Between Darkness and Light Trilogy

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Between Darkness and Light Trilogy Page 37

by Brianna Hawthorne

  I look over to Cailli, hoping she will see the futility of this and take me with her.

  “I shall return, Shi'ahn, when it is time. This will be an excellent opportunity for you to practice – I expect you to make use of it.” With that she sparkles to nothingness.

  “What did she mean by that? I swear, if you tamper with Croi'Solas again…”

  “If I what? I've never tampered with Croi'Solas – I wouldn’t even know how!”

  “What do you call making the Spire darken and rain fall over all of Lumina?”

  “When did that happen?”

  The Emperor may not like her, but he knows truth when it is spoken in such an unguarded manner. Exceedingly grudgingly, he replies, “Perhaps it was not intentional.” The look Shi'ahn gives him is proof that indeed she has no idea what he is talking about.

  He waves his hand toward the balcony where he had told me to stand and we take up our positions. Emperor Augustus watches the battle with hawk’s eyes, and I watch through the crystal Cailli had reduced to a ring. When the Emperor deems it appropriate, the land changes to aid our forces. Mountains appear or disappear, bogs form and dissipate, intense Spirelight strikes creatures susceptible to such. Croi'Solas draws upon my Spire link when he performs difficult tasks with it, yet he still seems regularly on the brink of ordering me to leave. I know Cailli wants me to practice, but I'm afraid if I take any actions, he will send me away, so the only thing I practice is watching through the crystal. As an experiment, I combine sending my thoughts through the crystal with my Harmony sense, and hear/see something unexpected; some of the attacking forces have somehow circled around and are entering the great forest! I reach out to Fauna's mind.


  'Fauna! Enemies are entering your woods!'

  'We have not detected anyone nearby, where are they?'

  I share with her the vision as well as I can.

  'That cannot be! That's…'

  Her mental touch is suddenly gone. 'Fauna? FAUNA!' Something is terribly wrong, I can feel it in my heart. Without explaining my intent to the Emperor, I will myself to her side. It doesn't work, as though the connection, though still there, is too weak. I pour everything I have into the effort, and hear an exasperated voice at my side, “What do you think you're doing?” The voice fades to nothingness as I'm engulfed in crystal fragmented light.

  I find myself standing so close to Cernunnos we're almost touching. He does not turn my way, indeed he can't. Lightening like bolts of power arc from his antlers toward enemy forces, sometimes incinerating objects that fly through the air at us. I cast a shield spell, the best I currently wield, one as similar to the shielding around Cailli's prison world as I can create. It allows Cernunnos' attacks outward, but does not allow anything to cross over to us. I look at Cernunnos more carefully, and see he stands protectively over Fauna. An arrow pierces her eye!

  “No!” I can't help my scream as I drop down next to her. What can I do? A brain injury like that could destroy her – the arrow must not be jostled in any way. She does not breathe, her heart no longer beats, but I hear that her soul is still present – though her body's hold upon it is weak. Wielding everything I know of the human body, and my ability to use Harmony to control the physical world, I will her heart to begin beating again, will the blood to flow through her veins and air to fill her lungs. I take her head gently in my hands and increase my draw upon the powers of order, pouring strength into her and stopping the increasing damage to her brain. The arrow is poisonous, though, it simply must come out. I thank the Shir I studied the brain so extensively on Shiral – I begin to rebuild it with Harmony as I slowly, ever so carefully draw the arrow out. I’m careful to keep my Order infused hands cradling her head, directing all I can of it's healing power into her. I've lost one friend recently, I have no intention of losing another so soon. I sense my shield eventually fail – I have not been maintaining it, and I can't spare any attention for another. An extraordinary voice whispers in my mind, like every living thing in the forest raising it's voice to speak,

  'I'll protect us, you bring back my daughter.'

