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Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 3 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series)

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by Charlie Buxton

  Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica

  Volume 3

  Compiled by Charlie Buxton

  The Alien Capture

  Lieutenant Beni Zaga was being led with the rest of the prisoners along the trail at the edge of the marsh. The engagement with the Hotorans had not gone well with the Terran Expeditionary Forces and the command post had been overrun. So here she was with the rest of the communications staff being taken to their unknown fate.

  She was twenty-one and had been in the Colonial Marines for about a year and a half. Though in good condition she was not as well muscled as the other female troops that served in the field. She was mostly of Zosa ancestry but some Zulu had crept in over time, not that anyone really cared anymore. It was amazing what contact with aliens had done to the traditional ethnic rivalries on Earth. She was about one and three-quarters meters tall and was a magnificent black-skinned beauty. Even in her captive state she walked tall and proud. Unlike the other she didn't shy form holding her smooth round pointy breasts with pride and walked with no attempt to hide her genitalia.

  Unfortunately the hotorans were very cruel with their captives. They especially enjoyed casually abusing human females. Each night one of the women spent the evening being used as entertainment. For the hotorans it wasn't really sexual but the breasts, vaginas and anuses of their victims were convenient points of sensitivity to abuse. The first day the thirty-year-old Commander Larkin had been the first to experience the games that the hotorans enjoyed. She had her hands and arms tied to a pole that ran over the back of her shoulders. Then the hotorans formed three teams of six with each member using a special playing stick to score points. It was about a meter and a half long with an ovate nob at the business end. The knob was about twenty centimeters long and six thick at its maximum diameter.

  Larkin was a moderately thick waist woman of average looks. Before play was begun, she was briefly pinned face down and her anus copiously lubricated. Then the three teams faced off with her in the center. She was the ball and goal all wrapped into one. More specifically she was herded around by the teams who blocked and checked their opponents while trying to score or help in scoring by the team members. A point was scored when the ovate end of the stick was successful thrust up her anus. At first, the attempts failed due to her rather tight oriface. Despite direct hits that almost forced their way into her rectum the ovate failed to slip past its thickest point and into her anal cavity. She would shriek in pain with each strike and tumble forward. But with repeated attacks on her anus it became slowly stretched until the first point was scored.

  A captain of one team blocked an opponent and cleared the way for a team mate. He literally lifted her up off the ground and threw her half a meter as the stick beeped loudly with the score and she screamed at the same moment. The game went on for about two hours until Larkin lay on the field in exhaustion. The three captains conferenced and the winning team awarded it prize, Larkin. She was theirs as a slave, to do with as they pleased. The team captain casually rolled her over and forced the scoring stick into her very sore anus. Then as he slowly sodomized her as she weakly struggled he explained her duties to his unit.

  That next evening they had come to another encampment. As the company they were with set up camp she could see several fenced pits that she couldn't see into. However, the moaning that could be heard from them meant that something unpleasant was going on in them. After the camp was setup, the women were taken and forced to watch what was happening in them. Over a dozen women lay naked in the mud at the bottom of the pits. They were civilians from their teens to about fifty. Each was bound hand and foot their bodies slick with the fine clay mud. However, the horror of their situation was not that but the hundreds of large worm-like creatures slithering over their bodies.

  Around a meter long and up to three centimeters thick the animals slowly explored every centimeter of the women's skin. But the main center of activity was between each victim's legs. A shapely teen lay face down with her head on the side of the pit. She was so exhausted she had fallen asleep even as at least six or seven worms explored the gap between her thighs. As she watched, another forced it way between the girl's legs and the body slowly slid centimeter after centimeter into her. She was briefly roused by the new intruder burrowing into her vagina as she squirmed and moaned but then slipped back into her uneasy slumber. Once one had crawled as deeply into a woman as it could it would loop back and re-emerge so its entire body would pass in and out of her.

  Then a new commotion broke out. A woman in her late twenties was jerking and squirming wildly. Her beautiful round butt was bobbing franticly in the air, dislodging the worms from her vagina. A single worm sprouted from her anus. As she had been sleeping one of the worms had found her back door. By luck, since the creatures were generally not strong enough to force their way past the anal sphincter muscles, it had penetrated her anus. Beni watched with fascination and yet horror as the thing slowly worked its way into the woman's rectum. Like a large nightcrawler it stretched and contracted. As it stretched out it would stop sliding into her. Then, as it anchored itself in her bowels, it would pull several more centimeters of its body through her anal bud. She was only a few feet away and Beni could see that her orifice still valiantly tried to prevent further entry. As a new segment was pulled into her rectum, the anus spasmed and constricted on the shaft of the worms body. However, once it had anchored itself inside of her and well lubricated with mud the animal continued to inexorably burrow deep into her intestines.

