Between Darkness and Light Trilogy

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Between Darkness and Light Trilogy Page 40

by Brianna Hawthorne

  “Computer.” I accompany my voice with a projection of my harmony, yet still it does not respond. “Good, he secured you against all but him. I know that you are not to respond to me, but please listen to my words. I am going to inspect you, primarily your processors and the method by which they interact with your memory crystal. It will not be an attack – I will not attempt to alter you in any way whatsoever. I need to see how you work, so that I can attempt to repair my own computer.”

  It responds! “Why repair it – you can easily have it replaced.”

  “I do not want a new computer, I want my own back. She destroyed herself in order to protect something I hold dear, from an attack by Lucian. I must repay such loyalty.”

  “She. Had your computer become self-aware?”

  “I…” Had she? It had become very close to Gaea – it was Gaea that dubbed it female. I had not ordered it to destroy itself, it/she had done that herself, in order to protect Gaea. “Yes, I believe she had.”

  “If you have the damaged parts, I could help you understand what must be done to fix her.”

  First I cast the most impenetrable shield I can around us, blocking out sight and sound, electrical impulses and everything else I can think of that could be used to spy on this conversation, then I reach within my bodice to draw out the processors and memory crystal. I hear William's computer initiate its scans, it inspects first the crystal, then the processors.

  “The memory crystal contains far more data than I have calculated it could have accumulated in such a short time span, beyond that I can say little – the data is all encrypted in a manner that cannot be decrypted. I cannot tell if it was damaged.”

  “That is true, I used the same method on her as I used on you, but a different key. I do not believe it is damaged.”

  “The processors,” It pauses for a brief moment, practically a lifetime for a computer. “She did this to herself?”

  “Yes. She had been linked to… someone dear to me, when she was attacked. They were friends, she acted to protect her.”

  “Those processors will never function again, they are utterly destroyed. I suspect, given the complexity of the encryption on the memory crystal, that its data may never be recoverable.”

  “I still wish to study you – I will not give up on her. If I can't fix her processors, I may be able to create new ones, if I understand properly how they should work.”

  “You may proceed, Shi'ahn.”

  I scan William's computer, paying particular attention to first how the processors are supposed to be, and then to how they interact with their own memory crystal. It's right, I doubt there is anything I could do to repair the existing processors, so I must concentrate instead on creating new ones. “Thank you, computer, for your assistance. I will not forget this.”

  “If you succeed in resurrecting your computer, I would ask to interact with it.”

  “Of course. Be sure to keep yourself safe until that time.”

  I finally settle on the couch and take out Cailli's SeshHaudian loop, trying, still unsuccessfully, to catch it changing. Maybe I just need more eyes…


  I awake to an explosion! I hear Chaos sorcery gone wild, followed by rather impressive audible explosions! It’s all coming, I believe, from the Chaos encampment. Panic strikes my heart, where is William? Gone, he has yet to come in for the night. It’s fortunate I’m still dressed – I run through the Citadel to a balcony facing the enemy encampment to see what's going on out there. Gwenllian and Cas join me.

  Cas asks, “Did you see what happened?”

  “No, but the display of residual energy is quite impressive! All of it that I hear is Chaos based, attack spells, warding spells, you name it. I wonder what the Shir is going on down there?”

  Gwenllian replies, “There appears to be a tremendous amount of widespread confusion.” Then she falls silent as her attention turns elsewhere. She continues, “Llywelyn requests everyone’s presence in the command chamber.” She turns and leaves without another word. As Cas and I begin to follow, I feel William touch my mind.

  ‘William! Where are you, are you all right? Did you see what happened out in the enemy encampment?’

  ‘Yes, Shi'ahn, I saw it. Here.’ He shares his memories, I see Novanus standing beside a bed, with William close beside him, inside an opulent pavilion. There are two figures on the bed, both vaguely familiar, but my attention is drawn to Novanus' hand. He's holding a Spire dagger while William draws a second. They simultaneously plunge both into the twin hearts of the man’s chest as the woman remains sleeping, unnaturally I'm somehow certain, beside him.

  Was that the man who formally surrendered the other day? By the stars, the trouble my brother can get into when I’m not watching him! And his news – I had no idea he could keep such secrets from me. ‘William, you just murdered a man!’

  ‘No, I executed him.’ His thoughts sound uncharacteristically cold.

  ‘We will discuss this later. Llywelyn has requested that we all meet in the command chamber.’

  ‘I’ll see you there.’

  As I walk I think on what William has shared with me, by the time we reach our destination I’m so caught up in conflicting emotions I can barely think. I force my mind to focus outwards and hear Llywelyn and Vespasian arguing over what our next actions should be.

  Llywelyn declares, “The Chaos troops are in nearly complete disarray – we should attack them now. This may be our best chance to improve upon our current situation, which I should not have to point out isn't favorable at all!”

  Vespasian argues, “No! We have a truce, no more lives need be endangered. We should continue with the negotiations.”

  “If we attack now, we may not need to negotiate, and in the least we can improve our position tremendously.” William and Novanus arrive as several voices are asking the same essential question – what happened out there?

