaned and arched her back, brushing her hips against my hand and I groaned with desire.

  Just as I was about to slide another finger inside of June’s lovely body, the waiter appeared with a huge tray full of dishes. The scent of June’s pussy juice and the wine mingled with the scents of roasted meats, vegetables, and cheeses. I closed my eyes, loving the blend of smells that were floating right under my nose.

  “This looks incredible,” June said in a strained voice. She was still bright red.

  “Please, more wine,” I said to the waiter, gesturing to the wine glasses with my free hand. June gasped as I pulled my hand free of her body and licked my fingers, right in front of the waiter. I closed my eyes, savoring her warm, musky scent on my fingers.

  When the waiter had gone, June was staring at me with her wide green eyes.

  “I can’t believe you,” June said softly. “You’re so bad!”

  I grinned and winked at her. “Baby, you bring it out in me,” I replied wolfishly.

  I could barely get through dinner. All I could think about was June – and how I needed to fuck her as soon as possible. The more wine I drank, the more I wanted her. By the time I paid the thousand-dollar tab, I was ready to grab June and possess her.

  June was swaying on her heels when she left the restaurant. She almost stumbled and I reached out to grab her, holding her tight.

  “Are you okay?” I gazed down at June’s face.

  She was flushed and giggly. “I’m just tipsy,” she said.

  Shit. As much as I wanted to fuck her, I didn’t want our first encounter to happen while she was drunk. I wanted it to be magical, perfect.

  Still, once we were in the car, I didn’t stop June from climbing into my lap and kissing me passionately. Hot arousal pumped through my body and my cock twitched hard against my leg as June’s delicious weight sank into my lap. She still smelled like her own pussy juices and wine, and I kissed her deeply, shoving my tongue in her mouth and licking all the secret places where I hoped no one had been before.

  June took my hands and held them to her breasts. She moaned and rubbed my fingers over her nipples. I could feel they were hard and stiff through the thin white cotton and I groaned, biting June’s lip until her eyes rolled back in her head. I ground against June’s pussy, spreading her legs on my lap and wishing my cock was about to slide into her wet velvet cunt.

  “Thomas,” June moaned. Her face was slick with sweat as we kissed. A frenzy of passion was building in my stomach and it took all of my self restraint not to rip her dress away from her pale, porcelain skin. June twined her arms around my neck and pushed her body against mine. I could feel that her crotch was once again damp with juices as she ground against my cock through my trousers.

  Lust was clouding my vision. Everything was bright red as I tangled my hands in June’s soft black hair and yanked her head back, exposing her lily-white neck. I bit and sucked and nipped at the delicate skin. June growled and moaned, whining and twisting in my arms. I could tell she was loving every minute of it, and I could tell no one had ever ravished her like this before. Her heart was beating like a drum behind her narrow chest and she moved like supple silk in my arms.

  When June bent her head to me and began kissing and sucking on my earlobe, I nearly came in my pants. My cock and balls were throbbing in agony. I’d never felt anything like this before. It was invigorating and frustrating as we moved together in a tangle of clothing and panting breath. June arched her back and nudged my chin up with her head. She kissed my neck and it felt so good, but I pushed her gently away.

  “No hickies,” I said sternly.

  June was panting. Her little pink tongue stuck out of her mouth and she licked her already-wet lips. A hot surge of lust went through my body and I felt powerful, like a god.

  “If you leave a mark,” I growled in deep, shaky voice. “I’ll have to punish you.” I raised an eyebrow. “But you wouldn’t do that, would you, June? You’re going to be a good girl – a very good girl indeed. You’re not going to be a bad girl who needs to be spanked.”

  June’s cheeks flushed. As I imagined how it would feel to spank June’s soft ass, I shuddered with lust. God, I want her, I realized. I want to own her. I want her to be mine.

  “I want to possess you,” I growled at June.

  June flushed. The straps of her white dress had slid down her shoulders. She was panting with obvious lust and her green eyes were open and beautiful.

  “I want you to take me,” June said hotly. “Please, Thomas.”

  I growled. “Soon.”