  It didn't take long for the creature to crawl entirely into the woman's body. The posterior end disappeared into the anus. The opening relaxed closed now caked with mud it had stripped from the worm's body. The traumatized woman continued to squirm and cry out. Beni knew that she was till feeling the creature slithering through her intestines. After the evening meal, one of the pretty young marines was bound and thrown in the pit for fresh entertainment. The hotorans watched gurgling with pleasure and verbally abused the young female as the worms began to enjoy her vagina. The screaming seemed endless but finally settled into soft sobbing in the dark.

  As Beni slipped into an exhausted sleep, she wondered what would happen to her. Despite the horror of the young private sobbing and moaning only a few meters away Beni slid into a restless slumber. That day her turn came. As they marched along, they stopped wherever there were fallen trees in the marsh. After a brief search at each they moved on until they had found what they were looking for. At the first site that met whatever criteria the hotorans selected one of the nineteen-year-old blondes. She was staked out spreadeagle and face down on the ground by one of the logs. A hotoran gave her an injection. Then, after about five minutes, peeled one of the fruits they had picked up earlier in the day and forced it into her anus.

  Finally, they simply left her and moved on. After two more women were staked out they selected Beni. The same procedure was performed. After she was injected, she felt nothing but the reason for it soon became clear. She gasped as the slippery fruit was forced through her anus. As it pressed against the still tight muscles of her anal sphincter, she desperately wanted to expel it. She couldn't, the bowel contractions were blocked though all other muscles and nerves were still active and on duty. Then they left her as well.

  Hours later the sun had set. Although some insectoids had investigated her nothing seemed to be coming to abuse her. Then she felt the cold touch on her labia. As the organism explored her genitalia she was trying to figure out what it could be. The coolness had covered her entire groin and then the rasping of its
mouth parts began she shuddered in horror realizing the identity of her attacker. It would be about one half to three-quarters of a meter long and would look like a terran land snail, only, bigger, wartier and meaner than the lowly mullusks of Earth. It didn't want her, it wanted the fruit and she knew it would get it.

  The rasping worked its way up as the coolness enveloped her anal region and then settled on her bung hole. The mouth could be projected about four or five centimeters on a short stalk. But once it had gleaned the residue of the fruit from as deep into her anus as it could it would force its way into her to get at the rest. She could feel the rippling of its powerful foot muscles on her labia and knew that in time the single long foot would slowly drive the head of the animal into her anus. Slowly the mouth was worked into her tender anus.

  Despite its contractions of protest the coolness burrowed deeper and deeper into the hot flesh of the opening. Though she was horrified at the thought of it entering her she was also helplessly aroused. Her anus gave way to the animal as it head began to follow the mouth up into her. Its flesh was cool and moist but not really slimy. The skin of its body was warty and nodulated so she could feel the bumpy texture of it pressing against the tender sensitive skin of the orifice. The head of the snail was about six centimeters in diameter but the body slowly thickens to almost ten where the shell was attached. After the head was buried in her, the rest soon followed. The cool nodulated skin slid though her sphincter muscles as the nodules teased her sensitive anal flesh. She could feel each one slip into her as the animal consumed the fruit and moved deeper in to get more.

  The muscular ripples of the foot caressed her labia and clitoris until they were full enflamed and engorged. The shell of the snail now pressed against the rim of her anus as the animal continued to feed. Although it was buried into her to its maximum thickness, the feeding was swelling the diameter of its body. The pain-pleasure coalesced into a powerful orgasm as she arched up, straining against her bonds and bellowed with primal fury. She then finally collapsed as the organism continued to feed within her. As she lay some hours later, it had finished feeding and slipped from her. As she slept the alien stars kept watch over her limp form. In the darkness there was one certainty, that this was only the first of many violations she would endure before the war ended and she was liberated.

  The End

  Too Many Errors

  "My lord, I am yours entirely."

  The voice was completely wrong. As were the words. Taskmaster spirits were not supposed to be either that obsequious or that feminine. I waited for the smoke to clear from the circle with a slight grimace of anticipation, not sure exactly what had happened or whether I had even performed the ritual properly in the first place.

  As soon as I saw the shape, I put a hand to my temple, trying not to simply hang my head in frustration- this was not an inexpensive ceremony, and the otherworldly assistant I had tried to summon was clearly not present. This had a head, for one thing, and also only two arms. There were a few possibilities, none of them good. Overly human in shape was almost always a bad sign, and I had not prepared in the least for anything dangerous.

  Whatever it was stood up, and I was pretty sure that I could make out a female silhouette in the clearing smoke. It walked towards me, and none too slowly. I braced for the worst, raising my hands in the closest I could muster to a defense against the likes of a void soldier or a death golem.