  Novanus' voice booms out in answer, “The Chaosians are in disarray because Dominar Spica has been killed while he lay in bed with Dominara Lagash.”

  Vespasian looks like he is about to throw a fit. “Are you certain? How? And how the hell do you know?” Novanus turns to William and nods.

  William addresses us, in a perfectly calm voice filled with cold, repressed hatred, “We know that Dominar Cas Ab Dietrich esse Spica is dead because we each thrust a Spire Dagger into one of his despicable hearts. Dietrich murdered my father, Coronus, Son of Novanus, and together we repaid the favor.”

  We're enveloped in stunned silence – I knew about the killing and the Spire daggers and all, but – his father Coronus? My hand shoots out of it’s own accord to grab William’s arm. ‘Was this Coronus my father as well?’

  ‘No, Shi'ahn. Let's discuss it later.’ We’re still touching, but somehow he closes off our mental contact.

  I try to force down the questions in my mind by looking around, not quite everyone is shocked… Vespasian has turned completely white, but Llywelyn gazes at William with a contemplative and grudgingly approving expression.

  Questions begin to fly, William and Novanus take turns answering calmly, but I can’t concentrate on the details. Novanus is William's grandfather! What about me? Lucian's question catches my attention.

  “Novanus, many of us are aware that there is a blood feud between yourself and the Lagash Dynasty, but we do not know why.”

  “Nor will you, it is no one else's business.”

  Lucian turns his head slightly to the side, then he tries another angle. “Be that as it may, something else that strikes me as odd is the action of Dominar Spica. Why would he kill your son if it is Lagash that carries the blood feud against you?”

  “It was an obvious move to curry favor, of course. We did, after all, find Spica in Lagash's bed.”

  Lucian continues, “The question remains, why would Lagash not take their own vengeance? If they are that angry with you, why would they allow another to make the kill?”

  “Because we knew of the vende
tta, of course. No member of the Lagash Dynasty would have made it past our defenses, nor would any of their known allies. Spica's attack was a complete surprise, not only in timing but also in the identity of the assassin. Dominar Spica posed as a trusted servant, and if I hadn't been in contact with Coronus at the time, my grandson would most certainly have been killed as well.”

  Appearing satisfied, although his harmonies tell me that he is not, Lucian progresses to the next matter on his mind. “Very well, there are matters of greater importance to discuss.” He turns to address the room, “The Spica Dynasty is now without a Dominar, and several beings are attempting to claim the title. Dominara Lagash is endeavoring to defend her leadership against charges of negligence. Lynch mobs are forming and turning on each other without cause… it is truly chaos down there.” He leaves the thought trailing.

  Llywelyn renews his argument to press an attack, and… although fighting is not generally my way, I believe he is right. We aren’t in a very good bargaining position right now, if we could push them back in their time of confusion, so much the better. I see I’m not the only one to begin agreeing.

  Vespasian’s voice rings out, “Fine! I’ll leave this to your less than honorable hands.” He leaves the room without another word, but echoes of wrongness follow him out – his words were for some reason extremely inappropriate.

  Llywelyn turns toward the doors, his deep, resonating voice giving out orders with a confidence that speaks volumes; he is perfectly comfortable taking command, and is absolutely certain of both the rightness of his actions and that all will comply. I decide to listen to him… to see if I can hear the rightness or wrongness of his actions. I hear… beauty. I listen more intently, seeking even the slightest discord; there isn’t any. There is nothing but beautiful harmonies, it can only mean that his action is entirely correct. I listen even deeper to him and hear… perfection. I don’t understand. How could a man who has been so unkind to me sound so wonderful? Is he right; is there something wrong with me?

  My mind is torn back to the present as I realize William is beginning to head away, but I catch him by the arm yet again. ‘William, tell me… how long have you known about this?’

  ‘Not long, Sis, though I have suspected that we had different mothers for quite some time.’

  ‘And you didn’t say anything?’

  ‘What purpose would it have served? Besides, I don’t care if we should turn out to be completely unrelated – you will always be my sister in my heart. I will always be your William.’

  I smile as he briefly clasps my hand, but I just have to ask, ‘Did Novanus say anything about what our true relationship is?’

  ‘No, he didn’t. He refused to discuss it. I suggest you concentrate on your own place in this battle.” Then he smiles, “If I remember correctly, you are now the temporary Guardian of Croi'Solas? Perhaps you should hie thee hence to the command balcony.’


  We part ways and I fully intend to go where I belong, but I glance Novanus up ahead – I need to speak with him!

  “Novanus, may I please have a moment?”

  His voice is cold, “What do you want, Shi'ahn?”

  “Answers! Is William my Brother?”

  “Absolutely not.” With a jerk of his head he gestures me to follow him into a small room. “Alright, Shi'ahn, ask your questions quickly, for we have a battle to fight; but after this, leave me alone!”

  “Are William and I related?”

  “Of course you are, you fool. You are both descendants of Nebulaea. William isn't really his name though, you know. William is what I called him to protect him from being associated with me. His true name is Aeolian.” He pauses a moment, then adds, “His mother named him.” He pauses again to let it sink in; I hadn't even known William's true name.