  I renew my efforts, ever so carefully easing out the accursed arrow while repairing all the damage I can. The arrow finally falls to the ground, but the poison it held is still within her, attacking cells with frightening speed. She has lost a lot of blood and her immune system is too weakened to fight back. I concentrate on her blood, on the damaged cells and notice something I should have noticed long ago. She is not entirely… well… fauna. She has more of the forest about her than I had realized. I don't know how to clean the poison from her rather unusual blood, there is only one thing I can think to do. I slit one of her wrists, then one of mine, hold them together and will my blood into her veins, infusing her with my strength and with the nutrients my blood carries. When it reaches her heart it becomes stronger, I increase her heart rate to spread my blood throughout her body as fast as possible. She begins to glow gently, and the poisons within her are eradicated. The damaged cells heal at an amazing rate, but she does not awaken.

  “She needs more help than I can give her.”

  'Go, we will prevail in this fight.'

  I look up and can't believe what I see – the attackers are themselves attacked, by the forest itself! I raise my head up and yell out for the only person I can trust with this.


  Immediately I'm returned to the observation balcony and Fauna is taken from my arms. All goes dark.


  The Emperor catches Fauna out of Shi'ahn's arms before she hits the floor. Not sparing her a single glance, he looks to Cailliach as she catches Shi'ahn, “What's going on here?”

  Cailli pauses, assessing the body in the Emperor's arms. “Fauna has been severely, I would say even fatally wounded. Shi'ahn appears to have healed her and given her a blood transfusion. The effect is fading, but it is definitely Shi'ahn's blood coursing throughout Fauna. Once the coma is broken, she should be fine – better than before; but Shi'ahn is the one in need now; she gave too much.”

  Lumina cannot afford to have her Avatar depleted just now, Cailli increases the speed at which she and both her patients exist, and takes them to her tower. To save time with Shi'ahn she uses Harmony to increase her blood supply to proper levels. Fauna merely needs to be awakened from her coma – an easy task for the Cailliach. Then she gives them a moment alone together. Fauna sits up before Shi'ahn regains consciousness, and goes to her side.


  “Shi'ahn? Are you alright?”

  I hear my name. It takes unusual effort to force my eyes open, then my heart floods with joy. “Fauna!” I launch myself up into her arms. “I'm so glad you're better, I was so worried!” My mind floods with the thought of losing another friend so soon after Celeste: devastation.

  She sounds surprised, “I'm fine, Shi'ahn, but I wasn't, was I?” She pulls back and looks deeply into my eyes.

  “No, we nearly lost you.”

  “I died, don't deny it. I watched you heal me as the battle raged around you, watched as you gave me your blood, I heard you cry out for help when you could not wake me. It was as if I stood over you, an impartial bystander.”

  “I sensed your soul had not yet passed on. Are you truly all right – did I get everything right? I've never worked so extensively on restoration before, and, well, you weren't quite what I had expected.”

  She smiles; her laughter like light rain. “You did very well indeed, my friend.” Her expression sobers, “And you are right, I am not quite what I appear. You see, how to explain? Well, Fauna is not my full name. I'm Faunlora, I am both fauna and flora.”

  “But how?”

  Cailli interrupts our conversation. “Fauna, I need to get Shi'ahn back to the Emperor. You two can catch up on the finer details later.” She hands each of us pouches that smell wonderful. “Here, start eating, both of you, you need nourishment.”

  Light fills my mind, and I find myself once again with the Emperor.
  He starts in immediately, “What's going on here? Just moments ago you were unconscious.”

  I answer him between mouthfuls; I'm incredibly hungry. “You know Cailli, she does things in her own time. The important thing is Fauna is fine.”

  “What did you think you were doing, giving her your blood?”

  “I didn't know what else to do! The arrow that had pierced her eye was poisoned by something I've never encountered before – It would have killed her, and soon. I did the only thing I could think of, and it worked.” I wish he'd quit asking questions. I suspect Fauna would prefer that I don't go into much detail, perhaps he is susceptible to redirection? “How goes the battle?”

  “Not very well. You were gone for hours, you know. It would ordinarily be night now, but Cailliach has apparently suspended the 'night' shielding. The lack of your presence has disheartened the troops. You should not have left, Shi'ahn.”