  I closed my eyes entirely at what looked like a lunging motion, deciding it was better to see nothing in my last seconds than whatever hellish visage was making them my last seconds. After a number of decidedly nonlethal seconds, I relaxed a little, taking in exactly what had happened.

  This was certainly not a death golem. In fact, it was shorter than me by a little bit, and decidedly feminine in form. Strikingly attractive either, an appealingly lithe build with a short, thin tail. The skin was fairly subtle, but still a definitely inhuman shade of light blue. I quickly realized just how badly I had deviated from some aspect of the summoning. This, in all likelihood, was a succubus.

  In almost the precise instant that I came to that realization, it- or, rather, she straightened up from the completely prostrate bow, putting both hands on my chest and looking at me with a curious expression.

  "Can my lord not speak?"

  She seemed genuinely confused, almost out of her element. I moved my mouth, and was fairly certain that no words were produced in the process. She tilted her head a bit, seemingly trying to grasp the situation.

  "Were you expecting... taller? Red? More curves?"

  She seemed concerned more than anything else, staring intently at me and obviously hoping for some kind of reassurance.

  "I may not be the best, but I'm very good at what I do- no mortal can compete with me, at least. Here, I'll show you!"

  I managed to catch her before she sunk to her knees entirely, but her hands had made their way between my legs before I could entirely intervene.

  "I don't need that. You're not supposed to be here. The last thing I need is a pleasure demon, I'm not a rich man. Not even close."

  "Isn't that all the more reason to have me around? I can take your mind of all of those troubles, my lord."

  I had to work to hold her wrists in place this time, doing my level best to avoid further entanglement. I knew extraplanar beings well enough to be competent that this was all an act, but I still felt vaguely guilty about giving her this much of a hard time.

  "Oh, does my lord enjoy holding me in place, exerting control?"

  "No! I needed a worker, not something that prevents me from working! You're very good at this, I'm sure, but I have a production quota and it's steep enough without taking time off to try to keep a succubus satisfied. I'm sorry."

  "But it's my job to keep my lord fulfilled and content- why else would he have summoned me?"

  It pained me to react, but she looked so hurt that lowering my voice a little felt natural.

  "I made a mistake. I really... appreciate that you're doing this, but I can't just keep you around. I have to work. I'm sorry."

  "So I have to go back, then?"

  She was by far too expressive for comfort. I was beginning to understand why these things were considered so troublesome.

  "I really don't want to go back, my lord. I just want to serve you."

  "I need a mortal woman someday, not a servant from another world. Although you can stay- for a little while- if you don't get in the way of things. Consider it a vacation, just try to contribute a bit to what I'm doing."

  I might as well have just crowned her queen of something. Her cheeks turned a purple that I assumed was her equivalent of a blush, and she planted a kiss on my chest, absolutely beaming. As if remembering something, she excitedly grabbed both of my wrists.

  "Please, can I at least thank you, my lord? It is my reason for existence, after all."

  Silence, in her mind, apparently translated to affirmative. She had me nude from the waist down in an alarmingly brief span of time, and was enthusiastically stroking me before I had time to fully comprehend that she had started. If nothing else, her sheer excitement was compelling, and I could not have been bothered to so much as try to suppress a long groan of pleasure.

  "My lord enjoys his servant's touch?"

  She looked up me with the same radiant smile as before, and I managed a forceful nod, thoroughly absorbed in the sensation. In response, she planted several kisses on my manhood, each a small drop of ecstasy in its own right. Moving both hands up and down, she spoke in a low whisper, evidently feeling no small amount of pleasure herself.

  "I wish for nothing more than to please you, my lord. Nothing could make me happier than your satisfaction. Your praise is more precious than all the treasure of this world."

  I took a few deep breaths, figuring that she more than deserved a few words of encouragement.

  "Good... girl. That works, right?"

  I interpreted her instantaneous use of her mouth as an affirmative.
She took a moment to breathe after several extremely moist trips up and down, practically purring with excitement.

  "I love those words, my lord. They remind me where I belong. Wholly in your service."

  With that, she returned to her task- I felt it practically unfair to be given so much while she paid no attention to her own needs. At the same time, the complete indulgence of the situation had an appeal all its own. As far as I could tell, my satisfaction really was at the forefront for her. On some level, I knew full well that this could rapidly become habit-forming, but I found it hard to care. My hand on her head felt perfectly natural, as did the slow pumping of my hips. Taking all the pleasure I could from her mouth seemed more right and fitting than almost anything I had ever done, and a series of muffled whimpers from below seemed to agree.

  The lips around my manhood were inhumanly warm, and her saliva itself seemed perfect for its task, a wonderfully slippery fluid that added sensations I never would have thought possible. The golden glow of her irises, impossible for any human, practically radiated lust. She was truly a being meant for this purpose, a living avatar of pleasure.


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