  “Not tonight?”

  I sighed. “I really want you, June.” I paused and took her hand, licking her palm and making her shiver. “But you had a lot to drink. I need to make sure that when I take you, it’s what you really want.”

  June blushed. “Yes, sir,” she said softly.

  I grinned. “And I want you to keep calling me sir,” I added.

  June nodded.

  As we kissed one last time, I could tell that I was falling into something strange and deep. It didn’t matter that June was probably fifteen years younger than I. It mattered that we had chemistry – it mattered that she aroused me more than any other woman I’d ever met.

  I just hoped she wouldn’t wind up getting hurt.

  Chapter Ten


  I was walking on air when Thomas dropped me off at home. This time, he walked me to my front door and we kissed for a long time. I was just about to invite him in when he said he had to go, kissed me one last time, then left.

  I closed my eyes, savoring the moment for a long time before I opened the door. Angela was curled up on the couch, reading a book. When she saw me, she laughed.

  “What?” I narrowed my eyes. “Do I have something on my dress?”

  Angela shook her head and gave me a guilty smile. “You smell like sex. Look in the mirror,” she added.

  Frowning, I turned to the mirror and gasped. My lips were pink and swollen and the rest of my face was flushed. My black hair was a mess and my forehead was damp with sweat. And my whole body felt different – almost like something had slipped inside of me and changed me forever when I was out with Thomas.

  “Did you fuck him?”

  “Angela!” I blushed. “No!”

  “You look like you fucked him,” she said dryly.

  “Well, I didn’t.” I sighed and flopped down on the couch, right on top of Angela’s feet. We tussled and laughed for a moment as she tucked her legs underneath her body.

  “What happened? Why not?”

  I shrugged. “He said I had too much wine. He said he wanted me to be more sober for the first time we had sex.”

  Angela raised her eyebrows. “Wow, a gentleman,” she said. “You don�
��t really see those around anymore.”

  “We made out in his car again,” I explained. “It was so hot.” I shivered. “It hurts, you know,” I added, blushing and making a quick gesture towards my crotch.

  Angela hooted with laughter. “It’s like a female version of blue balls,” she said. She snickered with laughter. “I know. It does hurt. But it’ll go away.” She smirked. “Unless you want…to help yourself.”

  “Oh, my god, ew, no!”

  Angela shrieked with laughter. “Oh, June,” she said affectionately. “My little prude. Don’t ever change,” she added.

  I glared at her. “Ha, ha,” I said sarcastically.

  “So, I take it you had a good time?”

  I sighed with happiness and flopped against the back of the couch. “It was the best night of my life,” I said dramatically. “He ordered so much wine, and seriously every tapa on the menu. I’m stuffed. Everything was so nice.”

  “I bet,” Angela said. She yawned. “I’ve been trying to have a quiet night.”

  I frowned. “What happened?” I glanced around. Our apartment, though not the greatest, wasn’t plagued with some of the common problems in New York City. We rarely had rats, and we weren’t close enough to the subway for it to be too loud…which was both a blessing and a curse, as I’d come to discover over freezing winter mornings of running to work.

  “Someone sent up a bunch of messages,” Angela said in a neutral tone. “I assumed they were from Thomas, until I realized that you were already out with him.”

  I blushed. “Maybe he did them for me to find when I got back? That kind of seems like something he’d do.”

  Angela shook her head and gave me a wary look. “I wouldn’t get too excited,” she said. “They’re not flowers, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  I frowned. Angela pointed to a bunch of small manila envelopes by the door.

  “Whoever it was, actually used a courier service,” she said, turning her attention back down to her book and yawning once more. “I didn’t actually know that those were still around.”

  “Oh, yeah,” I said. “Weird.”

  Angela was clearly finished talking, so I took the envelopes and dumped them in my room, on my bed. Then I went into the bathroom and washed my face, taking a long, hot shower. I couldn’t even touch my own body without thinking of Thomas’s huge, sensual hands…and suddenly, I wished that he were inside that cramped stall with me, covered in soap and water and making love to me until I was blind with passion.