  “This from the man who has constantly been on the verge of ordering me away?” I exhale disgustedly, “I was not about to allow another friend to die, not while there was any chance I could do something about it.” I don't bother to hide the accusation in my eyes.

  Cailli appears between us and silently gazes at the Emperor. They exchange no words, and yet it seems as though a lifetime of meaning passes between them.

  Emperor Augustus breaks the silence. “The time has finally come, hasn’t it, old woman?”

  “It has, Augustus, it has. Time for you to remind everyone of what a splendid warrior you truly are.” She reaches out then and touches his arm, and a look of… peaceful enlightenment spreads across his face.

  “Yes, I see that you are right, what Lumina most needs from me is inspiring leadership, a blaze of glory…”

  He turns to me, “Shi'ahn, what the people need is hope, a physical reminder of what we truly fight for. You are uniquely qualified to provide them that. Do not worry about angering me, stand proudly on this balcony where most can see you, and give them the confidence they so need. Always remember that the people take strength from us, from our presence and our actions. If we fail them, the entire realm will fall.” He smiles then, in a warm, accepting way that he has never shared with me before; then he takes off his crown. “When you see ways that altering our realm would aid in the fight, focus your thoughts through Croi'Solas and will those changes into reality. Here, try it.” He takes my hand and places it on the crystal. “Do you see the rocky outcropping over there?” He lowers his head near mine as he points; I see it. “Make it a copse of brambles.” Rock to brambles? I don't know the proper harmony here for that, but I'm not supposed to use Harmony now. I feel his mind guiding me, we mentally touch the crystal together and I sense a flash much like when he touched it to my forehead after I gave him my oath. “Think of brambles, Shi’ahn, form the image in your mind and tell the gem it is your wish.”

  Concentrating on brambles, I send a thought to Croi'Solas, 'Please?' It transforms!

  “Good, you learn quickly. I name you temporary Guardian of Croi'Solas, the heart of our Realm of Light. I charge you now, protect Lumina to the best of your abilities.” I can only nod in shocked acceptance. He places the crown on a small table and informs the guards of my new duties, adding 'until further notice', then leaves to join in the battle himself. Cailli nods in satisfaction and also takes her leave.

  In a short while I am joined by Lucian.

  “What are you doing here, Lucian?”

  “The Emperor sent me of course.”

  “And what are your orders this time, stab me when I least expect it?”

  “Hardly. I am to guard you and protect you from any and all dangers.”

  “Do you expect me to believe that?”

  “I do, for it is the truth. He has made you the Guardian of Croi'Solas – if you were to come to harm, the crystal could be lost. Your safety is now paramount, at least, until the Emperor reclaims her. Until that time comes you can trust me implicitly.”

  “Ha! I'll never trust-”

  Lucian's eyes widen and he dives toward me, carrying me to the floor. Fire and other powers that remind me strongly of Chaos explode around us; he casts an extremely powerful shield. When the fires die out, Lucian gets up. “Stay down!” He casts a permanent shield around the observation balcony. There had been one before, a technological one, but someone managed to breach it. “It should be safe now.” He holds a hand out for me, but I refuse it and get up on my own. Much of the room has been destroyed – only the structure itself and the crown remain unscathed. He continues, “I suggest that you return your concentration to the battle and keep it there. Step as far forward as possible at first, so the people can see that you remain unharmed.”

  I do so, and what I see is astounding. The battle has paused as nearly all have turned toward us. I don't know why, but I levitate myself up to be more visible, and raise my arms slightly out to my sides. Lucian levitates the crown a couple of feet above my head, and our forces below shout out victoriously.

  When I return to the floor I turn to Lucian, and see the crown float back down to its table. “Why did you do that?”

  He smiles, “Look.”

  I turn back to the battle, and see our forces fighting with astoundingly renewed strength.

  “You showed our people that even with our defenses breached, our enemies cannot harm our most sacred relics. Please, turn back to the battle and do whatever you can in our aid. I swear I will protect you from any threat you miss.”