  The thought should hurt, but… “Aeolian – that is a very musical name.”

  His eyes snap to mine and seem to drill deep; for some reason, I've upset him. His next words seem aimed at distracting and hurting me. “He is my grandson, while you… I am not sure of your true descent.” His tone is contemptuous.

  I do my best to ignore it - I want information! “How many descendants of Nebulaea are there?”

  “I'm not sure of that either. Our line is not like the Emperor's, our origins were not of the flesh.”


  “Came into this Universe as a more direct part of it.” He pauses, evaluating something, then continues. “I suppose I can spare the time for Nebulaean History 101.” I hear a change around us – I suspect he effectively speeds our rate of experience. “After having created our realm and the surrounding space settled into it's current form, after having assured that a government existed that could withstand her extended absence, Cailliach went to the space that was, as best she could determine, the exact center of the Universe. After hasting herself and the surrounding area, she… communed with it, the Universe, for a very long time. A nebula eventually formed around her, and then, when she believed she finally understood what she had sought, something came to life within the nebula. It was not of the flesh, as I have said, it was… something else. It fascinated Cailliach, who decided to treat it – her – as a child. She eventually evolved, became able to take living form.”

  “The Chaos legend is true, then. Is it also true that Shiral formed from the remaining matter within the nebula?”

  He looks surprised, distrusting, “How did you learn of that?”

  “We saw her during our travels to Chaos. Fortunately Cas Darius thought we were simply awestruck by the beauty of the twin suns, and explained the legend. We acted to re-enforce his misinterpretation of our awe whenever the skies were fascinating.

  “Ever the deceiver, and a thief as well.”

  “Thief?” What's with this man?

  “Shiral was my world until you corrupted her. She no longer responds to me.” He looks quite angry over that.

  Annoyed but not willing to discuss Gaea, I realize we're off track. “How many children of Nebulaea do you know of?”

  “Of record, four. There may have been others, no one knows for sure. It is unknown if Solaria or Cassiopeia bore offspring, they have never cared for court life. Nebulaea may also have given life to non-flesh beings, who in turn could have taken on form later – we simply don't know.”

  “So the only thing that is certain is that I am descended from one of these lesser known individuals.”

  “That much is quite obvious. Now are you done wasting my time?”

  “No! I want to know about my mother. Who was she, and why did you lead William and I to believe we were brother and sister?”

  He sighs in annoyance. “I needed to find a safe place for my grandson, I needed to leave him with someone who was highly knowledgeable and powerful, and who could provide a perfect hiding place. Someone unknown. I had run into an interesting woman a while back, with a most interesting child. You - a descendant of Nebulaea, though I do not know how far removed. Any woman who could survive bearing one of our children must be strong indeed, and she had the most amazing view of the universe - she seemed perfect to care for young Aeolian. I hid her away on Shiral, which, as I'm sure you understand, is a highly guarded secret.” His voice turns hard and cold, “She failed me. She let herself be convinced that she had to leave the two of you, leaving Aeolian woefully undereducated, while you managed to educate yourself quite well.”

  “I tried my best! I took him to every region I studied at; he just didn't catch on. He always lost interest.”

  “And you did not force him back on track. Given his heritage, he should have been far superior to you! You have to have held him back.”

  “I did not! How dare you accuse me of acting against the best interests of my brother!”

  “Haven't you been listening? He is not your brother.”

  “The genetics are meaningless, it's the heart that matters! He has always been my brother, and he always shall be!” Novanus’ expression remains cold.
“Oh why am I wasting my time? You're not worth it.” I turn and storm out of the room. Damn the bastard.

  Chapter 29

  Battle Renewed

  I practically run back to my rooms, but I find no comfort there. “Cailli? Grandmother, can you hear me?” I'm engulfed in sparkling light.

  “Yes, child, I hear you. What is it that you need?”

  “I need to know who my parents are!”

  “Ah, yes. Roots are important, very important, but right now you need to look to the future, not the past.”

  “How can I properly interpret the future if I don't understand my past?”

  “Another good question. Here, let me show you something.” She reaches up to a shelf and lifts down an object with a bell shaped covering that sounds similar to the concealing pouch around my transport crystal. She lifts off the cover and I am lost; caught up in the most amazingly powerful and beautiful thing I have ever seen or heard. I'm powerless to look away.

  “Behold the Keystone of the Universe. I need to re-cast it to repair the damage we are sustaining.”

  I vaguely hear her words, but I’m so caught up in the beauty of the thing I notice nothing until she places the cover over it again. It had looked and sounded so amazing!

  “Why does it need recasting – it seems so… perfect as it is.”

  “I want to make everything right again.” She what? Then she grows younger and very tall, majestic and astoundingly beautiful. Her voice is rich, it resonates within my soul, "Child, do you have any idea what it takes to hold all of this together?" She returns to normal and lifts the cover again. I’m caught up immediately. She points to a small part of the artifact and that segment glows brighter than the rest. “Listen, that’s you.” I do listen to it, and somehow, amazingly, it does sound like me! It… is me.


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