Between Darkness and Light Trilogy

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Between Darkness and Light Trilogy Page 41

by Brianna Hawthorne

  I ask in awe, “Is everyone in the Keystone?”

  Her voice becomes gentle. “Everyone and everything. It is a representation of the entire Universe – and helps bind existence together.”

  She remains silent for a while, letting me sink into the immensity of the keystone. Then she whispers,

  “Listen, Shi'ahn… listen very carefully to it. What do you hear?”

  I do as she says, stretching my senses as far as I can. It is very difficult to listen to such beauty without allowing myself to be caught up in its magnificence. Finally, I hear something that is not beautiful, it is instead terrible. A jagged, horrible sound, accompanied by shattering. “It is being destroyed!” The concept strikes me like a blow… blasphemy!

  Cailli continues, “Yes, it is, and with it, the Universe. I need to recast the Keystone to fix it, to stop the destruction… and you must continue to grow in your understanding of the Universe, so that you may properly play your part. You must not let little issues like missing parents keep you from fulfilling your destiny.”

  “So what do I need to do?”

  “Continue learning, explore the limits of your abilities, and try to become as powerful in them as you can.” These last words echo with dismissal, it is time for me to leave her presence,

  “All right, I'll try. Fare well, Grandmother.”

  She turns toward me, “What you hear, Shi'ahn… Harmony, it is the greatest power of all. It is the core of our being; the song of the Universe.”

  I pause in wonderment as her words strike a cord within me that seems to reverberate throughout existence, then I begin to concentrate on my crystal, thinking of the seclusion of my rooms, but before I initiate it I find myself engulfed in sparkling color, and appear on the observation balcony.


  Lucian looks concerned, “I was beginning to wonder if I should go searching for you.”

  “What? Why am I here?”

  His look of concern deepens, “The battle, Shi'ahn? You can't have forgotten what your own… brother just did.”

  “Oh, right! That was very recent, wasn't it?” His expression insists that I continue. “I've been with Cailli.” It dawns on me then, I'd gone to her for answers regarding my parents, and she had thoroughly, absolutely and completely distracted me from my quest.

  He shakes his head, then reaches out and takes my arm. We appear before the vault that holds the crown, retrieve it quickly and return to the balcony.

  This battle is quite different, as we now have the advantage of surprise, and the Chaosian forces are in utter disarray. Llywelyn's forces reach them first, and find little resistance. From our vantage point we can see that some are acting rationally, but instead of fighting, those individuals immediately head toward their original point of entry to our realm, casting astoundingly powerful spells at the shielding we had placed around it. The shields fall unusually easily; I suspect Cailli intends to let them escape.

  Maximus' forces continue to batter at those who have not fled, while Llywelyn and his men disappear from the battlefield. I hear echoes of the harmony of Llywelyn's ring. Transportation must be yet another of it's abilities that I had not discovered. Ships begin to launch from the harbor, to pursue the fleeing Chaosians!

  Lucian looks questioningly at me. “Shi'ahn, much of our electronics still do not function – we will not be able to track the battle through the tactical displays. It's almost a miracle that our ships are functional.”

  “That would likely be Cailli's doing.”

  He looks surprised, but then his mind jumps to an obvious conclusion, “Then she can enable the tactical equipment here!”

  “No, if she wanted it working, it already would be, I suspect she wants me to practice.”

  “Practice what?”

  I ignore him and concentrate on both Croi'Solas and my miniature crystal ball. I scry with the crystal, and with the help of the crystal and my Harmony I project what I scry.

  “You have a spy crystal!” His voice sounds almost delighted. “A good one!”

  We settle into what is similar to our old routine – though this time we concentrate on the image I project for us both to see. Lucian also has means of scrying into space, he sometimes points out things I haven't noticed, primarily tactical situations. Some Chaosian ships are too damaged to flee, others have formed a defensive line against Llywelyn’s attack, and yet others are moving to outflank Llywelyn’s pursuit. Our ships seem stronger, more ordered, but still are under threat. Then Lucian begins giving me intriguing advice.