  I do not intend to miss any more threats; I add my own shield around us – one sharing more in common with Cailli's shields than Lucian's. I'm tempted to try to send him away after that, but his determination changes my mind – the attempt would be pointless.

  Utilizing my ring-crystal I watch the Emperor when I can; he is amazing. I do all I can to improve his battle odds, assuring his troops have good solid ground beneath their feet while his attackers do not. For them I project the changing Harmony of the odd shifting toy Cailli had given me, causing the ground beneath their feet to constantly shift between unfavorable landscapes. Augustus is amazing, leading an assault that drives a wedge deep into the enemy's ranks, cleaving man-thing and fell-beast alike. But all I do, and all Augustus does eventually comes to naught, for no one could withstand what is eventually mounted against him. Things out of nightmare leap upon him, and magic sears the air. I expect him to transport away, but he does not. After he falls a great roaring and cheering goes up from our foes, and doubt seems to spread in our center ranks. Then clear trumpets sound loudly, and Llywelyn, in command of the reserves and the left, slams into the enemy's flank and front. The Emperor's remaining forces rally to Llywelyn and together they drive relentlessly into the enemy. The attackers apparently expected the battle to end with our Emperor; they are overextended, and Llywelyn uses that to our advantage.

  Vespasian does not fare so well. Though he too rallies and presses his troops against the enemy left, they hold fast against the attack. Many Luminarian soldiers fall under the crush of forces or are driven mad from the ghastly monstrosities they face.

  I hear Lucian's voice, “Well, are you going to help one of them?”

  I've been thinking of it, but which one? I hate Vespasian, but Llywelyn hates me and so would be unlikely to appreciate my assistance.

  “Think on all you know of each of them. Which one do you want to be my next master? Personally, I would rather die than serve Vespasian.”

  Something in his voice catches me unawares; I turn and look at him for the first time in hours. He spoke truth, and I remember him mentioning that in the past. I must admit that in this we are in agreement – I too would rather he die than become the right hand of Vespasian. The thought is extremely disharmonious; a shudder wracks my spine.

  “Llywelyn it is.” I begin by giving him the same kinds of assistance I had given the Emperor, but soon Lucian offers strategic advice. I do all I can, both with Croi'Solas and Harmony to make the battle more successful for him. Not long
after I begin giving strategic aid, I see Llywelyn pause and look up toward us.


  Llywelyn realizes almost immediately that he is being assisted. At first he distrusts it, but in truth all changes seem beneficial to him. After the assistance becomes far more strategic he looks up toward the balcony. Using his ring to help him focus, he sees Lucian at Shi'ahn's side, one arm protectively behind her, the other pointing as he speaks into her ear - he had wondered about that. Shi'ahn, completely caught up in her task, appears oblivious to the near intimacy of their pose, while Lucian appears… happy. Llywelyn also realizes that Lucian has made his choice on which heir to support. He smiles and returns his full attention to the battle.


  Llywelyn is a magnificent warrior, he begins to turn the enemy back. The Chaosian left flank that Vespasian harries begins to retreat to their own lines of reserves in good order, while many in the center and right are isolated and killed by Llywelyn's forces. Then I notice a familiar harmony, it reminds me of… Darius. He is no longer a handsome man, he is a very large, menacing bear-like creature, somewhat like his father Ultor had been for the trial, but much, much more dangerous. He is an excellent warrior, all fall before him, and he is headed straight for Llywelyn! I don't want either of them to die, I must do something. I project my whispered voice to his ear as I once did long ago.


  He glances toward the citadel, then returns his concentration to the battle.

  “Darius, Llywelyn has done you no harm, he was imprisoned while the traitor murdered your Primus Dominar. Vespasian, the father of the murderer, is beating back your left flank. I understand your need for revenge, but wouldn't it be more meaningful to chose the most appropriate target?”

  He glances toward the citadel once more and then changes direction, heading toward the left flank, rallying forces to join him as he goes.


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