  When I was sick of standing in the tepid water, I wrapped myself in a big fluffy towel and braided my hair. The messages were still waiting for me on my bed when I got back to my room, and I sat down, crossed my legs, and opened the first envelope.

  “June – where are you? Call me. Andy.”

  My stomach twisted into a knot and I frowned, tossing the note away. A slight pang of guilt hit me in the chest and I swallowed, trying to make it disappear.

  “June – where the fuck did you go? We had a date, remember?”

  “That’s not very nice,” I said under my breath, balling the message up and tossing it away. My slight feeling of sympathy for Andy vanished. What a jerk, I thought as my trembling fingers opened the third message. Thomas would never speak to me like that.

  “June – are you fucking with me? Why the fuck would you do something like this? Are you a bitch? Are you trying to fuck with me?”

  The bad feeling returned with alarming speed, but this time it wasn’t guilt. This time, I felt nothing more than shame and fear.

  “Angela,” I called in a trembling voice.

  Seconds later, Angela was standing at the door.

  “June, what’s going on? What’s wrong?”

  I pointed to the opened notes scattered around my bed. There were still four notes, unopened.

  “They’re from Andy,” I said shakily.

  Angela picked one of them up and read it. “What the fuck,” she murmured under her breath. “What an asshole! Where the hell does he get off talking to you like this?”

  I shuddered. “I don’t know,” I admitted softly. “But I’m scared.”

  Angela frowned. “Don’t be,” she said. “He’s probably just fucking with you.”

  “I hope so,” I mumbled. “I really do.”


  The rest of the weekend was quiet. It stormed all day on Sunday, so I curled up by the window and planned my lessons for the rest of the week. Thankfully, there was no word from Andy…but troublingly, there wasn’t word from Thomas, either.

  Monday morning felt warmer than it had in weeks. I only wore a light sweater over my knit dress as I took the subway to P.S.151. I wasn’t looking forward to Andy. Angela and I had decided that if he confronted me, the best thing to do would be to lie. Say I was sick, that I forgot, anything. And then I had to be firm with him – I had to tell him that I wasn’t interested, or that I was dating someone else.

  When I got to school, I went into the break room. Thankfully, Andy wasn’t there. Michelle and Ruth were, though.

  “Hey guys,” I said, tucking my sandwich into a corner of the fridge. “How was your weekend?”

  Michelle stared blankly at me before turning and leaving.

  I turned to Ruth and frowned. “What’s up with her?”

  Ruth flushed. “No clue,” she said. “Come on, we should get going.”

  I nodded. “Okay, yeah.”

  Thankfully, my class was well-behaved. Even Brett didn’t make a peep. He was very obedient that day, and I wondered what the principal had said to him…whatever it was had seemed to work. Brett was a model student all day, and I was so relieved when the last bell rang that I gave all the kids a piece of candy from the treat jar on my desk.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about Thomas. During planning, I even spaced out and started doodling his name all over my notebook like a little kid. When I felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder, I shrieked.

  “God, June, calm down,” Ruth said. She sounded exasperated. As she glanced down at my notebook, I grabbed it and tucked it out of sight, blushing furiously.

  I narrowed my eyes. “Sorry,” I mumbled. “You just startled me. What’s wrong?”

  Ruth cleared her throat nervously. “I…I wanted to speak with you about something.”

  “Okay.” I swallowed. “That doesn’t sound good. What’s wrong?”

  “Well…” Ruth trailed off, looking anxious. “I don’t know, June. Maybe I shouldn’t say anything.”

  “What?” I stood up. My palms grew cold and damp and I wiped them on my skirt. “What’s going on?”

  Ruth looked helpless. “Come with me,” she said. She led me down the hall and into the teacher’s lounge before pointing at the wall. “You might want to take that down,” she added. She pointed to a piece of paper tacked onto the wall.

  I gasped. A piece of white copy paper was stuck to the wall, covered in crude drawings of a female stick figure with long black hair. Another stick figure – actually several of them, all male – were surrounding the female and laughing at her. I flushed hotly when I saw that all of the male figures had huge, crudely-drawn penises.


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