  “Shi'ahn, see if you can affect the flanking ships.”

  Can Croi'Solas control reality outside Lumina? I concentrate on a ship, on its weapons fire, asking Croi'Solas to explode a missile before it reaches one of our ships – it explodes harmlessly. It works!

  “Good – Very good! Now, direct it to destroy an enemy ship.”

  I can't bring myself to do it – I don't take life, not like that. Instead I ask Croi'Solas to disable them. Permanently. It is as though she not only listens to my requests, but understands my heart as well. Their existence this near to Lumina is tenuous, they are no match for her control over reality; engines and weapons vaporize. Only those things they truly need for survival continue to function on each ship I turn our attention to. We focus primarily on the ships near Llywelyn, but as I become accustomed to working with Croi'Solas on this level, we broaden our focus.

  I hear Lucian speaking to someone. “Yes, that's Shi'ahn's doing.” A pause, then, “They no longer have weapons or engines – she is leaving only life support and communications.” “No, they can't repair themselves, she's vaporizing the equipment.” “No, no casualties.” A longer pause, “I will inform her.”

  “Shi'ahn, Llywelyn advises that if you insist on leaving the crews alive, they may find other means of attacking.”

  I concentrate on the area surrounding one of the first ships I had disabled and notice beings leaving it. They have no weapons, but their forms look as though they will not need any – they fly toward our ships! Llywelyn must notice, weapons fire sweeps through space, destroying the would-be attackers. I ask Croi'Solas to place shields around each disabled ship, shields that will not allow entry or exit of either physical mass or energies, nor are they to allow the ships to be maneuvered by other means

  In scanning the ships to assure myself that my efforts are working as I wish, I recognize a familiar Harmony. It takes a great deal of effort, but I manage to project my voice to the bone behind his ear, an excellent sounding board.

  “Darius! Please don't be angry with me, but I cannot allow this battle to continue as you would wish it. You will not be harmed – none aboard the ships that I disable will come to harm. I know you can't pass on my message, so I shall make an announcement through another. Fare thee well, my friend.”

  I reach out to other ships, listening for another familiar harmony. I find it in yet another disabled ship.

  “Ishme, it is Shi'ahn. I am responsible for disabling your ships; you cannot break free. I wish to make an announcement through your ship. Do I have your permission? If you respond, no matter how quietly, I will hear you.”

  After a lengthy pause I hear, “Shi'ahn. What kind of announcement?”

  “Merely a statement that all disabled ships will remain protected until released. I would not want panic or frustration to cause the loss of any more lives.”

  “Why do you care?”

  “All life is sacred, Ishme. There is a time for each life to end, but this is not that day. I want this war to end with as many survivors as possible, on both sides.”

  “You are unique, Shi'ahn, on more levels than I had previously realized. You may make your announcement.” His voice has an unusual tone to it, it isn't threatening at all, and yet… it is.

  I reach out through both Harmony and Croi'Solas, and access his communications system.

  “Dominar Ra Ab Ishme et Akkad.”

  He pauses, as though taken by surprise, and then manag
es to sound mildly disapproving. “Ishme, Shi'ahn.”

  I let my voice warm, “Yes, Ishme. I wish to inform you that your ship has been disabled, just as will any other ship that attempts to approach our forces. None of you shall come to harm, but neither will you be able to cause any.”

  “Why are you doing this, Shi'ahn?”

  “Your initial cause in this war was just, but the traitor is dead now, as well as Emperor Augustus. Further hostilities serve no purpose.”

  “What I meant was, why are you not simply destroying us? Given what you are doing, I feel certain that you could.”

  “There have been too many lives lost already. To the best of my ability, I will not allow any more.”

  “You have grown strong since your loss of Shiral.”

  “As I told you before, that battle would have been quite different if I hadn't been detained by Cailliach. Fortunately I now understand how to break free of her prisons.” By doing everything she tells me to do first, no need to mention that though.

  “Interesting. So what are we now to expect?”

  “You will remain in your current state until this war is ended, then you will be released.”

  “And our weapons and engines?”

  “They have been returned to the chaos from which they came. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

  He makes a sound that, I think, is chuckling. “Until we meet again, Shi'ahn.”

  With that I break the contact and realize; that was tiring!

  Lucian's voice catches my attention, sounding concerned, “Shi'ahn…”

  I look at him, and then follow his eyes to my body; it glows brightly – I'm drawing on my Spire link without conscious thought. “I'm fine, Lucian. What do you suggest we do next?”


  Ship to ship combat no longer feasible, the battle turns to the occupied worlds. I can't help as much there, but ships do keep appearing in the area, so I continue both disabling and protecting them.

  “Shi'ahn – here, there is a weapon being used on this world that we can't counter!”

  I direct my attention to it and… it sings, though its song is not pleasant. It is a terrible device, it projects disharmonies that destroy anything it is turned upon. Our ships have no chance, once it focuses on one the ship shudders, then is torn apart. All life is lost, most even before the ship is destroyed. I hear tortured screams. I've never destroyed a Harmony item… should I? It does not seem a proper thing to do, and yet the device must be stopped! It focuses upon another ship; I'm out of time! I place a shield around the ship – a Harmony shield; it holds. Now how to deal with the weapon? I hear that it is being controlled by a Harmony wielder, one who also does not sound right. The weapon must be dealt with first, but that is not a proper function of Croi'Solas. I cannot shut down our link; I've noticed that while she was the one to disable the ships, a certain amount of concentration and energy are required from me to maintain the shielding. I split the majority of my concentration away from that task, asking Croi'Solas to understand and continue those efforts. That done, I open myself again to the harmonies of the universe, then concentrate upon the weapon, thinking about the wrongness of it's use. It most certainly should not be used to destroy life! I surround the weapon with the disharmony of its misuse. It resists, it doesn't seem to care that it shouldn't be doing what it is, that Harmony should never be used to destroy. I strengthen my resolve, the weapon is terribly wrong - it is committing sacrilege! Power flows into me and I draw upon it, upon the Spire, willing it to strengthen me, to allow me to overcome the discordant song. My will and understanding wrap around the device like a thick blanket, quieting its song until it finally falls silent. I lock it in its silence, it will not sing again until I release it. I sense rage from the Harmony wielder nearby. I place a harmony shield around myself and my surroundings in case she turns her attention toward the source of the weapon's failure.

  I return my attention to my link with Croi'Solas, and therefore to the battle, to discover that some of our forces are attacking the Chaosian ships! One ship in particular has launched a spectacular array of weapons against a single ship, but it remains unscathed. In a momentary fit of pique I relocate the offending ship out of weapons range and place a shield between it and the ship it had attacked before I return my attention yet again to the rest of the battle, only to find that my mind can't handle any more. It is all I can do to concentrate on maintaining all the shields I've created, and let Llywelyn and his forces deal with the rest themselves. Some part of my mind informs me that I'm being fed berries.

  A voice keeps nagging at me, it repeats what I realize is a very familiar cadence. What is it saying?

  “Shi'ahn, you can stop now – the battle is over. Let it go, Shi'ahn. Let it go.”

  I open my eyes… I hadn't even noticed they were closed, and see Lucian.

  “Shi'ahn, you can stop now – the Chaosians have requested that we release their ships so that they can begin rescue operations. The battle is over, as is the war; we have regained a great deal.”

  Ah, to relax… I release my connection to both spy crystal and Croi'Solas, and quit drawing upon the Spire.

  “No!” The cry fades to nothing.


  Why are my lips cold?

  “Drink, Shi'ahn, come on, take a sip.”

  I do feel thirsty, and it tastes wonderful; like berries.

  “That's it, drink it all.” I continue, its wonderful taste and the soothing coolness of it gliding down my parched throat is my world. I hear an odd harmony, like a transport, but not crystal based.

  “What are you doing?” A new voice sounds both surprised and annoyed.

  “She collapsed. She drew too heavily upon the Spire and is in need of more solid sustenance.”

  “She seems quite good at collapsing into men's arms.” His voice sounds… odd.

  “She has given a great deal of herself for our cause, I won't have you insulting her for it!”

  That voice, the words are supportive, and yet I don't like it. I force my eyes open and see Llywelyn staring disapprovingly at something above my head. Where am I? I'm in someone’s arms? I turn my head slightly to glance up. Lucian! I struggle to get away – not very effectively. He shifts his hold, keeping me from falling onto the floor while he helps me move to the side. We're on a couch; I retreat to the far edge and he pushes a food server my direction. A flash of amusement crosses Llywelyn's face, then quickly disappears.

  “I understand now, the suddenness of your withdrawal. Shi'ahn, why were you merely disabling the ships? Considering what you did with their weapons and engines, surely you could have merely destroyed them.”

  Now that I have to hold myself up, I'm overwhelmed by exhaustion and hunger. Too much so to speak, so like my music, I project my voice while I eat. “That would have been murder! Which is a line that I” I turn my angry gaze to Lucian, “do not cross.”

  “We are at war, Shi'ahn. They were intent upon killing us.”

  “And I rendered them incapable of doing so. One should never kill unless absolutely necessary. Besides, isn't our ultimate goal peace? Which better serves that purpose, killing everyone in sight, or treating their lives with respect?”

  Neither of them answers, I glare at them for a moment, then turn my full attention to the food.

  Lucian breaks the silence, “I believe Shi'ahn could use some rest, after she finishes eating. Perhaps we can continue this conversation at another time?”


  I can take a hint, my presence is no longer appreciated. I transport the server and myself to my rooms.


  Llywelyn and Lucian continue, Llywelyn sounding contemplative, “I had not realized that Croi'Solas could be so effective outside Lumina. I'm surprised that Father did not put it to greater use earlier in the war.”

  “I never saw him use it that way, but Shi'ahn is often capable of surprising things. She is young and naïve; she does not know what is possible and what isn't. On a hu
nch, I suggested she wield its power out in space, and she did. It makes sense, though, I mean, as it is powerful enough to alter reality here in the most fixed location in existence, why wouldn't it be able to alter less real space?”

  “Yes, why wouldn't it?” He pauses, “Lucian, call a family meeting, a debriefing, in one hour.”

  “But Shi'ahn needs to rest.”

  “You were with her, you can report on your efforts here.”

  “Many of the others could use some rest as well; it's been several days.”

  Llywelyn pauses in thought. “Yes, I suppose it has. Rest would do us all some good. All right, first thing in the morning, then.”


  It's a good thing I transported directly to my bedroom, after I finish my meal I barely have the energy to collapse into bed. My mind, though, does not give in to my need for rest. I can't help wondering if it is finally over. This war was wrong from the very beginning; I don't want anyone else to die so meaninglessly.

  I listen for the truth of it, for the future of our relations with Chaos, and encounter nothing that implies a false peace. Why then do I feel almost as though I'm walking along the ledge of a tremendous cliff? I listen to the entirety, to the Universe Song, as best I can, thinking of our future, searching for the source of my trepidation. I begin to drift off. As I reach the transition between wakefulness and sleep, I hear an odd dissonance quietly undermining the song. I inspect the melodies, searching for something to bring harmony back to the whole. Only one seems right, only one sounds like it can bring the others into tune and calm the dissonance. Words form to the music, softly, but with growing resonance.

  The Firstborn comes,

  His task approaches,


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